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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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"The Beginning Of A Love Story" Wishing Teuk and Sora a safe journey in the path they take and their love for eachother never lessens but grow even more each day.

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Just a thought. Since the party is exclusive and no cameras allowed, and all of them are from the entertainment industry, I bet Tuekie definitely approached Sora and stick with her to prevent her from bumping, slipping and most especially to prevent other guys from having a pass on her. Like what he said, he doesn't want other to look at Sora. He likes Sora being pretty and all but only for him. Relationship in the entertainment industry are usually an open secret. They tend to see them together but never ask for the status because they all have their careers to protect.

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josan said: Just a thought. Since the party is exclusive and no cameras allowed, and all of them are from the entertainment industry, I bet Tuekie definitely approached Sora and stick with her to prevent her from bumping, slipping and most especially to prevent other guys from having a pass on her. Like what he said, he doesn't want other to look at Sora. He likes Sora being pretty and all but only for him. Relationship in the entertainment industry are usually an open secret. They tend to see them together but never ask for the status because they all have their careers to protect.

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Guest mywebfoot

@malonowa oh yeah, gonna tell Teukie on you! *thinks* oh crap, my fics are on Tumblr! Eeeeep. Probably too late now. Will keep an eye out for comments that come in "engrish" ....

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Mornin' afternoon FD's :)

Thank's to the FD's who love to read fanfics....

Just a Random OTP ; I used to read romance novel when I was in high school.

 :^o  ok fine, I was really addicted to it.heheh! and  3/4 of my weekly allowance goes to

my novels.My mom got pest with me she took some of my novels & put in the cauldron with water...

heheh! Mom's menu for me was "soup de romance"  =)) =)) =))

Good for our youth today, I guess it must be hard to make "soup ala hi-tech"...

New gadget are more expensive :D

btw, I love to read fanfic too...but this is my first time writing fanfic, it's because of TEUKSO...

:x :x :x
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Guest fateukso

Morning Sisters

Do you feel the love today? 

I certainly feel it after we all came together to protect our house and

defend our DC.

Firstly, @icelesguerra and @TSLovely welcome to the ranks,

if there is someone else here that is new, apologies for passing you over, feel

free to reply to my post and ask “and what about me?”  Each and every Fighting Dimple that joins the

ranks here is important, so please don’t hesitate to post here.

@dee15 I understand the feeling of missing people from the

forum, especially since we have never met, but this is a real community.

Thank you to all my fanfic providers @jerqu, @witeku, @dee15

and @mywebfoot.  Since reading fanfics i

have difficulty getting back into my novels.

@janpyo Thank you for sharing your Korean experience, I have

always been curious, and hope to visit some day.

@shymaldita28, @Otimelost, @viyra, @lallinachan and @sqd66 your

posts are always so insightful and you have the ability to put what I feel into


To the contributors of awesome content @playerkbd,

@kaiskloset and @ChoonHee21, keep adding vids, pictures and goodies.

@pinnavinnam @k_craze, @Huey, @josan, @ice308 and others,

your posts always makes me smile, regardless of the content.

@All thank you for loving and supporting our Dimple Couple.

If I neglected to mention someone, apologies, this is hard

to do with so many members!    

I wanted to add something else, but forgot what it was now after my long post . . .

i wanna go to malonowa land too! ♥

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Guest TSLovely

Here’s my thought^^ (my apology if mybe this alrdy been discussed I just want to share w/ u)


About secret relationship

I’m sure we all know that idol hv to keep their image esp on their early debut to gain fans who support them into entertainment world. & ofc hv to maintain the fans support. This which brings many idol hv to keep their relationship secret so they still can feel all the support that their get.

Idol r human too. They can feel happy, sad, tired, & falling in love. That’s humanity.

I understand why LT hd some secret relationships in the past. We can’t avoid love. We can’t  make plan who we will fallin’ in love with. Love can come easy anytime anywhere & w/ anyone.

That’s what happen w/ our DC.

Some said that LT looked not happy when the screen shows SR who will be his wife on their 1st meeting. But for me it’s was‘not surprised face’ instead of ‘sad face’.He knew Kang Sora will & 1st task is searching about SR’s profile that not rly fit into his ideal type.

From what I know, LT likes typical small (myb cz of his height -LOL-), pure, & cute girl. & he prefers girl who hv pretty face first (I know from 5000 questions w/ SJ before Sungmin told everyone on WGM Special eps). I’m not saying SR isn’t pretty (I fallin’ for her -I’m straight btw XD) but she’s kinda hv mature face considering her age^^


But, look at LT’s face when SR come out.I definitely can feel LT was attracted by SR’s appearance ;)


Time goes by & we can see their love develop towards each other. eventho this is a reality show programme, but they did it wholeheartedly. I can feel the way sm1 who r in an acting mode & sincere. But ofc sometime they hv to deal w/ public reaction.


On the last eps, I think their sadness weren’t bout their relationship is over but bcuz they feel pity that bcuz LT will join army soon so they didn’t hv a lot of time to spend together. & they can’t spend their time in a comfort way (since WGM ended, they can’t date publicly). Even on WGM, they just hv a little time (cz of MBC strike) (TToTT)


And the lip kiss ???? kyaaaaa love it!!!! *--*

This is 1st time I’m so excited about kiss scene this much :D

Cuz of what ?! this is a reality show prog. Not even a drama nor film. I feel the sincerity of them. LT want to show us that he’s rly love her & told everybode that this girl is mine (Don’t touch my wife or u will die! LOL.)

And I believe that kiss wasn’t their 1st kiss. I’m sure about it. The way they did it is just soooooooo natural. Remember rite when they talk about they want their 1st kiss precious in the right time, when there’s no camera filming ? (*Suddenly I thought about LT bought a new van & hv a date w/ Sora in Han River <3 the 1st kiss might happen there??? kkkkkk)



For me, keep their relationship a secret is the best way they can choose.

LT won’t let SR to be hurt by haters if he’s not around & LT won’t let people bothering SR about them. LT wants SR focus about his carreer first cuz SR still hv a long way to go. So FDs, we hv to wait until 2 years later. Be patience & keep support & protect our precious DC^^


There’s time if they’re doing interview (the formal one), I think that LT & SR don’t want to talk about them too much esp towards their “dating relationship” & keep it save like they’re just good friends & talk about something usual between friends. For what ? just for the public. But ofc FD will find something unusual bcuz we treasure them much J


Well, their hints make me going crazy. when I find something behind their updates, sometime I just laugh at myself knowing the way these two love birds showing us their love & care XD


Their twitter updates, clothes, interviews, V-SIGNs are the proofs. Only FDs who understand what is on earth happening between them ;)


I rly like the V-Sign they did. That’s too obvious. Kkkk.

When SJ’s SPY performance, LT did v-sign a lot like there’s no tomorrow XDDD

Lately, on Blue Carpet BIFF 2 days ago. The way LT did v-sign towards camera sneakily kkkkk (LT u should focus on the staff’s direction instead of the camera & doing v-sign) kkkk~


-sorry for very long post-  

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Guest pinnavinna

TSLovely said:

Here’s my thought^^ (my apology if mybe this alrdy been discussed I just want to share w/ u)


About secret relationship

I’m sure we all know that idol hv to keep their image esp on their early debut to gain fans who support them into entertainment world. & ofc hv to maintain the fans support. This which brings many idol hv to keep their relationship secret so they still can feel all the support that their get.

Idol r human too. They can feel happy, sad, tired, & falling in love. That’s humanity.

I understand why LT hd some secret relationships in the past. We can’t avoid love. We can’t  make plan who we will fallin’ in love with. Love can come easy anytime anywhere & w/ anyone.

That’s what happen w/ our DC.

Some said that LT looked not happy when the screen shows SR who will be his wife on their 1st meeting. But for me it’s was‘not surprised face’ instead of ‘sad face’.He knew Kang Sora will & 1st task is searching about SR’s profile that not rly fit into his ideal type.

From what I know, LT likes typical small (myb cz of his height -LOL-), pure, & cute girl. & he prefers girl who hv pretty face first (I know from 5000 questions w/ SJ before Sungmin told everyone on WGM Special eps). I’m not saying SR isn’t pretty (I fallin’ for her -I’m straight btw XD) but she’s kinda hv mature face considering her age^^


But, look at LT’s face when SR come out.I definitely can feel LT was attracted by SR’s appearance ;)


Time goes by & we can see their love develop towards each other. eventho this is a reality show programme, but they did it wholeheartedly. I can feel the way sm1 who r in an acting mode & sincere. But ofc sometime they hv to deal w/ public reaction.


On the last eps, I think their sadness weren’t bout their relationship is over but bcuz they feel pity that bcuz LT will join army soon so they didn’t hv a lot of time to spend together. & they can’t spend their time in a comfort way (since WGM ended, they can’t date publicly). Even on WGM, they just hv a little time (cz of MBC strike) (TToTT)


And the lip kiss ???? kyaaaaa love it!!!! *--*

This is 1st time I’m so excited about kiss scene this much :D

Cuz of what ?! this is a reality show prog. Not even a drama nor film. I feel the sincerity of them. LT want to show us that he’s rly love her & told everybode that this girl is mine (Don’t touch my wife or u will die! LOL.)

And I believe that kiss wasn’t their 1st kiss. I’m sure about it. The way they did it is just soooooooo natural. Remember rite when they talk about they want their 1st kiss precious in the right time, when there’s no camera filming ? (*Suddenly I thought about LT bought a new van & hv a date w/ Sora in Han River <3 the 1st kiss might happen there??? kkkkkk)



For me, keep their relationship a secret is the best way they can choose.

LT won’t let SR to be hurt by haters if he’s not around & LT won’t let people bothering SR about them. LT wants SR focus about his carreer first cuz SR still hv a long way to go. So FDs, we hv to wait until 2 years later. Be patience & keep support & protect our precious DC^^


There’s time if they’re doing interview (the formal one), I think that LT & SR don’t want to talk about them too much esp towards their “dating relationship” & keep it save like they’re just good friends & talk about something usual between friends. For what ? just for the public. But ofc FD will find something unusual bcuz we treasure them much J


Well, their hints make me going crazy. when I find something behind their updates, sometime I just laugh at myself knowing the way these two love birds showing us their love & care XD


Their twitter updates, clothes, interviews, V-SIGNs are the proofs. Only FDs who understand what is on earth happening between them ;)


I rly like the V-Sign they did. That’s too obvious. Kkkk.

When SJ’s SPY performance, LT did v-sign a lot like there’s no tomorrow XDDD

Lately, on Blue Carpet BIFF 2 days ago. The way LT did v-sign towards camera sneakily kkkkk (LT u should focus on the staff’s direction instead of the camera & doing v-sign) kkkk~


-sorry for very long post-  

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i soo love Sunday.  It's my TeukSo recap day.
1. starts with checking the thread for updates - 
2. check Teukie and Sora's twitter / tumblr / web posts
3. review fave episodes (which usually resulting to reviewing ALL eps kekeke)
4. now this is hardwork for me since early today (back reading soompi thread. those i skip from the beginning pages... so far im in page 48 hahahhaha)
talking about some serious TeukSo Love. and im seriously Stoked. right.


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Guest pinnavinna

kaiskloset said:
i soo love Sunday.  It's my TeukSo recap day.
1. starts with checking the thread for updates - 
2. check Teukie and Sora's twitter / tumblr / web posts
3. review fave episodes (which usually resulting to reviewing ALL eps kekeke)
4. now this is hardwork for me since early today (back reading soompi thread. those i skip from the beginning pages... so far im in page 48 hahahhaha)
talking about some serious TeukSo Love. and im seriously Stoked. right.


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Teuk . Fighting junior , and kangin now at gangnam concert stage for rehearsal...(no word yet if hangeng/hankyung will join suju stage)

[PIC] 121007 Gangnam KPop Concert Rehearsal Preview (cr: iSungmin.cc v:sjissj).hk. http://twitpic.com/b1tzv6 

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Guest smileagain2012





Those are my happiness when I see her
Those are my smile when I'm near her
Those are my looks to look for her
Those are the features of my face when we meet the same place
Those are the beats of my heart when he approached the date of its vision
And wondering where to go all the pain of the years
Fatigue and stress

All this disappears in a moment because I
Really love her

When you smile makes the heart smile again
Together forever


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