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Park Shi Hoo & Moon Chae Won @ WonHoo Couple


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Just add another article ..
With this kind of case solved, of course there will be a lot of speculations coming. But whatever it was, PSH, his families and all who close to him already suffered so much . I am sure he already got big lesson, the best lesson we got its not from reading or listening to other people but from experiencing by ourself. Something you won't ever forget for the rest of your life. I am sure he becomes wiser and stronger man now. Like mama @mdnora said, it times for him  to moves on. He needs a healing and recovering times before he rebuilds again his carrier.. PSH fighting..


2013.05.10       14:57       News report

Charges against Park Si Hoo dropped; mutual accusations simultaneously withdrawn; investigation concluded 

It has been announced that all charges against Park Si Hoo have been dropped.

On May 10 a briefing was held at Seoul’s Western District Prosecutors’ Office in Mapo-gu to announce that the prosecution has dropped all charges against Park Si Hoo.

On the afternoon of May 9, the two sides of the accused and the victim decided to withdraw their cross-complaints and the prosecutor announced that the rape charges against Park Si Hoo were dismissed, and so this was the closure of the investigation.

The Prosecution announced that this case received great social interest which was why they held a briefing to clarify the issue that all charges against Park Si Hoo have been dropped.  Normally this was not necessary because there was not going to be any prosecution after the criminal investigation.

According to the prosecutors, the accusations the two sides made against each other were canceled.  The prosecution said the complainant accused the suspect of rape and he claimed innocence and countersued her.  ”The mutual complaints were canceled as of yesterday because a sex crime is brought up by a complainant who has now withdrawn her charges, so there is now no case*,” he explained.

Since the complainant’s alleged injuries-resulting-from-rape charge was deemed to be minor injury and did not need treatment, the investigation did not result in prosecution.  [ED: (From another source) Injuries-resulting-from-rape is not a crime that requires a complaint from the victim for prosecution.]  The charges against K were also canceled.

Park Si Hoo was accused of raping an aspiring actress A in February.  The police after taking statements from the parties involved and reviewing CCTV videos and Kakao Talk as well as results of the National Science Institute of Investigation sent the case to the prosecutors in early April to indict him of rape, semi-rape, and injuries-resulting-from-rape.

[* ED: There are 2 terms in the 4th paragraph of the news report that we would like to clarify:

친고죄[ 親告罪 ] and 공소권[ 公訴權 ]

The first means “Offense subject to prosecution only if the victim presses charges”

The second means “Right of prosecution”

Apparently in South Korea rape is a 친고죄[ 親告罪 ], and since A has now withdrawn her rape charges against PSH, the prosecutors have no case against him anymore 공소권[ 公訴權 ].

Yiminji oing @

Credit to PSH4U

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The last man to work with Park Si Hoo in the 2010 KBS2 drama “The Princess’s Man”, PD Choi Ji Young said: “Although his image has suffered a blow which is a concern, those experienced officials will do their best so that he may return to broadcast.  I hope he will regain his strength and make a comeback soon.”

PD Choi went on to say: ”The drama genre deals with people’s lives, and when the going gets tough, you should reach out.  Of course there is always the possibility that he will not return because of the social scandal.  But I’m planning to work and recommend casting Park Si Hoo.  Other drama PDs should also think about actively casting Park Si Hoo,” he said.

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i'll wait mv credit by xanddie

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Is sex before marriage wrong if you really love then and know you are going to be with them?

Everyone is capable of self-deception, and sex is a powerful influence. Another answerer asked, "if you really know you are going to be with the person, why aren't you married?" Another similar question is, "if you know you're going to be married, why are you in a hurry to have sex?"

Both of those questions can help reveal self-deception. If you were saying "I don't really want to marry this person, but while we're seeing each other I think we can have a safe and enjoyable sexual relationship without long-term complication" it would sound much less like self-deception (even though there is a possibility of a baby, which would almost certainly cause long-term complication).

It sounds to me like your sex drive and your religious beliefs are in conflict, and you're trying to rationalize that ....

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 mv credit Trang Truong....with eng sub


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mv credit BillboardMagazine

Why does premarital sex seem to be a serious "offense" in certain religions?

1st answer

Four reasons:
1. Major world religions are as a rule old, simply because it takes time for a religion to spread and gain adherents. In societies without DNA tests and reliable birth control, the only way to establish paternity was to significantly restrict (female) sexual activity. Stable relationships like marriage were therefore privileged because legitimacy and paternity were relatively easily established. A women who slept around (before or after marriage) could have a baby without certainty about the father, and thus without certainty about who would pay for the child's upbringing in a world where men made the bulk of the material wealth.
2. Sex is intimate by definition. Many religious prohibitions and exhortations exist to help us to regulate our baser emotions so that we direct them to good rather than bad ends. (Depending on the religion, you might consider prohibitions on killing, on cruelty, on war, on dishonoring parents or other family, and so on. The "Seven Deadly Sins" basically constitute a list of feelings and emotions people have - lust, anger, greed - that are problematic in society.) When sexual relationships break up, the emotional damage is usually strong (especially for women, but for men too). Banning sex outside of committed long-term relationships is just one more way that religions have tried to use our baser instincts for good and not ill. Instead of hurting people when we take such relationships lightly, sex becomes the basis for lasting, trusting union. (Obviously, this is an ideal case for marriage, but it's still part of the case.)
3. Procreation and family. Religions tend to value family highly. Some religions think that sex exists primarily or entirely for procreation; others allow for a broader interpretation of the joys of sex, but even these generally expect that family and children are a key part of a religious life well-lived. Sex outside of marriage disrupts the idea of tightly-knit families: Who is the father? Who will raise the child? Who will pay for its school? Who will be the male role model? Who will give the adults purpose in life, if not their children in a stable family? And so on. For this reason, virginity until marriage is valued.
4. Self-control. Many ascetic religions and monastic traditions strongly value self-control or even self-mortification as a corrective to the human tendency to be greedy, cruel, and selfish. Prohibitions on sex are therefore sometimes seen as an important test of willpower, especially for men. No-sex-before-marriage is a light form of this prohibition (celibacy is the strong form). By trying to refrain from sex and sexual activities (masturbation, etc.) a person can prove his dedication to God and can spend more time working in the world in productive ways that are not self-indulgent.

You ask if premarital sex is as serious as it seems. The world has changed, and in some ways it probably isn't. For example, birth control today exists and works well, and modern states tend to have provisions for child support. Reasons of child legitimacy therefore seem less important in questions of sex before marriage. Divorce is also rampant these days, and perhaps this means that men and women no longer think that the nuclear family is as important as we once thought it was. But other things are the same: Sex remains emotionally charged and very intimate, and honestly I think most people would prefer stable trusting familial relationships than single-parent or divorce-torn families. We are still frequently weak of will and a bit of self-abnegation (and thought for others) might serve the world well. And finally, there is the "God said it" provision. I've offered some worldly reasons that premarital sex is or was a bad idea, but if you are religious and you really believe in certain religious texts and prohibitions, then premarital sex remains as bad as it always was. If God says virginity is worth preserving, and you believe in that God, then you had better also believe that virginity is worth preserving!

2nd Answer..excerpt
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I really like the lyrics of the song from this MV. Its really good for PSH and for everybody including us too ...


Lyrics of the old Judy Garland song “Smile”

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds, in the sky, you’ll get by
If you smile, through your fear and sorrow
Smile, and there’ll be tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through
If you’ll….
Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear, may be ever so near,
That’s the time, you must keep on trying.
Smile, what’s the use of crying?
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile,
If you’ll just….
Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear, may be ever so near,
That’s the time, you must keep on trying
Smile, what’s the use of crying?
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile,
If you’ll just….

Credits: sihooloversINA and PSH4U
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Although I had seen TPM many times, this drama still make me cry whenever i watch it, especially this one ..sooo sweet


And also ..


Finally the happy ending..


Sorry if post these again.., just miss them

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the awesomeness of TPM @fazayo  

There is no doubt that “The Princess’s Man” is the best Asian drama of 2012 and among the best 3 TV dramas in the world last year.  Because it is the best, it has become the gold standard for later dramas.

A Hong Kong screenwriter has said: “It doesn’t matter whether the essence of a plot is old, as long as the audience finds it acceptable."

the cast under the the PD of tpm is undeniably the best I have ever seen..

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About the awesomeness of TPM

There is no doubt that “The Princess’s Man” is the best Asian drama of 2012 and among the best 3 TV dramas in the world last year.  Because it is the best, it has become the gold standard for later dramas.

A Hong Kong screenwriter has said: “It doesn’t matter whether the essence of a plot is old, as long as the audience finds it acceptable."

Totally agree, its a well said  mama @Mdnora

Everytime I watched another drama, I always come back to TPM..for me this drama still the top from others..

Look like KBS make another drama "Sword and Flower" that sound really like TPM, I think they still want to get the advantage from the TPM succes nationally and internationally
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The long article from  http://parksihoo4u.com/2013/05/18/psh-aftertaste-of-frustration/

class="entry-title"PSH: Aftertaste of frustrationA9V7edzCQAEHgrC

This is a long and heavyweight article that took us a long time to translate, but it’s worth it because it is one of the few news reports that is fair.


Park Si Hoo case: heavy aftertaste of frustration

The Park Si Hoo case appears to be over.  This case of an aspiring actress A accusing Park Si Hoo of sexual assault is big news, and so it is a big fight.  There is skepticism that this case is so big because it is not simply the case of an actor in an one-on-one fight with A.

The Park Si Hoo sexual assault case became bigger and bigger with many figures joining in the action.  A’s friend B became involved, and then there was the intervention of PSH’s former management agency, plus the heavy-handed handling of the case by Western Police Station, so it is obvious the case was not as simple as at first glance.

This case is so big it is not just Park Si Hoo fighting one person.  The battle of offense and defense is focused on one victim.  The police are like spies leaking news in real time which looks and feels unclean.

These are the reasons Park Si Hoo at first refused the police’s request to attend. The law should be fair to all men and be kept in accordance with the principle of presumption of innocence, but the police investigation of the incident brought skepticism about whether law enforcement agencies believe this.  Can a person in this situation believe the police to be fair?  That was why Park Si Hoo’s request for a change of the law enforcement agencies was very realistic.

The situation was known to all, and Park Si Hoo of course was forced to be very careful. Everything was going wrong for him, which was why at the beginning of the investigation, he said nothing which was a very smart choice because evidence could be destroyed.  It was critical to maintain the clues, so he kept his cool in his response.

There was no conclusive evidence; however, all things unfavorable to Park Si Hoo kept unfolding.  Moreover, this was at least true of the attitude and language of the investigation agency [ED: meaning Western Police Station] to Park Si Hoo.  It seemed even more significant when B started speaking for the first time and the intention was unhealthy and unhelpful.  Unfortunately this made the public want to hear more what Park Si Hoo had to say.

What could Park Si Hoo do in this situation?   People who have the power to do so will protect themselves; it is hopeless to expect to be accepted by the public.  So at that time, the public’s reaction was: “So even people with power cannot help themselves.”

In this case the the biggest unraveling of the first knot was A’s withdrawal of her charges against Park Si Hoo and PSH’s withdrawing his charge against A one hour later.  The public’s reaction was there was a consensus between them.  However, the Park Si Hoo side insisted there was no agreement and refused to comment further.

Up to now, if you look at the case, then maybe Park Si Hoo’s reaction was understandable.  It was smart to withdraw his complaint because it was like beating on a huge wall.  Watching him there is bound to have a very bitter aftertaste, but he had to succumb to reality.

So this relationship between Park Si Hoo and Western Police Station has been wrapped up.  Then what is the next step in this process?  It will be a smart choice to change the criminal investigation agency.  In addition, even if it is open to sue again, keeping quiet now is the best strategy of keeping the scales of the law balanced.

The process of progress of the Park Si Hoo case is a problem that should be strictly dealt with by a higher authority.  However, it was made to feel that one person does not have the fair law on his side.

What happened before the first knot was most ridiculous.  It was presumptuous to sue over the relationship of the parties. If you look at the process, Park Si Hoo said there should be no such charges.  Secret investigations should be carried out in real time, but there was the situation of the press coming aboard with the offensive and publishing unpleasant and unfavorable articles calling for the situation to continue.

It was also most unfair that the law enforcement agencies took great care to protect the victim.  Serious image damage was done to Park Si Hoo, but the identity of the victim and the others have not been revealed.  They were uncovered by netizens like in CSI, though the law enforcement agencies never disclosed their identities.

This incident is blown out of all proportions because a celebrity is involved.  Park Si Hoo’s honor has been tarnished in this sensitive case because law enforcement agencies and the media made it out to be a big event.  This was sustained all the way to the official briefing that ended the case, and even his silent exit has left a bitter aftertaste.

Park Si Hoo should bring his case to the National Human Rights Commission if there is a possibility that he could prove his innocence.  But in dealing with a celebrity who received casual treatment, it is time to apply the brakes.

Some people will say this: It is mortifying to make the withdrawal of accusation at the end.  However, there is the need to protect yourself in a situation where you do not receive a proper investigation, so it can be argued that it is a natural choice to close the investigation.  As they say, it is commonsense to “win” something less as a one-time thing.

It is so frustrating for Park Si Hoo because the unilateral offensive was too biased on one side.  They should compensate his tarnished image or it will be so frustrating.  If the law cannot protect you, then justice is not justice, and this incident will remain as very unfair. This article is written from one perspective.


박시후 사건, 무거운 답답함의 뒷맛
2013/05/11 07:10

1IMG_4889_copy박 시후 사건이 표면적으로 일단락되는 분위기다. 연예인 지망생 A씨가 자신을 성폭행한 혐의로 박시후를 고소하면서 시작된 이 사건은 거대하다면 무척 거대한 싸움이었다. 단순히 A씨와 일대일의 사건이 아닌 주변이 더 시끄러운 이 사건은 한편으로 연예인에게는 회의감이 들만 한 사건이다.

성폭행혐의로 고소된 박시후 사건이 일파만파 커진 데에는 주변에서 판을 키운 인물들이 많았기 때문이기도 하다. 선배 B양이 개입되고, 전 소속사가 개입돼 있다는 말도 나왔으며, 박시후 후배에 서부경찰서까지 실타래처럼 엮여 있는 이 사건은 단순한 것이 아님을 한눈에 지레짐작할 수 있는 사건이었다.

이 사건이 거대하다고 한 것은 박시후가 한 명과 싸우는 일이 아니었다는 데 있다. 피해자라고 외치는 이와의 공방전도 신경 쓰일 일인데, 거기에 더해 마치 경찰에 언론사 첩자라도 있는 듯 실시간으로 사건이 외부에 알려진 것은 깨끗하지 못한 모양새를 짐작하게 했다.

박시후가 처음 서부경찰서의 출석요구에 불응한 이유도 바로 이러한 이유에 있다. 어떤 이유에서도 법은 만인에 공평해야 한다고 무죄추정의 원칙에 따라 지켜져야 할 사건이 수사일지 보고되듯 언론에 브리핑되는 것은 과연 수사기관을 믿어야 하는지에 대한 회의감까지 들게 했다. 이 상황에 과연 어떤 이가 공정한 경찰이라고 생각할 수 있었겠는가! 그 상황에 박시후가 수사기관을 바꿔 달라는 요구는 무척이나 현실적인 요구였다.

모든 것이 알려지는 상황에 박시후는 당연히 조심스러울 수밖에 없었을 것이다. 지금 당장 억울하다고 무엇하나 잘못 흘렸다가는 증거인멸 될 수도 있는 상황에 그가 아무 말 없이 초반 수사에 불응하며 시간을 끈 것은 매우 영리한 선택이었다. 그렇게 조용히 움직였기에 결정적인 단서들을 유지할 수 있었으니 냉정한 대응으로 말할 수 있다.


그러나 그렇게도 결정적인 증거들을 가지고 있던 박시후의 말은 단 하나도 유리한 것이 없는 것처럼 펼쳐졌다. 적어도 수사기관이 박시후 사건을 대하는 태도에서는 더욱이 말이다. 심지어 처음 사건을 크게 만들었던 선배 B양이 의도성에서 건전치 못한 접근이 있었다는 말을 했음에도 박시후에게는 도움이 안 되는 듯했다. 다만 그 과정을 거치며 대중은 박시후의 말에 더 귀를 기울이게 됐지만 말이다.

이런 상황에 박시후가 할 수 있는 것은 무엇이었을까? 그렇게 자신을 보호할 만한 힘을 가지고 있는 사람인데도 힘을 못 쓰는 상황은, 오히려 대중들에게는 절망감으로 받아들여질 만했다. 그래서 당시 대중의 반응은 ‘나 같은 사람은 힘 한 번 못 쓰고 당했을 것이다’란 자조적 말이 나오기도 했다.

이 사건의 첫 번째 가장 큰 매듭이 지어진 것은 일방적 고소취하의 모습이다. A양의 취하가 있고, 한 시간 후에 박시후 측의 고소가 취하됐다. 그래서 이를 보는 이들 중에는 합의가 있었으니 이 결과가 된 것이라는 반응을 보이고 있다. 그러나 박시후 측은 합의가 없었으며, 이후 노코멘트하겠다는 반응이라고 전해지고 있다.

지금까지의 사건을 보자면 어쩌면 당연히 박시후 측의 반응은 예상할 수 있는 반응이다. 너무도 거대한 벽에 벽치기를 해도 되지 않는 것이 일단락될 수 있는 것은 일단 고소를 취하하는 것이 영리한 것이다. 그러나 그를 지켜보는 뒷맛은 무척이나 씁쓸할 수밖에 없다. 현실에 굴복한 모습같으니 말이다.

이로써 박시후는 서부경찰서와의 인연은 양측 모두 취하를 했기에 일단락됐다. 그렇다면 다음 과정은 어떤 과정으로 진행될까? 영리하다면 그 뒤는 수사기관을 바꾸는 선택일 것이다. 다시 고소전을 펼치더라도 말이다. 무엇보다 조용하고 법의 저울이 균형적인 곳으로 말이다.

박시후 사건의 진행 과정은 고등기관에서 엄히 다뤘어야 할 문제이기도 하다. 그러나 방조를 한 모습들은 법이 그리 공평치 못하다는 것을 느끼게도 했다.


이 첫 매듭이 지어지기 전 일어난 일은 더욱 우습다. 당사자와 관계도 없는 곳에서 박시후가 피해 여성의 신분을 밝혔다고 고소한 것은 우습기 그지없는 일이기도 했다. 박시후가 밝힌 과정을 본다면 그런 고소는 없을 것이다. 왜 밝혀야 했는지를 말이다. 비밀수사가 진행되어야 하는 상황에 실시간으로 언론에 타고 나오는 불쾌하고 불리한 기사는 밝힐 수밖에 없는 상황으로 이어지게 된 것이다.

아무리 피해자라고 하더라도 수사기관이 그녀 한 명에게 몰두해 수사하는 모습은 공정치 못한 모습이었다. 박시후는 처음부터 너무 까발려져 이미지 손상이 심각했으나, 피해 여성이라 주장하는 이는 밝혀지지 않았다. 그건 수사기관이 흘린 것이 아닌 누리꾼수사대가 밝혀낸 내용이다.

이번 사건은 연예인이기에 무척이나 크게 휘둘린 사건으로 남을 것이다. 민감한 사건이기에 이름만 대도 명예가 실추될 일을 수사기관이든 언론이든 그 주변이든 너무 크게 사건을 키웠다. 그리고 가장 민감한 이슈인 윤창중 사건이 있을 때 조용히 끝내도 될 것을 공식 브리핑까지 한 그들의 모습은 끝까지 뒷맛 구리게 한 모습이다.

박시후 사건이 무죄 가능성이 있다면 국가인권위가 나설 만한 사이즈의 사건이다. 연예인이면 아무렇지 않게 취급당하는 현실에 제동을 걸어줘야 할 사건이기도 하다.

혹자는 이런 말을 한다. 억울하면 끝까지 고소취하를 하지 말아야지! 라고 말이다. 그러나 제대로 된 수사를 받지 못하는 상황에 자신을 보호하고 변론해야 하는 상황이 막히는 곳이라면 그곳에서 수사종결을 선택하는 것은 당연하기도 하다. 그들이 말하는 대로 ‘뭔가 켕겨서’가 아닌, 상식 이하의 대우를 받는 곳이라면 한 번 지는 것도 방법일 것이다.

박시후 사건이 답답한 이유는, 너무 한 쪽에 치우친 일방적 공세였다는 데 있다. 실추된 이미지를 그렇다고 그들이 어떻게 보상해 줄 것인지 답답할 노릇이다. 만약 법이 억울한 이를 감싸주지 못하고 정의가 정의롭지 못한 것이었다면 이번 사건은 무척 억울한 일로 남을 것이다. 이 글은 한쪽에서 바라본 글임을 밝혀둔다.

(Source: http://fmpenter.com/m/2008)

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KBS Opts Not To Ban Park Shi Hoo

Now that the Park Shi Hoo case has been dismissed, his fans are wondering how the networks will respond.

So far, only KBS has issued a statement saying that he is not on the list of actors whose appearance they have banned.

Last month, all three stations declined to place him on such a list, saying that the court case had not yet been decided. Now that the case has been dropped, KBS made its decision.

"Park Shi Hoo was not included on the most recent list of named banned from KBS broadcast," said a representative for the station. "His case was dropped and the investigations have come to a close. Because of this, he's not included on the ban list."


Others whose status is still pending include actresses Park Si Yeon, Lee Seung Yeon and Jang Mi In Ae, because of the ongoing investigation into their Propofol abuse, and MC Kim Yong Man for his illegal sports gambling.

All three stations banned singer Go Young Wook, who was sentenced to five years of jail for sexual assault and relations with minors.

The Park Shi Hoo case began in February when a trainee actress, known as "A" accused Park Shi Hoo of sexual assault after they spent the night together. He claimed their relations were consensual. The Seoul Police forwarded the case for prosecution but then last week, the actress withdrew all charges. The dismissal of the case and the fact that Park Shi Hoo is not on the banned list does not mean that he will be seen in any shows on those stations.

"Even if he's not banned, it's still up in the air if he'll ever appear on a broadcast again," said the statement by KBS. "Public opinion of him has been affected and is not so positive."

No information has been released on why "A" dropped the charges. Neither "A" nor Park Shi Hoo have made any statements.

The actor was recently quoted as saying that the incident has been traumatic for his whole family. His reputation has been damaged. His promising career, which included a recent appearance in the dramas "Cheomdamdung Alice," "Prosecutor Princess" and the "Princess' Man," has been derailed and it is difficult to say if the scandal will affect his career permanently or only temporarily.

His fans say that he has not been proven guilty and is being judged unfairly for having a one-night stand. But other netizens say that he is now permanently linked to the rape scandal. With plenty of talented scandal-free actors competing for roles, he does not stand a chance of a comeback. But that remains to be seen.

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