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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest c0lap1nada

^But isn't Kawaii also a Chinese word? I heard it on Taiwanese dramas.

"Kawaii" means "cute" in Japanese. What did you think it meant? O_o

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Guest CaramelSweetie

I don't really mind it if they can actually speak the lango, or at least want to learn it...

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Guest eledoremassis02

LOL... ABC means American Born Chinese, CBC means Canadian Born Chinese x]

don't I feel stupid now... :sweatingbullets:

ah well, we learn somthing new every day ^^'

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Guest twinkle_l0ve


wannabe koreans can make it seem like all korean do is: have cosmetic surgery, go around constantly taking pictures of themselves and photoshopping it, breaking out into tell me dances in the street, speaking random korean phrases, all while munching on kimchi and dduk

i hate those generalisations as well..

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Guest HearMeGoRAWR

Not to be mean but I’ve seen other Asians want to be Japanese just because of anime and manga. If they want to learn and experience the culture that’s fine but just for anime or manga? They’re not even real!

This reminds me of a Korean girl I met last week who called me a "wannabe Asian". She told me to stop being Asian at all because I was embarrassing their culture. I wasn‘t doing anything, I just walked to her and she just started yelling at me. She thought I actually went and got surgery on eyes to look more Asian. I told her that I never even had any type of plastic surgery then one of her friends said “OMG! You‘re a half-breed! EW!” They got up and left. I thought that was one of the most rudest remarks I ever got in my life.

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Guest Amanda Plz

^ That's really rude. I would have gone after that girl and thrown stuff at her for calling me a half breed <_<.

Anyway, this thread is really bad and full of racism, so I'll just say my 2 cents and then slink back off to the food thread.

I agree that the wannabe asians are annoying. A lot of my friends online are like this...They call themselves Neko chan, Jen chan, blahblahblah and I dunno, it just seems reallllly weird. Especially when they tell me these random facts and act like they're better than me just because I'm not as obsessed as they are/interested in the culture as they are.

And irl...it is just really scary when a 200 and plus pound girl comes into school wearing a Sailor Moon outfit for Halloween, shouting random Japanese. Okay, maybe that's not being a wannabe but that seriously was frightening and it left scars.

But you know :/. Besides people acting like they're better than me, I really don't care HOW they dress/percieve theirselves to be. It's not me after all and who am I to tell them not to do so because they're not a certain race?

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Guest Puurin

Haha the people who carry around manga with Naruto headbands and Rurouni Kenshin backpacks and like shirts with a Sumo wrestler on it. HAhAHHa xD Those people are funny with their Naruto fanart on Deviant and such.

They are annoying sometimes... but so are white washed Asians who act like wannabe Asians. That's just so weird... and even white-washed they don't even know anything about white culture! I grew up gutting chickens and I know more white culture than white washed Asians.

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Guest tinatran_

when i saw the title of this thread, i thought of this 12% filipino guy in my class. he says he's mixed with japanese, korean, chinese and a bunch of other asian languages and being native -______-'' everyone finds him annoying. i find it wierd because he tries to hard . like, sometimes, he'd bring chopsticks to class just to play with them, he'd try to do the infamous "peace-sign" pose, he'd pose with the blown-up cheeks looks, he'd draw manga when he can't and the list goes on. suuure, he is about 25% asian, but i dont know. i still consider him as a "wasian" -,-

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Guest angel_cutie

this guy called me a korean wannabe cuz im in the south korea network in FB but thats only cuz i wanna meet peoplexDD

and im asian anyways so..=Pand just cuz i like song sung in korean dosent mean i realli realli want to be korean..im fine the way i am haha.

i know a few people who are japanese wannabe's and its kinda annoying sometimes..like they add =chan,-sama at the end of each other's names...and say stuff like "kawaii desu nehh~~~~~"

its fine sometimes to me but it gets really annoying...

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Guest Luiza

What about TOP from Big Bang trying to be black, listening to black music & dressing like black people? And using English phrases? I guess they're Wasians too haha.

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Guest beautifullone

lol i've heard of magibon! i think her japanese sounds reaalllly unnatural, like she tries to add that "kawaii" element in it when only anime people talk that way and not..real..japanese people xD

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ugh they annoy me so much.

its like dont they respect their own cultures??

emos/goths whatever imitate asians alot... thinking theyre asian just because they read manga or watch anime

srsly wtf --

i know someone who is asian

but she doesnt read manga and use to watch anime

shes still asian tho.

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Guest yumidoma

i've been called wannabe korean before,

but whatever. i'm still asian. haha.

same here...it gets annoying...but like i care...

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Guest michilatte

i'm okay with them,

but when they start talking about how much more asian they are than me, and telling me that i should act more asian, is when i want to smack them across the face.

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Guest tjh246

Have any of you heard of Magibon? or Mririan? :ph34r:

man that girl just screams WANNABE/WASIAN. like all she does is sit there and open her eyes really big. WTF?

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Guest ★★★

i'm white and i find it annoying

i may like asian fashion/music but i dont TRY to be asian

i LOVE being white,i wouldn't change myself for anything ever.

however i do have friends that are like that...only talk to asian's,speak asian languages,write asian writing on their pictures,eat only asian food,eat with chopsticks.

its okay to have an interest in something

but when it goes this far they need to be put into check.

and like how an asian can be a total meanie to a white person but they still like them because they are asian

i will admit one of my best friend's happens to be asian

but if she was white,black,or hispanic i would still wanna be friends with her.

because people should wanna be friends with people for their personality NOT their race.

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