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Halloween Costumes!

Guest animeluverX

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Guest lolimois
































































































































































































































































































































































































Me and my boyfriend made homemade couple costumes!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I haven't worn a costume in like 6 years.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wore this early because of my friend's birthday/Halloween party.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Incest XD































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He looks so much like Luigi.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You guys are literally the cutest things I've ever seen hahaha. You guys look adorable together!
































































































































































































































































































































































































<3 Kim: wow haruhi! :D I wanted to cosplay during halloween too but I was too late >_<;; I didn't plan this out
































































































































































































































































































































































































I wanted to be a lolita/doll thing so I went and bought this
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Except with more personal touches :) I want to be punk lolita!
































































































































































































































































































































































































I realized J-town around where I live.. had actual Lolita dresses. OMG. I want one so bad except they cost 3 times as much as this. Time to save up for it :D for next yearrrr

































































































































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You guys are literally the cutest things I've ever seen hahaha. You guys look adorable together!

<3 Kim: wow haruhi! :D I wanted to cosplay during halloween too but I was too late >_<;; I didn't plan this out





I wanted to be a lolita/doll thing so I went and bought this










Except with more personal touches :) I want to be punk lolita!





I realized J-town around where I live.. had actual Lolita dresses. OMG. I want one so bad except they cost 3 times as much as this. Time to save up for it :D for next yearrrr









I didn't have much money for a Lolita dress either; maybe next year!





I was seriously gonna buy this costume too but I found something else.










I'm gonna be a Harajuku girl!


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Guest s u n d a e_
































































































































































i envy you people! aussies dont celebrate halloween

































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Guest nara jjang
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































work at a bar and had our party the past saturday...i was slash from guns n roses

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I took a picture with pedobear.





















































































I don't know what I'm going to be for Halloween. I'm thinking about just buying a mask, wear baggy clothes, spray paint a watergun black and shoot people while giving out candy. 8D (...well, the ones that look as if they won't beat me up, at least... :3)















the pedobear will protect you ^_^


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I want thiss sooo badd. Or I want to be an elf/fairy thing...Mmm maybe i'll be a nurse for my bf hehe































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have this one but in red xD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from hot topic ( they won't let me steal their pictures lol)

































































































































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i'm going to be a 1920s flapper!
















































































I already have the bob haircut for it
















































































and the makeup is going to be so much fun to do: the dark smokey eyes, bright red lips, and the mole at the side of the mouth































































































































































I wanted to be a flapper too! D: D: But I have no idea how to dress up
















































































What kind of dress are you wearing? Like the one in the picture?
















































































Heh i didn't want to cut my hair as a bob :P I was thinking of getting a wig~









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Guest yujiniffer



I wanted to be a flapper too! D: D: But I have no idea how to dress up

What kind of dress are you wearing? Like the one in the picture?


Heh i didn't want to cut my hair as a bob :P I was thinking of getting a wig~



mhmm, my mom has a similar dress like the one in the picture and its basically shapeless so I'm going to tie it around the middle with a black ribbon (the dress is also black so it wont be too distinct) so it'll look just like the dress in the picture. :)


she also has the exact same pearls so i'll wear that too haha.


ooh i just went shopping for the flapper hat and I found it at forever21, maybe you can try there and get your costume. Actually forever 21 is selling a lot of flapper inspired outfits lately.



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i'm going to be a 1920s flapper!
































































I already have the bob haircut for it
































































and the makeup is going to be so much fun to do: the dark smokey eyes, bright red lips, and the mole at the side of the mouth































































































































nice picture. that's what I'm going to dress up like too for Halloween but a little more dramatic

































































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Guest c00lasfcukk
























LOL, so a few pages back, i said i was gonna be Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus
































i lied.
















i'm being a fashion don't
















im planning to just wear the most HIDEOUS things together.
















my friend is gonna be the fashion police (:
















ill post pictures post-halloween!
















yay! i topped page 30!





















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Guest back-sue









Any idea where to get a very big black framed glasses?
































































































I got mine in Korea, but my friends got theirs in party city.









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