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[Drama 2012] BIG 빅

the girl who!

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As much as I feel sorry for KKJ, I feel really sorry for GD. She learned to be herself without any insecurities, fell for her former student she had no idea is her fiancee's younger brother, had finally the courage to give in her feelings, is constantly getting bashed by her in-laws... She is trying to deal with the guilt of having fallen in love with someone else while her fiancee was lying in coma not knowing that he really did love her. On top of that she now has to deal with fact that she actually fell in love with his younger brother. And then there is Mari, the famous second lead who lies to the one she loves just to get what she wants and ignoring how KKJ really feels. She consciously made GD feel even more guilty by rubbing into her face in which situation she is now and what she supposedly did to both YJ and KKJ. I really wouldn't want to be in GD shoes. I'd probably be running away by now, not having the confidence to face KKJ and lie to him...

And don't even get me started to talk about KKJ, the poor kid. Even if Mari thinks she is the only loyal one to him, she is the worst. Go the hell.

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I still say who is she to make that choice. Let KJ make his own choices. Don't you think that is what a woman who supports the man she loves should do? I do feel sorry for DR as well because she fell in love with her husband's younger brother and is ashamed of it.but she needs to reconcile her feelings and stand by them Facing your problems squarely and  honestly  is the best way to live a life without regret.

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I still say who is she to make that choice. Let KJ make his own choices. Don't you think that is what a woman who supports the man she loves should do? I do feel sorry for DR as well because she fell in love with her husband's younger brother and is ashamed of it.but she needs to reconcile her feelings and stand by them Facing your problems squarely and  honestly  is the best way to live a life without regret.
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Oh Jesus! I can not stand seeing GY with the red eyes and torturing expression in his face. Poor KJ.
How could he hang on the miserable life when nobody stayed beside. The only one could support him now also left.
I knew that DR also has her puzzledom but the situation here is so...serious. At least she needs to wait for KJ until he come bank to his sense.
Just a hug, a big hug is enough!!!!!!DR...I cannot be with you this time

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@meileizi what you said is right:I knew that DR also has her puzzledom but the situation here is so...serious. At least she needs to wait for KJ until he come bank to his sense.
Just a hug, a big hug is enough!!!!!!DR...I cannot be with you this time.

my point exactly.....I get it that they are doing this for kyung joon but for crying out loud, can they just spare him a hug for just a while and do what they wanna do in the morning...GOSH MY POOR BABY...SO DOWN AND WITH NOBODY..WHILE EVERY BODY IS HURTING HIM....KYUNG JOO-AH JUST BE STRONG..oh god i think i'll be having a nightmare tonight...a very bad night for me!!! :(( :(( :((

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MR should just go back to US! I thought she matured but then I was wrong! She is selfish and don't consider KJ at all.. This girl's demented affection or should I say obssession should be crashed.. And I am so feeling sad for KJ.. Poor kid.. To suffer everything.. From the soul switch.. Dealing with the adults.. Pretending to be an adult.. Loving someone... Getting hurt.. Being used by his own parents.. If I were him I might be having mental breakdown or I will choose to just be in coma.. As for DR, i don't know what she's thinking.. Haaizz I am hoping she will act mature but then she failed my expectation.. Waaahhh!!! Why can't they give KJ a romantic FULL EPISODE?! Argh!!! HONG SIS please.. Chaebal-yo.. Make KJ be happy!!!

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I think the fact that GDR begged KKJ to save his brother is in keeping with her character. She's a soft hearted girl. Even if the person who is dying isn't SJ, I bet she would still ask KKJ to help if he can. Maybe everyone is thinking that this is a drama, it's not real, so it's ok to not press the matter of saving the dying guy, just because the other guy has suffered more in life. 
But let's remember a life is always precious. This is a bit personal, but my friend's dad died from cancer yesterday. Though I only know his dad briefly, I still feel overwhelmed with grief. And I'm sure if there was a way to save him, I would have begged for it. I think I'm just still too emotional after hearing about my friend's loss. But imagine how shock one could be if one hears about someone close to him/her is dying. That news is just too much for a person to take, she or he might not think straight. So it's just normal for GDR to act on it.
I think it would be too cold hearted if GDR just let KKJ choose for himself. SJ is a good person, he's a talented doctor who can save people. He does nothing wrong to deserve to die. If GDR didn't ask and KKJ didn't help and SJ died because of that, GDR and KKJ would later live with guilt forever. It's the mother's sin, SJ and KKJ don't have to pay for it. GDR is doing what's best for him, not letting him turn away from his dying brother.
If KKJ refuses to save his brother, he will never forgive himself, and he may blame GDR too for not asking.

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Yoon Jae: so she said she only tried to save Yoon Jae, even though she knows everything, she met me.
Yoon Jae: because you love her. just to save your child, you asked that woman to give birth to him?
Mother: Yoon Jae..
Yoon Jae: So that's how you made her give birth to Kyung Joon?
Mother: I did that. There is nothing I can't do for you, Yoon Jae
Da Ran: Stop it!
Yoon Jae: Tell me the truth. In this messed-up situation, you ask me to do whatever I want? Because I'm better than others??I can give up everything else. Why didn't you let me do it?
Da Ran: It feels like 10.10 forever..
Yoon Jae: Please find out where I cant have a long term rental house in L.A
Yoon Jae: I won't be easily used like how my mother fooled before

Source : Vingle

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I still say who is she to make that choice. Let KJ make his own choices. Don't you think that is what a woman who supports the man she loves should do? I do feel sorry for DR as well because she fell in love with her husband's younger brother and is ashamed of it.but she needs to reconcile her feelings and stand by them Facing your problems squarely and  honestly  is the best way to live a life without regret.
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