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[Drama 2012] BIG 빅

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Guest rainbow32

Hi! Newbie here. I've really been enjoying reading everyone's opinions and thought I would share mine!

I've been shipping Kyung Joon (in his own body)/ Da ran since the first episode (I don't change ships, I always decide who I'm shipping and stick with it and the couple I ship always ends up the OTP. So I hope I don't lose my winning steak! The show seems to be making the viewers emotionally invested in Kyung Joon and Da ran (I'm sorry Yoon Jae you're nice, shy, and dooky but flashbacks aren't cutting it for me). Da ran doesn't seem to know Yoon Jae that well. Only the exterior part of him like his eating habits, his work, etc. She doesn't seem to know his soul, his hopes and fears, emotional angst, while she is getting to know Kyung Joon in that way while he's in YJ's body. The question is not if Yoon Jae loves her, but does Da ran really love Yoon Jae? Or is she more in love with the idea of him? I could see her coming to fall in love with Kyung Joon with the way she interacts with him. I think Kyung Joon and Da ran have that love/hate thing going on where the pair bicker, but deep down have feelings for each other. Saying things like "oh, I'm never going fall for a reckless kid like him" but then you just know that's what's going to happen.

Also I read that Da ran parents had like a teacher-student relationship and an age gap of 16 years?! Does Da ran even know her parents past? Her own father fell for a "kid" and they seem to have a good relationship.

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Someone mentioned something about Kyung Joon's character discrepancy. I admit that I felt the same at one point in time but you will see that whether is the young KJ or the KJ in Yoon Jae's body, they are both smarta**ed and stubborn so really, they are not too different. 
I tend to think that it's because he's so comfortable in front of Da Ran that KJ is now displaying himself fully i.e. his childishness etc. I really like their bickering scenes ahahha!  YJ is just too uptight. One must remember that Kj is still recovering from losing his mother and having two money hungry relatives lust ater his inheritance; he needs to look strong enough. 
I can't wait for the next episode!!!!!! 
So possible couple endings are: 


[/size][size=2]1. DR and real YJ[/size][size=2]2. DR and real KJ[/size][size=2]3. DR and KJ in YJ's body (i.e. the present couple)[/size][size=2]4. DR and YJ in KJ's body. [/size][size=2]

[/size][size=2]which one are you rooting for???[/size][size=2]


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I need room to vent and hopefully someone would explain to me and put me out of my misery.

After watching episode 4 again, I find myself disliking Big as a whole. I wanted so much to love Big, since i liked so many people and was looking forward to watching a romantic comedy. I'm not a fan of body swapping films nor of student teacher relationships, but there has been gems before so i was willing to give this a try.

Take away the acting, since i think the acting is one of the few things that worked for me, only Shin Won Ho and Suzy, who are the weakest link, had moments of 'uncertainty'.

The characters are really what gets to me.

Both CS and Mari are a delight to watch, but neither of their characters have much storyline to go on, obviously Mari will have more to deal with once YJ in KJ's body wakes up, but for now, they are there as comedic relief.

What fails is the characterization of both KJ and DR.

KJ, the smart-richard simmons lonely soul:

how could he not show any gratefulness to the man who saved his life and is now in a coma? He isn't just spending all his time with the guy's fiance, he also kissed her and tried to bad mouth the guy and then to top it off, he took the guys savings for his own selfish gain. He's troubles and issues are his not YJ's, even if YJ is a jerk it does not give him the right to treat his 'savior' this way.

besides the obvious discrepancy in his change before and after the swap, no amount of supposed closeness or change in body can alter a person in the span of one night, the scriptwriters builds him up to be a lonely little boy who is looking for someone to truly care for him. Hence his attachment to Da Ran.

I was okay with this, up until episode 4 with the appearance of Mari. He, as well as the audience, knows that Mari loves him. Her way of showing it may be misguided but it's an indisputable fact that she cares for him wholeheartedly.

So how does a lonely boy who nobody loves goes and hurt the only person he knew cares for him and then be proud of it?

While watching the hospital scene where he lies to her to keep his body in Korea, I was beyond shocked. could he not think of any other way? he knew how much it would hurt her, but he still choose to continue and then was so proud of himself for hurting her.

Even if he didn't like her that was a mean thing to do. I lost all pity for KJ at this point. I simply cannot condone a character that intentionally sets out to hurt someone, he is worst then YJ's ex, since he knew how and where to hit to make it hurt the most.

In the same scene, Da Ran as the adult and women should have put a stop to it, what happened to her sense of empathy? From how I saw it, it was her own selfish desire to 'protect' YJ's body that gave her the 'moral right' to hurt Mari. She was hurt by YJ's supposed affair with he's ex, so how does she see her relationship with KJ is to Mari? She allowed herself to be seen as the third party.

I don't believe they cannot see beyond the now, how does she think this is going to pan out? If news of what KJ said travels, Da Ran is not only cheating on her fiancee, she's also cheating on him with her underage student. That is not only immoral, its also illegal. She could lose her job and shunned by her peers, not to mention YJ will have to carry the stigma of having his fiancee cheating on him.

Then there's the issue of her incompetence, how is it funny that she's a teacher who can't stand up for herself, has no authoritive stance and can't even do senior math? No wonder she's failing her course. This isn't funny, this shows her as a loser.

So what is the writers expecting me to feel? that i should root for two selfish immoral people who only care for their own happiness?

I'm quite honestly one scene away from dropping this whole series.

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I am busy again to my work and so I haven't reacted too much in depth of the characters,,

and so I felt I need to say it now..

We only watched 4 episodes.. we have 12 more episodes to go.. as of now we only saw LESS THAN 10 sweet moments of DR and YJ (flashbacks)... whilst we saw MORE scenes of DR and KyungJae

The story also let us saw the circumstances that YJ MIGHT be a cheater.

but what if the remaining 75% of the story will tell us the real side of YJ, will our comments be the same as before?

what if DR only saw YJ in a wrong light where YJ is not really the perfect man she believed to be?

what if YJ acted that way to DR because he felt DR pretends to be too sweet.caring and not real to him,, like what he saw in the wedding? the real DR who is naive yet strong and direct to what she feels?

I really can't decide to what ship I'll be rooting for...
as I will be too biased to judge YJ out of the too little scenes he was shown in the episodes...
I might be also biased towards KyungJae because even if I saw all his efforts for DR, I ignored them...

waaahh!!! I really hope and pray that YJ in KJ's body will wake up so we will have to see MORE twists in the story...  ;)

3 more nights before episode 5 airs and I am TOO BORED!!!

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Guest mcramsey


Any Lee Min Jung's thread here in Soompi?

Love 'BIG'

Min Jung made me smile all the time.

Her crying skill...DAEBAK!!!

This is so FUNNY... laugh.gif
Where did this IDEA came from?

user posted image



You made my day Gil Da-Ran happy.gif

user posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted image

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Guest lucky_moon

for now everything shows that DR still loves YJ no matter what he did, it was obvious from the start that he is not serious abt their relation, he keeps running away and nt being honest to her, she loves him more and give excuses for his behaviors, i cant understand her feeling to be in love with the other partner more than he do, bt what DR is carrying on now and pretending to nt know abt his betray will make it worse to her, specially her feeling, she want to bear it more bt in the end she will explode, its hard to love someone who cant give u the same feeling, bt this thing will make DR character get stronger, so that what she will g through now will make her able to fight and even show her careless toward YJ, who betrays her, maybe days by days her love to YJ will decrease and will realize that being in a relation with unrequited love is worthless and bring the pain only. so will see that such a thing will give DR the key in the end to decide to end her relation with such a person and YJ will realize that he lost a pure lovely person who can be a perfect partner.

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I need room to vent and hopefully someone would explain to me and put me out of my misery.

After watching episode 4 again, I find myself disliking Big as a whole. I wanted so much to love Big, since i liked so many people and was looking forward to watching a romantic comedy. I'm not a fan of body swapping films nor of student teacher relationships, but there has been gems before so i was willing to give this a try.

Take away the acting, since i think the acting is one of the few things that worked for me, only Shin Won Ho and Suzy, who are the weakest link, had moments of 'uncertainty'.

The characters are really what gets to me.

Both CS and Mari are a delight to watch, but neither of their characters have much storyline to go on, obviously Mari will have more to deal with once YJ in KJ's body wakes up, but for now, they are there as comedic relief.

What fails is the characterization of both KJ and DR.

KJ, the smart-ass lonely soul:

how could he not show any gratefulness to the man who saved his life and is now in a coma? He isn't just spending all his time with the guy's fiance, he also kissed her and tried to bad mouth the guy and then to top it off, he took the guys savings for his own selfish gain. He's troubles and issues are his not YJ's, even if YJ is a jerk it does not give him the right to treat his 'savior' this way.

besides the obvious discrepancy in his change before and after the swap, no amount of supposed closeness or change in body can alter a person in the span of one night, the scriptwriters builds him up to be a lonely little boy who is looking for someone to truly care for him. Hence his attachment to Da Ran.

I was okay with this, up until episode 4 with the appearance of Mari. He, as well as the audience, knows that Mari loves him. Her way of showing it may be misguided but it's an indisputable fact that she cares for him wholeheartedly.

So how does a lonely boy who nobody loves goes and hurt the only person he knew cares for him and then be proud of it?

While watching the hospital scene where he lies to her to keep his body in Korea, I was beyond shocked. could he not think of any other way? he knew how much it would hurt her, but he still choose to continue and then was so proud of himself for hurting her.

Even if he didn't like her that was a mean thing to do. I lost all pity for KJ at this point. I simply cannot condone a character that intentionally sets out to hurt someone, he is worst then YJ's ex, since he knew how and where to hit to make it hurt the most.

In the same scene, Da Ran as the adult and women should have put a stop to it, what happened to her sense of empathy? From how I saw it, it was her own selfish desire to 'protect' YJ's body that gave her the 'moral right' to hurt Mari. She was hurt by YJ's supposed affair with he's ex, so how does she see her relationship with KJ is to Mari? She allowed herself to be seen as the third party.

I don't believe they cannot see beyond the now, how does she think this is going to pan out? If news of what KJ said travels, Da Ran is not only cheating on her fiancee, she's also cheating on him with her underage student. That is not only immoral, its also illegal. She could lose her job and shunned by her peers, not to mention YJ will have to carry the stigma of having his fiancee cheating on him.

Then there's the issue of her incompetence, how is it funny that she's a teacher who can't stand up for herself, has no authoritive stance and can't even do senior math? No wonder she's failing her course. This isn't funny, this shows her as a loser.

So what is the writers expecting me to feel? that i should root for two selfish immoral people who only care for their own happiness?

I'm quite honestly one scene away from dropping this whole series.

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Guest anaapenas

Hi! Newbie here. I've really been enjoying reading everyone's opinions and thought I would share mine!

I've been shipping Kyung Joon (in his own body)/ Da ran since the first episode (I don't change ships, I always decide who I'm shipping and stick with it and the couple I ship always ends up the OTP. So I hope I don't lose my winning steak! The show seems to be making the viewers emotionally invested in Kyung Joon and Da ran (I'm sorry Yoon Jae you're nice, shy, and dooky but flashbacks aren't cutting it for me). Da ran doesn't seem to know Yoon Jae that well. Only the exterior part of him like his eating habits, his work, etc. She doesn't seem to know his soul, his hopes and fears, emotional angst, while she is getting to know Kyung Joon in that way while he's in YJ's body. The question is not if Yoon Jae loves her, but does Da ran really love Yoon Jae? Or is she more in love with the idea of him? I could see her coming to fall in love with Kyung Joon with the way she interacts with him. I think Kyung Joon and Da ran have that love/hate thing going on where the pair bicker, but deep down have feelings for each other. Saying things like "oh, I'm never going fall for a reckless kid like him" but then you just know that's what's going to happen.

Also I read that Da ran parents had like a teacher-student relationship and an age gap of 16 years?! Does Da ran even know her parents past? Her own father fell for a "kid" and they seem to have a good relationship.

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Guest linhx3

Anyone know the song that comes on when ever there's a Da Ran and Yoon Jae scene? :) came on when he first met her, when he pushed her, and when she  was thinking back to when they kissed.. 

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I need room to vent and hopefully someone would explain to me and put me out of my misery.

After watching episode 4 again, I find myself disliking Big as a whole. I wanted so much to love Big, since i liked so many people and was looking forward to watching a romantic comedy. I'm not a fan of body swapping films nor of student teacher relationships, but there has been gems before so i was willing to give this a try.

Take away the acting, since i think the acting is one of the few things that worked for me, only Shin Won Ho and Suzy, who are the weakest link, had moments of 'uncertainty'.

The characters are really what gets to me.

Both CS and Mari are a delight to watch, but neither of their characters have much storyline to go on, obviously Mari will have more to deal with once YJ in KJ's body wakes up, but for now, they are there as comedic relief.

What fails is the characterization of both KJ and DR.

KJ, the smart-ass lonely soul:

how could he not show any gratefulness to the man who saved his life and is now in a coma? He isn't just spending all his time with the guy's fiance, he also kissed her and tried to bad mouth the guy and then to top it off, he took the guys savings for his own selfish gain. He's troubles and issues are his not YJ's, even if YJ is a jerk it does not give him the right to treat his 'savior' this way.

besides the obvious discrepancy in his change before and after the swap, no amount of supposed closeness or change in body can alter a person in the span of one night, the scriptwriters builds him up to be a lonely little boy who is looking for someone to truly care for him. Hence his attachment to Da Ran.

I was okay with this, up until episode 4 with the appearance of Mari. He, as well as the audience, knows that Mari loves him. Her way of showing it may be misguided but it's an indisputable fact that she cares for him wholeheartedly.

So how does a lonely boy who nobody loves goes and hurt the only person he knew cares for him and then be proud of it?

While watching the hospital scene where he lies to her to keep his body in Korea, I was beyond shocked. could he not think of any other way? he knew how much it would hurt her, but he still choose to continue and then was so proud of himself for hurting her.

Even if he didn't like her that was a mean thing to do. I lost all pity for KJ at this point. I simply cannot condone a character that intentionally sets out to hurt someone, he is worst then YJ's ex, since he knew how and where to hit to make it hurt the most.

In the same scene, Da Ran as the adult and women should have put a stop to it, what happened to her sense of empathy? From how I saw it, it was her own selfish desire to 'protect' YJ's body that gave her the 'moral right' to hurt Mari. She was hurt by YJ's supposed affair with he's ex, so how does she see her relationship with KJ is to Mari? She allowed herself to be seen as the third party.

I don't believe they cannot see beyond the now, how does she think this is going to pan out? If news of what KJ said travels, Da Ran is not only cheating on her fiancee, she's also cheating on him with her underage student. That is not only immoral, its also illegal. She could lose her job and shunned by her peers, not to mention YJ will have to carry the stigma of having his fiancee cheating on him.

Then there's the issue of her incompetence, how is it funny that she's a teacher who can't stand up for herself, has no authoritive stance and can't even do senior math? No wonder she's failing her course. This isn't funny, this shows her as a loser.

So what is the writers expecting me to feel? that i should root for two selfish immoral people who only care for their own happiness?

I'm quite honestly one scene away from dropping this whole series.

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@Thegirlwho! I love how, in the bts pic of KJ and MR, she put like a boat load of pictures of her on his bedside table ahaha.. I lov her, she's so funny and non threathening ahaha.. I hope she ends up with CS cause they are so cute together with him trying to be suave and her deducting pizza every time he does good.. It's like Pavlov's dog but with pizza ahaha!

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The discussions about Yoon Jae and Kyung Joon being born 12 years apart made me think of a recent Soompi article about Yun Jung Hoon and Han Ga In timing a potential baby to coincide with Yun Jung Hoon's Chinese zodiac sign.  From the article:
"The guests were all astounded by the news. 'We were able to form these plans largely due to her recent success in dramas and films. I want us to conceive the baby in 2013 and have it born the following year as the horse Chinese zodiac, just like me.'"
Yoon Jae and Kyung Joon could be somehow related, but I'm wondering if they're instead or also connected due to being the same Chinese zodiac sign.  I feel like I remember reading somewhere that their birthdays are only two days apart, which could also mayyyybe suggest a mystical connection to each other via the calendar.  But I'm not entirely convinced by my own idea.  Thoughts?

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XDDD hahaha loved this article xDDD LOL korean fans are a bit weird sometimes xD
Gong Yoo’s Model Running in ′Big′ Gets Spotlighted
Gong Yoo’s been doing quite a bit of running in KBS’ Big as he acts as Kang Kyung Joon, a troublesome 18-year old teenager, whose soul is stuck inside the body of a 30-year old doctor. 
With his long legs , Gong Yoo has pushed fans to create a hilarious graphic that explained his perfect running style.
On one online community, a graphic titled, ‘Model Running, as shown by Gong Yoo’ was posted. 
In the photo, there was a side by side comparison between a textbook explanation of a perfect run, showing the starting point, the sprint and the finish. 
Along with the instructions were screen captured images of Gong Yoo in the drama, perfectly matching with the model runner images, down to the exact angle of his back. 
Netizens who came across this comedic graphic, commented, “He doesn’t just run, he runs excellently!” “He pretty much runs like Usain Bolt,” and “His legs are so long!”
Source : Enewsworld

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'Big' Gong Yoo & Lee Min Jung's Breathtaking Kiss!
In the 4th episode of the drama 'Big' finally revealed why Gong Yoo's character is being called 'romantic comedy king.’ When Gil Da Ran (Lee Min Jung) falls asleep in the car, Kang Kyung Joon in Seo Yoon Jae's body kisses her. When Gil Da Ran tells him she couldn't even tell if that was the right way to kiss, he says 'Is this the right way?' and kisses her one more time. Although Gil Da Ran yelled at him for kissing his teacher, the viewers watching them kiss could only wish.
Even though Kang Kyung Joon tries to act mature and seem like an adult, he couldn't help but reveal his loneliness being in a stranger's body, living somebody else's life. The scene showed the loneliness of a teenager going through puberty which many viewers could related to.
Jang Mari (miss A’s Suzy) on the other hand keeps insisting that she wants to take Kang Kyung Joon's unconscious body back to the United States and lies down next to him. To prevent this from happening, Kang Kyung Joon in Seo Yoon Jae's body tells Jang Mari that Kang Kyung Joon is really in love with his teacher Gil Da Ran.
Also, Gil Da Ran sees a text message in Seo Yoon Jae's phone from Lee Se Young with the words, 'Did you see what I left you in the tea? We won't have to divide things in half in the future, right?' When Gil Da Ran finds out that Lee Se Young had left him a house key, she feels as though her world is collapsing. Gil Da Ran heads to Lee Se Young's house to see if the key is really her house key. Kang Kyung Joon runs to Lee Se Young's house as soon as he finds out Gil Da Ran had found out and finds her in front of Lee Se Young's door, turning the key to open the door. Kang Kyung Joon hugs her tightly and closes the opening door.
The KBS drama 'Big' airs every Mondays and Tuesdays.
Source : Kpopstarz

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hi guys..

ah the lucky fans...i want to say hi to MJ and GY and told them " please be a couple in real life "

BTS for pretty mari ..


wow mari and KJ in YJ's body..what is he doing here ..he is wearing the same shirt from last episode ..^_^
i think when he see all the pictures that mari put it in his room he will go crazy.. hahahaha


source: @ suzy tumblr

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