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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest lallinachan

@alli and @ Hanyi: ♥♥Thankyou for translating! High5! you were superfast^^ (Hanyi, I'll see you in twitter)
@k-craze: High 5! the pic was taken from the preview of that episode, another scene that appear only in the preview, haha.

Oh well, everybody is entitled to have their opinion of course, but "just friends" is not what I see here, heheh! I could think something like that possible if I deleted all the past episodes till the wedding photoshoot, only then it would be still a possibility in my speculation (of course I can't say I know what is between them, but I can try to guess. Only the two of them know it) - anyway all the awkward moments and insecurities and shyness I've seen in the past, the way Sora and Teukie usually react with other persons and friends, make me think there was an attraction and caring that slowly became something more serious. Of course they burst out laughing when there are some romantic things they do, because they know they have to behave as a married couple, and that's something they probably take as a game, an excuse to do something for the other one, and is an excuse to have some skinship. That doesn't necessary mean, in my opinion, that they are only friends.

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Guest k_craze

I was watching the WGM Idol Couple audition segment. And found what Sungmin said here seems to support our speculation that Sungmin played a BIG PART in Dimples' relationship.


SM: You must go through me If you want to be the virtual couple.


Key: Why?

SM: Because I'm the middleman (I think he meant matchmaker)


MC Misun: When was that?

SM: LT and Sora can be such a popular couple, because I was the one who pulled them together.


This statement sounds suspicious!  What was it that he had pulled them together. And when? I don't recall seeing him doing the pulling string part during the show.  Oh...I know, it was during the 4 months strike, acting as the bridge for Sora to understand Lee Teuk?  That is why Sora understands LT so well when they came back. 

My lovely FDs....let's DANCE and be DELUSIONAL! 

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Guest k_craze

The video is here.  Quite interesting. Translating as much as I can use the most appropriate English word, a little service from me for those who doesn't understand Chinese.

WGM new couple audition

SNSD cut

Caption: SM Town Concert

Caption: The reason WGM is here


WGM Idol Couple Audition

Requirements: Must be 19 years and above


1. Must be single

2. Can show your natural face (ie without makeup) and can't put on foot paddings

3. Cannot be unfaithful

4. Must be truthful and give a honest, unreserved performance through WGM programme

SNSD girls (I only know Yoona, dunno the other two)

Can we join, if we said we want to join?

YN: I am 23 yo, just turn 22 yo

You are too old

YN: 19 and above, does it mean that you can join even though you are not yet an adult?

That's right.


They read Condition 1 - Single

Me! Me!

No.2 condition

One girl: I got to go

YN: I had prepared myself during rehearsal I can do that

Girl 2: For me I can fulfill all conditions but not sure on Condition 2. For no. 4, is it ok if I just don't scold.

Asking Yoona: What is your ideal?

YN: My ideal is Kim Jong jin (Don't know who is he)

Cannot, he doesn't fulfill Condition 1

YN: Someone just like a character in a drama

(Shouting out to their virtual husbands)

First of all, to be without makeup is a little (too much) .  Although we can't show our natural face.

3rd girl: I can show my natural face but can't do without foot padding.

YN: I can show my natural face and can go without foot padding

2nd girl: But I believe Yoona will be unfaithful

Sungmin, Key and Taemin cut

Key: WGM couple, idol couple. Jonghyun (2pm guy) had done it, Lee Teuk shi also. Next one, can't it be me?

Caption: Volunteer himself enthusiastically

Key: Next one, can it be me? Can't it be me?

SM: You must go through me if you want to be the idol couple.

Key: Why?

SM: Because I am the middleman (or matchmaker)

MC MIsun: When was that?

SM: Lee Teuk and Sora is a popular couple because I was the one who pull them together

Taemin: If Hyung wants to be in the show, who do you want to couple with?

SM: (suddenly serious) someone close. Sunny?

A loud BAM at this moment.

Key and Taemin quickly said: Cannot cannot! Sunny Cannot!

Key: Ah...I want to couple with Boa Noona

[No loud Bam} so he said: I pass! I pass!

Suddenly run away cause he is shy.

[Actually, I used not to like Key cause he seems so feminine, but he mans up a little nowadays, and seems like he really want to be on the show so much. Remember LT's video for Sora.  Yoona too. Guess they are really lonely and dun mind to be on a show if they can get a taste of dating life.]

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Guest thenewbie28

just share my opinion.i think they aren't already in relationship. but i'm pretty sure there is something happen. i talk like this because what they do same as what i and my bf do. yesterday as usually my bf hold my waist when i stand next to him and i thought about DC so i ask a question to my bf why he always holds my waist? why not hold on shoulder?  and he answer that was what a men doing to their love. and hold on shoulder mean a friendship and many people can do it with anyone without love. 

because of that i thought about something happen with DC eps 21 when teuk tried to calm sora while she was cried. he hold her shoulder with awkward act.

but now LT totaly different start from wedding episode when he hold SR waist for the first time. he doing NG before he done that. look how shy he is.ayu615.jpgnow he dont shy anymore. even he hold her waist to comfort SR at the pool. 

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Guest mywebfoot

@k_craze LOL. Ahjumma fantasies are out of control.... :P Yes, I saw @witeku's fanfic that mentioned that (which are beautiful, btw!). Instead of wishful thinking I like to think of it as speaking blessings on them. Which is why I like the tradition of Good wishes for page toppers. For those FDs that weren't around yet during the strike, I can say that those page toppers were one way that kept all of us going when there were no new episodes to 'feed' us. Looking back, maybe it was good training, huh? Like a trial run for Teukie's enlistment.

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I was watching the WGM Idol Couple audition segment. And found what Sungmin said here seems to support our speculation that Sungmin played a BIG PART in Dimples' relationship.


SM: You must go through me If you want to be the virtual couple.

Key: Why?

SM: Because I'm the middleman (I think he meant matchmaker)

MC Misun: When was that?

SM: LT and Sora can be such a popular couple, because I was the one who pulled them together.


This statement sounds suspicious!  What was it that he had pulled them together. And when? I don't recall seeing him doing the pulling string part during the show.  Oh...I know, it was during the 4 months strike, acting as the bridge for Sora to understand Lee Teuk?  That is why Sora understands LT so well when they came back. 

My lovely FDs....let's DANCE and be DELUSIONAL! 

@k_craze: (Delusional me posting) Don't you think it should be because SM made Teukie jealous and got him to man-up to make Sora his 100% girlfriend?? LOL. I mean if the term "pulled them together" is correct, don't you think he means it in REAL life??? (Kekeke. So delusional.)

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Guest vierblith

The last episode was awesome~ They have such natural skinship now. Somebody should write a fanfic entitled: What Really After Nami Island. I really think their relationship got deeper after the first kiss and probably after LT saw Sora's backroom interview after the first kiss, where she was so sincere she cried.

And I agree with @mywebfoot. LT seemed to be trying to control himself again, particularly at that scene where Sora got water in her eyes and put his hands briefly on her waist. But I think he failed controlling himself eventually as suggested by the shortened hug scenes~

As for the pasta scene, not sure when it really happened. But some eagle eye FDDs pointed out that at the night WooJung went to the Dimple House, there were some pans in the sink so they might have made the pasta then. But knowing the WGM editing team... they might not include it at all or mush it with scenes filmed on a different day.

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Guest mywebfoot

k_craze said:

sorry to cut your post.

I think some of us had a theory that Kangin stripped LT during the show cause Sora was there too. Looking at the schedule that @lallinachan posted, I think that theory is highly possible.


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Guest pinnavinna

lavendermini said: I say they are just friends because whenever they look in each others eyes for romantic thing they just bust out laughing. I can't explain lol. Forget itBut uh yeah I think they went swimming then to the movies then the woojung couple came over for the game.

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Guest pinnavinna

mywebfoot said: k_craze said:

sorry to cut your post.

I think some of us had a theory that Kangin stripped LT during the show cause Sora was there too. Looking at the schedule that @lallinachan posted, I think that theory is highly possible.


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I don't know this is a bad news or not, but I got this from facebook WGM Leeteuk SJ & Kang Sora. One of them said this:

"my friend Móniicaa Alemmán said there will new couple in WGM n is confirmed kwanghee and sunhwa.. but the bad news there's 2 new couple guys... @HeleChui sent it to me yesterday her friend saw them at WGM's introduction T^T
just prepare our heart guys.. n keep smiling for eeteuk n sora...fighting!!!!

-PAXP-deijE.gifTwitter / HeleChui: @TSL08 Please see this pictures ...twitter.comInstantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
So, I was thinking that next week will short duration again for our DC and it so sad like we just counting the day after the ended their virtual married :((Let's hope together that MBC will keep their promise to make the couple around till LT goes to his enlistment...
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I thought KwangHee said he don't qualify - especially on the part of 'cheating'  and even expressed his desire on being paired with another individual.   Well, whatever, just bring them on and give us good scenes of our dear TeukSora.  And if it is time to go, give them a meaningful goodbye - or should I say - 'hang around' departure.

@mywebfoot - just go for it - nothing to be shy about - we all know what could be or what would be - or what will be - that's how life is!!

I think it really is quite noticeable how close SM is to DC.  In episode 2, while the 3 FJs were getting upset that LT got paired with Sora and kind of dissing him out saying 'what is he', SM was the only one who said 'he is Sora's husband'.  In episode 9, when SR walked in to the practice room, 3 FJs again extended their hands to shake hands with her and SM made a comment about why hold her hand; also, while they were practicing and KH just took LT standee to the side recklessly, SR and SM quickly stopped KH from doing that - and most especially, he was the only one who did not complain about the tasks given to him at the concert.  He also gave LT good points about LT feelings for SR (by divulging what he does at the waiting room - watching SR vids) during the Christmas special.

Well, got to go and make a living - have a nice day everyone!!




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Hello FD's!!!  Been pretty busy lately but was able to watch the episode with subs a couple of times and have been lurking on this thread. Good to know that the pioneers of this thread are back and new ones continue to join our discussions about our couple. We do not really need to agree with each other all the time because we can  look at the same things and we can be moved and touched by it in different ways based on our own life experiences , but it does not necessarily mean that one is right and the other one is wrong. It just means our perceptions are not the same . Believers will always find a reason to justify their belief and non believers will always find loopholes. In a way our differences makes us think deeper and look harder for reasons and meanings  behind every is smile , laughs, looks and glances exchanged...and it makes every episode much more exciting to watch.
Having said that....i still can not understand (no matter how much i try to be objective about it) how some people can make assumptions that TEUKSO is not real!!! Really!!!! How can you guys miss those obvious signs after this episode? The tickling of their soles....the finger walk on Teukies arm....the tight hug of Sora when she was carried...the waist embrace given by Lee Teuk....some of you are so much better at enumerating them one by  one....really does your male friend do this to you???  Do you respond that way to someone you do not like (love)? Okay....maybe i will give in to some doubt....so maybe they are not yet in an official relationship ...but there is no way and no doubt that what we saw are actions of two people who like(love ) each other and the least they may have at the moment is a mutual understanding of what they feel for each other....whether such feelings will persist ( like what seems to have happened between Lee Byun Hyun and lee Min Jung) as time goes by is for all FD's to follow, observe and hope for. All I can say at  this point is ....maybe they were giggling during such romantic moments because the thought of actually doing it crossed their minds at  the same time only to come to their senses that the entire crew is watching them. How many times have you done this with your partner? I know I have done it a lot....when we are in the midst of a crowd...and we shared the glance thinking about something romantic and sexy only to burst out laughing because we are surrounded by friends and family members. Such seems like the perfect explanation...because really even though this show is non scripted...it is still a show that follows a concept and is manned by a number of crew.
@k-craze,@viyra,@lallinachan,@mywebfoot are right. Simple friendship does not explain all the skinships happening....No one tells them to hold hands, to do sole tickling, to flirt ....because they are left to proceed as they feel at that very moment...it also solidifies what we know that they are not acting ....because if they are...why will they laugh when as professionals they are being paid to be in the show and act as they are told!
on my last thought...although their skinships gave me goosebumps galore ...it was when Lee Teuk said that he will exercise FOREVER and HIS ENTIRE LIFETIME  after  Sora said she likes his body because she likes him.....To me and my delusional mind....he seems to be willing to take this into the next level and commit to something in the future to keep Sora liking him. It took awhile for Teukie to be where he is now in my mind....for a time I thought he got lost due to  his insecurities and baggages of the past....now i know he got back on the same path as before and i hope they can both ride the storms and enjoy the springtime of a wonderful solid relationship.
FD'sLET US KEEP  FIGHTING!!!! Let's stay on this journey and anticipate  future episodes with joy and look forward for our twins in the next 4 years!

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Guest thenewbie28

dee15 said:

On Leeteuk’s birthday celebration, Sora gives Leeteuk a big white box containing many gift especially with white color ^^..then she also gives Leeteuk two underpants right?


so here our investigations about Leeteuk underpants from Sora >______< (hahaha..I can’t believe it we search about this too -____-”, that’s okay since we know now Leeteuk wear Sora’s gift, kkkk)


and then bonus insight for you ^^ :


hahaha..we are little crazy here x____X

INSIGHT TEAM : VinniE, @Lil_Vna and @nhb19


*please take out with credit properly

This is for brighter all of your day... :)

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Hello DC Lovers! :) I'm a Ssangchu fan who also happens to be a TeukSo fan! I've been a Ssangchu fan since four years ago, and haven't followed a couple on WGM ever since. But when TeukSo aired, I'm just super hooked and kept waiting for the next episode. I can't even begin to describe how frustrated I was when TeukSo didn't air during that MBC strike and Olympics. But when they aired the episode of TeukSo in the public pool, OHHMAYGAHD! asdfghjkl! See, I can't understand Korean that much, only basic, but while I was watching the raw vid (w/o english subs), I was completely shocked at Teukkie's daring behavior! The way he held Sora's waist TWICE! I'm just... woah! Considering their culture, and how Teukkie's way older than Sora, I THINK TEUKKIE CAN'T GET A HOLD OF HIMSELF! THEY JUST LOOK LIKE A REAL COUPLE! (omg, first time here and I'm all caps! :) )
tumblr_m9dz72NcDe1r5iugro3_250.gif tumblr_m9dz72NcDe1r5iugro5_250.gif
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Look at how Sora touched Teukkie's arms! It's not awkward at all! And Teukkie's reaction is daeeebak! 
tumblr_m9e7wo9eBl1r5iugro3_250.gif tumblr_m9e7wo9eBl1r5iugro4_250.gif 
tumblr_m9e7wo9eBl1r5iugro5_250.gif tumblr_m9e7wo9eBl1r5iugro6_250.gif
DID YOU SEE THAT?! Teukkie held Sora's waist for a moment and it's an asdfghjkl moment! Remember how Dimple Couple are even awkward holding hands? And now this? I think they've gotten to know each other better for them to be this comfortable together! Oh, and Sora didn't mind! I love this moment!
tumblr_m9eepsINnZ1r5iugro4_250.gif tumblr_m9eepsINnZ1r5iugro5_250.gif
tumblr_m9eepsINnZ1r5iugro6_250.gif tumblr_m9eepsINnZ1r5iugro7_250.gif 
HE HELD HER WAIST AGAIN, THIS TIME A LITTLE LONGER! Look at how intimately he held Sora's waist! I am going bonkers! It's cute when Sora pushed Teukkie after he threw her at the pool but Teukkie just laughed and held her. Lovely DC moment! 

DC Lovers, continue supporting your couple no matter what every one else say. Continue sharing fun spazzes, and DC lovin'... Even if Teukkie enlists, always remember what he said, "Time flies fast when you're in love." Teukkie's in love with Sora, and we're in love with DC. So time will never be a problem. It's just two years... 
Well, if ever haters happen to come in here (like it happened in our Ssangchu thread), kill them with Dimple Couple lovin'! Trust me, it always works! 

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Hi FD's..I'm new here though I've been visiting this thread for two weeks now. Since Ssangchu Couple left WGM, I've never been interested in any other couple though I tried to watch some but couldn't bring myself to support them. When I was lurking at JoongBo thread @k_craze and @viyra was talking about Dimple Couple and how they are similar to JoongBo and I was like "really?they must be that good to be leveled as the Ssangchu Couple since I love this couple so much that no other couple in WGM caught my interest"..so I tried DC and I was hooked since episode 1. I backread this thread from page 1 to 565..talking about being obsessed... =))
No matter what other people said..I believe this couple is real!!!! I re-watched all the episode for how many times now and you can clearly see the difference from their first meeting to now...I don't really need to explain since most of the FD's have explained it. I agree with others that this not scripted. True, they may have given the instruction on where to go but not how they would act. I don't think PD would actually put on a script "go to the pool and start tickling each other foot" or "carry her like a princess when she does her punishment, throw her in the water and give her a hug (which still makes my cheeks ascend to heaven)" ...=))
*wave* to FD's from Philippines..:D

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Guest rizkyuhae

mywebfoot said: k_craze said:

sorry to cut your post.

I think some of us had a theory that Kangin stripped LT during the show cause Sora was there too. Looking at the schedule that @lallinachan posted, I think that theory is highly possible.


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