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[Drama 2012] BIG 빅

the girl who!

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@ohani, I agree guilt is weighing DR down but I don't think  this mess will end as simply as going back to their original bodies .Once that happens DR will never have anything to do with KJ. I hope this  drama is going to have a BIG twist in the plot or it will for me be a total waste of my viewing  time. I watched two people grow to love one another under really horrendous conditions so I have invested alot of my heart into them  I don't want to see DR with anyone else but KJ in GY body.Since I am dreaming I might as well dream big ....

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@ohani, I agree guilt is weighing DR down but I don't think  this mess will end as simply as going back to their original bodies .Once that happens DR will never have anything to do with KJ. I hope this  drama is going to have a BIG twist in the plot or it will for me be a total waste of my viewing  time. I watched two people grow to love one another under really horrendous conditions so I have invested alot of my heart into them  I don't want to see DR with anyone else but KJ in GY body.Since I am dreaming I might as well dream big ....
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GRRRRRR JEZUZZZZZZZ Man I am soooooo angry with this stupid Mari the B^%$$. She is worse than SY (actually SY is quite kind) and I hate the fact that KJ and DR dont have a single private moment together. Whenever they have this happy moment, stupid *&&TYGR%^RDTCGFCGFD Mari is spying on them. I dislike her sooo much. I hope the angst will be cleared up by tomorrow so we can have our couple together.

I hate weaklings so much, and manipulative B&tches too. I hope both DR and MR will change from tomorrow onwards. This KJ is else wasted on DR. She needs to be more aggressive about him.

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Guest Hanachio

Ok we already are at the final problem that comes at every drama after the couple finally had some happy time together! :(
I did´t expected that devil plan from Mari :( I was really disapointed by her... I hope they got the surgery soon!! I´m dying to know what happens after the body switch ;_;!!!
It´s really interesting!!!

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Guest kuteykoreanangel

Okay. So today's episode.... MARIIIII grr. I used to have no problem with her. I thought she was cute! Even when other people were like she is sooo annoying. I just thought no I like her. She is cute and Suzy is doing a good job playing her. She is quirky! BUT after today. wow. Where do I even start? Where did that come from? She is just soooo selfish. Like did she think if she did that Kyung Joon would come running to her? Does she not get it? She just alienated the person she supposedly loves. He just found out that he was a science experiment. He was just put together. There was no love in his coming to be and now you make him think that the person who actual loves him had an ulterior motive because of the guy that is the root of all his problems!? I was so excited that the Hong Sisters had a second lead that I actually liked. But Mari just went down the toilet for me. So frustrated.

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Guest sunshine4ever


Yoon Jae: so she said she only tried to save Yoon Jae, even though she knows everything, she met me.
Yoon Jae: because you love her. just to save your child, you asked that woman to give birth to him?
Mother: Yoon Jae..
Yoon Jae: So that's how you made her give birth to Kyung Joon?
Mother: I did that. There is nothing I can't do for you, Yoon Jae
Da Ran: Stop it!
Yoon Jae: Tell me the truth. In this messed-up situation, you ask me to do whatever I want? Because I'm better than others??I can give up everything else. Why didn't you let me do it?
Da Ran: It feels like 10.10 forever..
Yoon Jae: Please find out where I cant have a long term rental house in L.A
Yoon Jae: I won't be easily used like how my mother fooled before

Source : Vingle

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Guest k-lover1

I am completely taken a back, by the way people are reacting to the Mari-charcter.

I have been watching this drama from the beginning, and I must say that in the world of make believe, that it is the drama "Big", the Hong sisters have manage to masquerade in Mari, the only person/character with a real "Common Sense".

The comedic use her behavior as a "stalker", lends itself to ridicule, dislike, and hatred from some, but if we where to take a closer look at her behavior, we will find out that Mari, is the only one who(even when she is selfish) has really look up for Kang Gyung-joon well being. At every turn she has given of herself, and not only that, she has been the one to unraveled, the whole truth that have evade every one, until this very moment, but keep silent for the sake of Kang Gyung-joon.

Mari has been the first one to foreseen the consequences, of  Kang Gyung Joon chasing Gil Da Ran, in a romantic way, while everybody, has been set in pursuing there own agenda, Mari is the only one who has stood by the unconscious and bed ridden Kang Gyung-joon, and that my friends say a a lot
about a persons character, my grandmother used to say: "When you run out of money, If you are ever in jail, and if you are ever sick in the hospital, you will know your real friends".

The Hong sisters have done a fine job, at using Mari as the "Scape Goat", but if we take a closer look at the main characters, we will realized that they where doom from the get go, it was just a matter of time before the whole truth were discovered, I for once think that Mari even when she has been written as a "crazy" character, in a roundabout way she is the less selfish of them all, and has not allowed her feelings for Kang Gyung-joon to cloud her common sense till the bitter end.

I know that probably Mari will end up alone, but so far in her crazy way she showed, that at the core of her actions, she has put Kang Gyung-joon well-being first, before and now that his body still in a coma, something that neither his biological parents ever did nor Gil Da-ran...And for that she deserves my respect!!!!!! Mari Fighting..... : O }


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@k-lover 1 I think you are giving Mari way too much credit Everything she has done was because of her own selfish obsessive love for Kyung Joon .Why wouldn't she do everything in her power to destroy any relationship(that didn't comport with her plans) or do anything to garner support for KJ there by showing KJ I and only I am the person who is by your side.It serves her agenda The real problem here  lies with  DR she is a dummy head She is naive foolish and never questions the motives of others.Her greatest flaw.DR needs to put her big girl panties on and pick a path and stay true to it. She owed KJ the truth not that noble idiotic fantasy that Mari put in her head. She could have gotten  KJ to do the surgery by just telling him the truth and standing by him.Now as for Mari I don't think Mari is all that evil so much as she is just uber spoiled  selfish and a teen. Teenagers are like that. Everything she has done has been in her own self interest plus as you said there has to be a bad guy. This messy situation comes down to JA/KJ  parents thinking of their own best interest and damned everything else to hel*.Everyone in KJ's life .except his surrogate mother and DR has used KJ to further their own self interest Poor KJ deserved DR's support not that silly noble idiocy of hers But .this is kdrama  silly surreal but a whole lot of fun. I do like the way you think though and I totally agree with your mom, you really find who your friends are when you are busted, broke and need a helping hand.Your post is one of the reasons I come to forums boards I love reading different points of view laughing debating and ohhing and ahhing at the hotties :)

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Guest potterky

Mari not just lied to KJ once but twice! First she caused the death of his mum with her stupid lies and now again, with KJ's first love.

Argh. I just hate this revenge twist and please Hong Sisters, give us our much-awaited happy ending :(

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I have just skimmed through the episode.  The story is becoming too depressing,  I prefer it to stay as a romantic comedy.   Mari used to be cute despite of her annoying character.  However, along with the change in the storyline, her true self is no longer appealing.  Her love for KJ is real, but it is a very selfish love.  She has always been very possessive and a stalker.  In the earlier episodes, there are flashbacks of how she would get rid of any girl who was interested in KJ.  Her motivation is not for KJ's well-being, but is to have KJ to herself.  

The only two people that are true to KJ are DR and KJ's mom.  I hope the Hong sisters will let KJ and DR be together at the end.  KJ might be only 20 or 21 years old, he however is more mature than his age and even more so than DR in some ways.  At this point, it is fine with me if the young looking KJ and DR are  together at the end, although I would much prefer KJ/YJ. 

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I still don’t get why Daran chose to do what she did: Mari’s poinst about KJ refusing to leave despite being unwilling to face the problem head on is because of D, and hence he ends up in a dangerous standstill, or that it’s too painful for him to bear at all are valid… but why does that mean that D has to push him away? From Mari’s standpoint, it’s terrible but it makes sense: the words she said are based on sincere concern for KJ, but it’s been twisted with her own selfish desire– putting it the way she did is a win-win option. But D… why is D taking the bait? I can’t call it anything else besides immaturity… who says lying to KJ is the only way to get him to do surgery? why couldn’t she see that she should talk this through with KJ instead? that even though it’s painful, YJ’s not at fault– it’s only right to save him because YJ isn’t the perpetrator of the pain(it’ll take some convincing since KJ suspects YJ’s agency in the switch). The least he can do is save YJ and switch back. If he can, face the pain of this truth and confront those jerks outright for what they did. If he can’t then at least HE shouldn’t be the one sacrificing the last thing he loves and loves him back… SHE should be the one sacrificing and finding a way to leave all of this mess with him. Instead she robs KJ of truth and agency… the ability to DECIDE for himself what to do about the situation, instead of reinstating that ability to him by talking him out of ignoring it. KJ would have done that… as he’s been doing all along: he forces her to confront, but never forces what she ends up deciding.

In view of this, D’s character’s still consistent… she’s never been mature or insistent enough to process a tough situation and come up with a responsible, sound resolution… just as KJ has been consistently doing what she failed to do. KJ’s just pure awesomeness, as many agree… and much of it is because he’s a GREAT model of mature love. He’s realistic in that he has to deal with his own interests/emotions, but he’s mature enough to know that he has to respect the volition of others. He loves by expressing it and building up the person he loves in concrete ways– he GIVES and GIVES and GIVES without reservation. D on the other hand, seems to represent the real concerns that women have in dealing with noona-dongsaeng/unconventional relationships… but choosing to deal with it in those TERRIBLE dramaland methods: ASSUMING for the other person what’s best for them and isolating the other person in the decision-making process. To her credit, she’s shown maturity in her insistence that she breaks cleanly with YJ first before she can go completely to KJ.

it’s so interesting… this comparison: KJ that embodies maturity and reality vs. D that embodies dramaland conflict-creating noble-idiocy.

I have to say… this year has brought some VERY interesting male characters, these perfect lovers: Boongdo the perfect man in terms of respecting his woman as his equal, but not abandoning his sense of honor and responsibility. KyungJoon in terms of loving by building the other person up, by empowering his love to choose for herself =D

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Guest serenityx3

Umm, someone said how the ring was fake, but no it wasn't...the FIRST one was real.
After DR dropped & LOST the real one (while they were about to kiss and whatnot), Mari decided to go get an identical ring and make DR put it on again...

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I still don’t get why Daran chose to do what she did: Mari’s poinst about KJ refusing to leave despite being unwilling to face the problem head on is because of D, and hence he ends up in a dangerous standstill, or that it’s too painful for him to bear at all are valid… but why does that mean that D has to push him away? From Mari’s standpoint, it’s terrible but it makes sense: the words she said are based on sincere concern for KJ, but it’s been twisted with her own selfish desire– putting it the way she did is a win-win option. But D… why is D taking the bait? I can’t call it anything else besides immaturity… who says lying to KJ is the only way to get him to do surgery? why couldn’t she see that she should talk this through with KJ instead? that even though it’s painful, YJ’s not at fault– it’s only right to save him because YJ isn’t the perpetrator of the pain(it’ll take some convincing since KJ suspects YJ’s agency in the switch). The least he can do is save YJ and switch back. If he can, face the pain of this truth and confront those jerks outright for what they did. If he can’t then at least HE shouldn’t be the one sacrificing the last thing he loves and loves him back… SHE should be the one sacrificing and finding a way to leave all of this mess with him. Instead she robs KJ of truth and agency… the ability to DECIDE for himself what to do about the situation, instead of reinstating that ability to him by talking him out of ignoring it. KJ would have done that… as he’s been doing all along: he forces her to confront, but never forces what she ends up deciding.

In view of this, D’s character’s still consistent… she’s never been mature or insistent enough to process a tough situation and come up with a responsible, sound resolution… just as KJ has been consistently doing what she failed to do. KJ’s just pure awesomeness, as many agree… and much of it is because he’s a GREAT model of mature love. He’s realistic in that he has to deal with his own interests/emotions, but he’s mature enough to know that he has to respect the volition of others. He loves by expressing it and building up the person he loves in concrete ways– he GIVES and GIVES and GIVES without reservation. D on the other hand, seems to represent the real concerns that women have in dealing with noona-dongsaeng/unconventional relationships… but choosing to deal with it in those TERRIBLE dramaland methods: ASSUMING for the other person what’s best for them and isolating the other person in the decision-making process. To her credit, she’s shown maturity in her insistence that she breaks cleanly with YJ first before she can go completely to KJ.

it’s so interesting… this comparison: KJ that embodies maturity and reality vs. D that embodies dramaland conflict-creating noble-idiocy.

I have to say… this year has brought some VERY interesting male characters, these perfect lovers: Boongdo the perfect man in terms of respecting his woman as his equal, but not abandoning his sense of honor and responsibility. KyungJoon in terms of loving by building the other person up, by empowering his love to choose for herself =D

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Guest jobogae

Mari is a total wacko, psychopath.  I didn't think she would get worse but she totally rises to the occasion.  Tells lies to Da Ran and uses her weaknesses against her.  This is NOT SELFLESS LOVE at all.  TOTAL NUT JOB!   I have her pegged from the beginning that she is a spoiled princess who does what she feels like as long as it serves her purpose.  Unfortunately, Kyung Joon enabled this continued obsession....grrr... Does Kyung Joon have to die to slap her awake?  .... *breathe* .... she is a child.  
Da Ran always stands on the sidelines so that no one gets hurt and she ends up alone!  Why??!  Why?!  Kyung Joon needs her right now....weh!  :((
I can't believe I'm typing this but Se Young actually has work ethics.  *applauds*    
Hong Sisters tend to write their female characters weak and passive.  Usually the guy comes to the rescue at the end ... I'm afraid that this drama isn't any different.  Our Kyung Joon will be our Prince Charming!
Gosh....I hope I don't claw my computer screen at the ending.           

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