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Hurtful Things People Said To You

Guest x_estherrrrrr_x

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Guest keirasketch

One of my friend's mom is REALLY blunt.

When I got in their car once, she was like "OMGAHHHH YOU GAINED WEIGHT, HUH?"

Well, yes.;;;;;;;;;;;

And my guy friends called me CC for crazy cheeks in HS <- wtf0000

; o; my fat cheeks

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Guest littlesuey

my cousins said i was too tan, and that i should put more make-up on my face so i could be whiter.

it wasn't hurtful, but it was annoying since i'm naturally tan and i love it.

i later found out traditional chinese (my cousins get it from their mom) like girls with pearly white skin.

well excuuuuse me.

but what totally annoys me is how they hate short people. i lovee being short. short people be cute. =)

this one punk (freshman, pft) told me to "WOW, GET SOME TALL PILLS." my little sister had to like hold me back from going over there and beating the shiattt out of the kid or just cussing him out.

most hurtful thing ever said to me... "your sister is so much prettier than you."

ouch ouch ouch ouch. now anytime anyone ever tells me how they think my sister is pretty, i get kind of upset. my sister's gorgeous, but i'm just a little wallyflower. =(

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Guest Kimchi Chelle

when people ask me..

where did you get your nose done?

where did you get your eyes done?

stop photoshopping your picture!


It's just 'cause you're so pretty everyone thinks you must have had SOME surgery, but you're naturally pretty and they're just jealous!

I don't get that bad of comments... or they just don't bother me as much anymore.

I just don't like when people keep telling me over and over this and that or whatever...

Like my nose or something.

My mom always says YOU SHOULD GET A NOSE JOB.

Orrrrrrrr, one day my mom and my grandma were poking fun at me annoying me to get bigger ssangkapul! (Double eye-lids)

Er... and I can't really say anything cause they're like family.

But my friends used to make racial comments jokingly but I always had one to say back at them. ;)

Oh and my grandma told me I was super ugly when I was little, but I became pretty?

I don't know what the heck that's supposed to mean, but uh... yeah...

I feel so bad for some people, some of the comments said to them are really harsh.

I can't believe people are like that. :/

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Guest catsinheat

Wow. I don't really have anything to contribute, but after reading some of these horrible things... and I don't mean to be racist or anything (as I'm 100% myself and proud to be) but I feel blessed to have had a mother who constantly told me how beautiful my un-creased eyes were and how much prettier I looked when I was healthy (I used to be OBSESSED with my weight).

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Guest inexplicableromance

Awww reading these things really make me sad. :[ People are SO harsh about everything little thing these dayyys. (Or I mean it gets worse as time passes by.)

In middle school (I can't remember which grade), there was this cute red shirt that I always wore. It was one of those shirts that look like it's a t-shirt layered over a long-sleeve. It had a cat on it and everything; superrr cute. So naturally I wore the shirt a lot. Then one day these two girls came up to me (I knew who they were but talked to them only once in a while) and one of them asked something like: "Why do you always wear that shirt?" or "Do you wear that shirt everyday?" or "Do you ever wash it?" or just SOMEEETHING along those lines. That question really hurt me. :/ I still remember my answer to their question too, heh; I was stammering and stuff. :(

And there was this other time in middle school where my friend said/asked: "You have skin issues, huh?" -_________- She was my "best" friend at the time too. And it was only because I had this weird tiny rash above my right eyebrow. Blehhh. I thought it was pretty messed up. But I didn't say anything, being the softy I was back then.

But yeah, there were a lot of things like that for me in middle school, even if I can't remember them specifically. People used to call me short a lot (which I was and still kinda am) but I didn't care about that.. I never at any point wished I was taller or anything.

So now I'm a junior and I've matured a looot, physically and mentally (is that it? or is it psychologically? Lol). I really feel that I'm a stronger person now and I'm not too prone to be hurt by little unnecessary remarks. And if I hear one, I DO talk back in a way.. not so much in a mean way, but to let the other person know that what they said was rude...... but LIKE that matters to them at all. -_-

But it's weird. I still have veryyyy low self-esteem. But I know I need to work on it.

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Guest JOONIE.su

I have a pretty high self esteem so I dont usually take those comments to heart. BUT today I got really pissed off because people just don't know when to stop. Most of the time I'm crazy, wild and will joke around with my friends so people assume they can just say whatever to my face and it won't hurt me because I'm never sad and I don't have feelings. WTF? So there's this one girl who I consider as a friend but we're not close, just 'friends'. She'd call me things like midget because I'm short or monkey (that doesnt hurt I just laugh at it) or she'll comment on my hair and compare me with other animals like lion. I mean, I find that kind of disrespectful. If I were to comment on her appearance I'd have a long list because honestly, she's not that great looking but I'd keep it to myself so I don't understand why she can't keep those nasty remarks to herself.

Okay I'm short and I have wild hair. So what? GET OVER IT.

Now, I feel much better being able to take that off my chest ^_^

I'm going to continue to appreciate and love myself despite what others say. I hope everyone else can think this way too especially those with a low self esteem. It's hard but try not to let those comments affect you. As long as you can find that beautiful side in you and learn to appreciate it, other people's opinions will become insignificant. :)

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Guest kayem7289

I was asked if I had had my eyes done -_-...Also since I'm Korean, it doesn't help <_<.

I was always the fat girl growing up, I was even called fat endlessly by my own family...

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Guest efflorescence

.miko: You're friend's a jerk

I don't get how some 'friends' think that just because they have 'friend status' that it entitles them to say whatever.

Because I think mini cooper from friends are 289328 times more hurtful than they are from strangers =[[

I think you've got great style and lol don't worry I'm a midget too! But I'm proud of it =]]

hahAHAHA I haven't really contributed anything here that directly answers the topic question.

I think if I started listing out all the hurtful things said to me the list would be endless.

I don't want to get more upset than I already am =[[

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Guest Dollyholic

I have a pretty high self esteem so I dont usually take those comments to heart. BUT today I got really pissed off because people just don't know when to stop. Most of the time I'm crazy, wild and will joke around with my friends so people assume they can just say whatever to my face and it won't hurt me because I'm never sad and I don't have feelings. WTF? So there's this one girl who I consider as a friend but we're not close, just 'friends'. She'd call me things like midget because I'm short or monkey (that doesnt hurt I just laugh at it) or she'll comment on my hair and compare me with other animals like lion. I mean, I find that kind of disrespectful. If I were to comment on her appearance I'd have a long list because honestly, she's not that great looking but I'd keep it to myself so I don't understand why she can't keep those nasty remarks to herself.

Okay I'm short and I have wild hair. So what? GET OVER IT.

Now, I feel much better being able to take that off my chest ^_^

I'm going to continue to appreciate and love myself despite what others say. I hope everyone else can think this way too especially those with a low self esteem. It's hard but try not to let those comments affect you. As long as you can find that beautiful side in you and learn to appreciate it, other people's opinions will become insignificant. :)

Ahhh, I'm short and I have wild crazy hair too. xD

Whatever, atleast we're unique! ;)

I can't think of anything anyone has said about my looks ATM

BUT... I have this these 2 so called "friends" who comment me on my clothes >.<

One day, I wore this striped shoulder top and they're like saying how it reminds them of footlocker.

They start laughing and saying how I should be on the gym coaching. WTF?

Also, they said something about my shoes like how her aunt has them and that they'r really weird. Well, she was probably saying

that on purpose so it'd make me look bad... I ACTUALLY THINK MY SHOES LOOK VERY NICE TY VERY MUCH.

Whatever, atleast I don't wear tacky looking clothes and a vest with an upside down pocket that

looks like she made it herself. *sigh* I must sound like a total B, but heyyy... they deserve it!

Atleast I can keep those rude remarks to myself.

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Guest MaryMagdalin

i believe i`ve posted in here before haha but oh well,

people have said...

body is inproportioned,

feet too big,

calves too fat,

thighs too fat,

butt too saggy,

hands too big,

shoulders too broad...


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Well, one of my female friends go like: "You're ugly." in a joking way..

but thenn. one of the MOST hurtful thing was, again. "You're ugly" but said by a guy friend while meaning it, ><

so i ended up dissing him back x.x

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Guest SnookiePink

I've had a handful of mean things said to me in past like, "four eyes" so stupid that people even say that nowadays...it so old. I've been told I'm fat, I weigh like 105lbs? Some people have a very stupid idea of "fat"!

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Guest marionwu

I chipped my two front teeth in year 3, so everyone teased me about that.

Also, as a result of chipping my two front teeth, my gums got permanately bruised so people would always ask whats wrong with your gums etc etc :( + they'd ask why are your teeth so short? :(

Also this guy that used to like my sister said to my friend that I (me) am ugly, fat and have hairy arms :(

yeah :cries:

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Guest と も こ

i've been called fat so many times i lost count

pp call me cute

but the way they say it

is so edgy

... sometime i think they jst say it lol

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Guest dreamyxxx

reading this thread makes me feel so angry

can't believe how cruel some people are..

they need to get their asses kicked!

my share:

i think this was back in yr 8..me and my friends were all talking about the sizes of our school skirts.

i said mine was size 10

and this girl (REALLY close friend of mine at that time) was like "what?! does it even fit..." and gave me this doubtful look along with it

seriously, i wanted to claw at her face.

and another time, another friend of mine was looking at a random pic of someone and it was photoshopped to look like they had massive nostrils.

she laughed and said that it looked like they got something shoved up their nose.

then she turned to me and said "are you sure you didn't have something shoved up your nose too?"

i really wanted to punch her. and actually shove something up her nose.

and the same person: it was her bday and i gave her a present. she opened it up and was like "uhhh......" and made a face and clearly told me that she didnt like it one bit through her facial expression

HOW RUDE. i know it wasn't really an insult....but yeah it really hurt me.

can't believe im still friends with her.

PHEWWWW sorry if the post was a bit long. i really needed to get that off my chest.

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Guest VDollStyle

hmm well my close friend said i was "anorexic" (i find dat offensive cuz its in da family to be skinny)

Oh and she also said im anorexic cuz i dnt eat anything? (Which i do btw)

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Guest lovemickytobits

i remember my friend told me that i'll look like transgendre if i grow my hair. and i was like :blink: but didnt think much of it. xD

few months later, i mentioned this to her and she said she's just joking at that time.

she didnt know i'll take it seriously. lol

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