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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest tontamoo

Hmm, interestly I just read a person's blog entry the other day that basically ripped "Wasians" for "raping" the Asian culture. Eh, I didn't agree with her -- she was overgeneralizing too much and her arguments weren't sound. (and basically reverse racist)

A few of my friends were really into anime in high school. They were non-Asians that were into adding the -chan to names and sprinkling some Japanese into their language. It didn't offend me or anything, but I found their enthusiasm weird and slightly embarassing.

The only thing that really makes me uncomfortable is when Caucasian guys only like Asian females. I had a professor like that, and it creeped me out. I think he genuinely liked the Asian culture to some degree, but somehow I still felt like he subconciously viewed Asian people and culture as exotic in a negative way.

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ehhh my sisters current boyfriend is Wasian.

hes... white. i have no idea wut country tho.

anywayz, he majored in Econ, and then studied abroad in Beijing.

after graduating, he werked in beijing and lived there for 2 years.

that was enuff to make him totally asian. understands mandarin,

always eats chinese food, learning to read and write chinese, learning

kungfu, and alllll of his friends are are kinda white nerdy types that

majored in asian studies. ugh wut annoys me like heck, is when one

of his friends wore the shirt that said, "I climbed the great wall."

ugh... cheeseball. so yea... i guess he and his friends are Wasian.

it kinda annoys me... but i dont hate it. at least they understand how

asians are, and dont stereotype them.

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Guest JF21©

Almost every other country does hip hop. :blink:

Europe has their own hip hop, asia has their own hip hop.

America's very influential with music/movies. Hollywood, you know.

i think what she's tryna say is that when a non asian person is really into asian culture some people automatially assume they wanna be asian, or they're posers and they're intrests arent genuine, but to those same people when someone who isnt ''american'' to do things that are/were orginated in the US(for example hip hop) it's all peaches and cream....or atleast that's what i'm getting.

Asia is very influential too, so its only fair to share the love! lol

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Guest Tetra

ugh wut annoys me like heck, is when one

of his friends wore the shirt that said, "I climbed the great wall."

Hey, I've got one of those shirts too :lol:

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Guest who8myoreos

hmmm, is it fair to say that an Asian guy living in America, adapting to and enjoying the culture is a "wannabe white guy"?

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Guest the Human Hosepipe

hmmm, is it fair to say that an Asian guy living in America, adapting to and enjoying the culture is a "wannabe white guy"?

Most likely they'd be called white-washed or something. -o-

I'm called white-washed just because I wear Abercrombie or something. But it's not like they're really gonna sell any asian brands in america, are they?...

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Guest Tetra

Most likely they'd be called white-washed or something. -o-

I'm called white-washed just because I wear Abercrombie or something. But it's not like they're really gonna sell any asian brands in america, are they?...

They have those "everyone loves an asian girl", which some people think is asian -_-

Pretty sad >_>

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Guest razberrymeringue

haha i'm not asian, i'm white. but people that are like that actually sort of embarrass me because now sometimes people assume that because i like things about asian culture, that i'm like one of those people, and i'm not.

i've never actually wished i could be asian or any other race for that matter. i'm happy the way i am, i just find other cultures interesting. :D

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Guest vietgirl604

LOL Some people are like that actually, not most though. I'm asian and I don't even say kawaii or whatever is up there. I don't even know what they mean! Except for kawaii, which I learned a bit ago. Most just admire it I guess, like I admire the Korean culture. But I'm proud to be Vietnamese. =)

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Guest kim.haeyun

although i find most to be extremely annoying, i admire their ability to learn and appreciate another culture. this one white kid at my school is ALL about asians. he even went to china and took chinese school. slightly odd, but admirable for his dedication.

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Yes Otaku's and those crazy wannabe asian people are annoying and should burn in hell.

I love the culture...but never in my life have i ever wished to be asian.


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Guest ~Shelly~

Oh yeah that's pretty irritating. Stupidly the things you decribed is kinda true to me as I'm a bit of an Otaku... I'm chinese-Asian who justs wanna be Japanese. But I've toned down the Otaku-ness a lot now.

However it's kinda annoying when my teacher does it. She;'s caucasian and man she gets on my nerves. She's such a wasian that she moved to Japan for 4 years to marry a Japanese guy then come back here and decorate her classroom so it's in a traditional Japanese style... For real she even went as far as changing the classroom door to one of those sliding doors made out of wood and rice paper and changing the carpeted floor to those futton mats floor... O.o She loves randomly speaking in Japanese whilst teaching and wearing Japanese outfits to school. I mean fair enough you married a Japanese guy but come on, we all get it we don't need to feel as though we are in a some Japan temple or whatever. Ironically she teaches English... >.<

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Guest the Human Hosepipe

Oh yeah that's pretty irritating. Stupidly the things you decribed is kinda true to me as I'm a bit of an Otaku... I'm chinese-Asian who justs wanna be Japanese. But I've toned down the Otaku-ness a lot now.

However it's kinda annoying when my teacher does it. She;'s caucasian and man she gets on my nerves. She's such a wasian that she moved to Japan for 4 years to marry a Japanese guy then come back here and decorate her classroom so it's in a traditional Japanese style... For real she even went as far as changing the classroom door to one of those sliding doors made out of wood and rice paper and changing the carpeted floor to those futton mats floor... O.o She loves randomly speaking in Japanese whilst teaching and wearing Japanese outfits to school. I mean fair enough you married a Japanese guy but come on, we all get it we don't need to feel as though we are in a some Japan temple or whatever. Ironically she teaches English... >.<

Ha what the pho?

Do you know what her husband thinks of her? :/

Are they even still married?

Sliding doors = easier to vandalize classroom.

Take that into mind when she goes overboard. :)



D: Go terrorize your English classroom now.

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Guest ~Shelly~

Ha what the pho?

Do you know what her husband thinks of her? :/

Are they even still married?

Sliding doors = easier to vandalize classroom.

Take that into mind when she goes overboard. :)



D: Go terrorize your English classroom now.

Yeah they're still married, I've actually met him when he came to pick her up. It's funny because since he's been in the UK he's become SUCH a redneck. I kinda think that he's more westernised than she is now.

You know it's irritating when she "accidentilly" starts speaking in Japanese and everyone turns to me to translate. I mean WTH I may understand a bit but I'm not a translator! ¬_¬" She just loves to show off that she's be-lingul (spelling?)

Haha yeah so true, how many times have I seen her at the end of the day mending those holes in her rice-paper doors. The door doesn't even lock... So pointless... -_-"


Haha yeah she had to get permission from the school board to do so. Funny cause she wanted to change the windows too but they rejected her for that. XD

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Guest Loveee

I have a friend... he's white, I don't wanna call him a wasian or a fob, because he's way more asian than I am! O_O. He knows how to speak vietnamese, korean, and a little bit of chinese. Right now he's in Korea studying. And he's only 19.

haha lol

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Guest Tetra

Oh yeah that's pretty irritating. Stupidly the things you decribed is kinda true to me as I'm a bit of an Otaku... I'm chinese-Asian who justs wanna be Japanese. But I've toned down the Otaku-ness a lot now.

However it's kinda annoying when my teacher does it. She;'s caucasian and man she gets on my nerves. She's such a wasian that she moved to Japan for 4 years to marry a Japanese guy then come back here and decorate her classroom so it's in a traditional Japanese style... For real she even went as far as changing the classroom door to one of those sliding doors made out of wood and rice paper and changing the carpeted floor to those futton mats floor... O.o She loves randomly speaking in Japanese whilst teaching and wearing Japanese outfits to school. I mean fair enough you married a Japanese guy but come on, we all get it we don't need to feel as though we are in a some Japan temple or whatever. Ironically she teaches English... >.<

Your teacher is hardcore. She should get done japanese-style :phew:

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Guest the Human Hosepipe

Yeah they're still married, I've actually met him when he came to pick her up. It's funny because since he's been in the UK he's become SUCH a redneck. I kinda think that he's more westernised than she is now.

You know it's irritating when she "accidentilly" starts speaking in Japanese and everyone turns to me to translate. I mean WTH I may understand a bit but I'm not a translator! ¬_¬" She just loves to show off that she's be-lingul (spelling?)

Haha yeah so true, how many times have I seen her at the end of the day mending those holes in her rice-paper doors. The door doesn't even lock... So pointless... -_-"

Wow... -o-''

He took one for the Japanese.


But that's still stupid... it's English, not Japanese class. >_<

And your classmates are caught up in it too b/c she teaches you Japanese? D:

Anyway, even in Japan they don't use sliding paper doors.

So stupid. -__-

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i think what she's tryna say is that when a non asian person is really into asian culture some people automatially assume they wanna be asian, or they're posers and they're intrests arent genuine, but to those same people when someone who isnt ''american'' to do things that are/were orginated in the US(for example hip hop) it's all peaches and cream....or atleast that's what i'm getting.

Asia is very influential too, so its only fair to share the love! lol

Thank u!

Took the words right outtah my mouth.

People should not be hypocrites.

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