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Choi Ji Woo 최지우

Guest Azura

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Lots of eye candy, but no focus


By Chang May Choon

October 31, 2006

I WAS initially partial to Rondo because it stars my all-time favourite Japanese actor, Yutaka Takenouchi.


But this mish-mash of Infernal Affairs-inspired mafia-cop action and Korean-style melodrama needs a lot more than just swooning at his chiselled face.

Confusion and boredom looms, given the sheer number of plot twists that culminate in a face-off between the two leads played by Yutaka (Beach Boys) and Korea's Choi Ji Woo (Winter Sonata).

Some may consider that refreshing, but personally, I like my drama serials simple and straightforward.

But here we get a confusing combination of action, suspense, family drama and romance all rolled into one serial.

It's as if the scriptwriters cannot decide what to focus on, so they offer an all-inclusive buffet instead.

Although it sounded promising initially, they served the dishes so slowly that they ended up killing my appetite.

It all begins with a little boy, Sho, witnessing his father dying in a fire.

To investigate the death, he becomes a police mole when he grows up and infiltrates a yakuza (Japanese mafia gang).

One day, he meets Yuna (Ji Woo), a Korean cook who has come to Tokyo with her sick younger sister to find their missing father.

The couple fall in love despite initial misunderstandings, and it's cute to see them gesticulating to overcome their language barrier.

But things get complicated when a Korean gangster boss (Shin Hyun Jun) also gets drawn to Yuna and starts creating trouble at her small restaurant.

Initially indignant, Yuna gets a shock when she finds out who else hails from the same mafia clan.

But the biggest and most absurd (some critics may call it ridiculous) twist awaits Sho.

I won't divulge it here.

To be fair, the cast is well chosen with enough eye candy thrown in, and they play their roles well.

But next to the discreetly polite and sleekly-dressed Japanese, the rough-talking Koreans just don't seem so appealing anymore.

Especially when there is lanky heart-throb Hayami Mokomichi, who shines as the defiant yakuza heir, and the perennially suave Yutaka, of course.

Taken from The Electric New Paper, Singapore

Thanks Yasmin for posting this article with comments made on Rondo.

From my point of view, I think the writer has not fully gone through an in-depth understanding of the story plot (you may need another round to satisfy your curiosity) as was obviously revealed in her writing. Well, as a die-hard fan of Rondo, I would like to shed some lights on the comments made by the writer.

By profession, Yuna is not a cook but an expert computer programmer/hacker. Upon settling down in Japan (with the help of an acquaintance), she managed to get a job as a violinist in a pub but when she got cheated with her pay, she decided to open a restaurant. One of the major reasons why both sisters ventured into setting up a Korean restaurant is that they had hoped to attract a food critic to get them to appear on TV or magazine. In their desperation, they believe this kind of publicity from the media may help them to gain access in search of their missing father. patpat.gif

The writer’s claim that Sho’s father died in a fire is a bit misleading. Kanayama died while trying to save the Sakura’s family from an explosion. He was killed by one of the members of Shin-Ku (the identity of the killer will be revealed at a later part of the story) . A bomb explosion had caused the fire ……..

On the contrary, I find the scriptwriter crafted all the characters very well and in fact, by the end of the story, the writer revealed all the consequences of each of the main characters. I do agree that everything was thrown in pretty fast and despite having many characters, each of them played out their roles superbly to “tell the story” (even minor roles). I had always harbored the hope that the story could have been extended to 15 episodes (spicing up the lovers relationship). mecry.gif

I wasn’t at all distracted while indulging in the storyline…my expressions while watching ---> police investigation scenes --- most of the time curiosity sets in watching “mole” discovery, frowning in frustration like playing a jigsaw puzzle (breaking codes to enter the Shin-ku’s computer system), yakuza’s operation stirred me to react as if I want to be part of Sho’s team to crack them down and the lovey-dovey scenes of Yuna and Takumi tucked at my heart-string (wish it was a longer scene) hug.gif coz it is a much-needed scenes to mellow us down after watching those heart-beating scenes ala cliffhangers. All these actions and intriguing plots, make this drama so appealing, interesting and there is not a moment of “draggy” scene and the moment you leave your focus….you are lost. icon_nut.gif

I wonder why the writer refers K-actors as “rough-talking Koreans”. headscratch.gif If she meant Shin Hyun-Joon’s role character as the in-cognito “Korean Mafia”, I can understand but to generalize the K-cast, it is unjustifiable. To me, Yuna and Yuni are both soft-spoken ladies and I did not find them speaking “roughly or loudly”. There’s only one possible scene where Yuna screamed at KYJ…..(that scene is justified because she was furious when Shin-Ku (remember she witnessed a similar scene when she was young - a cruel reminder) barged into the “soon-to-be-officially-open” shop to threaten her and messed up the entire deco. In protest, she had to be brave…and to protect her sickly sister too.

Well, to be honest, (my personal views) Korean way of speaking is not as “refined” as the Japanese (my apology if I had offended anyone) victory.gif and of course, if you put them together, comparison is inevitable. Just like when you compare two Chinese people conversing in Mandarin and Cantonese. To be fair as we all know from our STH experience, SHJ has given us an impression that he speaks in a much “heavier” tone and coupled with his toughie/baddie look, he appeared rough when he yelled. As I’ve been watching many K-dramas, I noticed not “all Koreans” are rough-talking. good.gif

I don’t think Kim Young-Jae is a “gangster boss” and I believe he was only a representative of one of the Korean Mafia Gangs and we all discovered later that he shared same role/identity as Sho. He has reasons to create trouble at Yuna’s restaurant and when he revealed his real identity, I believe you can piece up the puzzle. doh.gif

Despite the lukewarm responses from the writer, I sincerely hope she will re-watch the drama to discover all the related “uncomplicated” links of the characters and its story. Perhaps by her own admission, she prefers simple and straightforward storyline and looks like Rondo is not her cup of tea. Sadly, the writer and some other viewers, found Rondo unappealing, too complicated and confusing. In my opinion, you’ll give a different verdict if you can just spare your time and patience…….you’ll probably change your mind and appreciate it when you discover RONDO as an interesting and appealing story and nothing like the usual “Korean melodrama” scenes as how the writer commented and the plot is not complicated as it seemed. icon_wink.gif It is definitely a worthy-time-money-investment!! icon_applaud.gifglomp.gif


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Guest apple red

ahhhh always love your deep thinking Fel..but what can you expected from some criticus who just manage to watch a movie / drama by a skip.

no news on her new project ??

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Guest Beary Bear

Thanks Yasmin for posting this article with comments made on Rondo.

From my point of view, I think the writer has not fully gone through an in-depth understanding of the story plot (you may need another round to satisfy your curiosity) as was obviously revealed in her writing. Well, as a die-hard fan of Rondo, I would like to shed some lights on the comments made by the writer.

By profession, Yuna is not a cook but an expert computer programmer/hacker. Upon settling down in Japan (with the help of an acquaintance), she managed to get a job as a violinist in a pub but when she got cheated with her pay, she decided to open a restaurant. One of the major reasons why both sisters ventured into setting up a Korean restaurant is that they had hoped to attract a food critic to get them to appear on TV or magazine. In their desperation, they believe this kind of publicity from the media may help them to gain access in search of their missing father. patpat.gif

The writer’s claim that Sho’s father died in a fire is a bit misleading. Kanayama died while trying to save the Sakura’s family from an explosion. He was killed by one of the members of Shin-Ku (the identity of the killer will be revealed at a later part of the story) . A bomb explosion had caused the fire ……..

On the contrary, I find the scriptwriter crafted all the characters very well and in fact, by the end of the story, the writer revealed all the consequences of each of the main characters. I do agree that everything was thrown in pretty fast and despite having many characters, each of them played out their roles superbly to “tell the story” (even minor roles). I had always harbored the hope that the story could have been extended to 15 episodes (spicing up the lovers relationship). mecry.gif

I wasn’t at all distracted while indulging in the storyline…my expressions while watching ---> police investigation scenes --- most of the time curiosity sets in watching “mole” discovery, frowning in frustration like playing a jigsaw puzzle (breaking codes to enter the Shin-ku’s computer system), yakuza’s operation stirred me to react as if I want to be part of Sho’s team to crack them down and the lovey-dovey scenes of Yuna and Takumi tucked at my heart-string (wish it was a longer scene) hug.gif coz it is a much-needed scenes to mellow us down after watching those heart-beating scenes ala cliffhangers. All these actions and intriguing plots, make this drama so appealing, interesting and there is not a moment of “draggy” scene and the moment you leave your focus….you are lost. icon_nut.gif

I wonder why the writer refers K-actors as “rough-talking Koreans”. headscratch.gif If she meant Shin Hyun-Joon’s role character as the in-cognito “Korean Mafia”, I can understand but to generalize the K-cast, it is unjustifiable. To me, Yuna and Yuni are both soft-spoken ladies and I did not find them speaking “roughly or loudly”. There’s only one possible scene where Yuna screamed at KYJ…..(that scene is justified because she was furious when Shin-Ku (remember she witnessed a similar scene when she was young - a cruel reminder) barged into the “soon-to-be-officially-open” shop to threaten her and messed up the entire deco. In protest, she had to be brave…and to protect her sickly sister too.

Well, to be honest, (my personal views) Korean way of speaking is not as “refined” as the Japanese (my apology if I had offended anyone) victory.gif and of course, if you put them together, comparison is inevitable. Just like when you compare two Chinese people conversing in Mandarin and Cantonese. To be fair as we all know from our STH experience, SHJ has given us an impression that he speaks in a much “heavier” tone and coupled with his toughie/baddie look, he appeared rough when he yelled. As I’ve been watching many K-dramas, I noticed not “all Koreans” are rough-talking. good.gif

I don’t think Kim Young-Jae is a “gangster boss” and I believe he was only a representative of one of the Korean Mafia Gangs and we all discovered later that he shared same role/identity as Sho. He has reasons to create trouble at Yuna’s restaurant and when he revealed his real identity, I believe you can piece up the puzzle. doh.gif

Despite the lukewarm responses from the writer, I sincerely hope she will re-watch the drama to discover all the related “uncomplicated” links of the characters and its story. Perhaps by her own admission, she prefers simple and straightforward storyline and looks like Rondo is not her cup of tea. Sadly, the writer and some other viewers, found Rondo unappealing, too complicated and confusing. In my opinion, you’ll give a different verdict if you can just spare your time and patience…….you’ll probably change your mind and appreciate it when you discover RONDO as an interesting and appealing story and nothing like the usual “Korean melodrama” scenes as how the writer commented and the plot is not complicated as it seemed. icon_wink.gif It is definitely a worthy-time-money-investment!! icon_applaud.gifglomp.gif

Great job on the clarification, Felicia. And thanks to Yasmin for relaying the review here.

Let me just shed some light on the nature of this print publication in Singapore. The New Paper, in my opinion, since day one had never set itself to be on par with the lengthy editorial style of more reputed, current affairs-centered newspapers.

The New Paper is more of what I call "an afternoon delight", where it relies a lot on reporting sensational, social issues. The paper primarily targets the yuppies and lunch time crowds. So you can imagine, it's very light reading.

However, on several occasions, I have been appalled at spotting grammatical errors in this publication, much less information loop-holes/mistakes. Sure gives you some sense on its editorial proof-reading at times. Just yesterday, the front page headline read "........SENTS...." (uurrrggghhh!!) :blink:

I'm not implying that we should disregard the reviewer's comments on Rondo, she is after all entitled to her opinions, irrespectiveof the inaccurate pieces of information we can spot. I'd just wished - with that little extra effort or attention, those mis-interpretation/mis-informed bits of the Rondo plot could have been avoided

And frankly speaking, I only know of a handful of colleagues who really do watch the entire program/drama/movie before they share their reviews via the different media outlets. Most, I would have to admit, rely on the press releases/synopsis sent by the production/distribution companies and the promotional tapes. :D:lol::D (guess most of you would have known the "open secret")

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BB, your timely response is greatly appreciated. I was silently praying you would reply my post since you are one of the most qualified professionals to comment on the publication. Gamsahamnida chingu…. :D

Personally, I do get influenced by the movie/drama critic comment and bearing this in mind, a critic who gives true facts and unbiased justification in his or her reviews will earn respect from readers. Sometimes I wonder how they manage to conclude their comment if they have not watched the entire movie or drama to understand the storyline, acting and other facts that contribute to the success/failure of a movie/drama. Watching or understanding a gist of the story lack substance to report and needless to say, they won’t be able to reach a fair comment. I hope they are not submitting a “fast-comment article” to meet datelines. Whatever is published will somehow affect or influence the readers. :tears:

It does not matter whether the comment or rating is good / average or not recommended but it should be written justifiably and the writer should have experienced to comment. Some writers do not even know how to spell an actor or actress name (don’t they engaged a proof-reader??). :rolleyes:

Perhaps, you are right, BB. Normally, these writers rely on very basic resources to start their own writing or judgment. Often than not, I normally don’t agree with some of their comments made. Well, I do accept the fact that everyone is entitled to form their own opinion or judgment but I just wished these reviewers whom I believe are reputable movie/drama critics (aren't they?), to play a more serious role and adopt a professional approach in their writing. The readers deserve to read true and unbiased report.

Even though, The New Paper is not widely read by all, they should not operate like an unscrupulous publisher. ;) It reflected how badly the image of this paper …..making obvious errors ….such a slip-shod reporting. :vicx:

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Repost from bhjwlove.com

Thanks to Tammy

Sorry, the original Dior pics were deleted from the source and I didn't manage to upload them. A wallie to replace them. :P


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Brief translation based on the report posted by CJWFC Board Admin shadow

Reposted by rikyshiu at Beloved Jiwoo Board


I can’t contain my patience any more, waiting for news of Jiwoo since her break from work, and just like she's disappeared into thin air. Finally using very broken Korean, I asked about the whereabouts of our princess.

Firstly, Jiwoo’s management agency said that she would not be taking part in the Hanryu Expo. Her new work would be postponed until early next year. The original plan was that it would be announced next month (December). But the expected drama storyline was found to be lacking in the developing stage. Jiwoo is worried that there would not be enough time to start filming.

So she is thinking of choosing new scripts. Because of this, the planning for drama is delayed.

From start shooting to broadcasting, it might take 2 months time.

Jiwoo herself also wished to get the scripts as soon as possible, so that she can start filming.

That’s my report. Thank you.


We all hope that Jiwoo’s work can be carried out soon.

I will report again if there’s any updates.

CJWFC board admin shadow.


Thanks a lot to shadow for making the report. Any news of Jiwoo would be much appreciated by all of us. :P:lol:

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Guest dramalover

Thanks Hyc for the updated news...Will just have to be patience and hopefully

a better story will come along for her..Cheers.. :D

I have not seen JiWoo drive a car in any of her drama..Guess which drama

this capture came from...


extracted from starjiwoo

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It is from 101 right ?....I did remember seen her drive in this serie. This hairstyle and the chinese character reflect in the mirror...it's gonna be from 101 proposol.Correct me if I'm wrong.

I'll be patient wait for her new drama ..really hope begining of 2007. So now is re-run all her past works. For me now...I can't count how many times I watch her DVD travel in diary...may be 4-5 in few days ( ha ha ) I love the music that come along....great choosing !!!!

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Guest dramalover

It is from 101 right ?....I did remember seen her drive in this serie. This hairstyle and the chinese character reflect in the mirror...it's gonna be from 101 proposol.Correct me if I'm wrong.

I'll be patient wait for her new drama ..really hope begining of 2007. So now is re-run all her past works. For me now...I can't count how many times I watch her DVD travel in diary...may be 4-5 in few days ( ha ha ) I love the music that come along....great choosing !!!!

41201yi8.gifto 7875.

You are absolutely correct.. :D

I've seen her DVD travel diary so many times when Viktoria lent me for a month..It's worth every

penny you spent..I love when she was dancing wearing the beautiful strapless multicolor dress..She had so much fun in Africa with the children..In Venice,Italy...she looks stunning and gorgeous ridng the gondola.


extracted from starjiwoo

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I've seen her DVD travel diary so many times when Viktoria lent me for a month..It's worth every

penny you spent..I love when she was dancing wearing the beautiful strapless multicolor dress..She had so much fun in Africa with the children..In Venice,Italy...she looks stunning and gorgeous ridng the gondola.

Hi dramalover.....I wud like to ask....your DVD also have Jiwoo in Venice ( Riding Gondola ) ? coz mine version no have....i think it only in Rome but this pix riding gondola have in her pix album " If " ....pls advise , many tks.... :D

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Guest adorrable


credit: jiwoolove


credit: Liz

I see my artwork! I lost that file of mine and I didn't think I would see it again! :D Thanks babe for posting it up!

I am baacckk! YAY! (okay, not really officially but I have sometime now before my last paper) I hate missing in action for a quite a while. Now I know nothing about what you guys are talking about ):




p/s: I will be back with an artwork of Ji Woo onnie okay? :P

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Guest dramalover

Hi dramalover.....I wud like to ask....your DVD also have Jiwoo in Venice ( Riding Gondola ) ? coz mine version no have....i think it only in Rome but this pix riding gondola have in her pix album " If " ....pls advise , many tks.... :D

Hello 7875...sorry if my post misled you to believed that the gondola riding is included in VOD..That was

only in IF album ..Cheers.. :D

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no offense to Choi Ji WOO fans but I thought her nose looks really weird !!!!!

And no offense to you too ...... since that you had posted a similar question by someone at Rondo's thread, I am just re-posting a reply from our dear friend, f18 who has this to say.....

"strange that you seem to zero in into her nose, I really did not see 3 nostrils, I thought a nose is a nose is a nose! Compared to her school girl photo, I thought she looks the same"


Credit to f18 for the picture

Brief translation based on the report posted by CJWFC Board Admin shadow

Reposted by rikyshiu at Beloved Jiwoo Board


I can’t contain my patience any more, waiting for news of Jiwoo since her break from work, and just like she's disappeared into thin air. Finally using very broken Korean, I asked about the whereabouts of our princess.

Firstly, Jiwoo’s management agency said that she would not be taking part in the Hanryu Expo. Her new work would be postponed until early next year. The original plan was that it would be announced next month (December). But the expected drama storyline was found to be lacking in the developing stage. Jiwoo is worried that there would not be enough time to start filming.

So she is thinking of choosing new scripts. Because of this, the planning for drama is delayed.

From start shooting to broadcasting, it might take 2 months time.

Jiwoo herself also wished to get the scripts as soon as possible, so that she can start filming.

That’s my report. Thank you.


We all hope that Jiwoo’s work can be carried out soon.

I will report again if there’s any updates.

CJWFC board admin shadow.


Thanks a lot to shadow for making the report. Any news of Jiwoo would be much appreciated by all of us. :P:lol:

Thanks Ching for reposting the news of JW’s latest development. Sad that we have to wait longer than expected to hear news of her announcement but it would be more wiser to get the best script to play rather than to jump into a role which she has less confidence in doing so. Hope all these months of waiting will give CJW and her management ample time to source the best script for her. :D

I see my artwork! I lost that file of mine and I didn't think I would see it again! :D Thanks babe for posting it up!

I am baacckk! YAY! (okay, not really officially but I have sometime now before my last paper) I hate missing in action for a quite a while. Now I know nothing about what you guys are talking about ):




p/s: I will be back with an artwork of Ji Woo onnie okay? :P

Wow! You've been dearly missed, Adorrable chingu! Glad to see you and hope you'll produce more artwork for us! Best of luck in your exam! :D

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Hello 7875...sorry if my post misled you to believed that the gondola riding is included in VOD..That was

only in IF album ..Cheers..

no need to say sorry dear....tks for your answer. By the way pix in "IF" album is extremely pretty !!! I love it so much :D

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