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[Drama 2011] Gyebaek 계백 (가제)


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i think the next ep will be showing them deceiving kyoki...making him betray his own mother. Juz based on the preview...

probably uija will be king in around ep25 like that before he have to deal with silla and tang army. Wondering whether taeyeon will die. Didnt they said Ek will be queen?

I think KK is the weakest link on the Satek side, so I tihnk you may be correct.

As for Uija...he probably should be the king by then b/c of the # of remaining episodes.  I think she'll die during child labor?  Eungo was his queen according to historical texts, though many recorded her as being a completely horrible and power-hungry woman, just like Satekbi.

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Guest Demyoujie

September 18,2011

OhYunsoo 오연수

오늘은 계백 마지막 촬영날~~끝까지 힘내자~~~~ㅎ


OhYunsoo 오연수 

... Today is the last shooting of Gyebaek ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ end cheerlessly

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The final twist at the end of Ep 17 was a complete WUT??? .  I mean. come on....!  What kind of warrior is GB that he can't

kill a thug right?

ugh tell me about it~i mean

wouldnt you check wether the guy had died or not?? i mean seriously,for a guy who hav such a big secret,he is not doing a good job at keeping it really~

i noticed in both gyaebaek and baek dong soo,somehow the most annoying bad guys wont die that easily~they got stabbed,left there to die,but somehow survived,had enuff energy to walk to some place for help or sumthin~its just unrealistic~ T_T 

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ugh tell me about it~i mean

wouldnt you check wether the guy had died or not?? i mean seriously,for a guy who hav such a big secret,he is not doing a good job at keeping it really~

i noticed in both gyaebaek and baek dong soo,somehow the most annoying bad guys wont die that easily~they got stabbed,left there to die,but somehow survived,had enuff energy to walk to some place for help or sumthin~its just unrealistic~ T_T 

I KNOW!!!! I was like, dude,

cut his neck and take his head with you, if that's what it takes to make sure. Cripes, GB slashed the dude TWICE! Shouldn't that be more than enough to kill a guy?

Stuff like this makes me angry b/c they're lazy plotting & writing, and it makes the characters look incompetent and foolish.

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Am I the only person who wonders what the heck happened at the end of Ep 18?

Satekbi killed Mu-Wang's 1st wife, Mujin (Mu-Wang's BFF) and tried to kill Mu-Wang himself and Uija, but all she and her minions get is "Bye bye, let's not fight anymore, too bad we weren't meant to be...!"

Given the period & laws back then, shouldn't they have been beheaded and/or exiled?

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SPOILER Ep17 (just the 1st 30min)

Bi praying. Ask maid where Uija is and ask her to find him.

Taeyeon still giving birth (alone), Uija waiting outside then heard baby crying.

GB looking at Kyoki with the other ministers. Uija came and look for him and brought him to the room where taeyeon and the baby is. Gb ask why didnt he tell him. Uija said he actually wanted to sent the baby to the village but he didnt know Bi would show up like this.Uija said once they find out about the baby they wont let him live, he must bring him away no matter what and ask for GB help. Gb said he will bring the baby away but Uija said he is Bi's bodyguard, he cant just leave like that. GB said Bi is looking for Uija and if she suspect u it will be more dangerous.

GB change his clothes. Taeyeon crying and hand over the baby.

Bi went looking for Uija and found him outside the room. Uija said taeyeon is sick and he came here to look after her. Bi said she wants to see her. Taeyeon came out and said u dont need to. Bi said taeyeon looks sick and offers her 'doctor' as in EK to see her. A soldier report to Bi that Ek has been kidnapped.

A few soldier brought Ek back and she was wounded on her hand. Bi ask what happen. Ek said she got kidnap by a stranger and GB save her. Gb went after the kidnapper. Bi orders the other soldiers to capture the person, Bi ask why did the person attack u? Ek said although she isnt sure about it, there is a misunderstanding between us and another business man. They probably send the assassin.

GB runs with the baby. On the way he saw Kyoki and the ministers (they were talking about suggesting Kyoki as crown prince) on the road he wants to head to. He stops and wait but the baby starts crying and kyoki heard the baby and ask them to find out. GB runs but met with the other soldiers who are searching for him. He hid behind the stone until they left. When he check the baby, he wasnt breathing.(GB totally suffocate the baby with clothe on his face, lolx).

He reach the village. Gayi wave at him happily. But he was too shock to respond. HS ask isnt that Gb. Gb went down on his knees. Everyone surround him. SC said how can there be such thing in this world, its too mean. HS ask Gb not to blame himself. It is his fate.

Gayi took the baby from GB. She talks to the baby, telling him dont die, u cant die. Its my fault, sorry so open ur eyes...blah blah blah and the baby start crying again.

SC ask Gb to hurry and head back to Bi

Jukduk said that he heard about the kidnaping and ask ek if she is alright. He said he thought she already handed over all her business. Bi calls her to rest.

Jukduk tells Bi that Ek is suspicious and its better the check her. Bi ask if they really cant trust her. Jukduk ask namjoo to spy on Ek.

Moogeun got a invitation letter form Kyoki. He told Dokgae about it.He ask if he should go or not. Dokgae said ofcourse he should go, its a good opportunity for them. He said if kyoki knows that they destroy wuija heardquarters what will he think. He will use us. Yoonsu said that it wasnt just them but some other ppl was involved too (Gb and the pows), will it be ok. MG said if he doesnt appear in front of Kyoki then everything will be fine.

Kyoki meeting with the other ministers who are on his side. Gb came. kyoki introduce him to the ministers.Kyoki wants Gb to stand on his side. Gb said isnt Bi his mother and he will be crown prince one day why is he so anxious. Kyoki said he cant leave this place unless he agrees.

Moogeun comes in and was shock to see Gb. Kyoki ask not to let him leave. MG said to gb its u again. kyoki said do u know each other? MG said who is he? Kyoki said he is Bi's bodyguard. Kyoki said he needs a team of ppl who knows martial arts and if they dont agree, they will die here. MG said he will follow kyoki.

Gb and MG went out. MG took out his sword and ask why did the queens follower destroy wuija headquarters. Gb said didnt u said u are enemies with wuija organization but why are u on kyoki's side. MG ask what exactly is your identity, friend or enemy? Gb said thats what i want to ask. Why didnt u tell kyoki about me?

Gb went to meet HS and SC and tell them about Kyoki. SC said why didnt u tell us earlier. We were thinking about sending u to his side. HS said that Bi is difficult to deal with but its different with kyoki. GB ask if he means to let them destroy each other.

Gb eets kyoki. Gb said he cant be on kyoki's side if he doesnt promise him he faster be the crown prince and be king. Kyoki promise him. Gb calls HS out to meet kyoki. kyoki grab HS when he saw him, rmb what he did when the king actually appointed him but he gave the clothes to Uija. HS explain that he did this so that kyoki can be crown prince. He said that, he will be able to see who is on his side who isnt. HS ask if he rmbs anyone who supported Uija. Kyoki said my mother? Its cant be. HS said that even if he become king, Bi will still take over the ruling. Bi did not appoint crown prince.

Ek tells Bi to appoint crown prince.Bi said kyoki is still not up to bar. he isnt crown prince yet but act as one. If he becomes crown prince he will act like he is on the throne. kyoki is still childish. Bi said, last time in order to secure her place she killed her own beloved. she ask Ek if she is in this situation, to secure a place, u must dump a person, what will she do. Ek said she will let go of the position. Bi said Ek doesnt know herself well. U too will choose to dump ur lover. Bi said if she came across the same situation she will do it again.(indicating she will DUMP GB in the end)

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