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Jeon Hye BIN 전혜빈

Guest dashuu

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you know. I love it when Bin gets partnered with a total sexy guy, but I also like it when she's with any guy. LOL. I love the Bin+Shinjunghwan and Bin+ChunMyungHoon couple! muhaha

I didn't watch heroine 6.. I can't wait till it comes out on videos!

But, what are you guys talking about? Shindong IS sexyyy

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I think Hyebin is really pretty. But -- I just really disliked her for being with Yunho oppa in their First Love Banjun. ><;; Darn her for being with my kawaii man, riding on a motercycle with him, dancing with him ... Grr..

-Kwonny. <3

whoa! keep it cool man! it's just a tv drama..:huh: i don't know what the big fuss is all about.. :rolleyes: shees.. if you wanna get angry with anyone, i'd say go after the producer or the director or whoever put them two together on that show.. :P:D but personally, I love the Bin-Yunho couple!! :P

the shindong-bin couple was fine with me.. :D i was just too disappointed that Brian didn't choose Bin.. :unsure: oh well.. actually, i like seeing Bin with funny guys like ShinJungHwan and ChunMyungHoon too.. but i especially like her coupled with KimJongMin than the other two.. :)

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Guest ImSmiley

^^ yeah i'm find with the bin and shidong couple too. although i need to watch it.

you know. I love it when Bin gets partnered with a total sexy guy, but I also like it when she's with any guy. LOL. I love the Bin+Shinjunghwan and Bin+ChunMyungHoon couple! muhaha

yes! bin matches anybody and i also loves it when she gets pair up with myunghoon and those funny dorks.

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Guest evelyn168

Bin's partner is funny too... I just thought that the person to partner with her would be the hot guys... I mean for the past episodes, she's been partnered with hot guys... I was sort of thinking that she was going to partner with Hyun Young's partner or LSY's partner... I don't know why, but I just thought it would be them... But nonetheless, Bin's partner was really funny, especially when he helped with the acting of Hwang Jini's scene... I loved how Park Sang Min was sitting down after Lee Jung, thinking that Bin was going to dance... It was hilarious when he jumped up and left... I think this episode of H6 was really fun... All the guys did a good job in their perfs and the girls did a nice job in being back dancers... I wonder who Bin is going to be partnered with next episode. I'm guessing it's Eru cause they're from the same record company. I really like Eru... He's got a nice voice and he's very playful... I think he's dancing to Woo Hyuk's 'One Way' from the preview... I wonder who suggested it... Sorry I'm a big Woo Hyuk-Bin shipper.

Yeah, Bin matches with everyone... I really want her to pair up with Chun Myung Hoon. She never paired up with him in LL... I thought they were really close... I wonder why they didn't pair up... You know who else I want to see Bin pair up with? I want to see her with Eric of Shinhwa... I don't know why. But I thought they'll look nice together... I know Eric has a gf... But it's just for a gameshow...

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^ hmm Eric and Bin? Thats new and That WOULD BE HOTTTTTTTTT....................... I seen her with Minwoo, Junjin, and Andy But never ERICC haha. Actually, Bin and CMH got coupled on loveletter twice? I think so. And they did a lot of bokkodances together =]

I agree with every word you said there. Except I didnt watch heroine 6 yet so besides the comments you left about heroine 6 I agree with everything

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Guest maxlover

^^Agree with you as well evelyn168.....As for this weeks H6, i found it cute how Bin was all holding on to Brian when their group was doing some thing with the camera...and also when she pushed him after he messed up i think around the 2nd or 3rd time in the singing game....LOL...Bin's hair was messing up a lot cuz of it....hehe...and then they both got their parts right towards the end....she sang her part really well...very nice voice!! Loved this weeks' episode since it contained so many funny moments and some really great performances!! It would've been awesome if Bin had done some sort of couple dance with someone....

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Guest shiverbaby

First Love is only the drama ... I still think why fans of DBSK dislike Bin ???She didn't do anything wrong ... Just comply with the script .

I wonder who are in the same company with Bin ? ^ ^

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Guest stereo_sushi

You know who else I want to see Bin pair up with? I want to see her with Eric of Shinhwa... I don't know why. But I thought they'll look nice together... I know Eric has a gf... But it's just for a gameshow...

xDDD i feel exactly the same i want to see bin and eric together *o* they will be so cute >.< huhu

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Guest ImSmiley

wow bin and eric, thats new to me too! i wouldn't mind seeing them pair up together.

i saw a little bit of this week's H6 and so far i like it. i need to finish it though.

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Guest maxlover

Wow!! I just finished watching last week's X-man w/Park Jung Ah and i noticed something: She was wearing the dress that Bin wore for the Heroine 6 Reunion!! My guess is that Bin and Park Jung Ah share clothes....how awesome!!

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^ Oh that would be awesome!

You know what I always thought? I always thought that Bin taught Suh Ji Young a bit of dance moves. I remember she was pretty stiff..and then all of a sudden she comes to x-man and she does the wave like perfectly, and I thought I saw Bin in her moves. But then, I realized she's a singer and she probably got it from a teacher LOL.

What is love has been updated! Things are getting INTENSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! It's good LOL. Link in my siggie.

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Guest evelyn168

maxlover: I was watching her perf too. I thought the dress looked familiar and I thought it was the dress she used for MMKF... But yeah, now I went back. It's Bin's dress on H6 special and PJA's on X-man... They both look good in it too... I guess being best friends, they've got the same style and tastes...

yelinoh: I wouldn't be surprised if she taught SJY some dance moves cause she is known to be a bit stiff. I remember on X-man SEJ was attacking her about this point... I think Bin also learns dance moves from the guys on LL... You see how she does the specials on LL with the guys, I think the guys teach her the moves and she just practices before the show... I really miss LL and Bin getting the attention. H6 is just less Bin... Bin seems to be more quiet...

I'm glad several of you agree that Bin would look good with Eric... It's just a feeling that I have. Maybe they can pair up for Eric's new drama or movie... Haha...

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Guest lovebin

Wow!! I just finished watching last week's X-man w/Park Jung Ah and i noticed something: She was wearing the dress that Bin wore for the Heroine 6 Reunion!! My guess is that Bin and Park Jung Ah share clothes....how awesome!!

and did you notice that the clothes Chae Yeon was wearing was similar to what Bin wore for the dance with Brian, except that CY wore a skirt instead of trousers.

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HAHA.. good friends = same taste? IDK

DID YOU GUYS KNOW? Well, I think Bae Suel Ki is part of the Hwa Ahn Ae club (unless I heard wrong)!! (I'm pretty without makeup club) remember how Bin, Jungah, and Yoomin were talking about it. It was just those three. It's a club just to announce their friendship. They joke around about it a lot though. saying they must change the name to without makeup people can't tell us apart club LOL.

I was watching this one interview with BSK and they asked who she's most friendly with. And she said, "Our Hwa Ahn Ae club" or maybe she meant "The Hwa Ahn Ae" club, but I think she's in it.

We all know BSK is REALLY close with JHB. It manwonhenbok with BSK. In this one segmant where you're supposed to make food for someone you really like. BSK gave it to Bin because Bin helped her a lot and she's a good unnie.

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Guest evelyn168

lovebin: Yeah, I saw that and I was thinking, it's so similar to what Bin wears. Bin has been wearing that even on old episodes of X-man... I really miss seeing CY and Bin together. They're both funny and sexy at the same time... Maybe CY can join H6 instead of the other lady who's going to replace LHY... That way, it'll be even more competition amongst the girls...

I wouldn't be surprised if BSG joined the club... I mean she's quite close with JHB... Also, she seems really honest person... I think she definitely will get along with the girls... I've seen pics of BSG without makeup, she looks good in them... But I still think Bin looks the best without makeup...

Just a question to all Bin fans here, who else do you want to see as guests on H6 that would be paired with Bin ? (Those who haven't been on the show.)

I want Eric... se7en too... They were in Beautiful Sunday together but Bin rejected se7en on the show... I think they did look cute together... If it's possible, I want se7en to go on the show... He's good in dancing and if Bin and him can do a special, I'll probably go crazy...

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Guest maxlover

^^What?? Bin rejected Se7en?? OMG...I so need to watch that!! I love Se7en and it would be pretty cool to see him pair up with Bin...also guys from 1TYM like Taebin or Teddy would be neat. What about Neo from Paran?? He's pretty cute....i sitll prefer Ryan though....I'm dying to see Bin paired up with Hankyung from Super Junior....i just love him!! Also Eunhyuk....well, those are some options....there's tons of others

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Guest ImSmiley

there Hwa Ahn Ae club is soo cute! and i love bae suel gi as well.

Just a question to all Bin fans here, who else do you want to see as guests on H6 that would be paired with Bin ? (Those who haven't been on the show.)

i want to see bin pair with TOP from BigBang, because TOP is such a funny guy. i really hope TOP goes on H6.

^^What?? Bin rejected Se7en?? OMG...I so need to watch that!! I love Se7en and it would be pretty cool to see him pair up with Bin...also guys from 1TYM like Taebin or Teddy would be neat. What about Neo from Paran?? He's pretty cute....i sitll prefer Ryan though....I'm dying to see Bin paired up with Hankyung from Super Junior....i just love him!! Also Eunhyuk....well, those are some options....there's tons of others

oh yes, that reminds me!! Remember Rival? Taebin chose Bin over this guy to be in his team and Bin was dancing all over Taebin. OMG i love taebin, he's my favorite k-pop singer (go crazy) but yeah i would love to see taebin and bin again since Rival is pretty old now. lets just say i want to see Bin with all the 1tym members.

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Guest clover_love

hey ^__^ well ive started posting lol yelinoh xD

truthfully ive always visited her thread cause i <3 hye bin unnie so~ much

but... ^__^;; ahhahaha....i always forget to post after seeing the pretty pics and reading

da comments kekeke

hmm for me on heroine 6 i was so sad when she didnt partner with jang gun suk from hwangjini hes SO CUTE

but other than yunho, micky, brian, eric or andy, and g-dragon i think shed be AMAzIng couple with

hehehe DoNGHAE OPPA!!! saranghaeyo! hes so cute he and bin would look so good together me thinks >_<

oh yah i forgot ^_^

yelinoh (could u tell me ur name so i can just call u dat? or if not dats ok too)

do u still have da megaupload for the bin, jwh, minwoo dance? it expired T_T


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Guest evelyn168

^^What?? Bin rejected Se7en?? OMG...I so need to watch that!! I love Se7en and it would be pretty cool to see him pair up with Bin...also guys from 1TYM like Taebin or Teddy would be neat. What about Neo from Paran?? He's pretty cute....i sitll prefer Ryan though....I'm dying to see Bin paired up with Hankyung from Super Junior....i just love him!! Also Eunhyuk....well, those are some options....there's tons of others

Yes, Bin rejected se7en... I was surprised too. But it was because Bin was in a rumored scandal with Choi Jung Won (member from UN)... I think that's why Bin partnered with him instead. Later, se7en coupled with YEH... And I never saw them together in an episode again...

Taebin, YES!!! I think they'll go well together. Hot guy + sexy girl = Great couple...

Neo, he does kind of look goofy... I think he'll go well with Bin too. But yeah, I'm all for Ryan... I love how he went for Bin on LL... But he already coupled with Bin on H6... I love his perf... It was hilarious.

Hankyung, I think he's better off with Ayumi. They were good together in LL.

there Hwa Ahn Ae club is soo cute! and i love bae suel gi as well.

i want to see bin pair with TOP from BigBang, because TOP is such a funny guy. i really hope TOP goes on H6.

oh yes, that reminds me!! Remember Rival? Taebin chose Bin over this guy to be in his team and Bin was dancing all over Taebin. OMG i love taebin, he's my favorite k-pop singer (go crazy) but yeah i would love to see taebin and bin again since Rival is pretty old now. lets just say i want to see Bin with all the 1tym members.

TOP? I think he's cute but I don't think they'll go together. I don't know. It's just I find him young... Haha...

Taebin on rival with Bin??? Was it the episode with se7en and Tim??

Come to think of it, Bin and Tim is good... They look great together, but they've been coupled already on Beautiful Sunday before... So I'm not as surprised if he goes on H6 and would be coupled again.

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