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[Drama 2012] BIG 빅

the girl who!

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Guest gloria

omg, what if they are brothers and kj got lost when he was a baby or something. his mom found him and took him in. maybe yj's family celebrates it every year during june 24th.

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@Shajoona LOL the neat doctor sleeping around at 12 years old and thats why he choose to be a doctor. He got so interested in the human body from that age and became the overpolite perfect groom (while he is still a player) ^^

I mean I am rooting for KJ but I also know that YJ did NOT cheat on DR, and he is NOT KJ father :P

WHY do these good drama;s not have 30eps or so? I want MORE Gong Yoo :P

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Guest soompigalz

Poor DaRan T_T
That last scene,.. I cant bear to watch that face of her, so deeply wounded, i love how they capture those one tear she dropped before facing the door again after KJae pull her. :((

Ahhh YJ u b****rd. i dont care if this is a missunderstanding or what but at the moment i just want to take my anger on him.

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Guest altinneen

They've gotta be brothers or swapped or something. I have a feeling they lost KJ on that day so every year they gather on that day to have a memorial or somethin (kinda like a death anniversary).And the mom who found him or whatever just made that day his birthday.
He'll probably find out the truth from his missing "father"

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Guest altinneen

The other possibility is KJ and YJ have the same father but KJ is from an extramarital affair or something complicated

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Guest xtuyet

@soompigalzAh me too! I want to place the blame all on him for making her cry!DR is pretty when she smiles! Definitely not when she cries!
But I hope the next episode sheds some light on a few new issues!I really like this drama so far! There have been twists and mixed emotions!In the beginning I really hated YJ because I assumed he was cheating.Now I do not know what to feel after knowing YJ loved DR first! Ahhhh! :-S

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The more I see of Yoon-jae the more I love him.He is soooo adorkable, stealing that kiss. He reminds me of those very well mannered, well meaning, cautious, and shy dorks. The guy who has to work up the courage just to say "Hi" (I found it so adorable the way he kept following DR at the wedding and doing little things for her, but didn't have the nerves to introduce himself and goes through his friend). His character we have been presented thus far is the very opposit of KJ. KJ has agood combination of youth nd natural chrisma on his side. His age allows him to be less cautious and daring. He freely speaks his mind (sometimes without thought to how it may affect the other) is spontaneous, caring, and uncaring (Mari and the uncle-who unlike the aunt has moments where it seems he cares about KJ- whom he keeps at arms length) maure, and immature. While KJ would show off his chocolate abs and kiss her on park benches; YJ saves it for the wedding night and steals them in her sleep. If we take into account both men's family situation;they are both to sides of the same coin and Gong Yoo is doing a great job of displaying this. To all me there is no doubt in my mind that YJ loved DR and wanted to marry her. I think all we are being shown now are misunderstandings steaming from how opposite DR and YJ are in personality and characteristics, DR's own insecurities on their relationship and being good enough for each other, the clingy ex-girlfriend, and the mystery of YJ's more recent behavior which I think started around the same time KJ's mom died (maybe she was a lose friend fom his youth, or a past close patient?). in the end I want DR to give KJ the sense of family, and caring, and opening up to others that has been missing since his mom died. As for DR and YJ I think it will come down to what her father said in ep 2 about his rock family. It isn't about looks or what others think. It is about how they fit in and how compatible they are. DR is going to have decide if YJ and the live is really he right one/kind for her and she or him. *sorry for any errors I am typing this on an iPhone. Also how do we edit our post?

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I waited to watch because I wanted to see it subbed, and the Viki team is pretty fast. I must be a different kind of girl because YJ having the key to SY's apartment would not upset me as much as when she was throwing herself at YJ and declaring she loved him. You might give a spare key to a friend for safe keeping in the event that you get locked out of your apartment.
I also don't see DR as being naive I think she is more like KJ suggested, she want's to be a doctors wife so she doesn't want to know anything that will get in the way of that.You can also see in the way she treat's KJ, until she saw that he was sick she has not once given a thought to his circumstances and the effects this body switch has had on him. Everything has been about YJ but it's clear she didn't even know who YJ was. Did they ever talk?
What woman would not have at the very least looked through the phone? You find a packed suitcase indicating YJ was taking a trip that you knew nothing about yet all she did was wonder where he was going? You find the invitation's to your wedding under his bed the box has never been opened yet you say nothing to him, that's not being naive that's called not rocking the boat.
Using her words once she opened Pandora's box she couldn't go back, the thing with the friend calling him all the time stuck with her, but did she check to see if he called her back. except for episode 2 in which were led to believe YJ and SY were having an affair nothing we know about YJ suggest that it is true. When DR takes some time and think about it she will realize that too, and understand that the sly fox was doing things on her own.
Going forward I would like to see DR think more about KJ and his situation, and not see him as a stand in for YJ.
I also want the aunt and uncle to get theirs. I wonder if now that they have the money from the sale of the house will they just disappear, They may not be able to spend the  other money he has, that's why they sold the house.  

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Hi all--longtime lurker, first-time poster.  I love your posts and want to join in the fun.  Please let me know when I (inevitably) screw up.

The reason I'm crawling out of the shadows is because I finally have something to contribute to the discussion, thanks to my (Russian-speaking, drama-fan) husband! 

In episode 4 around 30:20, Kyung-Yoon-Jae notices the Vice Principal's book while opening her car door and the music changes to opera ("Eugene Onegin" by Tchaikovsky).  Kyung-Yoon-Jae begins reciting something that sounds strange.  It turns out that its a quote from the book she is holding, First Love by Ivan Turgenev.  He recites (in nearly incomprehensible Russian, apparently, but huge props to Gong Yoo for going there): "My son, beware a woman's love, beware that happiness, that poison."  The rest of the Russian portion of the conversation is just the usual stuff that comes out of conversation books.

So here's how this might tie into the "Big" plot: First Love is apparently a story about a sixteen-year-old boy who falls in love with an older woman.  She has lots of suitors, and mocks the sixteen-year-old for being a child while she is a grown-up of 21.  According to Wikipedia, the woman turns out to actually be in love with the youth's father, who is an emotionless jerk.  Everything ends tragically, with the woman moving away to presumably have an illegitimate child, money envelopes flying, and a stresssssss-induced stroke.  Well, the ending is less troubling because that's pretty standard kdrama territory, and I think we can trust the Hong sisters to stay away from the really obvious stuff.

This could be a signal that Yoon Jae is Kyung Joon's father (yikes!) who will steal away Daran in the end, but I wonder if the guys' relationship is a little more complicated than that.  I wonder if young Yoon Jae's first (totally 100% pure!) love was Kyung Joon's mother, who was, in turn, in love with Yoon Jae's father, and together the two adults produced Kyung Joon.  That could help explain Yoon Jae's behavior before the accident: he would have had a lifetime of daddy issues, an orphaned half-brother to think about, and also his first love would have died.  If that's the case, Yoon Jae is potentially a (very) good guy who made the mistake of talking through his issues with his ex-girlfriend rather than a therapist, but not necessarily a cheating mega-jerk.

In that case, GAME ON! for the love octagon, or whatever shape it is now.

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Guest jordi

4th episode
AGB:Nationwide: 7,9% (-0,5%)Seoul: 8,9% (-0,5%)
Nationwide: 7,6% (+0,1%)Seoul: 8,9% (+0,5%)

MBC Lights & Shadows leads - AGB: 19,1% / 22,4% ; TNS: 19,2% / 22,8%SBS CHASER - AGB: 11,1% / 11,9% ; TNS: 12,5% / 15,1%

I can't believe, that boring drama CHASER gained more vievers.... BIG is so refreshing and funny. I don't understand Koreans.... :(

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Guest kid_moon

I think he's deeply in love with her :x  (I mean Kyung Jun, of course)

Waiting to see more Da Ran's reactions ;;)

Kyung Jun - Da Ran :x




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4th episode












MBC Lights

19,1% / 22,4%

 ; TNS:

 19,2% / 22,8%


11,1% / 11,9%

 ; TNS: 

12,5% / 15,1%

I can't believe, that boring drama CHASER gained more vievers.... BIG is so refreshing and funny. I don't understand Koreans....

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