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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest Yubumsuk

It's like saying why do people like to listen to Jazz music that doesn't have lyrics, because people like how it sounds. Also, you could ask Koreans who don't speak English why they listen to American music.

Or why they listen to How Gee. Or why their bands throw random lines of English and the odd 'hello kitty' into the chorus of their songs. Or why bands would do translations of English songs and translate everything but 'Maria, you gotta see her' or 'tell me more' or 'lemon tree'.

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

I never denied that, but I'm just saying it's not Japan's fashion to claim

it doesnt go anything further than popularity in japan.

I remember someone here on soompi clearly saying "Lolita should be left for japanese and asian in general"

and I was like :blink: It makes me laugh when people say someone dressing Lolita is trying to be japanese.

I'm not even going to go any further with this, I stand by what I said

Lolita does not belong to japanese people.

Uh. Well you're right that lolita style doesn't "belong" to Japan, but still, when people here wear it, it's not usually because it was popular in Europe during the Victorian era, it's because it's popular in JAPAN right NOW.

I don't really want to argue for the anti-wasian side, but it is logical to say a person dressing gothic loli is trying to act Japanese.

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Guest Amanda Plz

omgz everyone needs to just shush!

white ppl who speak random words in teh asian language, SPECIFICALLY kawaii, konnichiwa, arigatou or sumfink korean like oppa, are LAME and rather infelicitous

everyone knows it ppl are just too politically correct to say it

white ppl who eat poky are stupid

there are better things out there den pocky!!

wasians are so lame and there are heaps of this forum

if you cant speak korean why listen to korean music you dun even know what theyre saying it could be burn all white ppl and you just think you look cool

n dun be all like "well i get translations off the internets" because thats still lame you still dont understand what words theyre speaking and alot of asian languages dont translate well into english

no im not racist i just hate wannabes and freaks who are obsessed with our culture .. *rolls eyez* get ova it! you cant be as cute and sexy as us lil asians so beat it!

Wow. I didn't know stupidity and ignorance could go so far.

You totally win the gold medal.

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Guest SnookiePink

-This isn't intended to be racist, just an observation from what I've seen on Soompi and in real life-

Calling us 'Wasians' doesn't go without saying that Asian's have started to adapt to being white I suppose, an example would be that theirs been an increase of buying European luxuries designer label's such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Christian Dior, Prada, Hermès etc. I've seen more and more Asian's holding them than whites. And also...Asian pop artists, they've probably had alot of influence by white pop arists and black as well, and also seeing global well-known brands such as McDonald's and KFC popping up all over Asia too. Asia is becoming really westernized and I do find it quite unfair they we're labelled 'Wasians' because we like/love the Asian culture, I just find alot of this stuff to be very hyprocritical. Because..technically you're trying to be white too.

/end rant.

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Guest iWiShIwAsAsIaN


i about died laughing when i saw this.

my screen name makes it look like im an annoying wannabe, but i have pride in my own culture, but i really like stuff thats asian. now im not saying that i know everything about it, but lets face it, most asian people are prettier. =] lol! i try to find things out about all cultures though. i just happen to like things from asia the most, whether im studying religion or fashion. my sn isnt me saying im obsessed or anything, merely that i think it'd be kool to be asian. nothing insane or w/e.

i like who i am and i dont try to be anyone else. im a white girl and i know it. >.<

but i have seen the ones that try to BE asian and think they ARE.

those people

are stupid.

well, unless they actually are asian.


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Guest kTxTetsuo

Appreciation of anothers culture should be appreciated.

A difference in one's style, demeanor, or way of talking, shouldn't make them a wanna-be just because they don't fall into a stereotyped society set behavior set.

If someone is annoying, they're just annoying, regardless of what they're being annoying about.

The term "wasian" is some what ignorant, in my belief.

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Guest f_r_E_a_K

-This isn't intended to be racist, just an observation from what I've seen on Soompi and in real life-

Calling us 'Wasians' doesn't go without saying that Asian's have started to adapt to being white I suppose, an example would be that theirs been an increase of buying European luxuries designer label's such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Christian Dior, Prada, Hermès etc. I've seen more and more Asian's holding them than whites. And also...Asian pop artists, they've probably had alot of influence by white pop arists and black as well, and also seeing global well-known brands such as McDonald's and KFC popping up all over Asia too. Asia is becoming really westernized and I do find it quite unfair they we're labelled 'Wasians' because we like/love the Asian culture, I just find alot of this stuff to be very hyprocritical. Because..technically you're trying to be white too.

/end rant.

Interesting and well ranted perspective! The double edged sword ...

or katana to those "Wasians". ahahhaaahaha -_-

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Guest SnookiePink

Interesting and well ranted perspective! The double edged sword ...

or katana to those "Wasians". ahahhaaahaha -_-

Hahaha, good joke. But yeah it definetelty is a double edged katana. :lol:

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Guest sam sik

wasians are so lame and there are heaps of this forum

if you cant speak korean why listen to korean music you dun even know what theyre saying it could be burn all white ppl and you just think you look cool

n dun be all like "well i get translations off the internets" because thats still lame you still dont understand what words theyre speaking and alot of asian languages dont translate well into english

no im not racist i just hate wannabes and freaks who are obsessed with our culture .. *rolls eyez* get ova it! you cant be as cute and sexy as us lil asians so beat it!

You don't even deserve to listen to music. FYI, Music is universal.

What you are trying to say is that lyrics = music.

Lyrics =/= music. Everything = music.

How do you think people enjoy Techno/Trance then?

Anyway, to contribute to this topic. I really don't care if those that take interest in asian culture. Just as long as I don't have to hear about it from that person every single day. Treat asians as people. Not objects.

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Guest JellyBean4Micky

:mellow: To be honest this is the main reason why I don't tell people what interests me. No one knows. Its just safer that/this way. I'd hate to be labeled anything, that would bring forth hate. I know who I am. Guess I'll stay a inside junkie.

I always figure these such labels are phases, and they'll wear off with time. And thats all they are. These people won't grow up barking there interests as much.

My parents when younger and dating. Used to head older theaters, and watch old black and white Kung-Fu movies. They own all Bruce Lee, and Jackie Chan's Movies. But they'll never tell.

My big brother loves Anime, but he'll never tell either. His Jock friends would make fun of him, if he did.

:mellow: They didn't want to be Judged. This is all kinda sad. I don't go looking to Asians to interact because most of them like fashion and beauty and design. I'd ask her where she got her bag, but never if she or he liked Anime. Let alone DBSK or Bing Bang. Why would I put myself in such a disposition.

I guess it's weird that I understand which Nationality A Asian is but hearing them speak there native tongues.

Its just better to lurk I see.

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Guest xTwilight

Appreciation of anothers culture should be appreciated.

A difference in one's style, demeanor, or way of talking, shouldn't make them a wanna-be just because they don't fall into a stereotyped society set behavior set.

If someone is annoying, they're just annoying, regardless of what they're being annoying about.

The term "wasian" is some what ignorant, in my belief.

"Hmm I see interesting" is what you're talking.

"OH EM EFF GEE KAWAII DESU NEE KEKEKEKEKEKKE ^__________^ *peace sign* g2g watch my lolicon now kekekekeke" is what we're talking about.

There is no such thing as "wasian". You only see that on soompi. And maybe yellow world.

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Guest xGingerTea

yes. it's annoying.

i mean. hooray that we have a culture that's so intriuging [spell check?]

but, i don't like it becoming obsessive.

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Guest smilexsayumi

Honestly I think it's okay if they have an interest in the culture. But when I see people

who are bragging that they're 1/10 asian or whatever I'm just like wth. Because you know

that's just eh. I'm fine when people take interest in the culture like the lovely Soompi

members we find here ♥ Others just need sit down and have a good talking to.

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Guest kimmyb07

I'm always afraid of getting labeled as one. I deal with them a lot because one of my majors is Japanese... They are very annoying and an OVERWHELMING number of the students in my class have the outlook of "Japan is the best country in the world" based ONLY on anime. I wish I was exaggerating.

I think it's one thing for someone to appreciate another culture, it's another to blindly deny that any other culture is worth anything...

Many of my friends and I are interested in other cultures (Japan and Korea being the two main interests) but we are very proud of our own cultures and have other interests. And I'll be the first to admit that my clothes do tend to take after modern Japanese and Korean fashions.. but that's because I like how it looks, not because I'm trying to be Asian

I personally think that as long as it's not hurting anyone, people should be able to like whatever they want to.. Although I am annoyed when they take that interest to such an obsessive (unhealthy) level that they deny their own culture's worth (unless they have a good reason)

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Guest copeland4vr

I may come back clarify this...

but to everyone standing up agaisnt the blatant hate and racism, to EVERYONE who understands that intestest in culture doesn't make you a want to be

i just want to say thank you. it really awesome how all sorts of people are standing up to this, and not just the non-asians

honestly all this race stuff really intrigues me...there's a lot of ugliness but i think its revealing how the world is at large. hopefully it can be constructive versus a place for hate rants. there's a lot of ignorance, but a lot of insight too.

i feel like i've said this in soo many words in so many places on this site but:

I'm not asian. but i do enjoy learning about the culture (and human culture at large, its not just an "asian obsession") I first got into Korean culture after watching K-dramas. Admit it, those shows are ULTRA addicting!!! one show lead to the next (i actually found soompi when looking for synopsises- and thought it was an awesome place because finally i could discuss the shows and stuff with others who enjoyed them). at the same time i'm a music enthusiastic, listening to all genres. OSTs are what lead me to other K-pop artists. These are things I really enjoy. They don't singularly define me, but they are part of me. so i wanted to learn korean, does that mean i want to be korean? i like indian food, does that mean i want to be indian? or, anything else... (don't take that the wrong way) but i'm happy being the way i am. I *like* being eclectic! I hate how people want to be so exclusive...hating on other folks for not being like them (although much of this had already been addressed).

Honestly? I think its really important for us non-asians to be here! i've come across some many false, hateful, generalizations made in ignorance. and if we're not here to debunct them, who will? but i totally understand the annoyance with people who think they know everything about a culture that's not their own...personally i dealing with generalizations about black people. the fact that i'm here should be enough to know i'm not the stereotype. and in all truth the stereotypes never fully apply to people anyways.

sidenote:: i do admit i fear being labeled one as well. this past year at school i had a lot of friends were asian (due to one of extracurriculars), although my friends are of all ethnicities. but i kept gettings asked "why do you hang out with...?"or (the worse), when rushing for a living group, "why are you in (said group)--isn't that for asians?!?" which is incredibly rude. Its not like i'm the only non-asian in the group- i guess we all deal with this. its just stupid how people get so caught up in outter appearances. its why i didn't exactly boast how much i like k-dramas, etc. but its also something i'll have to take with a grain of salt...i just don't to written off due to a falty misjudgments. (APOLOGIZE FOR THE LENGTH OF THIS)

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Guest kijung821

one of my main annoyances with wasians are the japan-obsessed ones. not because they are overly obsessed and

constantly talking about their favorite anime or doramas, but the fact that they bash other asian countries (ie. korea/china)

and fiercely defend any sort of criticism (whether it be constructive or not) to the point of glorifying the country with the

idealism that is portrayed by the media. other than that, i have no problems. it's just a phase just like fangirls or fanboys.

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Guest charmainee

So, this would be the opposite of an asian that was whitewashed? Or something. o_O

I don't really see anything wrong with it. =/ If they think asians are cool then so be it. :D I'd wanna be asian too if I wasn't already. :D

Then again, I don't really know anyone like that... Okay, yes I do. And she's cool. :D

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