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[Drama 2012] Queen In-hyun’s Man 인현왕후의 남자

Guest Iviih

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@lyra_brillantez - re: "i am about to start to marathon the incognito drama LOL but warnings came swirling here and there :w00t: "

oh ...gurl. May I add another warning....the-show-of-endless-circling-plot-and-vein-bursting-useless-characters is too MUCH. (save yourself) Google Youtube cuts...anything. Please do not submit yourself to ALL 50 episodes.

If you choose this dangerous path...at least check back in with us, so we'll know you didn't expire in the attempt. (Godspeed and Good Luck~)

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Guest Muba

@sally_b LOL thanks for the concern :w00t:

okay this is what a agonized follower in waiting gets : too much thinking :sweatingbullets:

I was checking the BTS of JHW via jihyunwoo dot com and i noticed these three photos which are quite similar to episode 3, thing is he doesn't have the hood and red jacket. but hee jin have the same clothes. JHW may not have changed to hoodie clothes yet or is this a deja vu in the future episode?

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*


*quoted image*

Hello! I can not open the spoiler?

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Thank you everyone for your insightful discussion. I'm happy that this drama is getting more love. Only two days till we get our weekly dose :)

Regarding the speculation if Hee-jin resembles Boong-do's wife, I was surprised when I read the theory. Honestly, there's no indication in BD's reaction when he first met Hee-jin, unless he lost his memory of his wife's face ^^. The reincarnation theory also unlikely happens, I doubt the writer follows this direction. However I like the possibility that HJ is a descendant of queen In Hyun. After all, isn't it the title of this drama? Queen In-hyun must play a role in Hee-jin and Boong-do's lives.

Remember Ep 7 when BD visited the Queen? He asked her to keep his visit a secret, even to the king. I wonder if Queen In-hyun helps him in regaining his memory.

So from the written summary of Ep9, 10, the fact that Boong-do had changed the history happened, only him did not remember, people at his period didn't know. And Hee-jin only has vague memories about him. But the car is still there, I guess his sword is still in the present time, hopefully Boong-do will realize something.

Two days to Ep 9, can't wait ^^

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Guest united06

Hi Everyone,

Queen In Hyeon's Man Episode 6-8 English Soft-Sub Subtitles are out.


Queen In Hyeon's Man Episodes 6-8 English Subtitles can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4563-queen-in-hyeons-man-2012/

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!

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Guest jaejoongstolemyheart

Well i always thought the phonebooth guy is Boongdo, but since alot of you doubt it...

Here.... might be substantial evidence.

See this white top and pants...


See that white top and pants...


So....... it's Boongdo right?:)

Cute Inna<3


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Okay, finally making myself useful in this thread. :) Found pics that haven't been posted (or maybe I just didn't see being posted, so sorry if there are stuff that are already posted)




Woops, so they're really together and she forgot (for a while?)


Look at that dedication... ;)


Pretty Inna


With the kid in the plane:




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Guest vbomtori

I feel you.

I really really really want a happy ending for this one. No happy ending ?

Then alright, Ji Hyun Woo and Yoo In Na should just date for a while to make me happy lol. ;P

Well, I guess the Karmic wheel has turned, because if JHW got blasted in Baidu for his previous role, he will certainly be showered with fangirl love for this one. There are a few pitfalls, though, that I hope this writer does NOT fall into:

  • Please writer, do not follow the RTP lead and make his former wife anything like HeeJin - it's too cute, too weird (is she going to be killed when she is pregnant, as well?) and will take away from the realism they have managed to inject in a Science Fiction story. I hope they just keep the assumption in place that the first wife was an arranged marriage, obviously they got along and obviously were prepared to live out their days together, but yes you can love more than one person in an entire lifetime and it is OK to have a past. We all know that HeeJin is the One.
  • Please do not have BD act against type. By this, I mean have him do something incredibly stupid, or start lying for some reason, or otherwise suddenly grow horns. I have seen other writers create a stupendous character, one you are ready to take home to mother, so to speak, only to wreck it in some ham-handed attempt to further a weak plot or inject added "drama". I hope they do not spoil this rare gem. And no noble idiocy, either, because that is just lying cloaked in good intentions.
  • Please do not fall too much in love with your camera and editing techniques. This drama is very styish, and uses some techniques to fabulous effect - like the first time he sees Hee Jin in hanbok on the television and the world rushes by while he - and her image - are caught in a pool of stillness. It was an epic way to show his realization of his feelings for her, and makes us realize that his words later - about finally seeing her beauty - are only half the story. But too much fancy technique (and they were close to the edge there with the taxi/Min sequence) and we lose the thread of the story, and the "art" puts distance between us and the characters.
  • Please give us a happy ending. These people are too nice for anything less. And BD has already had enough tragedy in his short life. Thanks.

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Guest vbomtori

Am really enjoying everyone's comments on this thread - what with slightly pervy fans and funny opinions ! ;P

So I guess the traffic accident is somewhat spot on but does that take place for her to recollect her memories of KBD or it's when HJ got into a traffic accident and thereafter she forgets KBD ? I'm confused. :/ Am I getting the facts / translations of the episode summaries wrong ?

Another thing I noticed with regards to hints about HJ's link to Queen In Hyun (of which IDK what other way other than ancestral lineage or the sort) is that when she clumsily got into the car that KBD bought for her, he told her that not anyone can be Queen In Hyun. I'd like to think that it's a cryptic message, although I'm not too sure what it could be. Or maybe I'm just speculating too much. I re-watch the episodes so many times just to get every bit of every (*ahem kissing ahem*) action and can't help but to see / spot certain things that happen or the characters say, with every raping of the replay button (lol).


Hmm, the weekend flew past fast enough. I can't wait. :D

PS: This is the first time I've watched JHW in anything so I really think he's brilliant and I'm a bit of a YG-biased fan, plus Yoo In Na is quite likable. Now I think she's just plain adorable, especially paired up with JHW. I AM SHIPPING THIS COUPLE IRL SO BAD. LOL.

So Drama-To-Not-Be-Named really is lousy eh ? The one where Kim So Hyun acted alongside this rather old guy right ? Is that the blasphemous drama ?

Must really suck.

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Guest jaejoongstolemyheart

Fancam of redcarpet scene!!!


For shippers.

OMG The moment YIN appeared he couldn't stop smiling. Hope im not being deluded. You don't see YIN at first but you can hear her voice, thats when she's there... Slowly you'll see her appearing.

He keeps taking little peeks at her... and the smile is surfacing on his face(trying hard not to show)...

Anyway, so the scene in ep 11 will probably be him appearing in the crowd, seeing Dongmin and her together... *jealous* just kidding, he looks like his on the verge of tears *sobs* seeing his lover again, obviously it'd be sadly sweet. okay maybe cause his tired... but lol he smiles so happy when he sees her being cute... when he was tired... :)

Then when he sees Dongmin and YIN on the red carpet (obviously not filming him now), his smile surfaces again. Because of YIN?:)))

When he looks and her... and she looks at him... in the midst of a crowd.... it just amplifies the love. <3

The smile<3 It feels like they are the only ones in their world:)))

JHW looks so tired.... Poor boy!

Some BTS pics... Most shown before.


























Sweet article!

지현우 “열애설? 유인나 너무 튕기는 스타일”

Ji Hyun Woo "Love(rumours)? Yoo Inna is a very warm and welcoming kind of person."

지현우가 열애설에 대해 솔직한 생각을 밝혔다.

Regarding their love, Ji Hyun Woo answered straight-forwardly.

지현우는 5월 7일 서울시 중구 장충동 국립극장에서 기자들과 만나 최근 불거진 열애설에 대해 쿨한 반응을 보였다.

Ji Hyun woo spoke to the reporters on 5 of May. Regarding his reaction to the exploding “love” of theirs, he reacted cooly.

열애설에 대해 지현우는 "좋다. 나는 여태 그런 기사가 난 적이 없다"고 답했다. 이어 "어느 정도는 그런 있다. 홍보로 굵직한거 하나 건들여 놔야 한다"고 솔직히 덧붙여 웃음을 자아냈다.

Regarding it, he said, “It’s quite nice. I never had this kind of reports on me before.” (on scandals and love relationship and all). He frankly stated: “Well, it’s always like that, for effective promotion for the drama.”

지현우는 "그냥 흐뭇하게 바라보고 있다. CJ 입장도 이해가 간다"며 "그 기사를 보셨던 분들이 재미있다는 이야기를 해주시기도 한다. 모든건 흐뭇하게 보면 되지 않나"라고 설명했다.

Ji Hyun Woo also stated: “I feel happy looking at it. And from CJ's perspective, i definitely understand. It is also for fans to be happy over these articles."(Regarding their exploding chemistry on the set).

연인 발전 가능성에 대해 지현우는 "유인나씨가 많이 튕기시는 스타일이라 모르겠다"며 웃었다. 이어 "사실 유인나씨를 보고 있으면 안쓰러운 마음이 든다. 라디오도 같이 하고 있어서 안쓰러워 챙겨주고 싶을 때가 있다"고 말했다.

Regarding the possibility of them being lovers, he replied: “Yoo Inna is the kind of warm welcoming kind of person… so I am not sure.” He smiles and continues:”Actually, when I look at Yoo Inna, my heart kind of feels sorry (like pitiful and all). Because she's hosting the radio show and filming at the same time, I sympathise with her, and I feel like taking care of her.”(Guess he means like cause she feels like such a little girl, he just feels like protecting her!)

한 편 지현우 유인나 주연의 '인현왕후의 남자'는 복위를 위해 시간여행을 하는 조선시대 킹카 선비 지현우(김붕도 역)와 2012년 드라마 ‘新 장희빈’에서 인현왕후 역을 맡은 무명 여배우 유인나(최희진 역)의 시공간을 넘나드는 사랑을 그린 타임슬립(Time-slip) 로맨스물이다.

(The rest is about QIHM and time travelling shows...)



News reports states that she's the spoilt kind(whiny) cute type of girl (not literally spoilt, but whiny cute type, you get what i mean) . The sincere whiny cute her is 100% like Heejin. She would go to the sound technician and directly play with the sound recordings, and play with the PD's hair in the hair salon. She always jokes around during the filming and acts like a little girl, making the atmosphere of the set fun and nice. They say whenever there's overnight shooting, because of YIN, the whole set is always filled with laughter.

More under cut





Cute DM and HJ




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To those who might decide to embark on the-drama-that-shall-not-be-named - you have been warned! crazy.gif Stop watching after EP 20 or so. Actually here are a couple scenes for everyone so just watch these and skip the rest. laugh.gif The best part of that drama was his chemistry and relationship with the little boy so any scenes between them are worth watching. 



@jaejoongstolemyheart - thank you for all the lovely BTS pics and new info! I believe he probably wants to take care of In Na also because it's her first leading lady character in a drama. He's been doing this for a long time (movies & dramas) while she's just beginning. (she's only been in 3) So cute that he wants to help & protect her. tongue.gif Gaaaahhh, I think I've climbed on board the real-life ship train with everyone else! Ahahahaha! 

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can't wait to see THIS scene! Yoo In Na is just breathtakingly beautiful in that dress. I'd never guess they're acting cause they look like a couple having fun :)

*quoted image*

(my edit)

I cant stop looking at this. Sure thiswasn't a real life thing??

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Guest Fibee

Hello everyone!! :D I've been stalking this topic for weeks and finally decided to join you all <3

I really shouldn't be watching dramas in this period since i'm super busy with my studies and i'm graduating from high school next month,but I've been soooo looking forward to QIM that I made an exception x3 And here I am,more addicted than ever,waiting for everyday to be wednesday and thursday ...argh!

I'm so desperate xD

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Well i always thought the phonebooth guy is Boongdo, but since alot of you doubt it...

Here.... might be substantial evidence.

See this white top and pants...

*quoted image*

See that white top and pants...

*quoted image*

So....... it's Boongdo right?:)

Cute Inna<3

*quoted image*

I don't think so.  The collar and lapel of the two blue jackets looks different to me.  Or, it could just be the lighting.

DramaFever were the only ones to do "Shut Up: Flower Boy Band" and "I Need Romance" too  (both tvN dramas)  ViKi didn't do subs for either of those. I'm praying DramaFever gets the license. *quoted image* In the meantime, I'm very thankful for Dark Smurfs! (and wish I could help translate) 

@skelly - he had to be aware of the viewer response to the-drama-that-shall-not-be-named, every single weekend they got blasted on forums. (especially Baidu *quoted image* ) Everyone hated his character! 

Just an FYI -

Viki was not allowed to do subs because Dramafever already had bought the license for those dramas, for North America.

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OK, so I cheated. I looked at the spoilers. :w00t: Looks like they might be going with the "fate" is the "enemy" route with both of their memories being swiped/blurred. It'll be so awesome if Writer Song actually make it so that BD and HJ have free will and are defying fate to be together - that they don't just stop feeling a connection even when history has been properly put in place and there is no need for their future meetings. That would be so kickass!

Chemistry is a word that is used so loosely in K-Drama Land that anytime a good looking couple is on screen, it's automatically "chemistry". However, when BD & HJ lock eyes, I see more than just chemistry! I see their longing for each other, I see how much they've missed each other, and I see ATTRACTION in all aspects! :wub: They can sit there and not say a single word but you know "its" real and something is sizzling and sparkling goin' on!

How true. I'm often flummoxed when I see people gushing over (what I perceived to be) very mediocre or even cringe-worthy collaborations. It's not just about two pretty actors looking nice onscreen, it's about an innate affection and attraction emanating from the actors that surpass a simple role/character. Often, fans can not separate a love for their favorite artists with the actual acting chemistry/portrayal of the character. But our OTP definitely has transcended their characters with their deep and growing affections for each other, especially when they don't have the fanbase of idols or megastars to attest to their chemistry.

So I guess the traffic accident is somewhat spot on but does that take place for her to recollect her memories of KBD or it's when HJ got into a traffic accident and thereafter she forgets KBD ? I'm confused. :/ Am I getting the facts / translations of the episode summaries wrong ?

Another thing I noticed with regards to hints about HJ's link to Queen In Hyun (of which IDK what other way other than ancestral lineage or the sort) is that when she clumsily got into the car that KBD bought for her, he told her that not anyone can be Queen In Hyun. I'd like to think that it's a cryptic message, although I'm not too sure what it could be. Or maybe I'm just speculating too much. I re-watch the episodes so many times just to get every bit of every (*ahem kissing ahem*) action and can't help but to see / spot certain things that happen or the characters say, with every raping of the replay button (lol)

I don't think HJ forgot BD, not when she has already fallen for the guy - her connection to BD is too strong to let go. However, her accident and others around her make her feel as if it was all a dream/surreal. With the talisman destroyed, I believe, it was supposed to sever all ties between BD and HJ. However, because of HJ's deep affections for BD, and BD's growing affections for HJ as well as the impact she has had on his mentality/life, are not making the severance of ties easy. If "fate" is the "enemy" here in trying to restore things in proper order now that "history" is on the right path, then I'd like to think it is HJ and BD's free will that is holding on to their lingering connection through time and space.

Of course, "fate" could be the whiny 13 yr old that JB and GF mentioned at Dramabeans, and say it was all planned from the onset - even their memory loss/blurring - a test to realize their "real" fate together. :sweatingbullets::lol: And I like your theory about HJ's lineage. You could be on to something there. ;)

So happy this drama is getting due recognition. I have faith Writer Song and Director Kim won't disappoint - they haven't before this, so here's to another awesome 8 eps!

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@ jaejoongstolemyheart

Thank you for sharing a fancam and all pics ;)

What I observed from that fancam

  • Hyun Woo is really tall, he's so easily spotted :D
  • Poor baby, he's obviously so tired, he even closed his eyes few times when they weren't filming
  • I think I'm deeply in love with his crooked smile - so charming
  • I don't know how much he's immersed into his character but he surely exudes Boong Do-ish calm charisma
  • Somehow I think cameras don't do him justice - somehow I think he's much more good looking and handsome in person (not that he isn't gorgeous onscreen - but some people are just better looking when you see them in person)

If this is a red carpet scene why isn't he wearing a blazer as he did in other photos?

Also do we really need to differ Boong Do-Hee Jin and Hyun Woo-In Na shippers? Cause I'm pretty sure all of us are already shipping them in real life , hahaha :D

Oh and how I love his response about dating rumours! Usually actors just give a safe answer like "She is very kind and pretty but we are just close friends/she is my little dongsaeng/she is my respected sunbae". But instead of it he answered "She is kind to everyone... so I'm not sure what I should make of it." LOL, it's your turn Yoo In Na to make a second step! Oh and don't you think they DON'T act as noona/dongsaeng costars at all?! She's older than him but he said he wanted to protect her when he was looking at her. What does it say? That he doesn't think of her as noona but as a woman he wants to protect :) So cute!

I don't remember when was the last time a TV couple stirred such numerous dating rumours :)

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