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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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What does me being black have to do with anything??? :blink:

Obviously black people are the smartest people. Ever!

Cause they get their facts straight and the rest of us don't.

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Tetra, that's quite enough from you. It's unnecessary to degenerate to childishness of such a degree.

And this warning goes out to the rest of you. Discuss the topic civilly. I don't want to see anymore mudslinging, implicit or otherwise.

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Tetra, that's quite enough from you. It's unnecessary to degenerate to childishness of such a degree.

True, it was wrong to counter immaturity with immaturity.

So I will state the conclusions I have gathered from this thread:

  • 1. Wannabe asians, AKA wasians, wish they were asian, or of asian heritage.
    2. Wasians tend to be anime freaks
    3. Wasians believe asians are superior, therefore they act, dress, think, and eat like asians (based on stereotypes).
    4. Wasians are known for eating pocky and using thier limited knowledge of the language to express themselves.
    5. Wasians exaggerate the peace-sign too much
    6. Wasians dye their hair every week, claiming that asians do so as well]
    7. Wasians try to prove regular asians wrong by acting self-righteous with their limited knowledge of the culture.
    8. Wasians, unlike azns, do not have pride, but criticize others for not having pride.
    9. Wasians generally are not asian.

Any disagreements from anyone?

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In the end, do you guys think we are all just stereotyoping ourselves?

I mean really, what does it mean to be Asian, caucasian, or black? Do we have to act a certain way in order to fit in those catergories? They just tell where we come from, but do they also tell us what we have to be?

We are all human, so whether or not someone grows up in China, France, America, or even Antarctica, we all have our own likes and interests.

I don't agree with someone wanting to be something they are not, or wishing they were another ethnicity, since you should be proud of who you are and where you are from.

But should we really use the terms wasian, whitewashed, and wigger? For instance, white people who 'act black' are given the term 'wiggers.' How does someone have to act to be called that, though? Does a person have to walk around with baggy jeans and say, "Fashizzle my nizzle," or whatever? I actually call those people stupid, since most black people do not act like that or how the rappers are on tv. So is it really fair to black people to call those white people who are trying to act 'gangster' a wigger? The same goes for whitewashed and wasian.

We can't help who we are I guess.

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^Now that you mention it, even asians in North America say "I'm asian because of so and so".

Hmmmmm then there's the whole "you act <whatever>" -_-

But hey stereotypes make the world go round, no?

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Guest flipdragn

Does a person have to walk around with baggy jeans and say, "Fashizzle my nizzle," or whatever? I actually call those people stupid, since most black people do not act like that or how the rappers are on tv.

well i don't know about that...

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Whooaaa I beg to differ buddy.

I can state many reasons but the mod said to stop arguing so I will respect her.

Mod said to keep the thread "civil" (what makes things civil =/)

So I presented "civil" statements. And since no one disagrees, I'm sure we've all come to an understanding :)

Although, the meaning of civil...that's worth questioning over.

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Guest carrotcake

XD!! I have a wasian friendddd :o. He became my friend because I was asian. He became friends with my friends because they're asian. And he kept on hitting on us and wanting to go out with us because we're asian. My friend who USED to go out with him (broke up recently) was like "If I was white, would you go out with me?" And he was like "Probably not, because I probably wouldn't want to meet you if you weren't asian." He's so funny XD. He asked his dad to stay home on Chinese New Years, and it kinda freaked his parents out :).

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most of the non asians I've met on soompi just admire parts of asian culture, but don't try

to be asian.

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good comment 'LucasBunny';

~in my opinion the % of (serious) AsianWannabees is as small as the % of serious "WesternCulture" 'Wannabees'. be careful, all you nice guys & gals out there who criticize others' style. what kind of clothes are you wearing right now...traditional Asian from the Ancestors' closet? (look in the mirror). check out your hair, your makeup; your FOOD. i don't look around at the Asians in my city and see them stylin' many Kimonos, or eatin' with Chopsticks in McDonalds, (or) preaching to their kids: AbsolutelyNothingButAsian Culture, everywhere--everytime.

~i see people around my neighborhood who came West to enjoy a different kind of culture; not necessarily to Become absolute Westerners. look around you, if easterners boldly become wersternized, why in the *heck(oops), can't westerners become a little bit like easterners for goodness sakes? where is the balance here? asians are allowed to wear jeans and tee-shirts; but if nonAsians wear kimonos and eat with chopsticks--they have to get criticized!? wow, strange. where's the love, where's the fun?

~it seems (maybe its sad to notice, but) most people in most countries of the world seem to wear Western style suits and dresses & shoes. European & American tastes seem to have dominated even African & South American cultures.

~but everyone is relaxing and having fun. the people i know are just people, trying to have a blast and learn something about a 'different' culture, to expand their lives. so who's-the-boss to say exactly how Asians AND NonAsians, in the East or the West should dress and act?

~like you stated so nicely ms. 'lucasbunny': we nonAsians can, "...just admire parts of asian culture...", and still be ourselves. i will admit it: i LOVE mostly everything about Asian Culture. i'd probably move to Japan--except i'm betting mother nature will earthquake it in half even before she destroys half of California!!

ps: whoops, are we having a full scale war on nonAsians here? that's not nice. pps: since some of us 'criticizing' are here in the continental USA, how many of us dress like Native Americans, or can speak Western American Indian? [as a man who was being beaten by about 14-big strong (well-armed, well-trained) cops once said] as he was being battered and bloodied on the concrete of beautiful California: "Can't We All Just Get Along?"

dang it! guess i'm preach'n again..sorry. have a nice day, who ever you are & where ever you are. :w00t: // :D

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i think its pathetic when caucasians try to dress or act asian

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...and you never-ever see things the other-way-around? com'on, just be honest with yourself. there are as many Asians "Acting" Western as Westerners "Acting" Eastern! i think this is a toothless thread. it's all in Good Fun, just enjoy.

~if i'm enjoying a certain (other) culture, you're going to criticize me for it--when you also are enjoying a certain (other) culture yourself? and Asians (wearing) (eating) (talking) Western--CAN NOT be criticized...only nonAsians are Wrong? wow! Sheeeszze... . :crazy:

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gosh, this thread is just so stupid and useless. lol.

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Hello 'idyllic'; I think they started with a good (Iimited) point, but it quickly became emotional and cultural -- and personal, and got out of hand, somehow. oh well. :mellow:

check out not only the Food & Clothes and Attitudes and and DaNcE sTyLeS, but also the common Western NAMEs of Asians in America: Susan. Jane. Bobby. Jack...now how many nonAsians have you checked out whose names are typically Eastern. i (seriously) think most negative people here, have not really checked out what they are saying; but just want to be on the 'winning' side of an emotional topic or point-of-view. let's be Real.

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...and you never-ever see things the other-way-around? com'on, just be honest with yourself. there are as many Asians "Acting" Western as Westerners "Acting" Eastern! i think this is a toothless thread. it's all in Good Fun, just enjoy.

~if i'm enjoying a certain (other) culture, you're going to criticize me for it--when you also are enjoying a certain (other) culture yourself? and Asians (wearing) (eating) (talking) Western--CAN NOT be criticized...only nonAsians are Wrong? wow! Sheeeszze... . :crazy:

You know what's ironic? The majority of asians in North America can argue with a "western" person in "western" language, but the majority of "westerns" in the same place can't argue in "asian" language.

But even then, westerners say "you should speak in your own language if you don't like us".

Nice logic. At least asians managed to become "western" without acting like a wannabe (ie, eating, wearing, speaking)

+1 for asians.

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i can't understand why some asians get all defensive when others take an interest in our culture.

even if the other person IS trying to BE asian when they're not,

that's totally up to them & it's definitely a compliment towards us.

sad? pathetic? no pride in their own culture? c'mon, don't be such jerks about it.

that's like saying... "he told me he likes my shirt, that must mean he hates his own clothes."

self-expression is up to the individual. no one should be close-minded enough to judge others for that.


wow 'xbamboo'; you (seriously) have a really Open Mind about life, things, & stuff. and you explain it very well. you get right to the point. good for you. thx, from all of us :) !

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I just want to say at first this was an interesting subject, but now it just saddens me to read these posts. It has turned into something that could and would hurt many others who visit this forum. I understand that others taking things too far can be irratating. But for them I just believe, their lives (to them) are probably so oridinary that they dream of being extrodinary. In their mind that is absorbing a whole culture even if they don't understand that culture. I actually happen to be obsessive/compulsive and it is hard sometimes to control that in myself, so I can't bash anyone else who shows the same kind of tendencies. I just think this kind of hurtful comments don't change the situation for good.

Ar0x, I think you had some very good points, thank you for sharing them.

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