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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest Tetra

i think what she's tryna say is that when a non asian person is really into asian culture some people automatially assume they wanna be asian, or they're posers and they're intrests arent genuine, but to those same people when someone who isnt ''american'' to do things that are/were orginated in the US(for example hip hop) it's all peaches and cream....or atleast that's what i'm getting.

Asia is very influential too, so its only fair to share the love! lol

Maybe we should be more politically correct, because "america" and "asia" are very, very general terms.

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Maybe we should be more politically correct, because "america" and "asia" are very, very general terms.

OMG stop being so boodish.

You know exactly what she is trying to say, you just want to be a pain in the butt all the time.

Get on my freakin nerves :rolleyes:

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Guest SophiaSan

AHHAHA that is hilarious!!

ive seen a lot of these!

its not like im racist towards them its just kinda annoying. lol!!

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Guest flipdragn

Well I guess Hip Hop is only true when it's from america then right?

well it's called japanimation for a reason

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Guest -ina-

I deffinity HATE them!!

I hate all wannabes

also people who try to act like african americans u know what i mean...

and also asian wannabes

maan.. of course u can like a country but bein obsessed thats eww.

Asian wannabes gets asian friends or bfs not becouse they like their personalitys or something but just cuz their asians

but i also hate when asians try to make everything like it comes from asia..like the peace sign just cuz someone non asian may do it many thinks its an asian wannabe

and how in non asian countrys they always stays with eachother though they may come from diffrent parts of asia and dont speak same language....it seems kinda racist.

and many asians look down on other races and sometimes think theyr better

ok thats my opinion

and i think I kinda got of the topic :D

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Guest the Human Hosepipe

Well I guess Hip Hop is only true when it's from america then right?

Well, sorta obvious. Other countries just like the style and made their own songs in their own language...

Same thing with rap. There's gangster rap, then um.... that other kind of rap... like M.I.A.? Yeah.

I find the US to more influential... besides westernization and all that history stuff, many countries look forward to their fashion sense and stuff. ._. Just like some parts of Asia.

I know they've started to put vintage-y stores like Rampage (US brand) in the Philippines. >_>

After "taking in" the west side style though, they alter the clothing in their own way which makes it blah blah street style. x|

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Guest bishie

I suppose I would fit into that description of wasians. I am half chinese and half british. I have been into all types of asian music for a long time. I occasionally use japanese words but don't speak the language. I have alot of fobby asian friends. I read japanese fashion magazines fairly regularly. Some of my fobby friends said I am more asian than them in terms of how I act. I've dated mainly asians because white people don't really seem to find me attractive. I have eaten with chopsticks for a long time...maybe since I was 5.

I was insulted in high school by asians for being too white and by white people for being too asian. Alot of people here seem to want mixed white-asian children. Doesn't that mean they don't have enough respect for the culture? I really sense alot of people here are very into "azn pride" in the whitewashed asian sense. So really why hate on white people who are asian studies majors and go to Beijing...that mystifies me.

To be honest I saw alot of korean kids totally pretending they were black and rapping and wearing ecko etc. Is it really so bad/different for a white person to go to korean churches,learn korean or learn how to make kim chi?

I know this is a losing battle since most people here are like omg they are totally acting like they are asian but are white. They don't see the contradiction in seeing threads like "i want to date a white boy!" "omg i love hollister!", and "would your parents object if you married a black guy?" then trashing whites for wanting to be cognizant of your culture.

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Guest i ♡ jamkooruhgi`

im seriously not racist. but ionno how to label my friend.

my friend is mexican. and she's really annoying ugh. she's like teach me this.

and then ugh you have no idea. all my other asian friends are like woah wtf. -o-; i even think that.

and when i teach her somethign she's like blah blah ! ooooh! im good better then eu amy. im okay shuddup. your annoying as hell.

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Guest the Human Hosepipe

To be honest I saw alot of korean kids totally pretending they were black and rapping and wearing ecko etc. Is it really so bad/different for a white person to go to korean churches,learn korean or learn how to make kim chi?

Umm... ha, well other kids of diff. cultures pretend that they're black and rap. I have a friend who talks ghetto but is filipino. At first I was <_< about it... but then found out that she only talks that way because she spent time with a cousin that was half black half asian.

As for white people going to korean churches... totally won't work out unless they speak korean. ^^; Korean services are only in korean, right? Sometimes they might use some english, but it's totally pointless if anyone who doesn't know korean goes to a service in korean. D:

If they want to learn how to make kimchi, they can go right ahead. >_> Spread the spice.

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Guest xxanonymity

i think they just have to wake up and get with the fact that they are not asians. we should always just be proud of who we are!

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I've read a lot of the posts in this subject and I want to just mention.....I HATE the word caucasian. Who came up with it. I am German, Irish and American Indian. Technically I am a mutt! I have had many asian friends throughout my life and learning about their culture and them learning about the U.S. from me was a rewarding trade off we all enjoyed. I did and still do like anime, and yes I would to travel to many asian countries, as I would like to visit Germany, Russia, Egypt and others. I try not to let my obsessive/compulsive nature turn me into a wasian, but I really hope that no one who knows me or claims to care for me would says these things behind my back instead of telling me flat out I was being an idiot. Sorry if this seemed harsh but it is my feelings on this.

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Guest pengy

I have nothing against white people trying to get into the Asian culture; I actually think it's pretty cool. But there's this one friend of mine who gets on my nerves a lot. She's white, but she's absolutely convinced that she's Asian. She always says that she has no white friends, even though most Asians at our school have a LOT of friends from other races/cultures. She always says "I'm so Asian!!!" and listens to Japanese music and watches anime (even though she doesn't even like it) to convince other people that she's "Asian at heart". It's asdfing annoying. @_@

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Guest ofcourse

I personally am a white male from the UK however, I was raised to appreciate good and bad things about cultures. One being that i got to eat wonderful asian styles of cusine because my father is a wonderful cook especially in many different Chinese regional dishes. So I learnt to use chopsticks by the time i was 4 and probably use them for 80% of my meals, I prefer them to knife and fork and was praised by Chinese born Chinese for how well i used them.

My uncle is from Hong Kong and because of him I became interested in HK/Mainland cultures and began to read books and because he was a restaurant owner I was able to take part in Chinese new years and birthday parties.

and I do have interests in things like Anime and Japanese fashion and love shows like X-man and Love Letter on the SBS network.

However, I get criticised by American / UK born asians for trying to be asian myself all of the time for using chopsticks, and celebrating C/New year etc. I find this rediculous, I'm a white scottish born male and that will never change but the cultures which i choose to praise and take part in should be up to myself...Half of the time these accusations come from habbits that i've had from the age of 4 and I won't change how I eat or act.

I go to China and take part in celebrations and stay with a lovely family each time and i quite naturally manage to fit in because of my so called 'asian' habbits and nobody cares. It seems to me from experiance the only people who have sour thoughts and are willing to pin "wasian" on someone is a British born asian or american born.

I understand the people who walk about "thinking" they are an asian are annoying but the people who practice your cultures traditions and wish to learn everything about it should be praised and welcomed.

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Er. The ones I know are already Asian.

damn you should see these kids from my school (FULL OF CHINESE!!!!)! once when i walked out of the lab, i heard this kid going "hayaku! hayaku!"(meaning "quick! hurry up!") and reeeeeally Japanese wannabe ways of saying words in Japanese =_= Geez, they richard simmons me off. i swear they do that cuz they learned 99% of those from anime they watch

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Guest _erigoo

My friends.. They respect and admire Asian culture, but they never really go out of their way to be an actual Asian.. O.o

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Guest astig

i know a white girl who is more asian than all the asians on soompi combined lol..she likes all asian cultures..she listens to malaysian music. thai music..and she doesn't even have malaysian or thai friends..i don't know why she's immersed herself so much in asian culture. she only dates asians and likes fobby asians. she grew up in like a poor area...maybe that has something to do with it?

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Guest Tetra

i know a white girl who is more asian than all the asians on soompi combined lol..she likes all asian cultures..she listens to malaysian music. thai music..and she doesn't even have malaysian or thai friends..i don't know why she's immersed herself so much in asian culture. she only dates asians and likes fobby asians. she grew up in like a poor area...maybe that has something to do with it?

Wow I can't even handle thai music >.>

Maybe growing up in a poor area might make a difference, but if there were no asians in the poor area -_-

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