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I think they are on their way home, thank goodness,I never felt they were safe there.



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                                                                            BEAUTIFUL Lay




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Guest luehoney

Hello sisters how are you all?
So SM is now suing Luhan huh?? Tbh, I'm not that worried for Luhan, even though he's my bias. 
I'm more worried for EXO... like... EXO-Ls are so focused on SM and Krishan... that we forget EXO.... those 10 boys are actually stuck in the middle..
I feel so sorry for them.. They don't deserve all this...
I want 2015 to be a better year for them.. 
I just want all of this to be done and over with. 
I just want to see my boys comeback, more strong than ever. This comeback is so important to them..
I'll burn SM myself if they dare to mess up my babies comeback.
Anyway, on a more cheerful note.....
OMG!!! did you guys see the MCM teaser???!!!! I FEEL LIKE DYING!!!!! 
All of them are so damn beautiful!!!! My babies!!! They look so pure! LMAO!!

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Guest luehoney

@Exora I know, That's why I'm asking have you all watched it?? because I did, and I think I just died for a few seconds.. LMAO.

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Hello sisters >:D<

 Hi sis@Luehoney  so nice to see you again. We are all cheering for our guys. We are looking forward to their comeback. At the same time,Im sure that we are also worried about Kris and Luhan and what SM is up to. This can go on and on. I support Kris and Luhan in all they do.

By the way,when is Chanyeol's Stal bell program airs? He looks sooooooo cute. He is what some physcologist (????) called a Peter Pan man. Meaning he will always be childlike. I adore him and wish him all the good things in life. But he and Baekhyun need to grow up a bit. Baek seems to be out of control lately


I love their new MCM teaser,but it doesn't give us any hints. They just look absolutely adorable and Suho is actually killing me!!!!! Oh dear me.

Sis @Exora  how are you hon? Chanyeols photos are wonderful


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Words fail to describe his face. His beautiful eyes. His nose, his lips,his hair. He is just perfect.


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