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Hyun Bin 현빈 [Movies: “The Point Men”, “Confidential Assignment 2” | Upcoming: Movie “Harbin”]


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so Greentea ssi, the hobo in black yesterday was really Bin then..


our hottt mophead!


they look awkward here...haha


credit samsoon gallery

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Snow Queen character description: Han Tae Woong (Hyun Bin)


source: http://www.thesnowqueen.co.kr

Thanks Meumeu sis for the pix!! looks like binnie spends most of the day mopping the floor, huh? and Bora seems to not dig the smell there!

Fishrain ssi...hope u dont mind me posting your wonderful work here... :blush: this is chinese translation of meu sis and Ann dear's character description of Tae Woong and Bora! :w00t:



credit hyunbinchina

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HK Appledaily 20061014

Appealing for translation pls~~

061014香港苹果日报 玄彬揽成宥利难忘三珣

三 流 拳 手 未 打 先 认 输

玄 彬 揽 成 宥 利 难 忘 三 珣


韩 国 人 气 男 星 玄 彬 凭 演 出 热 爆 韩 剧 《 我 系 金 三 珣 》 成 功 上 位 後 , 相 隔 一 年 再 返 萤 幕 , 夥 拍 女 星 成 宥 利 演 出 下 月 13 日 播 出 的 新 剧 《 雪 之 女 王 》 。 两 人 完 成 在 新 西 兰 的 外 景 後 , 近 日 已 返 韩 国 继 续 拍 摄 。 昨 日 玄 彬 首 度 以 剧 中 的 沧 桑 拳 手 鬈 发 造 型 出 席 在 忠 南 鸟 致 院 举 行 的 记 者 会 , 大 晒 男 人 味 。

积 极 练 拳 弗

玄 彬 自 韩 剧 《 我 系 金 三 珣 》 上 位 後 , 在 电 影 《 百 万 富 翁 的 初 恋 》 中 同 样 饰 演 有 钱 少 爷 角 色 。 而 今 次 在 《 雪 之 女 王 》 一 剧 中 , 玄 彬 一 改 形 象 , 扮 演 一 名 生 活 潦 倒 、 意 志 消 沉 的 三 流 拳 手 , 为 演 好 角 色 , 他 早 前 接 受 拳 击 训 练 , 积 极 操 弗 自 己 。

在 昨 日 的 记 者 会 上 , 玄 彬 在 剧 中 的 拳 手 造 型 也 首 度 曝 光 , 一 头 凌 乱 曲 发 的 他 清 减 不 少 , 又 留 了 满 面 须 根 , 造 型 入 型 入 格 。 至 於 女 主 角 成 宥 利 , 在 《 雪 》 剧 中 也 摆 脱 以 往 的 可 爱 形 象 , 饰 演 一 个 傲 慢 又 放 荡 的 千 金 小 姐 。 玄 彬 和 成 宥 利 在 剧 中 因 为 身 份 悬 殊 , 因 而 陷 入 一 场 苦 恋 。

《 我 系 金 三 珣 》 去 年 在 韩 国 播 出 时 , 不 但 叫 好 叫 座 , 更 在 当 地 造 成 一 股 热 潮 , 相 隔 一 年 , 玄 彬 再 接 演 新 剧 , 坦 言 压 力 不 少 , 他 更 打 定 输 数 说 : 「 即 使 收 视 不 及 《 金 三 珣 》 , 也 希 望 《 雪 》 剧 能 成 为 一 套 令 人 难 忘 的 剧 集 。 」

credits baidu & Appledaily HK

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HK Appledaily 20061014

Appealing for translation pls~~

Thanks Meu sis for the article fr appledaily hk and her help in translating..I'll try :blush: (I dont know how to translate the locations...mianneh)

The 3rd class Boxer called it quits b4 fighting

HB cant forget Samsoon while holding Bora:

Popular Korean star HB became a big name after the hot drama <MNIKSS>, he will appear on tv screen again after a year long haitus, and will star with Sung Yuri in the new drama <Snow Queen> starting Nov 13th. They had returned to Korea to continue shooting after the filming in NZ. Boxer HB was showing off his new down and weary look and a curly hairstyle at a press conference in 忠 南 鸟 致 院, oozing manliness!

Bin got fit with hard boxing training

HB starred as a rich young snob in MFL after MNIKSS. This time in SQ, he'll do a total 180 and portray a very down and making-ends-meet 3rd rate boxer. He started training a while ago to get himself into top shape for the role.

This is the first appearance of HB in his boxer look at the press conference yesterday, with a head of toussled curly hair, Bin has lost a lot of weight and he's growing out stubbles, transforming himself totally into boxer Tae Woong. As for the female lead Sung Yuri, she will also undergo a departure from her cute and innocent image. In SQ, she'll protray a wild and snobbish rich girl. SYR and HB will be tangled in a sad love story due to their difference in social status.

MNIKSS thundered Korea by storm last year during its broadcast, not only did it sweep the ratings, it became a phenom. HB taking up this drama after a yr is under a lot of pressure, he even said that 'Even though the ratings cant be as high as <MNIKSS> , I hope people will still find SQ memorable.'

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Guest Greentea

Thanks Meu sis for the article fr appledaily hk and her help in translating..I'll try :blush: (I dont know how to translate the locations...mianneh)

The 3rd class Boxer called it quits b4 fighting

HB cant forget Samsoon while holding Bora:

:lol::lol: Exactly hw i feel when i saw the pics yesterday..plus holding yiy..bin like a wood :lol:

annyeong meu & ann , i'm at airport nw :P

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Greentea dear~!! Hope you'll have a nice trip. You'll see lots of Binnie pix when you come back. :lol: Take care and keep thinking about Binnie~! :wub:

Thanks meu sifu and mookie dear for the Chinese article and translation~!!! :wub:

Poor Binnie must be really stressed about carrying his role well for Snow Queen. Aja Aja~!!

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Wow Greentea ssi u must be the most loyal fan here in the thread! Dun worry dearie, this thread is in the good hands of the threadmistress, Big sister, Donna and mookie, just to name a few :D

Have a wonderful trip ya! ;)

Thanks mook dearie for ur great translation! :)

Poor Binnie... Pressure's all his to top the success of MNIKSS, almost a mission impossible in view of tough competitors like Jumong. But let's not despair, I'm sure it's gonna be yet another memorable performance from him...

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Greentea ssi, welcome to Bkk and take good care cause it's raining now here. :D

Guys, really don't want to disturb your mood of boxer-Bin but I just miss his neat look. Hope you guys don't mind me posting only one pic of Gook here :tears: before I go out in the rain of Bkk :o .



Credit : HB Gallery

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Snow Queen pics


source: hyunbin gallery

Dearies, is it just me?!....Bin's hair looks like Chung Er's (Lee Na Young) in Ireland in this pic!! :crazy:

ok I should prob go to bed and call it a nite...

I guess the Korean trend is to just test how heavenly gorgeous their namjas ar putting them in as feminine a hairstyle as humanly possible!! :blink:

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