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KBS reveals Park Si Hoo not on their ban list, but unsure if he’ll ever appear on broadcast again

KBS has not officially banned Park Si Hoo from their station.

All three terrestrial stations (MBC, KBS, SBS) declared that they’d be waiting until the end of the investigations to decide if they would ban Park Si Hoo or not. KBS ultimately decided not to ban him, saying, “Park Si Hoo was not included on the most recent list of names banned from KBS broadcast. It’s because his case was dropped and the investigations have come to a close. Because of this, he’s not included on the ban list.

However, just because he’s not on the ban list doesn’t mean he’ll be appearing on the station again. KBS said, “Even if he’s not banned, it’s still up in the air if he’ll ever appear on a broadcast again in the future. He created a social disturbance, so the viewers’ opinion of him is not positive.

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Realities of One-Night Stands Revealed

When it comes to one-night stands, men and women are poles apart. Guys just want, well, you know, while gals go to bed with the false impression of flattery and a craving for feeling desirable.

The upshot, according to new research, is great for most men and the pits for most women. The study goes further under the covers, delving into the nuances of casual sex and its potential as a Venus-and-Mars minefield.

Among the findings: Women were not hooking up in an effort to secure a long-term beau, but because they felt flattered by the overnight proposition.

They were mistaken.

As the researcher points out, men lower their standards when it comes to one-night stands, so the presumed flattery is a fantasy or close to it.

"Often [women] said things like, 'I felt so flattered, so happy that he found me attractive. It was so nice to be wanted,'" said researcher Anne Campbell, a psychologist at Durham University in England. "What women don't seem to see is that men drop their standards massively for a one-night stand."

She added, "No woman should be flattered because a man wants to have sex with her once."

Real feelings, real data

While most research on the topic of casual sex has relied on fictitious vignettes or just having participants imagine they had a one-night stand, the new findings are based on self-reports of feelings following an actual hook-up.

Campbell says in the June issue of the journal Human Nature that the findings suggest women are not well adapted to promiscuity.

Women have much more to lose, while men are in a win-win situation. For the ladies, a baby on the way is a huge responsibility, but a guy can just bail.

"The bottom line is the risks are potentially greater for women," said Todd Shackelford, an evolutionary psychologist at Florida Atlantic University who was not involved in the current study. "It's not surprising they indicate the experience is somewhat less positive, but importantly somewhat more negative."

However, promiscuity does offer natural advantages for women from an evolutionary perspective, Shackelford said. These advantages could explain why women participate in one-night stands even though they feel so lousy afterward.

Flings provide women with the potential to snag the best genes for offspring or they could be spurred by a chemical nudge at the peak of the menstrual cycle.

The morning after

Campbell surveyed more than 3,300 individuals, most of whom were between the ages of 17 and 40. Of the heterosexual respondents, more than half reported a one-night stand, about evenly split between men and women.

Overall women's morning-after feelings were more negative than men's. While 80 percent of men had overall positive feelings, just 54 percent of women had positive feelings.

Women predominantly reported "regret at being used," with additional comments including: "I felt cheap," "horrified afterward," and "I felt degraded. Made myself look cheap and easy. Total regret."

Contrary to popular belief, women said they didn't view casual sex as a prelude to a long-term relationship.

"It's not that they wanted the man to whisk them off and marry them," Campbell told LiveScience. "It's that they wanted the man to understand that they weren't like this normally. That they were doing this for him on this night as a particular event."

Men reported feelings of success since the partner was desirable to others and found the experiences much more sexually satisfying than women did.

Typical positive comments from men included: "euphoric," "excitement and lust," "I believe that one-night stands are a good way of blowing off steam."

For men who reported negative feelings, the prevailing tone was one of emptiness and loneliness.

Why women do it

Why then, if women feel so crappy after a casual roll in the hay, do they hop in again?

They could be collecting healthy genes for their offspring. So even if a woman can't score a lengthy relationship with a guy whose sperm could offer, say, disease-resistant genes or genes for a particular kind of intelligence, her thinking might be, "Why not grab the guy for sex?"

"If you've got a Brad Pitt character - absolutely gorgeous and incredibly loaded with money and so on - the chances of getting him to commit himself to you for the rest of your life are pretty slim," Campbell said. "But the chances of him giving you a half an hour on a Wednesday afternoon in a hotel are probably much better."

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And one night stands? Really? Give me a break! I don’t understand how people allow themselves to be someone another person has had casual sex with. Remember, if someone ever talks about you that way or has the audacity to say it to your face, they never cared about you. Because a person that claims that loves us and cares about us would never refer to us that way. If you've had casual, impersonal sex with someone, you've never had the slightest care or feelings for that person. They were just a person you were able to relieve your “heat”.

Why won't I have sex before marriage?

Well that is my goal. I would like to because I know that the man I marry is someone that will be there the next day. He is someone that cares and loves me. He is someone that I would make love to because there’s a huge difference between having sex and making love. He is someone that would never talk behind my back. And if anything happens, we will be in it together and support one another.

To summarize this simple overview of my ideas”
1)GREATLY GREATLY think about the actions you're about to make and what impacts they may have one you and your significant other.
2)If you decide to go ahead or “get caught in the moment” at least be smart and protect yourself.
3)Respect yourself and others will respect you
4)Never let pressure be what instigates you to go ahead and do something. It should never be against your will (that is rape!)
5)Make sure it is with someone you are 99.9999999% sure that they care about you
6) Please don’t be as young as 14 -.-
7) If you do, do something with your partner and later on find yourself having problems that you see have no solution to, don’t be afraid to leave them. Sure you may have done something with them, but one must have dignity and self respect and know not to let oneself be walked over.

Much Love,

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Case Not Closed? Korean Actor Park Shi Hoo's Former Agent Demands Apology

The CEO of Eyagi Entertainment is not eager to drop his lawsuit against Park Shi Hoo without an apology 

It seemed last week that the ongoing Park Shi Hoo real-life drama had finally come to an amicable if somewhat confusing conclusion. Without any explanation or warning, the trainee actress known as "A" dropped all charges of sexual assault against him and his friend, known as "K."

Park in turn dropped his countersuit against "A" for making false accusations. It was hoped that all related lawsuits would be resolved, but one important suit remains to be settled.

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It has been confirmed that actor Park Shi Hoo is no longer included on the KBS broadcast suspension list. According to the result of the investigation, the actor is not legally considered as an offender therefore, he does not qualify for a suspension. However, his appearance from hereafter is still unclear.

KBS has commented, “Because the situation caused a social disturbance, we cannot overlook the national ethos. We cannot give a clear answer on his appearance on the air but we will discuss thoroughly but we cannot ignore the overall feeling of the society.”

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 I am expected he will do this ...

class="entry-title"PSH suspends all activitiesPark Si Hoo side: “No activities planned.  Will exercise self-restraint for a while …”  

Actor Park Si Hoo (35) will suspend all activities at home and abroad for the time being.

Star News on May 22 learned from a Park Si Hoo aide in a phone call: “As it stands now, there is no plan for any activities.  For the time being, he will exercise self-restraint and be by himself for a while,” he said.

Park Si Hoo was introduced to an aspiring actress A by his friend K on February 14 and after drinking they all went to his home where it was alleged sexual assault took place.  A fierce legal battle was expected but after A withdrew her charges, the case against Park Si Hoo was disposed of.

There is great concern about Park Si Hoo making a comeback.  But the aide said: ”No domestic or overseas activities are planned for the time being” and “he will exercise self-restraint and stay in the country.”

(Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20130522n32075)

(Credits: http://news.nate.com.  Thanks!  English translation by H.A.T.)

credit parksihoo4u http://parksihoo4u.com/2013/05/22/psh-suspends-all-activities/
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Smile Again by Kim Bum Soo (partial lyrics)

Smile Again
From now on ….
Once again
Show me your smile

Love Again,
The tears welled up and held inside me
Until they’ve all dried
I’ll make you laugh….

Once again (So smile again and once again, oh love again, baby)
Show me your smile

Love Again,
Until the day
All the smiles in the world
Have disappeared (Until the day they’ve disappeared)

Smile Again
From now on …
Once again (And once again)
Show me your smile (Oh love Again)

Love Again,
The tears welled up and held inside me (And I’ll always be with you)
Until they’ve all dried (I will always be with you)

(Credits: Manudrag1@youtube.com. Thanks!)

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Explain the meaning of the phrase "Our body is the temple of God"?

We are all children of God. God is a part of every one of us. A "temple" is a house of God, therefore, your body is God's home. He/she is a part of you. "We are born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone..."
It doesn't matter who or what you believe God to be..that entity is a part of you. It's the devine spirit, the light of the world that is part of every one of us. That spirit, that God, that devine light lives in each one of us and so we are a temple..or any house of prayer.
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interesting article

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Modern American culture seriously misunderstands sex.

a. Today’s movies and TV are very cynical about marriage and the family. Many people have never seen a happy marriage but have seen TV stereotypes that are shallow, sappy, and boring.

b. In today’s popular culture, sexual intercourse has nothing to do with marriage, family, or childbearing; pregnancy is viewed as a misfortune that you catch like the chickenpox. (Before we teach people morality we may have to teach them biology!)

Marriage, as a lifelong commitment, brings more happiness and benefit than any series of shorter relationships.

Many people seem to spend their youth trying to guarantee that they will never be happily married.

There is also a new double standard that says a person’s sex life is so "private" that it never reflects on his or her character. (I have heard this said in defense of Clinton and Lewinsky.) (Then whose character does it reflect on?)

Intimacy requires commitment.

On a superficial level, most people understand this. You probably wouldn’t kiss someone unless you’re attracted to them and feel some affection toward them.

Well... Going all the way with physical intimacy requires you to also go all the way with commitment.

Sexual intercourse has two effects: to bond a couple together and to pro-create children. If you want to, you can train yourself so that it no longer has the bonding effect on you, and then it’s just a source of physical pleasure. But when you do this, you have made yourself less of a human being and have cut off a source of lifelong happiness.

Misconception: "Sexual morality should change with the times."

What it boils down to is that when people say "morality should change with the times" they mean "morality should change to agree with my plans for Saturday night."

If you look at objective conditions, the risk of sexually transmitted disease is higher than it has ever been before, and that should warrant a stricter standard of chastity, if you want to "update" anything!

Misconception: "Only actions matter, not thoughts."

....all areas of morality (not just this one), you are accountable for what you (voluntarily) do mentally, not just what you do physically.

But this doesn’t mean it’s wrong to have sexual appetites or experience attraction to the opposite sex. Attraction is one of the pleasures of adult life.

Nor is it wrong to experience temptations, dreams, etc., that are not voluntary.

What matters is what you do with your appetites. If you are mentally practicing sexual sins, sooner or later you will have the opportunity to go through with them physically and will do so.

I think an important social skill is to know how to deal with attractive members of the opposite sex as complete human beings, rather than just as objects of sexual desire.

Misconception: "How can it be wrong if it feels so right?"

Ever notice that nobody asks this question about overeating?

Of course it should "feel right" to gratify a bodily appetite. But first, is it an appetite you should be gratifying under the circumstances?

Misconception: "Sexual frustration will drive you crazy."

No, not quite. It may test you and build character, but it will not drive you crazy.

You can reduce the frustration by reducing the temptation. If you don’t want to fall over, don’t go right up to the edge of the cliff.

I wonder if, among highly educated people, we may be postponing marriage too long. I was quite happy to wait until age 25, but by most of the world’s standards, that’s a fairly late age at which to get married.

Misconception: "But we’re really in love..."

About 50 years ago, popular culture began to mistake emotions for love. All of a sudden we had a flurry of popular songs and movies about "falling in love" (which is an exciting stage in the development of a committed relationship).

Unfortunately, people began to think that the emotion is a substitute for the commitment of marriage.

So now people make a hobby of falling in love (i.e., experiencing just the beginning of a relationship) dozens of times in succession. It’s like ordering every dish on the menu and taking just one bite – or reading the first page of every book in the library.

Practical note: Sexual intercourse is addictive. It’s supposed to be. Its purpose is to produce a lifelong bond. Once you’ve experienced it, you will have a harder time resisting some temptations than a virgin would have. (For preserving premarital chastity, it helps a great deal not to know what you’re missing!)


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