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[Drama 2012] BIG 빅

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Guest samgirl

If Yoon Jae and Kyung Joon are technically fraternal twins it means that Kyung Joon can grow up having Yoon Jae's face or am I wrong? We will still have GY's face till the end! hahaah sorry I am so shallow. :-D

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Guest singapore0950

Actually I am quite confused with KJ & YJ. why they can live at time same time? Why require another party to donate blood? Omg! Am I missed sm impt scenes. Could someone kind n explain + tell me more.:(

Thks!! Thks!!

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Guest raraworld18

hello everyone.. i've read this thread from page 1 til now as a passive viewer ^^v , 
I always watching big every week, but suddenly idk when I watched episode 13 and 14 my heart felt so hurt, am i alone in here? i want DR with KJ in YJ body's :( .. ottoke ottoke?? T_T
please hong sister make it to be 20 episodes!!

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Guest sunshine4ever

Hi everyone, I'm so confused as to how KJ can save YJ? I thought YJ is now stuck in some other world. So why and how can KJ save YJ and/or have YJ came back to his body? I'm very sorry, but I flipped through the last 4 episodes. I don't know if I can handle actually watching it because I have been busy so I just flipped through to watch just KJ & DR's scenes. Now I'm just so behind in the plot and the story. If you could please give me some insight and summary I'd greatly appreciate you. I pray that I'll have time later to rewatch it. Thanks, but for now I am just so confused.

So I finished watching most of the parts with KJ & DR in episode 14. I'm missing out a whole bunch of stuffs. But from what I understand through all the skipping of the episodes is that YJ has a disease in which his parents decided must have a brother to help him once he grow older?

KJ's mom was such a great person with a big heart. She saw her carrying of KJ as part of a miracle for YJ. How totally sweet of her. That towards the end KJ will help YJ in the end. It's neat how this miracle theme is working out. And to KJ's birth mom's (the one that passed away) insight she actually thinks positively of KJ coming back to his family. It's so neat.
I am okay with KJ coming back to his body and saving YJ. I am hoping that YJ will decide that DR will not be the best fit for him and DR will also tell YJ honestly what happened for the past 1 year without him. And then from there KJ & DR can decide to be together or not. I just hope KJ will not forget the memories between him and DR. I am okay with the other KJ, too, even just small ending glimpses of KJ & DR together. I wish it was GY, but you can't just love the body and not the soul. I really just love KJ because GY acted him so well, but I don't mind with the other actor either. It's just going to be a bit uncomfortable because you have to switch body after the switching of soul. lol. I'm seriously confusing all of you with what I am saying. Last couple of episodes had been hard, but I've decided to just like KJ for who he is and who cares what he looks like.

This series is like the biggest tug-of-war between the two bodies....lol...I wish KJ's real body actually did something, but he was pretty much dead most of the time, so how can he defend himself? I like KJ's picture with his mom in his room. They look cute together.

Episode 14 was totally not romantic comedy...it was dramatic and I was holding on to some emotions there with KJ & DR...mostly for KJ as he was pulling back and forth...being selfish and go for what he wants or to love fully and whole-heartedly (I mean with his family and bro situtation and/or to hold on to DR).. DR is so sweet....she just wants her KJ to be a hero. LOL. Sounds weird. But okay...she just wanted him to end up in history as an angel and/or some type of savior to YJ or something that's why she made a choice to live a miserable life with whatever comes along the way. :( Sometimes it's great to go for whatever you wants because you love someone. I'm glad this series take another route.

2 more episodes!

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Guest purplejellie

i'm still trying to wrap my mind around today's episode...
pinkblossom's and whitecarrot's reviews are up!

class="entry-title"Episode 14: BIG Speculations July 18, 2012 · by pinkblossom · in Drama Review.

Looks like I’ve caught whitecarrot’s punny-ness.  Har har.


Thoughts about Episode 14:

Wow wow wow wow wow.  All I can say is that this was a Gong Yoo highlight episode.  Tears, tears, and more tears that twisted my already twisted gut like a pretzel.  Or maybe a licorice?  Plot-wise, as whitecarrot mentioned, not tooooo much happened, but I’m glad for Kyung-joon’s sake that he got to hear Da-ran confess her love for him.  I don’t recall her ever actually saying “I love you” (it was understood but implied and couched in crazy Hong-Sister-metaphors), so I’m glad it happened.  Though you may know someone loves you, hearing the words do make a difference.  But then he has to decide whether to essentially ...

class="entry-title"Big Revelations- Episode 14 July 17, 2012 · by whitecarrot · in Drama Review.

Today’s episode was way better! Let’s just say Big has kind of redeemed itself for yesterday’s egregious plot contrivances. Although nothing groundbreaking went down (except the point about being twins!), there were some good points that were made this episode. The whole point being that Gong Yoo is the sole motivation to watch this drama…but anyway.

1. Da Ran finally grow some balls telling Kyung Jae her true feelings (again). So that he doesn’t run away and die alone in LA. ...

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I got teary when Kyung Joon was having those flashback moments of Da Ran. D': saaaad. i don't know how the hong sister will end the story. I just hope it would be happy. and I bet when Kyung Joon gets older later he will look like Yoon Jae, since they're twins. I think in the end it would be Lee Min Jung & Gong Yoo no matter what. 

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Guest jordi

14th episode
AGB:Nationwide: 7,8% (-0,4%) Seoul: 8,8% (-0,9%) 
TNS:Nationwide: 8,6% (+0,6%) Seoul: 9,4% (+0,2%) 
MBC Golden Time - AGB: 7,4% / 8,1% ; TNS: 7,4% / 8,3%SBS CHASER (last episode) leads - AGB: 22,6% / 23,8% ; TNS: 25,1% / 28,3%

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I don't know if I really like this drama, I do how ever love the lead actor, he is fantastic and caries the whole thing. I also find his characters to be the only ones capable of loving someone.
 First the father, loved one woman but married another one, then had the woman he love give birth to his son by his wife. If that's not bad enough he has her raise the son, then deserts both children and both women.
Then the mother, she helps the father convince his love to carry their child then abandon said child because she hates that the woman her husband loves gave birth to him.
Then we have DR, she is engaged to YJ he is the man she loves, he ends up in an accident while on the way to meet her, she later discovers that his soul and KJ soul has switched bodies. Does she look for ways to bring the man she loves back, does she rush to his hospital room and sit by his side or see to his comfort. Does she do anything for the body that has the soul of the man she loves. The answer to all is NO, what she does is use the teenage boy trap in her fiances body to play out her fantasies of what the relationship should be like. While doing this does she even take KJ feelings and well being into account, again the answer is no.
She then decides to let go of YJ body with KJ soul trapped inside because she came to the conclusion that not only did YJ not love her he cheated on her. So she abandons them both.
KJ leaves and goes to America with YJ mom for a year, when he comes back he makes sure that DR know tht no matter how much his body is YJ it is KJ that is standing in front of her. He then convinces her to marry so that the mom will stop trying to marry him off, why she agreed to this is still a mystery. At any rate she agree's they marry and live together, she learns the truth that YJ never cheated on her, but even though she knows that KJ inhabits the body she then became a little nicer to him. Thus they fell in love I how ever can't wholly believe that she would have fell in love with KJ if he had been in his own body.
The birth secret is now revealed and again YJ needs KJ to save his life, of course KJ is hurt and feels resentment towards the parents, so he decides he not going to do what they want and run away. Is this really a choice, because the truth is YJ traped in KJ's body will be saving KJ not the other way around. Because it is KJ that is in the sick body that needs to be saved, so the idea that he would not save his own life out of spite is a little to much.
DR again decides that KJ can't tell the parents that the soul's are switched because it would hurt them, well I for one think they should carry all of the hurt and burden their decisions caused. Plus is it really DR place to make this kind of decision when she is siding with the parent's to have KJ save YJ, if all the secrets that have been told to KJ has been so painful don't the parents have a right to know what they have done. Doesn't KJ have a right to let them know the pain they have caused him by their selfishness.
For my money I hope it is true that KJ will have no memories of what has transpired since the accident, at least then he won't know all the hurtful things that his parents have done. Then at least we will have a chance to get to know his family, I don't care that the parents don't deserve for him to love them, this would be the best thing for him and I suspect for YJ as well. This is a family that needs healing and the love story of KJ and DR should take second to that.
DR like the parents will have to live with what their choices have caused. She does not deserve to be happy with YJ or KJ. Because she never trusted in her love or the man she loved. She was to willing to believe the worst of YJ and throw him away and to easily moved by KJ on his returned. In all of this body switching she has been the only adult the knew everything, but not once did she make decisions as an adult and do what was right for everyone, not just herself. This time around she will have to do the adult thing and do what's best for KJ.

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Now, I get it why some viewers didn't like Big because they want Seo Yeon Jae to wake up but he didn't. They always think, "That's so unfair with Yeon Jae." "Yeon Jae really love Da Ran" "Yeon Jae, you are cheated." "Yeon Jae, please come back."
Hey people ~~ Don't think about Yeon Jae first, you are totally like his parents. Kyung Joon must be FIRST! 
Well, maybe, Hong Sisters are thinking this way so they made Yeon Jae sleep the entire series.
And others who didn't like Big must be a fan of Suzy. hahaha!

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Guest xopo17

Now, I get it why some viewers didn't like Big because they want Seo Yeon Jae to wake up but he didn't. They always think, "That's so unfair with Yeon Jae." "Yeon Jae really love Da Ran" "Yeon Jae, you are cheated." "Yeon Jae, please come back."
Hey people ~~ Don't think about Yeon Jae first, you are totally like his parents. Kyung Joon must be FIRST! 
Well, maybe, Hong Sisters are thinking this way so they made Yeon Jae sleep the entire series.
And others who didn't like Big must be a fan of Suzy. hahaha!
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Guest infinite*

That was the biggest cliff hanger ever. I couldn't believe they ended it on that note. Seriously?! I can't wair another week for the final two episodes. Speaking of episodes, I do hope they extend it to 20 episodes. I'm not ready for this drama to end yet. It's so good however if next weeks episodes are the last, it better be not rushed. I noticed it tends to happen in the dramas that the Hong Sisters write - take You're Beautiful for example. I hope it isn't the case! 

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Guest mafet

GY is so SUPERB!!! he is still the same GONG YOO even before and after the military service  \:D/ I am really likin how he deliver the crying scenes... only GY can act and cry that way... the tears, the eyes, every expression  

as for this drama being a rom-com... I think HONG SISTER's style is making all the viewers cry along with the characters in the last episodes and end their drama in a lighter mood HAPPY ENDING.. (My Girl, He's Beautiful, MGIG, Delightful Girl Chunhyang are the examples) I AM REALLY HOPING THEY WILL make a VERY BEAUTIFUL TWIST and the same time make our OTP crying scenes WORTH IT.. by giving us the HAPPIEST ENDING our OTP should have and deserved to have.. 


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‘Big’ Gong Yoo Tears, Thinking About Lee Min Jung
Gong Yoo started tearing up while thinking about all the happy memories he had made with Lee Min Jung. 
On KBS Monday Tuesday Drama Big, episode 14, which aired on the 17th, Kang Kyung Joon, whose body was switched with Seo Yoon Jae, cried thinking about Gil Da Ran.
Before this happened, Kyung Joon found out that he was only born to save Yoon Jae's life and he believes that Da Ran has knew all of this and purposely tricked him.
After finding out the truth, Kyung Joon acted cold towards Da Ran but he couldn't hide his feelings towards her and constantly thought about all the happy memories he had with her.Eventually, Kyung Joon started crying being hurt by everything and when people watched this episode they said, "Poor Shin Won Ho", "What is going to happen between Gong Yoo and Lee Min Jung", "it is getting more exciting", and shared a lot of different point of views.  
Source : Korea Portal

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