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Hyun Bin 현빈 [Movies: “The Point Men”, “Confidential Assignment 2” | Upcoming: Movie “Harbin”]


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^ haha Ann dear, we can always count on u keeping up with the HOTNESS on this thread... Greentea dear....binnie is sure more grown in SQ ep2!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t:

we need to tame it down a tad huh?! :blush:


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A long poetic continuation of Snow Queen, ep 2 from a very gifted writer. Enjoy :)

Annyeong everybody!! :)

Thanks for the compliments doggie and my dears...but you are too kind. I didnt do justice to the drama...just cutting and pasting the lines. Hope you will enjoy it heaps more with subs!

My take on episode 2, plz correct my mistakes.

Snow Queen Episode 2 (spoiler alert !!) :ph34r:

Lee Seung Ri has always admired Han Deuk Gu...in her eyes he is a brilliant boxer like Kim Deuk Gu...he has a bottled up explosiveness yet he seldom talked, rarely laughed but he can never hurt a soul, not even in training. Today, she's complainin to her dad, the owner, not givin him the chance in the upcoming championship.

He was sucking up his beating now...after his explosive hits, he could only retreat and withdraw..he doesnt have the heart to win.

'You are thinking too much... you need to focus on winning..the previous hits were brilliant!' Owner Lee Dong Sul encouraged him before DG left to visit his friend Chung Shik at the hospital...DG couldnt shake off how tragic winning could be.

...A commotion was going on at the hospital front desk as DG was meetin up with the dischargin Chung Shik..A young woman was screaming...she's fed up with everything...nth's improved over the 15 years. She exploded, shattering the glass..she would really kill herself she yelled.

DG instinctively grabbed her wrist.. stoicly he apologized to her for stopping her act...but he gave her back the piece of shattered glass smirking her to continue on, this time...he told her to finish what she's started..cutting the deadly arteries around her face.

Bora never wanted to kill herself then..she need to incessantly torture her dad for the pain, the lies and the losts he put her through....but she's so weary now..how can a stranger look thro her like glass?!

Sun Ja has been the housekeeper for the Kim's mansion since Bora was a girl. Her daughter Deuk Nam worked with her too. She knew Bora was miserable without her mother and brother under her spoilt and rude disguise.

Her room was gloomly lit by the lights over her glass sink..Bora was trying hard scrubing off his touch..maybe its warmth is stifling for her...he seems familiar..his touch rang a deja vu.

CS was mindlessly joking around after his discharge..he had dreams too if not for his mom...he would not give up boxing, winning the championship for Teacher Dong Sul..his heart was with them he proclaimed.

DG doesnt know about matters of the heart anymore... He knew his teacher will know he saved the girl coz he could not face death anymore.

Dong Suk knew DG, in his heart he's wretching for this lonely, weary soul. He named him after Kim Deuk Gu, catching sparkles of his greatness in him. He knew he once shone bright and should go back to his studies, to college and his life..as TW.

DG could not go back as TW...Jk should still be living, smiling somewhere in the world without a care. His guilt can only be numbed if he lives as DG...leavin TW behind with JK. they were best friends then.

Bora's dad Kim Jang Su was drained...Bora has always been difficult. He knew her tantrums are acts for attention..for love..but he cant gave her back the warmth of the motherly, brotherly love that she most wanted.

He arranged for Bora to meet up young rising doctor Seo Gun Woo. Bora didnt waste a minute being shrewd and rude. Her prognosis was to live till 20 with her illness MG causing muscle weakness and droopy eyes..but her chilly tenacity has pulled her thro her twenty two years. Her dad was in the mafia, his money might as well be dirt...they can never be happy together... Her happiness has long gone she knew.

Gun Woo was amused, he's interested in provin her wrong.

DG gave his wages to CS, this is the least he can do for his best friend now.

CS sneaked it back to him. DG on his return to the CS' shoe department saw him being kicked to the ground by a brat of a woman...she was the girl at the hospital.

Bora cant bear the touch..nobody should touch her anymore.... cant bare the inevitable cold after the warmth's gone. TW grabbed her again, the same stern touch over her wrist..She slinged him into a counter shatterin the glass..TW could not help fr picking up the jagged glass.

CS was fired..DG could not let his friend being hurt...he need to mend what he's broken.

Bora was grounded..when she slyly got her way thro the guards she bumped into DG at her gate. She grabbed TW this time, forcing him to drive for her. DG was mad with her bossing him around but he agreed to it if she would let CS had his job back with her call... she could care less, but she fakely nodded.

A rich jerk insulted Bora at he club. DG saved her fr the bully once again. He promised her he'll be her driver, they havent finished their talk..

DG was about to take her back home to talk to her dad about CS' job when they were stopped by a roadblock. Bora's dad had reported his car stolen. Refusing to bail them out they were locked in a holding cell for the nite.

DG asked Bora if she felt sorry for their demise. Bora put on her rude guise...how come she bumped into him all the time?! Why is he following her, protectin her... saving her..askin her y she's goin to parties she hates...hurting herself when she didnt meant to..

TW wondered...he can see her pain...he's been thro her loneliness, sadness and weariness b4...still does..Bora was shocked she let him glimpse into her fragility..she tried to shrug it off as an act.

But DG saw thro her like clear glass...she's a lost soul in danger..danger of losing hope for happiness ever returning..he's a hurt soul too but he has not given up the hope of happiness..of JK living on in him..he told her she wont find it hiding under her icy shell.. be honest and face her pain with someone, someone close to her heart...it's the only way to ease it.

Bora was shaken to her core..she asked DG to take her to a place dearest to her heart.

Its the brim of dawn, the start of a new day. On a remote rocky cliff by the sea, thro a desolate footbridge, Bora needed to be alone. DG, watchin her trekkin up the cliff, was unsettled..he had the urge to stay by her side...

Bora was swelled by pain when she's at the grave on the cliff. She thought she has frozen this pain in the depths of her heart..by leavin it behind here. This person left her behind alone. Her heart is swelled with pain and loneliness. she's weary and consumed. 'Dont feel guilty, ok?' she comforted the departed.

'Lilies of the valley, it's all around your mom's grave..' He saw the pained little girl inside this icy princess..'eventually happiness will return...' this was what he's hanging his thread of hope on...what the flowers symbolized..He had to keep the hope alive..JK was alive in it.

A single tear fell down her delicate face. She could feel its warmth... Mom? return? happiness will return? this spark of hope melted her frozen tears. She knew she'll be forever grateful to this kind stranger.

Dad was furious. He worried all nite and she came back with a haggard scum. Nobody was to get close to her, her fragility could bear no hurt anymore. He could scare him off with money...

DG pitited him, a child longing for mom...what is simplier than that?...yet he is clueless what his daughter has bottled in. He just took her to her mom's grave, the only thing he could do, nth more... for her, for her mom...for himself.

DG left the mansion in heavy drained strides. Mom..his dearest...yet she's all too distant now. Noodle stalls were still all over the streets...any of the warm bodies behind the stoves could be his lost warmth...he's been lookin at those faces behind the stall for a long time now.. The familiar noodles still tasted the same, or does it?

The corrosive battering was on again sending a chill thro Bora. Her dad lied, the woman was alive and well, only the mom in Bora's heart was died. She felt her brother's warmth again fr that spark. She wanted to cling on that hope of him being alive too, returning her warm happiness. What is wrong in keepin him alive in her longing? Dad killed her brother too, how dare he snuff out that spark of hope?

Bora's dad decided to send her away, the spite btn them is too much for his brittle daughter to bear.

Bora left the house shattering, she was the little girl again she felt. She need to shake off this icy doom. she remembered...the chill can only be gone ...goin to Lapland with her mom.

The hopeless bleak is suffocating her once more.. that contented woman with her children could not recognize her at first. Bora felt that her blazing hatred for this woman is even fueling her happiness now. Her mom was forever gone, buried in a far away land...Lapland.

It was another crisp nice day. the glass snowflakes by her windowsill were glistening. She found the lilies of the valley in her coat while she's packing for her final trip. The flowers were wilting but she will be forever grateful.

His name is Han Duek Gu, what a dated name. she wanted to say sorry to him, for her dad she can pretend...not for her giving up hope...she's turned away fr the return to happiness to a far away place...Lapland maybe, might as well with the deadening bleakness she's in.

Bora wanted to hear his kind endearing words once more.. to shatter that false hope. 'Eventually happiness will return...' How much she wanted to believe.

'sorry...' '...to a place far far away..' DG is haunted by JK again tonite, he woke up in his familiar nightmare....another sleepless nite...his pitiful plea of Jk's return.

Bora is staring out her glassy palace this nite. The snowflakes are sparkling under the dim light..prettiest...so delicate..most fragile..

She left a tender goodbye with the servants, as if it's her final. She's decided to left the dwindlin warmth of her heart behind with her dad. The only words still there in her heart are those fr that kind clear soul..she wanted to pass it on her dad...she loved him..deep in her heart she wanted him to return to his happiness.

DG found out Bora's disappearance before her flight. Images of Bora hauntingly flashed back.'sorry....sorry Tw...sorry'....'sorry...sorry DG...sorry...' they pleaded to him.

Bora can no longer wait for the return of happiness..she yearns for it now..maybe she can find it where her brother is, maybe he's happy there..she had to be with him...that's the only hope of happiness ever returning to her.

TW could not let her go..she reminded him of JK..he could not lose hope, she could not gave up hope too..he's saw himself in her...she's his hope this instant..' dont die...dont die..' he held onto her desperately at the edge of the desolate cliff.

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Guest Greentea

Can someone help to translate these 2 article? TIA :)

김선아·다니엘 헤니, 현빈 촬영장 방문 '우정과시'


MBC 인기드라마 '내 이름은 김삼순'의 김선아 정려원 다니엘 헤니가 현빈이 출연중인 KBS '눈의 여왕' 촬영장을 깜짝 방문 우정을 과시했다.

'눈의 여왕' 제작진의 한 관계자는 지난 19일 오후 '눈의 여왕' 촬영이 진행되던 서울 신촌의 한 포장마차에 김선아 정려원 다니엘 헤니가 직접 방문해 '현빈 파이팅'을 외쳤다고 밝혔다.

이들은 바로 '내 이름은 김삼순'에서 현빈과 열연을 펼쳤던 인연을 바탕으로 촬영 현장을 깜짝 방문한 것. '삼순이팀'의 각별한 우정과 의리에 '눈의 여왕' 스태프들은 놀라움을 감추지 못했다는 후문이다.

현빈은 동료들의 방문에 대해 "워낙 분위기가 좋았던 '내 이름은 김삼순' 팀의 동료들이 현장을 찾아주니 더욱 힘이 난다"며 "'눈의 여왕' 역시 촬영이 끝난 뒤에서 이같은 우정을 나눌 수 있는 팀이 될 거라 믿는다. 꼭 그렇게 만들 것이다"고 밝혔다.

한편 '눈의 여왕'은 한 때 천재였지만 고등학교를 중퇴하고 복싱체육관 스파링 파트너로 살아가고 있는 천재 복서 한태웅(현빈 분)과 난치병을 앓고 있는 부잣집 딸 김보라(성유리 분)와의 운명적인 사랑이야기를 그린 드라마.

현빈은 이번 드라마에서 그동안 보여졌던 깔끔하고 꽃미남 이미지를 탈피, 거칠고 강한 남자의 모습을 선보이며 시청자들의 호평을 받고 있다.

source: http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shel...;newssetid=1352

'삼순이' 식구들, '삼식이' 응원 나서다

내 이름은 김삼순’의 김선아, 정려원, 다니엘 헤니가 ‘눈의 여왕’ 촬영장을 깜짝 방문, “현빈 파이팅”을 외쳤다.20일 ‘눈의 여왕’ 제작진에 따르면 19일 저녁 ‘눈의 여왕’ 촬영이 한창인 신촌의 한 포장마차에서 극중 태웅(현빈)의 어머니로 나오는 고두심과 현빈이 한창 연기에 몰입하고 있는데 갑자기 촬영장 한 켠이 술렁이기 시작했다.‘내 이름은 김삼순’에서 현빈과 함께 열연을 펼쳤던, 김선아, 정려원, 다니엘 헤니가 ‘눈의 여왕’ 촬영 현장을 깜짝 방문한 것. ‘삼순이팀’의 특별한 우정에 현장 스텝들의 놀라움과 반가움은 더욱 컸다.

요즘 한창 바빠지기 시작한 김선아, 정려원, 다니엘 헤니 세 사람은 한가하지 않은 일요일 오후 의기투합, ‘삼식이’ 현빈을 응원 방문키로 결정했다고 한다. 이들에 이어 ‘내 이름은 김삼순’ 스텝진까지 촬영장을 방문, 오랜만에 모인 ‘삼순이팀’의 인사와 격려가 이어졌다.

옛 동지들의 방문에 대해 현빈은 “워낙 분위기가 좋았던 ‘내 이름은 김삼순’ 멤버들이 현장을 찾아주니 더욱 힘이 난다”면서 “‘눈의 여왕’ 역시 촬영이 끝난 뒤에도 이렇게 우정을 나눌 수 있는 팀이 될 것으로 믿는다”고 말했다.


From what i translated from online translator. SUNA, Daniel and ryu won went to visit bin at SQ fliming location on Nov 19 :P:P Pls correct me if i'm wrong.. :tears:

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Guest rakista29

mookie ssi, i really love the way you write.. thanks for the spoiler...

and to everyone...the binnie goodies!!!

greentea ssi, that sexy back of binnie.. :w00t::w00t::w00t:

shout outs to all!!!

From what i translated from online translator. SUNA, Daniel and ryu won went to visit bin at SQ fliming location on Nov 19 :P:P Pls correct me if i'm wrong.. :tears:

thats a good news... :) im happy that they supported binnie... :) that's so touching..

thanks for the translation greentea ssi..

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Big thank you to Greentea dear for this article!! You are sucha dear!! *hugz*


Pls correct my mistakes! :blush:

KSA, DHenney, JRW are giving binnie an warm encouragement !!

KSA, DH and JRW fr MNIKSS made a special surprise visit to give warm words of encouragement to 'samshik' HB on the set of SQ on the 19th. 'Aja Aja Fighting, HB!!' they shouted.

Ko Doo Shim who's playing TW (HB)'s mom in the drama were shooting at a street food stall in Seoul when the 3 of them made an unannounced visit to the set, showing the close friendships they are sharing.

Not only were the 3 stars there visiting binnie, many fr the production team and the crew showed up too at the set, turning it into a moving gathering of the MNIKSS team.

'I feel like I'm fully charged up coz of the visit fr my friends fr MNIKSS!' HB responded when asked what he felt when his colleagues visited him. 'I wished the SQ crew will be close friends too like the MNIKSS crew after the shooting!' He said hopefully.

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Guest rakista29

Big thank you to Greentea dear for this article!! You are sucha dear!! *hugz*


Pls correct my mistakes! :blush:

KSA, DHenney, JRW are giving binnie an warm encouragement !!

KSA, DH and JRW fr MNIKSS made a special surprise visit to give warm words of encouragement to 'samshik' HB on the set of SQ on the 19th. 'Aja Aja Fighting, HB!!' they shouted.

Ko Doo Shim who's playing TW (HB)'s mom in the drama were shooting at a street food stall in Seoul when the 3 of them made an unannounced visit to the set, showing the close friendships they are sharing.

Not only were the 3 stars there visiting binnie, many fr the production team and the crew showed up too at the set, turning it into a moving gathering of the MNIKSS team.

'I feel like I'm fully charged up coz of the visit fr my friends fr MNIKSS!' HB responded when asked what he felt when his colleagues visited him. 'I wished the SQ crew will be close friends too like the MNIKSS crew after the shooting!' He said hopefully.

many thanks mokie ssi!!!

they really have this bonding...even the MNIKSS crew!!

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Guest kneekey

mookie ssi thanks for posting the article :D

aww..it really shows how close the cast of MNIKSS are, and i think their really close 'cause it seldom happens that the whole cast/crew of the show went to the set to support binnie :wub:

love this sepia pic :D


cr: hb gallery

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