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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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k_craze said: @33_mieru thank you for the gifs, yeah, LT certainly wanted to hold her hands while walking, now it seems like a reversal scene compared to Nami island when SR was the one wanting to hold his hand. why didn't he pulled Sora sleeves... :)) And at the last gif, LT is holding her hand really tightly, looked at his arms....guess he doesn't want to loose her hand.

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Guest pinnavinna

lennycsn said:

Geez...the Eng sub for the episode is really slow. its only 10 mins for DC. Cant they just release DC slot first?

Same here... need the Eng sub

me too.. only depend on the hint from NKsubs tweets, to understand a few conversation. and explanation from @k_craze :(

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Guest 33ru_mieru

hello viyra, nice to see you too =) too bad i can't create a video...but it's not bad huh you singing ;)
I pity Sungmin on that day... first appeared in restaurant, then during swimming pool scene, came again...watching his brother and sister in law love dovey... hope your suspicion about him is a good thing...and yes I agree with you, Sora is smart to ensure her husband it's unnecessary to get jealous at master number 1 =) lucky husband....get foot skinship -_-''

gosh, that scene where the color was robbed from Sungmin.... look so pitiful and lonely (the right side)..at least last time (during the FJ's blind date), he has Fighting Junior who share same "loneliness" with him..Being Leeteuk's brother is really not easy :P I hope Sungmin gets a good treat after that..I want MBC to treat him better too!!
hehe, but the left side of the pic looks so sweet~~~

*waved* *waved* thanks for the calendar!! you and @monmon16 are daebak as always~

Glad that you love it sqd66..Actually I created the gif cause I was sad when watching the other couple's farewell too (not a fan of them but can't help not to feel sad)..So, I cheer myself up with it.. Looking at TeukSora while listening to The Beatles do cheer me up so I hope it cheers you up too =)

@monmon16 & @robinblue91
Can you both stop using the word "old" lol...I am as sensitive as Teuk last year :P... Argh...can't wait for you all to watch the Eng Sub...There are more more more to spazz....every moment of it~

Teuksora is full of love~ love~ love~
There's nothing they can do that can't be done: (Teuk - he got to hold Sora's hand & Sora - she got to spazz at Teuk's 3D muscular body)
and all they have is love, yeah...
all they have is love~~~
all they have is love~ love~
love is all they have!!

our project was in May? wow...time flies..thanks for liking my gif...since you have done great comics and videos for us, hope this inspire to share more great videos and comics with us :P often? haha you know i can't...

I love that too (the Sora hugging Teuk tightly and Teuk's cheek ascending high pic)...and please pay attention to what MC Miseun has got to say when the sub comes out... (@k_craze shared about it :P)

haha..cute couple TeukSora is, wanting to hold hands.. now even foot also skinshipping...

haha, i think that's the boy! Should thank the boy, because of him we saw the scene Teuk helping Sora with his shirt :P

wow thanks for the sharing...

Humans are so unique. That's why all sorts of people do exist :P why people relate Leeteuk with Taeyeon, why antis still spreading hates...
haha, perhaps those people have different brain channels or different way of processing information.
that's why we see different things from them.. and since everyone is entitled to their opinion...let them have their opinion, let us have ours...
when arguments are to be done with respect towards one another, it's actually fun and interesting to see difference in views.

I don't know Teuk much still but from the interviews, from the tweets and from what his brothers in Super Junior have shared..I don't think the Teuk I know is the type who will accept to be part of a show like WGM if he is in a relationship with someone else..and yeah~ they are so blessed to meet each other..

I can never understand antis but I have to say antis are sometimes coexist together with the supporters to make them (TeukSora) stronger..
It's good that TeukSora feel so much love from the supporters...but it is when something bad happen, they learn to treasure the good time more..
so yah... those antis are making use of TeukSora to seek for attention..
but I believe Leeteuk and Sora are smart and know better how to deal with these people..they know how to protect themselves, so there is no need for fans to overprotecting them =)
(they have each other to protect each other :P)

Love your sharings...i learned a lot. please share more.. I also have many pages to catch up but I am gonna take my time to catch up after September :P

@all FDs..
Thanks so much for making this place an awesome place..and thanks for liking the gifs. Sorry for my long post above cause every time I visit here, can't help not to comment :P I don't visit this place recently as it's not convenient for me as compare to other media and also due to time limit..
One good thing about soompi is, there is no word limit and don't have to worry jamming other people's timeline. If you like, you can continue to read, if you don't like, can just immediately jump to next post....that's the good thing here :P
Anyway, no matter where we are, it's good to know there are many who share same love to TeukSora, not only here but some many places out there too ^_^
Hope you all get the EngSub soon~~

migosh.... haha...i was about to edit when I realised my last line was a wish :P "Hope you all get the EngSub soon"
hrm...but 3 wishes.... hrm...
can I recycle the wish above?? :P brain kinda stuck now...

1) Hope FDs get the EngSub soon for epi 29 and next week we'll have at least 30 minutes of TeukSora moment~~
2) Wishing FDs and TeukSora all the health and happiness in this world
3) Wish this thread will be as colorful like rainbows... there are joy, laughter, dreams, surprises, okay, even if there are challenging stuff like sadness, anger, tears, wish all these colorful feelings will make this thread even more special and bond us all ^_^

how's that twin? :P

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Guest xianlie90

@33ru_mieru hah! mieru post landed on the 600 page! congratsss~~~ 축하 축하 :D

how about 3 wish, twin????

anw, cute gif & you even put "I wanna hold your hand" song~~ kkk

33ru_mieru said:
migosh.... haha...i was about to edit when I realised my last line was a wish :P "Hope you all get the EngSub soon"
hrm...but 3 wishes.... hrm...
can I recycle the wish above?? :P brain kinda stuck now...

1) Hope FDs get the EngSub soon for epi 29 and next week we'll have at least 30 minutes of TeukSora moment~~
2) Wishing FDs and TeukSora all the health and happiness in this world
3) Wish this thread will be as colorful like rainbows... there are joy, laughter, dreams, surprises, okay, even if there are challenging stuff like sadness, anger, tears, wish all these colorful feelings will make this thread even more special and bond us all ^_^

how's that twin? :P

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and did anyone notice that while Sora was applying tanning lotion on husband, she was looking at him (even tho' camera is only focused on her but you can tell where her eyes were)  - and when Sora was applying nail polish on his toes, LT was actually looking at her too.  These gazes are clear indication how they treasure each other - they are not saying it but their looks explain it.

@k_craze - thank you so much for the brief translation - much appreciated!!

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Guest mywebfoot

Not that we need more evidence of MBC's franken(stein)editing, but I noticed something interesting missing from the pool scene. When Teuk dropped Sora in the water, she comes up fighting (LOL) and starts pushing Teuk backward. He tries to stop her by pushing her arms aside. The next cut, is our by now famous 'hug' scene, where he is holding her by the waist. 
What is the missing transition? From defense to hug attack!! It feels like MBC cut a scene that was possibly more intimate than the one we saw, doesn't it? And yes, the whole sequence at the end with kids chasing after Teuk, Sora running toward Teuk then away... that's seriously disjointed. One moment Teuk is running toward the edge of the pool, another he is running away from the edge. Sigh, MBC, what you trying to do????
The appearance of Sungmin at the pool was also really bizarre. You can actually see Sung Min at 2:53 (of Excentrique's youtube video) when Sora first starts splashing LT. You can tell they knew SM was there. Teuk is a bit better at covering it up, but Sora could not really act surprised to see SM.
Other cuts that MBS owes us include the spaghetti cooking scene (Why did Teuk use a coupon for that??? bizarre). I hope they don't intend to stick that scene to the end of the camping day, and try to pass it off as the right order of events.
One day, I hope to have the time to stitch these past few week episodes together in the actual order that they happened. 
EDIT: Side topic on inclusion of SungMin in WGM.

I also think they may be planning something with SM. He's so cute. I hope he either becomes part of a new couple OR he becomes one of the MC's with a cute storyline that he is 'forever alone' or something. He can add all the woebegone bachelor funnies that Jinwoon used to add with the YongSeo couple. (That was seriously funny, because Jinwoon admitted to a crush on Seohyun, so the whole of YongSeo's couple, run there'd be a funny backstory of Jinwoon being sad at the developments).If anyone out there is wondering about SM's aegyo abilities, let this GIF of him rushing to buy snacks convince you: 


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Guest lennycsn

@mywebfoot i was too confused by the preview. It was eventually revealed that, as i found out from other sources in another forum, the pasta scene news was released in nate news but not in the preview text. The confusion and mislead info caused many fans dissatisfied with mbc ways of doing things especially they just have to add on the slot of the idol wgm recruitment. so you can imagine the chinese fans went and bombard mbc in weibo and their webpage again in two consecutive weeks.

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Guest mywebfoot

lennycsn said: @mywebfoot i was too confused by the preview. It was eventually revealed that, as i found out from other sources in another forum, the pasta scene news was released in nate news but not in the preview text. The confusion and mislead info caused many fans dissatisfied with mbc ways of doing things especially they just have to add on the slot of the idol wgm recruitment. so you can imagine the chinese fans went and bombard mbc in weibo and their webpage again in two consecutive weeks.

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I mentioned earlier that the camping scene could be the preview - the same way they did the play game with WooJung couple. 

Before they showed SR being manager for the day, they already showed WJ/DC competition; LT said they just came back from the pool so they can't have visitors or they are tired.  In actuality, they omitted the first scene of Sora being manager and switched it around - I guess they were already trying to get rid of WJ then.  Then in the next episode, they showed SR being one-day manager - they played at the pool - but omitted the cooking scene, and showed the camping date instead.

So I am guessing they will start episode 30 wtih the cooking portion and continue on with the camping date.

I think WGM is trying to tie them together but cannot - editor probably has something else on his/her mind that we are unable to read.

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Guest lavendermini

Hey. Um how long from now do you guys think the episode will be subbed. Around what time do they usually get subbed?

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I have not been posting for a while. However, I have always been "floating" around this thread and another thread (my 1st wgm couple from season 1). It's nice to see there are many from this dc family in another family same as me. Honestly, I have not been watching dc ever since they came back after the strike. I have been here depending on all yor comments and all your spazzs to stay updated on this couple. because I am afraid of growing attached to this couple and knowing lee teuk will leave for army soon, I don't want to watch their farewell. The sadness when my 1st favourite couple leave the show is still so unforgettable, its has been 4 years since they left and I will rewatched all their episodes except their farewell. I will probably start watching dc after lee teuk leaves for the army. This way, I probably will learn to accept he have left. And i know i can still come back here to knowing i have all of you as company. Its funny I am not sad about teuk leaving army (I am not a teuk fan, but sora's and also I come from a country that requires man to serve the army, so should be happy that teuk is doing something Proud and protect his country ) but I am sad he is leaving sora on screen ( we all hope they are not separated in real life). Lol, actually I don't know what is the purpose of me writing this post. Just wanted to let all of you know I appreciate all of your existence. Edit Mbc editing really screwed up big time, don't remember it was this bad during season 1. Sungmin can clearly be seen and heard when teuk and sora first step into the water. And I don't understand sungmin purpose of appearing in 2 episodes (unless he is the next couple) unlike donghae whom I believed he was a potential couple to be on the show Sungmin (sorry, I don't know how to add spoiler) He has been wanting to join wgm since 2008 season 1. Hope most people thoughts are right about him being in wgm next since he is highly exposed recently in wgm. And I will be real happy if he is in ( he is my bias in suju) coz I have been hoping he will appear with hyorin in wgm (I have feeling he will be coupled with boa, both sm artists, is that allowed?). Even though sungmin and hyorin is the 3rd couple I shipped after seeing them in pit a pat shake earlier this year. ( go watch it if you havnt, think both of them are able to create some sparks as a couple) No offence to any sungmin and sunny (snsd) shippers here.

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Guest Sammya

I'm still freaking out with this episode!!! I have watched 10 times and always with a smile on his face. It is very beautiful to see the evolution of both the intimacy that only two people have really close, especially when it comes to Koreans. I am very grateful for Sora to do my leader a person so happy * - *
But today was a sad day for the ELF's, was the last presentation of Teuk, leader of Super Junior at MOA, and I'm still devastated. Wed still can not believe the time is coming to say goodbye to Teuk. This is very surreal for me. And yet I suffer doubly, with the separation of Dimple Couple and the farewell. It will be who I will support heart?

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Guest teuksoislove

"Sora-shi, i know she can swim well."
"she even does butterfly strokes."

I really laughed aloud when i heard this statement from misun-noona and dong min. i was like, "so, Sora-shi does this for skinship? wow! daebak!" oh well, it was a nice plan! CHUTAAA! NICEEE! XD

i had goosebumps AGAIN after watching the scene in the camping car, the Sora-hold-Teuk's-hand moment. kyaaaaaaaaaaaa.! :DD

looking forward for next week. :DD

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I am all prepared for his goodbye - but I am very concerned on how the wife is going to handle the goodbye.  Had it not for the 4-month strike, they could have been together one year (exactly when LT leaves - if I am considering the old news he will enlist first week of October). 

Just like Kim Hyun Joong of Ssangchu couple said at their goodbye - "the 8 months they were together is something you don't just forget" - because you did things together all those months; and I'm sure DC have built something together between them with the months they were together as 'virtual' husband and wife.  Although quite playful (because that's how Sora wants LT to be - someone who would be funny and make her laugh), LT is a good husband or a good boyfriend (because they never played their roles as husband and wife and didn't even mention to anybody they are husband and wife, right?) - we can all tell he cares so much about Sora and it is quite obvious he has that special feeling for her.  And Sora, even tho' she is not a domestic wife, she does take care of the most precious task as his wife - giving him moral support - pampering him, no matter how his evil jealous streak attacks, she does things that would make him smile.

Ahhh!! I would start crying if I continue on - I hope they stay one more month together.

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