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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest aelene

tienvo2 said:Is he wearing a ring in his Ring-finger?? Never saw him wear anything like that except with Sora^^ 
you know what I mean right??
What do you think FD???

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tienvo2 said: sachixia said: Found this on Facebook and just want to share it here  :)


Teuk A with white clock watch. ♥ Sora A with white Pearl bracelet. 
Most noticeable.
Dimple_Couple F.5.REVER JungSora 

:x :x :x
All Credits go to NuJe Sung  ^:)^  ^:)^
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Guest lolowaw





Is he wearing a ring in his Ring-finger?? Never saw him wear anything like that except with Sora^^ 

you know what I mean right??

What do you think FD???

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Guest lolowaw

Leeteuk said that in the army, there was a saying that “one call to a girl group member and your army life will bloom” so before he enlisted, he jotted down the numbers of several girl group members(4 members of SNSD, 2 members of sistar and 2 members of girls day). He then made a call to several of them in the army for his executive and he was being treated differently after that XD
I've been thinking about something I want to share it with you sisters, why we are always hurt by anti, strangers on this thread?The wound does not come unless we have a poor substance or there was honest \ real news or confession from Lt or sora that there is no relationship (and this did not happen in any way till now) and I can with all confidence saying in the future too.
And I discovered that it's a stupid to think that way, (why am I hurt while I'm standing on solid ground( teuksora) & antis holding by a poor rope in the air..... I'm holding in fact they are holding by delusions......I have a strong evidence they have weak evidence without background......Do you know what's the difference between us and them?We believe & trust and they do not want to believe & do not trust.I'm sorry everyone, I can not say for some one leave this thread you hurts me, I was thinking about how to re-favorite or gave a gift to that some one, and instead of  that some one hurts me and my sisters I'm going to hurt this some one, with each evidence I have & I find..... I hope this some one can bears the too many evidence FD's have.
Well, I will start from girls day ........
Did you know this is Lt's favorite group,this is not my words, sister group (Hyorin) said that .
Hello babay Ep 6 Lt and sister group, arranged a party he invited girls day....... Honestly I expected Lt will lose his mind and neglects sister group & takes care of his favorite  group......but I surprised Lt welcomed them well but it was not as I expected , It seemed to me that sister group, are his favorite group more than girls day group . It is impossible that I became delusional do you know why?Do you remember Lt how tense was in Ep 28 wgm when SMn tried to exaggerating in speech, when they were talking about Lt's exposed clothes, and how he walk around and makes them feel embarrassed, especially when there is a girls' groups.SMn said : Lt then he says something as Hello have you come ,what's your nameLt reply: Why should i asked for their names, I know their names already.Sora said :Where do you live?
Here SMn seemed exaggerating in speech: Yes Where do you live it begins this way.Sora completed: What are you doing in your free time usually?
Here Lt started to defend himself we know Lt defend himself when the news is not true or exaggerated, or there is a misunderstanding.But he laughs and avoids to look in the eyes or blush when the news about him is true.
Lt said :For those who are just adopted ,Just tell them hello, you have worked hard.
Uee said : It is important that he be topless when he is doing this
Sora said :He really likes girls .
Lt wants all girls loves and be impressed with him for this when there are new Girl group Lt be kind and admire and be gentle with them this means Lt was dealing in a cute way neither more nor less .it does not mean there are feelings towards them.......But with the girl which he loves he transfer his kindness and admiration into actionWhat I'm trying to say Lt knows how to separate his behavior towards girls.
It seems Lt knows anti fans has tied his last statement that he is still with Taeyeon, or he likes one of sister members.....Etc. even though he said he has more than one number for each group he did not specify one number of a girl from each group.for this  Jungsu said he doesn’t have a favorite girl group right now because he likes all of them
I'm not surprised from Lt statemen , so to cut the road for gossip , coz gossiping possible injure someone special to him & he knows how to protect that special one.

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Guest lolowaw

What was Lt wants from giving the couple ring for two girls 
Q. But interviews aren't done every day?
That's why I want to do interviews more frequently. When I was in the society, people would ask "How does Leeteuk-ssi relieve your stress?" I would have replied "I relieve it while doing variety shows." I am not good in drinking alcohol... and I did not have a girlfriend.. so doing variety shows, and laughing and talking with others was a happiness for me. Being in front of the camera and talking like this is a big happiness for me.
That's right, the person who separated from the girl\ boyfriend \ end the relationship suffering from depression and loneliness, and lack of confidence in the people, even in his\herself, he\she has an emotional vacuum, this period is very painful the person throw himself into the job, or go to alcohol or drugs to forget, or killing her\ himself\ suicide, or trying to find a new girlfriend to replace the old girlfriend\ relationship , Even if she \he did not like this person, and if he\she love the person will deal with it accordance with her\his past and  wounds.What happened with LT he has accepted all the job offers that offered to him, and tried to find another girl.......I am surprised at those who say that Lt still in a relationship with taeyeon while he was looking for another girl after the period in which taeteuk decided to end their relationship.Hello Baby came , who follows that program will know that every word I wrote is correct and documented with evidence
Lt was in this program MC no more, no less, i did not seem on Lt's face any enjoy and he treated sister group like his sisters ,no skinship, no gazing ,no  courtship at any one of them, not that much care person , even he was dealing with the child more than the girls.Lt's (body Existingabsent mind)Ep 6 hello babay Lt behavior was clear Lt was not that jealous on Bora when she said i'm fan and love song joong ki even Lt himself made a call phone to SJK for bora but he was quite a bit tense and because of Lt's nature ,he likes to be the hub in the events ,does not like to be with a girl and this girl interested in other man .Ep 7 hello babay All at once something is happening with Lt (cares about himself, puts perfume,dressy) even EunHyuk pay attention and began to ask. Like a man trying to attract a girl to him,It seems the call phone between bora & SJK made ​​Lt pay attention to Bora.maybe he was trying to find a girl to take him out of the atmosphere that he was passes by
Ep 8 hello babay Lt decided to move a step towards Bora when her turn came to be mom , the scene was with Bora  different from the rest of sister members ,they wore the couple jacket , and he gave her expensive couple ring.  While he gave to the rest members Simple Gifts

Here, I said is Lt trying to raises  jealousy of someone (I do not mean sora but taeyoen)Because in this period Lt did not know Sora ,or he tries to find \make a relationship with a new girl?What makes me select the second option  (Lt said bora looked even prettier)..... We know Lt prefers beautiful face, and also in ep 7 his interest at himself, finally, the couple ring that Lt gave it to Bora only.
Lt gave the couple ring, to attract Bora so to gets her admiration & to loved him only, and may have wanted to start a new relationship, but this relationship without concept, coz Lt himself was not convinced at this step it did not appear on Lt signs of love nor jealousy nor missing towards Bora &he did not prefers Bora for her personality.
(This is for those who were happy coz Lt mentioned sister ) look what kang ji hyun said 
Lt is really like,after your Mather period ends,he treats you like "who are you"? like a stranger.Unfortunately & Fortunately bora was not exist in ep 9, 10.Unfortunately (because I have not been able Digging Deeper in this ring) (and you know why I said fortunately) LOL
In this time Lt's participation was decided in another program wgm . Maybe one of you might say, so what, Lt care about one of the members (bora), and gave her the couple ring.
OK look what will happened 
Lt in ep 1 WGM (1\10\2011) also his happiness and interested in his virtual wife just because he heard that she is pretty. Again Lt's interesting was without concept .Ather people have said : Lt gave bora the couple ring, for the show and did not mean anything
I will tell them NO coz what happened after that and Bora the effect  begin on her (and only those smart people who can read body language and eyes ) try to pay good attention  and I will help you by the pictures.image
When Lt gave the invitation card he was excited, Bora was happy when Lt gave her the card ,
see bora's image in the middle like she was expected a surprise from Lt ,Bora's last Image (the gladness disappeared from her face) and this time it was Bora's turn, Lt  treated her as a stranger . Maybe this happened by chance or i'm a delusional.But the events that happened after that, made me sure the couple ring event was begun it's effect on Bora & Lt was trying to find a new relationship.Even goo hara and ji young seems to be shock\ question on their faces beware Hara eyes on Lt but ji young eyes on (Bora & Lt) the expression such as (what's going on,Is it true)At first i do not know why kara members gave these expressions on their face image

Pay attention to the following picture
When they read the card look at hara & seung yeon how they looked toward Bora, they seem to have heard something or knew something or were followers the program Hello Baby, and watched Lt gives Bora couple ring , Their eyes say what is this, Aha so it's like that , but what about bora ?then I remembered in Ep 9 Hello Baby there was a Phone call & bora was in the filming Location ,Bora told Lt she filming with Kara ,SNSD , f(x), Rainbow  And bora was wearing the ring at the filming Location ,and as girls' habit most likely bora talked about that ring in front of these groups and since Lt gave this ring in a reality program & was broadcasting & from Kara gazing Bora was in an awkward position
But Bora holds her feelings & return back so as not kara group pay attention, she gave expression to Lt (hey what is this you're playful)  
 when Gyu ri said to Lt :You said you like our Ji young,Bora turned surprised

And if you pay attention at Lt's eyes very good when he was talking there was cursory\momentary quick gazes toward Bora , which made me sure that Lt had intended something towards Bora, but he changed his mind. image
Lt was aware of bora's feelings but he tries to overlooked (as if it's nothing happens) 
Here the link watch from minute 4:46 to 06:24 It's quick shots you have to pay attention to it carefully
Ep 1 WGM  Look at Lt's Face expressions before he could see Sora and during display the summary of who would be his wife he knows who will be his partner, but he is not sure, for me he was not excited like to think (kang Sora ! OK Why not Let's try)imageThis image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.But when sora appeared Lt's expressions turning 180 degrees has mesmerized by the charm of this young lady from the first entry. So he could not be help\Not controlling his emotions but Laughs.

EP 9 ,10 Bora absent from Hello Baby at that time Lt's admiration began increasing towards sora in the program WGM
Bora realized that Lt got out from her hand and he attracted to anther one(Sora) the evidence that my word is true and that Bora started to be affected by the couple ring she asked this question.
Ep 11 Hello Baby Lt said  : Last week, the third mother bora was not here .Bora reply:(You loved it didn't you?)Lt knows what she mean :No I was sad because of her absence .See Lt reaction toward bora question in the picture below
Bora know she will be a burden on Lt, and Lt had known that Bora  understand he was attracted to another girl My analysis for Bora's gazing  in the ep 1 WGM was correct coz if she have not affected by couple ring  , what makes her felt that Leeteuk loved her absence?
Why did not she act normally? 
imageThis image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.Lt was avoiding looking into Bora eyes because he is lying (it's Lt habit) and that's what happened in ep 28 when he was avoiding sora eyes when she discovered  Lt looking at another girl.In the same episode We discovered that Lt said to Dasom (he had butterflies in his stomach when he goes to meet Sora) But why did not any one of you ask  this question why Lt  chose sister member to telling her about what he feels!!!!!!!
We know Lt is careful & not speak on this private issue in front of  any strangers, even his brothers do not know much ,SMn said that those two are the only ones who knows what's going on among them. then why do we suddenly hear Lt spoke in front of a strange girl in a very personal issue? And why he chose Dasom?
Hyorin will filming with Sora in the drama & this message directed  specifically to Bora not Sora.
Kang ji hyun Lt had a belief about this girl she has an ajmma inside her.These characters are talkative around &she like to do trick\prank.
Dasom is suited for the mission she has a friendly character 
Lt wanted to send a message to Bora to tell her in a nice way that he no longer meant anything from the couple ring he could not tell bora directly he preferred to sends  indirect message by someone sane & close to Bora and Dasom most suitable for this mission.
During this time there's something confused me, Lt 
was wearing the same clothes in ep 11 hello baby & Ep 8 WGM Ep 11 hello baby Something attract my attention there was a glimpse of joy on Lt face i did not know why, but then I realized that Lt in the same day had met Sora ep8....then I understood
Actually Lt and sister group spent the early morning filming hello baby Ep 11 and then he went to filming WGM Ep 8 If you look at the time, through the cafe window it's almost before sunset when he arrived to meet Sora . I know that someone will say so what is the connection ?  OK let me start from the beginning
In ep 7 WGM : Look what Lt said : when i watched the MV (secret) , i was thinking " i want to do like this too" although I do not play the piano well ,shall we do this in the concert ? Do u want to ?(According to Arab sab) Sora : What if we did not do it well?Lt :We can be trained alone and playing it together ? Isn't it?sora  :What if it is something annoying for your concert ?Lt: I will discuss this at the concert meeting. i have to play it handsomely .
From this picture and Lt words Lt wasn't thinking that time in propose, his imagination focused on bringing Sora to the stage to play the piano with her only ......& I will tell you why I have this belief.
Lt was surprised by sora's good playing for this came the idea of ​​playing the piano with Sora & he was thinking who will he play it well &how will he convince officials   In Ep 11 hello baby the guest said: What are they? a couple ? He is married in MBC program as well you know,
Bora & Lt, showed the rings in front of the camera
The guest said : none of other members have that ? 
Lt said : only the tow of us (Lt said what he say without being aware to his words) The guest is a woman with a vision she knows the meaning of giving the couple ring for one girl, it is completely different meaning from given it to the all sister members ........  I think you all understand the meaning ^_^I did not give a second possibility to Lt's words(only he didn't aware to his words)  coz if you look at Lt's face expressions after what the guest comment on his words ,in the picture below.You will understand  what I mean
The guest : why are you giving out rings like that teuk, it should only be for a special girls
Lt at this moment like someone had awakened him, in his mind (she's right, then what to do?) ( bora is not a special one to Lt any more)
How could i (Lt) give a propose for Sora in a way that delete the reminiscence\ Memories of bora's propose. Bora was happy\enjoying coz she is the only one that got the couple ring first...... she thought that Lt gave her an advantage over sora whom did not give her the couple ring yet .Bora has been wearing the ring until the end of the program ,for these reasons I said Bora was affected by the couple ring.While Lt in the last Ep of Hello Baby was keep in showing his left hand to the camera to show that he no longer wears the couple ring
The biggest proof that Bora no longer means to Lt anything, he did not bring her even a single gift from New York, but all the gifts was for Sora alone ... This means that he did not think about Bora even little 
We know when there will be a bold idea in Lt's brain he becomes refreshed\happy and smiling.
Ep 8 wgm: While Lt tells Sora that he got accepting to bring Sora to the stage . look at Lt's face expressions when he spoke it was completely different from his face expressions in school.At that time his expressions was fill by thinking how to bring Sora to play with him, and how will he convince the officials for the concert.image
It had been written on the screen the result of their conversation it came to him an idea !
No no no, But in this picture Lt expression was like someone has made ​​the decision to do a fancy idea, Look how it was his face expressions (Happy, confident, and insisting) what I mean that this idea came to him before he meets Sora in the cafe (and this idea is not the result of their speaking together, but as a result from what the guest said in Ep 11 of Hello Baby, which was on the same day.
And then we saw the result of Lt's smile (a magnificent propose to Sora).
And do not forget what shin dong said : I think you will really end up falling in love when you film WGM ,It's weird if you do not have any feelings . 
Why did not we hear such as words on the program Hello Baby? was not Lt shooting with 4 beautiful girls!!!!!!
Through above really we can not deny that Lt in one moment had move towards Bora ,but believe me this move was not according to the admiration nor study of the girl personality or Lt's specifically need this girl, but according to the situation, which was Lt passes through .The situation it will be almost similar with Sora until the moment that sora enter to the cinema ,the story began with Lt's admiration in sora & love and during this time the virtual wife has become his real lover.

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Guest lolowaw

There is wisdom that I believe in it says(when a new love appears\capture, old love can not do anything)Most who write here boast with Lt' words and especially if he mention snsd we know that taeyon is the one intended & we know they're taeyon fans.
OK whatever we know that Lt have previous relationships ,Well let's face the fact, we can not erase nor deny nor do anything about this reality. am i right?It is a part of Lt's life & we can not separate\cut it.But, do not you( anti) knows that Lt is the one who refuse\exceed his own past and i will prove this to you....Before Lt joining WGM program and for a long time ago I read this article in the Arab website. Note that Internet users both wearing the same earrings ..Some of Commented it is likely to be a coincidence because they are from the same company and must be designers Are the same fashion, they chose these earrings .. Some commented since they are of the samecompany increases the probability of exit Dating.....SM speed off and deny any relationship linking them with each otherThe official said from the company: it is a matter of friendship and this was merely a coincidence "
In one of Lt new interviews, he said whatever the company says that there is no relationship the audience will know.....This means that when the company denied their relationship together (this does not mean that there is no such a relationship) OK?
We know Lt is not coward and he is ready to sacrifice his career for his love ,was not it strange that Lt not defends and protects his love!!!!!!! But no one can convince me that the person who gave the propose in this way to Sora and challenged & does not care about his company,nor afraid of losing fans & was boldly in front of them, is coward and helpless.The strangest thing was Lt himself came out and deny the existence the relationship (He said that taeyoen whenever she saw him wearing earrings go and buy like him).
We do not know what kind of circumstances and pressures that Lt faced by , but certainly taeyoen bear a big part of it , I remembered when Lt mention in one day that the reason for ending the relationship with his girl, at first she was understanding but then started asking more attention\ caring from Lt or something like that.....We know how Lt loves his work & in any way.I mean Lt does not end his relationship unless been his own free will....Not only this, through Lt's behavior in the program wgm he is kind of man who do not give up easily nor despair but only if the girl refuse him or do not interact with him or she does not understand\take care of him.
For this I am very reassuring, as long as Sora in the right direction Lt will never leave her & will always be with her
Lt was honest when he said  I would have replied "I relieve it while doing variety shows." I am not good in drinking alcohol... and I did not have a girlfriend.. so doing variety shows
We seen Lt in this period too much on screen until program  WGM came, like I see Lt for the first time a different person ( the difference was coz it appear on him signs of admiration, love, passion , jealousy , missing and happiness) is it natural these signs showing on Lt  while he is still continuous with Taeyeon?&We know Lt not  good in acting
OK are the gifts Lt gave it to sora for the show too? These gifts with a big and deep meanings Lt chose it  carefully with One meaning (I want you forever), I'll tell you the meaning of only 5 Gifts1-  suju jacket : This jacket unique , This kind of gift is only given for the wife or beloved,It means I want to share with you everything . 2- Gold bracelet :must Lt gave gold bracelet and not normal or Silver? Gold one, it mean Sora You are priceless3- Wall watch: Not only that,but Lt wrote on it so if sora forget him the letters reminding her, it is mean you will start your day with Lt and end your day with Lt .4- The iPad and I think Lt's iPad also was a gift for Sora because he wanted to send her mms remaining with Sora forever,mix ( birthday lyrics and marriage melody).
5- shoes: We know that shoes has a meaning of departure and separation ,but with Lt turned  the meaning  upside down ., I want to go with you wherever you go  & protect you forever. Hmmmmm were these gifts in script, as some claim that the program scription or taeyeon who choose the gifts to Sora!?ooooh How generous she is LOL
I wonder if Taeyeon  chose couple ring to teuksora and she was the one suggested that  charming propose?! and she forced Lt to kiss Sora ep31!?Even if taeyeon an angel or she's Snow Queen it is impossible she could bear this painful stuffs. Are her jealous system broken? maybeIn Ep5 wgm When they talked about dating and Lt told Sora about the period of his dating sora  said: It is longer than me 'it seems she was beautiful ....If Lt at that time in a relationship with Taeyeon It would be impossible to say no no no & He insists . sora : How it was for a long time if she was not pretty? Lt :no no on Let us not talk about this.While Lt was always boast of Sora's beauty .
Ep 11,12 wgm Lt :The past is not important , Dating in secret, with one of them is not importantHe is the only person who was afraid from friends game and what his friend will say especially with the question about GFeven one of his answers , he was afraid from his wife if she asks him about the past.Lt wants to exceed\Skips the past and his fear from the past not because he was coward,or there is something to be ashamed of , but he was afraid to hurt Sora.............I know that someone will say it was for the show I will tell those who do not want to believe Ok but I have evidence outside wgm
1- Lt told Dasom there is a butterflies in his stomach when he goes to meet Sora,This dialogue was outside wgm program and away from the cameras was not a dialogue within the script, without Dasuk, which revealed this special dialogue among them we have not been  able to know how wonderful Lt feelings .2- First Please watch this video

In this interview Lt did not care about Taeyeon feelings he treated her like a stranger , and we could see the pain and disappointed on taeyeon's face almost she would cry she tried hard to hide it...... The purpose of the interview is to asked snsd about their absence from MBC Music or something about that& certainly it was script......But Lt came out from the text and topic & if my memory  recall correctly Lt asked snsd: What do you think about Sora? snsd replies she is beautiful ,and one of them said, I hope we will be friends.......Can any one of you tell me what was Sora's beauty entered with snsd absence? But as always Lt likes to boasts\show off by Sora's beauty ,Oh irony of fate this time was happene in front of a girl Some had say he continues his relationship with her.....Is this reasonable!!!3- Ep 12 wgm SMn said: Lt recently watched  Sora in Video over and over again, especially when she say oppa (This time, also outside the program wgm,&there is no cameras nor show)Lt was watching sora's Video outside the program in SUJU apartment (was it within script)?   Without SMn we are not able to know.If he continues with Taeyeon why he watching Sora's Video,Lt did not even defend upon himself when SMn reveal this information, but he was happy coz sora hear it,he was quite different from one of strong heart episodes, the girls said Lt sends messages at 3 or 4 am, we saw Lt's reaction and how he defended himself on Twitter.
4- SH 121 Lt said: (We are not separated but we are on strike. We've been separated against our will) According to KpopFever site. SH a different program &  Teuksora in the strike, practically they were separated , if he is with taeyeo who come he refuses to admit that they separate.5- In Sukira Kiss The Radio how many times Lt mention SoraI will not mention the hints (so do not some one say I'm delusional) While hints is more clearly from Sunlight  , there are lots and lots of evidence it need for a very large area .After all this, what remained to Taeyeon even there is no glimmer of hope in Lt's return back the past was the word always Lt mentions on all his relationships, especially taeyeonLt looks forward and I do not think he will looking back again, there is different from sky to earth.
OOOOOh  I'm sorry did i hurt some one !!!!!!
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Sora's drama Ugly Alert official stills with im Joo hwan via SBS

now now... the cutie ava is from this stills Sora?...
class="fullname editable-group" style="margin: 0px 0px 2px; text-rendering: optimizelegibility; font-size: 24px; line-height: 1; white-space: nowrap; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"Kang So-ra class="username" style="margin: 0px 0px 1px; text-rendering: optimizelegibility; font-size: 18px; line-height: 24px; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"@reveramess

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Guest aelene

@lolowaw i was half way committing suicide when you said Hello Baby wasn't scripted..but thankfully, your next posts bring back my sanity, THANK YOU !! you saved my life ! :-*



Sora's drama Ugly Alert official stills with im Joo hwan via SBS




now now... the cutie ava is from this stills Sora?...

class="fullname editable-group" style="margin: 0px 0px 2px; text-rendering: optimizelegibility; font-size: 24px; line-height: 1; white-space: nowrap; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"Kang So-ra class="username" style="margin: 0px 0px 1px; text-rendering: optimizelegibility; font-size: 18px; line-height: 24px; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"@reveramess

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Guest k_craze

can't wait for our princess new drama, at least I have something to look forward to :)  and PJS can watch her daily on TV.


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Guest dee15

Can wait for our Baby Princess new drama. Sora looks so beautiful at the drama poster.. I hope the drama will have a good rating and good viewer. And I really hope it will be at dramacrazy (with eng sub).

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Guest najwa85

salam FDs
@lolowaw WOW......i loved your insights and your analysis you're really good......chapeau!!!!!!!
here is another event with sldier PJS

 [130506] Army FM Promotion Poster with Jungsoo

source: alwayswithteuk.tumblr

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@lolowaw great explanation :)>- even i see the picture teuki with nine muses but no chemistry at all like that is our jung soo shii not leeteuk from suju and yes he like tell everyone sorry girl group I'm taken now :P

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Remember this crop picture done by PJS in his cyworld DP  last March 30

PJS cyworld DP credit to @lolowaw

imageEmbedded image permalink

Sora new DP on twitter last May 04


I may be delusional but when I saw this picture from her drama there is One thing I observed on her DP and that was the cropping of the picture. Did she got inspired on PJS crop picture on his cyworld DP.

I guess she is fully aware of the crop pic DP of PJS in his cyworld.

Same habit and same style of DP. ... This was the first time Sora crop a picture with someone and she put it as her DP..

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Guest tori1314

Hi FDs...have a nice dayhmmm today i miss DC so much so i have to looking for SS4 in seoul to watch the scene that PJS proposed Sorabut i wonder y there hasn't any SS4 in seoul with full clip ~.~...there just has SS4 in osaka and tokyo dome TT.TT

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