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@99 from memory I think it is still in the palace hidden under the floor boards...@myphim - I have to concur with snowflake10 I want to be pregnant the traditional way as well. Makes having the litter of puppies worthwhile but I don't want to have them all in the one go since that will mean less sword playing - one at a time :) 

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myphim said:
Maja said: Sorry to cut your post I'm still thinking about what will happen to GM and NG... but for CY and ES
               E) No idea.  ES goes back to 2012 recovers from poison... researched thoroughly for the computation of opening of "heaven's door" and found she made a mistake in the calculations because she had no calculator and would only need to wait a year to go back to Goryeo/Daejang ;) [-O< ;))  at least that is what I'm wishing would happen please, chaebal, I beg you
[-O< [-O< [-O< writer-nim make it happen ....


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snowflake10 said: myphim said: I have to agree with @snowflake10 on this issue. No pregnancy just by looking please. Have to be the traditional way or no way! ;)

My goodness! Giving birth to 10 Woodalchi at once! They are really a litter of puppies.
:o3 :o3 :o3 :o3

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awesomeduck said: @99 from memory I think it is still in the palace hidden under the floor boards...@myphim - I have to concur with snowflake10 I want to be pregnant the traditional way as well. Makes having the litter of puppies worthwhile but I don't want to have them all in the one go since that will mean less sword playing - one at a time :) 

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99 said: Ok, refresh my memory. Where is the box with the third item from Hwata? it should be in the palace, right? or did DH take it with him?

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Guest snowflake10

@maja and @awesomeduck: so true, what you said. So we are all for the traditional way I believe. Just too bad there's one and only CY for us. How are we gonna take care of this situation? A timetable? ;)) ;)) ;))
@99: I totally forgot the part when he was put in jail :D. I couldn't care less about him :P. So I think you're right, the box is still in the palace. Hope it's gonna be found somehow, accidentally maybe?

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Bambiina said: I watch when I have nothing better to watch (KDRAMA) .... and I have to admit so far nothing come close to KDRAMA.. not our local drama, not other drama from other country though there are some very good but not up to KD standard - acting wise, plot wise and the "over acting" scene is just too many in other country drama - some on purpose some not so on purpose... (just my opinion don't kill me).

BTW - I am a mother of 3...and I should not be "wasting" my time here and yet.. here I am early in the morning.. typing nonsense.. hehehe So please excuse me if the gif I made seem repetitive (others faster than me..), and I admit.. I err.. sometime didn't do backlog ... so err I didn't read some of the comment... infact sometime I skipped a few pages.. soooooooooooo... I didn't know if some of the cap/scene/gif already posted and discuss.. :P ... 
I am trying my best to do backlogging so I won't double post or talk about same thing over and over again

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@awsomeduck - Thank you.... 
DH hold quite major wild card in this story. I'm so curious to see how all these loose ends ties up together.The end is just around the corner, I will miss this feeling of excitement to see how the writer will take us in the next episode, and the joy of discovering the story at the end of each episode. 
So, I'm holding on writer-nim & pd-nim, I trust you fully, now on with the joyride!!!!!

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snowflake10 said: @maja and @awesomeduck: so true, what you said. So we are all for the traditional way I believe. Just too bad there's one and only CY for us. How are we gonna take care of this situation? A timetable? ;)) ;)) ;))
@99: I totally forgot the part when he was put in jail :D. I couldn't care less about him :P. So I think you're right, the box is still in the palace. Hope it's gonna be found somehow, accidentally maybe?

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awesomeduck said: @99 from memory I think it is still in the palace hidden under the floor boards...@myphim - I have to concur with snowflake10 I want to be pregnant the traditional way as well. Makes having the litter of puppies worthwhile but I don't want to have them all in the one go since that will mean less sword playing - one at a time :) 

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@maja, @snowflake10, @99, @myphim I'm flexible - just give me one day of the week hahaha :) @sia3 - I've never been to Korea and I doubt I will see any stars even if I did go - I just want to go to see what its like that's all.Plus I'm lazy like CY so I will never stalk these stars lol if he happens to film in a location I can get to easily then I'm there but if not I'll leave it to luck hehehe

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looking forward for these drama's ending... :)

seeing these thread's growth I am so happy to see that many are in LOVE watching FAITH! :)

I miss myself spazzing here but due to busyness I can only watch Faith episodes every weekends and can't come here like before...!
I miss the galz here having the PERVERTED FAITH MOMENTS.. :x

anyway, ANNYEONG to all!  >:D<

QUESTION : Anyone here will be coming at my country Phils. to see LMH??? This coming Nov. 16, 2012???

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Guest snowflake10

sia3 said:
@awesomeduck @snowflake10
They might come for holidays or for work, however this requires stalking in order to know their exact location and schedule which I am no good in I must admit...but travelling to Seoul is another plan! :) Every time I travel and transit in Changi airport, I always look out for some possible stars passing by because Changi airport is considered one of the major airport for transit. But...no luck :(

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sia3 said: myphim said: I do love puppies and I have two right now, Daeman and Deok-man. :x :x :x
But, to have 10 Woodalchi puppies at the same time, I don't think I have enough internal energy to handle them all.  :-O :-O :-< :-<

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I'm a terrible stalker too. I love myself too much to make sacrifices for any stars. Money comes first and I want it spent worthwhile so I can't do what a true fan can do i.e. drop their normal life and fly overseas for some star events just to see them. But, if we were to go sight-seeing in Korea and there happen to be an event, then yes, I'd love to go as long as I have companions that share the same interest as I am eg. you guys. Yeaps, not knowing Korean is a big problem. I can survive in Japan coz I can read their Kanji but I know no one Korean alphabet! @_@" But can't Korean converse a little English???

I heard Korea is shopping heaven for branded stuff. Sad though...I'm not into brands. LOL!
So it gotta be something else that will lure me over there, perhaps Lee Min Ho and Kim Hyung Joong :P

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