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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest xTwilight

That girl makes me sooo angry. She wastes SO much time being someone she's not, and she looks like a complete idiot while doing it! She rarely speaks, and that's because her "Japanese" pronunciation is SO TERRIBLE!

She puts Japanese script on her Youtube video descriptions, titles, etc. but they're basic words that can easily be learned from the first page of a Japanese language survival book! Like "sumimasen", or "arigatou" (excuse me and thank you)...

She is a waste of internet space, and she's not even cute. Very creepy.

rofl take a joke.

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Guest kanbojia

lol wasians are funny. It's kind of funny to see them but yeah some of them are weird. I think there must be some normal ones too but I dunno. I dont see too much of them around here!

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Guest x_priscillaaa

I`m always called as a Wannabe Korean. Most of the time they`re just playing around. 99% of the time. I`m still Asian.

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Guest milkylee

i'm white and i find it annoying

i may like asian fashion/music but i dont TRY to be asian

i LOVE being white,i wouldn't change myself for anything ever.

however i do have friends that are like that...only talk to asian's,speak asian languages,write asian writing on their pictures,eat only asian food,eat with chopsticks.

its okay to have an interest in something

but when it goes this far they need to be put into check.

and like how an asian can be a total meanie to a white person but they still like them because they are asian

i will admit one of my best friend's happens to be asian

but if she was white,black,or hispanic i would still wanna be friends with her.

because people should wanna be friends with people for their personality NOT their race.

oh my gosh.. if you're not wasian why are you on soompi!!!!

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^ because soompi is for everyone. asian, wasian or any other race. not just for asian if you havent realized that yet, its a friendly community where everyone can sign up and just have a roll here.

i used to know a girl (caucasian) who was like really into filipino stuff.

it became really annoying and the fact that she was my friends selfproclaimed girlfriend didnt help lol.

she even went as far as going to a filipino church where they speak tagalog and she didnt even understand cr*p and she attended mass more often than i did. - no she wasnt listening, she was just ogling the guys -

then she tried to talk and curse in tagalog. god, it was just pissing me off -___-

but then she and my friends circle just stopped communicating. dunno what happened to her

but it really depends on the person yknow, if theyre going overboard or not.

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Guest dancingbymyself

oh my gosh.. if you're not wasian why are you on soompi!!!!

Wow... just wow... You don't have to be wasian or asian to be on soompi. Anyone can join, it's not like all the topics are asian centered.

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Guest whisperintime

Well I guess you may all have seen that part of the dr Phill show

:o that woman that hates black people she is one herself,,

XD and thinks all black woman are lazy XD Duh why aren't you working yourself

Omg she was so weird,no offense to black people :o really !

anyway I have never met someone that truly wants to " Asian, yellow skin, those eyes etc".

But I don't like guys talking to me just because i'm Asian (Chinese) but yeah

what a lot of people already said: They just think of Japan.

THey talk about japanese music, anime >.< they just wish I turn into a japanese girl or something (it sure feels like it>.<)

but another thing:

Isn't it true, that emo that stylethingy is from the Asian style..

that haircut with the bangs

the skinny jeans (asians are skinny(compared to UkwIm) let's face that fact)

black hair (or other coloured dyed hair)

combinations with colours and cute things..

etc etc.. I just read it somewhere.

Anyway what someone else also said..: asian popstars are just totally into that caucasion style.. that's true.

but I guess if there weren't so many colors, people and cultures there wouldn't been,

so many fun places to travel, different musicstyles to make combinations with, different foods to eat and well I guess interesting cultures to be studied.

It's a healthy thing ,

but 'too' is never a good thing. difference being into it, or obsessed with XD

sorry for my English guess i'm not used to write in English :sweatingbullets:


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Guest k3xiao

Lmao, I see "non-asians" use our everyday asian phrases but then I use THEIR everyday english words so we're even >:]

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

Oh my god, seriously, who revived this thread? Was 59 pages not enough that we had to make it 60?

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Guest coffee.princessx3

yeah I really hate when non-japanese people try to go around and be all..japanese. o_O

I mean I have met so many of those kids who are obsessed with anime

and want to visit japan and run around shouting "KAWAII DESU~"... it's annoying.

I've never met another type of wasian though, only the wapanese. they are plentiful.

I don't think wanting to learn a language and being interested in a culture makes you a wannabe, though.

I want to learn korean, and I enjoy learning about korean culture. but it is in the same way

that I am learning spanish (actually I'm already pretty fluent) and I like learning about spanish culture.

but I don't want to be korean... I'm quite fine as I am, thanks~

(I can't say I don't want to be spanish because I actually am half puerto rican...XD)

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Hey, I think they're pretty cool! The just want to learn more about the Asian culture, correct?

I have to admit, there was one point in my life where I really wanted blonde hair, and then thre was another point where I wanted to be another Asian race. You're living the same skin every single day and you just want to discover outside the walls, so there. =)

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Guest luudacris

I don't really mind. They have a right to want to be Asian and you know, it's great that they're so into Asian culture cause it shows that we're growing as a community.


I'm not sure, but there's just some reason I just can't stand it when they start doing all this Asian stuff. I figured that it's cause as Asians, we know that they don't really understand what it is to be Asian, that there is a cultural gap and them trying to be more "Asian" or assimilate themselves into the Asian culture kind of offends us because they really just don't understand.

It's more than the hair, the clothes, the food, the language that makes us Asian, it's the whole mindset of growing up Asian and when someone tries to be Asian, it kind of threatens us because it's like they're mocking us or something.....

I think...correct me if I'm wrong.

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Guest AntKun

I know too many damn Wapanese people, and it really quite annoys me.

They're always like 'Kawaii!', and it's just so cringey for some reason.

And they seem to put -desu at the end of everything, and that also ticks me off.

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Guest sodaniechea

That girl makes me sooo angry. She wastes SO much time being someone she's not, and she looks like a complete idiot while doing it! She rarely speaks, and that's because her "Japanese" pronunciation is SO TERRIBLE!

She puts Japanese script on her Youtube video descriptions, titles, etc. but they're basic words that can easily be learned from the first page of a Japanese language survival book! Like "sumimasen", or "arigatou" (excuse me and thank you)...

She is a waste of internet space, and she's not even cute. Very creepy.

I feel the same way. I just don't know why many people watch her videos! @_@

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oh my gosh.. if you're not wasian why are you on soompi!!!!

I think Soompi (the forum) was 10 in March? Soompi (the person) started it to share Korean music and entertainment with everyone and anyone who might be interested, Korean or non-Korean or non-Asian. That's why it's 'for the masses' and not 'for Asians only'.

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Guest lidomochi

i think its fine when they take interest in another culture,but when they start worshiping it and wearing an "I'm Asian" t-shirt,then it starts getting freaky.

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can someone clearly explain to me what a wannabe asian is? white people or black people dressing like a typical asian in korea/china/japan in america? is that what it is? or is it white people or black people listening to asian music too much? or trying to learn their language? i am confused.

cuz i hate this whole

"wannabe black"

"wannabe asian"

"wannabe whatever" BS

let them be what they want to be. but let's say a white person living in the USA listens to a lot of korean music and it's his/her favorite genre. idk what's wrong with that. he's appreciating/enjoying korean music. i'm glad for him or her. or is he trying hard learn the korean or japanese language? again, what is wrong with that? sorry i haven't viewed all the posts here, so i might be kind of off-topic but i'm trying to remain positive.

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Guest 90th.degree

can someone clearly explain to me what a wannabe asian is? white people or black people dressing like a typical asian in korea/china/japan in america? is that what it is? or is it white people or black people listening to asian music too much? or trying to learn their language? i am confused.

cuz i hate this whole

"wannabe black"

"wannabe asian"

"wannabe whatever" BS

let them be what they want to be. but let's say a white person living in the USA listens to a lot of korean music and it's his/her favorite genre. idk what's wrong with that. he's appreciating/enjoying korean music. i'm glad for him or her. or is he trying hard learn the korean or japanese language? again, what is wrong with that? sorry i haven't viewed all the posts here, so i might be kind of off-topic but i'm trying to remain positive.

It's the latter, where they try too hard to be in Asian culture. I mean, I personally listen to Korean and Japanese music(being Filipino) but I don't try too hard to be Korean. I only listen to the music since it's typically better than what I hear on the radio. What I'm saying is that as long as you KNOW you want to be multicultural, then by all means look into Korean/Japanese culture. However, its those few that try SO hard to be Asian, it makes some people not want to be near them. When I think Wannabe Asian, I think Weeaboo...and there ARE some people in my school overly obsessed with anime and the Asian culture. But then I see the other people that are exchanging advice in things like breakdancing, which is cool since they learn what others know. Exchange of knowledge is always something cool to me.

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