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[Drama 2011] Gwanggaeto, The Great Conqueror 광개토태왕

Guest asadal

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Just as some of us here have been saying, the PDs of this drama are really taking production notes too lightly .... for example when Asin's uncle Jin Mu sacrifices himself so the rest could escape, that scene indeed took place in pitch black surroundings, if not for the KBS floodlights illuminating the site for the cameras.

That's why realistically the Goguryeo archers atop the cliffs (in the first frame) could not have seen diddly-squat or aim at anything....

why didn't they place a few soldiers carrying fire torches like they usually do....

or are we to assume during those ancient days, the night air was much much cleaner so that sheer starlight was sufficient to do battle at night?


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Travis Walter.... You're absolutely correct about pole-arms being more important than the swords used in ancient warfare (real ancient polearms & swords are displayed at military museums in Korea & Beijing and they come in many varieties).

Indeed the primary weapon in ancient warfare in Northeast Asia (I"m not very familiar with western ancient military history) was the arrow, and that's why archers were the first line of offensive (& defensive) troops because arrows had the range to cut down the swift advancing cavalry.

The long range and penetration power on both humans and horses make arrows the deadliest weapon of those days. And that's why arrows also necessitated that infantry carry shields, something which sageuks nowadays almost never pay attention to.

At close ranges archers just aim straight-on and fire volley after volley, and what you won't ever see in movies and dramas is that arrows are mostly re-usable. If the archers run out of arrows they merely go to the the slain troops and just yank out those arrows which are not too deeply embedded in bone or tissue.

Mounted archers were the shock troops of those days (which the Mongols later perfected) because their mobility enabled commanders to quickly mount counter-attacks or to quickly shift battle-formations because mounted archers can easily lure the enemy away and/or to break enemy ranks.

Because arrows can become miserably useless during strong winds and adverse weather conditions, that's why the next line of offensive troops was developed - infantry with pole-arms e.g. long spears or long handle broadswords (which Damdeok's attack dog Seok Jae uses). These long spears and long broadswords were used to cut down the mounted troopers and broadswords were used to chop down the horses - and this is something which Korean films & dramas avoid depicting thus far.

Goguryeo's heavily armored horses were precisely to counter these two anti-cavalry weapons plus arrows and to counter these heavy cavalry, infantry would use long handle battle-axes and sledgehammers that could penetrate armor during close-quarter combat. Short handle axes were also thrown, tomahawk-style, during close-quarter fights with mounted troops.

Although the thick armor could still protect the mounted soldier initially, repeated blows by axes, sledgehammers and swords will dent and eventually rupture the armor's integrity, and when that happens, it's up to the heavens if you live to fight another day or go enjoy dinner with your ancestors.

Since I couldn't find any movie clips of ancient Korean battle scenes using some of the above-mentioned weapons (Hwangsaebul (2003) and its sequel Pyongyang Castle aka Battlefield Heroes (2010) do give accurate depictions of the weapons and armor used during the ancient Korean 3 Kingdoms era but they don't have systematic battle formation scenes). So I'll just use these two clips below to show you how the Chinese armies in the same era used battle formations..... not forgetting that these are still just movie versions but you'd be surprised (if you've not seen them yet) at just how far the Chinese/Hongkong filmmakers would go in giving entertaining epic battle scenes, with help from CGI.

The first clip below here is from Hua Mulan (NOT THAT Disney version) where you'll see the ancient Wei army led by who-else go up against the Rouran war tribes (Wei & Rouran did exist btw about the same time as Goguryeo) - the attention-to-detail is evident in the way troops are given instructions by sounds of instruments, and the laying down of range marking arrows. As for the horses being viciously chopped down, rest assured the producers used a combination of CGI & real stunt horses to produce the illusion - no animals except insects, were hurt or harmed during the making of these films.

Hua Mulan 'realistic' battle formations is my main intention here and I'm not 'promoting' the merits of the movie or its storyline. The rain of arrows that fell Mulan herself proves the point that without shields, even mounted cavalry can be sitting ducks for archers, and in her case, mounted archers. Only her armor saved her from being killed outright.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4ZciY49pIk it's eng-subbed but you may need to punch up the volume

This next clip below (no subs) shows you the effective use of first, the archers,then troopers with pole-arms as THE frontline force against a charging enemy cavalry. A while later in the forest scene, you can also notice actress Kelly Chen's horse is 'partially-armored' and when she goes one-on-one, you can see the sparks fly, courtesy of some CGI but that would be what happens when two swords clang against each other.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiyiO0HG-_U how we wish KBS action directors would make Damdeok fight like Donnie Yen here....

The last clip below is a segment from a National Geographic feature on ancient Chinese weapons and they even use martial artists-stuntmen to show us how pole-arms and swords were actually used during battle.


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I started watching this drama since it first aired, then I stopped at around episode 30, the first few episodes were good, especially when he became a slave in that camp, then it went downhill with all the unrealistic politics where Gwanggaeto almost died a couple times. I thought this drama is about the great conqueror, but more than halfway through the drama no "conqueror" has appeared so I stopped watching. I think it should've started out as when he was a little child then grow up to be strong, like in The Legend but no fantasy genre. In this drama, he looked too old when he became king compared to what history say.

My favorite dynasties are Goguryeo and Goryeo, Balhae is pretty good too, and I watched most drama about them but this drama doesn't have enough good battles and war, too much talking/not enough action...

Is it true that this drama is going to be 100 episodes or longer? http://wiki.d-addicts.com/King_Gwanggaeto_the_Great/Episode_Ratings

Anyways, too draggy and bad storyline imo...I recommend trying out Soldier/Mushin/God of War if you haven't already, it's underrated and has a good storyline with good actors, just don't expect too much eye candies like most drama about Joseon Dynasty...I look primary for good storyline, acting, war, and battles in historical drama, eye candies are secondary...

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Guest whodat

I miss Gae Yeonsu. He made the show more interesting and was, I think, the only person to truly challenge Damdeok. All his scheming meant that once Damdeok had returned from war, he was busy undoing or fighting with Gae Yeonsu. He also managed to achieve merit without doing much work.

Damdeok's present rivals are just a  bunch of numbnuts. When Gae Yeonsu died and Asin showed up i thought,  "Yes, another person whose rivalry with Damdeok will be interesting to  follow". However, Asin has been less than a distraction to Damdeok.  Maybe like Damdeok, he suffered from "Kingly-itis" (the decrease of ones  intellectual power when one becomes king).

The first battle he fought at  Gwanmiseong against Damdeok, Asin was just magnificent. Sure, he lost,  but at one point it seemed uncertain who would emerge victorious. Even Ko Un hasn't lived up to expectations after he defected. He was supposed to be Houyan's "ace in the hole" but so far it seems that he is actually working for Damdeok because every nation he attempts to help ends up being conquered by Damdeok.

The first part of the show was good  because it had several things happening at the same time. For example,  DD is fighting for his life in the slave camp, Gae Yeonsu is busy  bargaining with DD's life while Houyan try to use the Malgal to attack  Goguryeo. Recently, apart from the whole MU  military secrets issue, the Goguryeo palace has become a boring place. The stability of  the court is important in real life but drama-wise, when ministers agree on  everything, it's just annoying. All this unity makes it seem that Damdeok and his posse spend the whole day sitting waiting for "We're in trouble" messengers to come.

However, in recent episodes, only one thing seems to be happening. Take the conflict with Houyan and Biryeo that ended in Ep68, what were Baekje doing that whole time? Sitting at the table venting their anger. And, when do they decide to make a move? AFTER DD has "conquered" Biryeo. What Baekje should have done is, as soon as they heard that DD had left to conquer Biryeo, they should have moved their forces even if they don't attack major fortresses. This would have put DD off balance giving Houyan/Biryeo a better chance to inflict more damage.

After watching the latest episode, I have concluded that either someone in Damdeok's camp has ESP (Extra-Sensory-Perception) or half the Houyan's people are DD's spies. It was kinda a repeat of EP68 but instead of battles it was schemes. The basic out line was DD:OH NO! They have us by the nuts. Or do they?#evil smile It would be nice if Damdeok suffered a major set back once in a while.

Also, if you thought Doyeong weak, wait till you see her sprint and take an arrow for Asin. They should have turned her into a porcupine like Dammang.

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There is ONE thing missing in GTGC that 90% of other current and past sageuks MUST have and this missing factor is what perhaps draws in the older, mature viewers, & senior citizens to become regular viewers every weekend.

Now I DO sometimes watch the other two 'direct weekend saguek rivals' to GTGC - MBC Soldier/God of War & jTBC Queen Insoo. Both these sageuks do have this vital missing ingredient week after week. MBC Soldier airs at 8.40pm, Queen Insoo at 9.00pm & GTGC at 9.40pm.

The broadcast times are decided by each network and therefore folks, Korean homeviewers do not have to scratch their heads as to which sageuk show they want to damage their brain cells.

This missing ingredient is also perhaps the main reason why our two writers for Gwanggaeto are unable to maintain the standards they set right at the beginning of the series..... I too have said before and agree that the early stories of pre-king Gwanggaeto, when LTG was still playing a teenaged Damdeok, had more plot 'substance' and (dare I say it) some suspense.

This missing ingredient present in 90% of k-dramas including sagueks is the love triangle or romance that drives 90% or more of k-dramas. One of our two writers for GTGC is an old-hand at writing soppy love stories in her previous drama & film projects but so far, she has not reverted to her tried and tested templates.

Part of the reason why our writers were unable to sustain their momentum was when Doyoung was 'separated' from Damdeok and then they wrote in a replacement in the form of Yakyeon. Since then the 'female' factor hasn't featured prominently as all the women in this series are reduced to supporting cast and have no MAJOR impact on the main character, or the plot. We expect Yakyeon will eventually produce DD's son but the writers are in no hurry to even make her belly bigger.

What's most funny is that ALL the women in this show NOW work for (or should I say 'serve') Damdeok ever since Seol Ji changed her passport to a Goguryeo one. Other than Damjoo at the Houyan palace, just look at the absence of any 'significant' female characters on the side of Baekje, Biryeo, Silla, etc.

For sure, nobody expects Damjoo & Murong Bao to be sharing the same bed so in fact the writers could easily create a Houyan-born woman for Murong Bao, and hence a love triangle. Haheha!!!

Personally I think it's good that the writers have not focussed on any lovey-dovey scenes that requires close-mouth kissing by Lee Tae Gon, to jack up the ratings although the writers could still insert that before ep100. Both God of War/Soldier & Queen Insoo already have love issues in their plots and if you like emo-type men crying ever so often, and I do mean often, then both dramas do not disappoint.

Then again any woman wanting to kiss 1.85m tall LTG might have to stand on a box or ladder just to reach his sexy thin lips; otherwise she'll only end up rubbing her lips against his false beard. Of course she could jump upwards and wrap her legs tightly against his torso but all that heavy headgear and wig might make jumping a tad difficult, and her long sharp pointed hairpins could poke an eye out.

Ahh... and that's why kissing in bed scenes are much easier for the cameras because when both are lying down, even a female smurf would have no difficulty reaching his teeth.... but then again not even one bed scene has been inserted in this series so far ..... either the writers want to emphasize Damdeok doesn't sleep in a bed for anti-assassination precautions or LTG has a 'no-kissing clause' in his contract.

Can you recall when was the last time any "we're in trouble' messengers come running in when Damdeok and his posse are in their beds having sweet dreams? Hmm... I wonder if bodyguard Seol Ji sleeps in her pajamas with her weapons by her side, ready to leap into action at the first shouts of trouble.

Actually the real Asin in fact has an eldest son (and future successor) Jeonji which Asin later despatches to Japan as a hostage but as we can see, our Asin in this drama has no time to date, has no girlfriend since he's always snarling and screaming DD's name.

Doesn't King Asin have any concubines from his Baekje harem who can advise him on anger management techniques and give him pressure point massages to lessen his fury?

Since we know Doyoung is going to die next week, she's not going to be mother of any royal offspring either. So where's Asin's offspring gonna come from, if he doesn't start sowing some seeds here and there?

If you've already seen the raw episodes, then you'll know that there's going to be a major foreign policy reversal by Asin immediately after Doyoung joins her daddy up in La-La Land next week.... and thereafter that should give our man some 'free time' to mate and reproduce. Any volunteers or candidates to become Mrs Asin? Just make sure her name doesn't contain any words that sound like "Dam", "Dumb" or "Duk" - hell hath no fury as Asin defeated time and time again.

Actually the sparse historical records do say that it was actually Asin's uncle, General Jin Mu who expired last week, who led and fought against Goguryeo for many years and he lost 99.9% of the time. Factually this would leave Asin (the REAL one) 'free' in his own Baekje palace to find a wife or two or three and produce multiple offspring the way most ancient kings in Northeast Asia did - a single king those ancient times could, using his sons and daughters from his official wife and consorts, easily form a soccer team with reserve players and some kings who lived longer can even make two soccer teams.

Isn't it therefore ironical that in our modern times today, South Korea is one of those countries in the world with alarming low birth rates? Those ancient Korean kings in their tombs must be wondering what on earth is happening. 'Didn't we set a good example?'

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KBSW ep 72.... when DD kills his own wifey...

...but the way it was done was absolutely the work of writers who should themselves be shot.

Main plot premise: Does anyone really think Doyeong's death (or what the writers call 'sacrifice') was powerful/significant enough to make our two boys stop yelling and fighting and SUDDENLY realise - HEY BRO, let's stop shedding blood and henceforth start sharing hot warm showers with each other. Whaddaya say?

Come on...Doyeong's been OUT OF THE PICTURE for so long now and in fact had absolved herself of all and any allegiance to Goguryeo & to Damdeok himself just because some birdbrain Goguryeo ministers and even she herself pronounced herself as daughter of a traitor = traitor.

Indeed there were several horrifically illogical things in those scenes prior to Doyoung taking the arrow for Asin that deserve reviewing from the hilarity-point-of-view. Let's begin:

1. In the first blardee place, why should Doyoung jump in front of the arrow meant for Asin? By all accounts, they haven't even slept together much less hold hands or played strip poker until wee hours of the morning.

Ok... some of us did suspect that actress Oh Ji Eun a.k.a Doyoung wanted out from being Damdeok's self-exiled wife because she was getting more airtime (and male attention too) in her other drama I LIVE IN CHEONGDAM-DONG, and I guess there's only so much Doyoung could do walking around by herself and shopping in Baekje's capital.

IN short, Doyoung wanted to die and had to die so the writers just shoved the ex-queen in front of a flying arrow released by none other than the Great King. Let's forget, shall we, that one still needs the reflexes of a cat to be able to jump in front of an arrow AND unless history proves us wrong, the greatest injustice is that the REAL Damdeok never even killed his wife, or any one calling herself Doyeong in that era.


2. Murong Un was the only one who had the presence of mind to pick up a bow & arrow but who did the writers use to stop MU from saving his only sister? I hate to say it but it was our lovely Seol Ji.

So one HAS to ask why did Seol Ji saw it necessary to throw her dagger at MU when she could have thrown the same dagger much earlier at the Baekje General Bu holding Doyoung? We KNOW she NEVER misses and she could have quietly snuck up from a more advantageous position instead of just standing there like rocks, watching the show.

Here's the thing: if she didn't throw her dagger at MU & allowed him to shoot, it might have been possible that MU either hits the General Bu or kills his own sister. Think about it. Or the arrow might miss both and hit a poor old lady selling vegetables. Collateral damage.

3. After DD was grazed by MU's arrow, General Bu released Doyoung and went to Asin's side - in effect Doyoung was no longer under threat and yet, DD didn't order Seol Ji or anyone else to fetch his ex-queen to safety. By right, Seol JI would have taken the initiative to quickly fight her way to Doyeong and pull her away to safety but no such thing happened, because the writers were determined to let DD kill Doyeong.

4. Indeed MU wanted to rush over and save his sister at this same point when swordplay resumed, but he was held back by his 3 stooges and for the sake of his safety, they bundled him away to safety. Or so we thought.

Moments later, these same 4 clowns came running back only to see Doyoung dead in DD's muscular arms.... in other words, while the fighting went on and later when Doyeong bled to death, MU & his 3 stooges instead of running to safety and out of that place, were in fact running around in circles or else they wouldn't have stumbled back just in time to see Doyeong dead in DD's bulging arms. This is the funniest scene to see the 3 stooges bundling MU around to safety but they ended up in the same place.

4. Before Doyoung was taken hostage and DD's entire posse were busy reducing Baekje's populatiion, you folks I'm sure saw the freshly-slaughtered soldiers all dropping to the ground.... but in the next shot there IS NOT A SINGLE BODY LYING ON THE GROUND! Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE is still standing and fighting. Did the dropped soldiers miraculously evaporate away like what happens in some PC Games?

Then after Doyoung was hit and DD goes to prop her up in order to make her bleed faster, nobody even dares to attack DD or the suddenly-paralysed Asin. It was like these 3 were surrounded by a force field while the soldiers in the background continue to play with their swords.

5. After Doyeong expires, this was what DD tells Asin after Asin tells everyone he has been completely defeated:



This makes our great king so laughable because he himself has been fighting Asin one-on-one so many times in the past and hasn't DD himself been trying his best to kill Asin? Now Damdeok CONVENIENTLY USES Doyeong's death to unbalance Asin's guilt and conscience? And Asin concedes!!

Doyeong's intention was so deep DD saw it fit to blast an arrow into his queen's intestines.

Well, well, if only the current tension and hostile situation on the Korean Peninsula that has been going on since 1953 could be as easily resolved. All we need is a stupid famous woman to 'sacrifice' herself so that idiot politicians in Pyongyang & Seoul can start singing HEAL THE WORLD, MAKE IT A BETTER PLACE, FOR YOU AND FOR ME AND THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE.

Lastly, check out the voice narration when Baekje & posse bows to DD: According to the Gwanggaeto Stele: THE KING OF BAEKJE SURRENDERED. 1000 PEOPLE & 1000 ROLLS OF FABRIC WERE OFFERED & SWORE TO BE A SERVANT FOREVER.

A nation surrenders and only 1000 slaves were offered? I've a feeling Gwanggaeto's real son was not telling the entire truth.

REALITY CHECK: How come no grand state funeral for Doyeong? Last time I checked, Damdeok still wanted her to come back and in effect, Doyeong is still A queen of Goguryeo even though Yakyeon is the official replacement queen.

If they (the writers) staged a grand funeral for Sagal Hyeon, why nothing for Doyeong? Can't Damdeok write a royal decree (especially since Doyeong was a fictional character added by our writers) to instantly and permanently erase all accusations and doubts as to Doyeong's loyalty to Goguryeo, even though her daddy was the real traitor?

Man, that really sucks bigtime for poor Doyeong.... she sacrifices herself but her hubby didn't even bother to stage a grand state funeral for her soul. OR Maybe Damdeok doesn't want his citizens to know Doyeong died from an arrow that he shot.

Speaking of stage, just take a look at how HIGH Damdeok is sitting in the last screencap below: Damdeok is already sitting on a super-high chair which is placed on a pedestal. No wonder Asin is crying buckets because of the neckpains at being forced to tilt his head skywards just to look at DD.


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KBS has again distorted history in ep 72 and this time it wasn't for entertainment purposes. Some Korean viewers were aghast when this episode finished airing in February.

Here was the contention: according to more than one historical source, when Asin surrendered to Gwanggaeto, he actually handed over his brother as a Goguryeo captive as condition for maintaining his own rule over Baekje.

This hostage principle was a routine practice among royalties fighting for power in China, Korea & Japan of that era but as you saw in our KBS (Keeping Bullcrap Smelly) version, Asin doesn't even have a brother much less a pet chihuahua.

Why didn't KBS write in a 'brother-character' for Asin is only known to our writers but it does expose the lackadaisical attitude KBS has paid to dramatising one of only 2 Great Kings of Korea.

Furthermore the episode showed cheering crowds of Goguryeo people celebrating the surrender of Baekje but what they should have also done was to show the reaction of the Baekje people.... both kingdoms have been at each other's throats for many many years and therefore one assumes the cessation of war might be a relief for both nations.

In reality however the deep hatred between the two nations, between two different cultures, were never extinguished even after Asin's defeat & surrender; at best, it was a truce.

Korean viewers themselves including university scholars, said the speech by Damdeok in that episode stating that Goguryeo & Baekje people were of one blood was as naive and fake as saying the division of North & South Korea is nothing but a line drawn on a map.

At least I'm glad that some Koreans are not as naive to be drawn into what this drama is trying to promote, but one cannot say the same for non-Korean viewers - distortions in Korean history by Korean historical dramas can be easily refuted by Korean people but these same distortions may be accepted as 'truths' by non-Korean viewers overseas.

And that is why distortions made by historical k-dramas can be harmful to how non-Koreans eventually perceive ancient Korean history.

Let's cite another example: in this drama King Asin is depicted as a raving lunatic but the real Asin actually delegated most of the military campaigns against Goguryeo to his uncle-general (the one who expired last week).

By so doing, the real Asin was freed of constantly fighting one-on-one with Damdeok and the real Asin continued the Baekje tradition of promoting trade and cultural ties with Japan (more than Goguryeo or Houyan ever did) and laying the the strong foundation of Buddhism in both Baekje and Japan.

Put simply, there was more, much more to King Asin than what our KBS drama writers make him out to be.

While it is true Asin led his forces against Damdeok and was soundly defeated resulting in his surrender, it was equally true before the penultimate battle at Wiryeseong that Damdeok forces burnt about 58 walled fortresses of Baekje: this equates to hundreds, more likely thousands of Baekje citizens, soldiers, livestock and homes being totally destroyed by Goguryeo soldiers.

You wouldn't realize the realities of WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS to a conquered fortress because in K-dramas, they want us to believe that whenever there's fighting, only the soldiers die, and once in a while, a general.

History students would know that within a fortress also contains the civilians who usually outnumber the defending troops, and within the fortress would also be their homes, their livestock and everything they consider as belonging to them.

Therefore the real Gwanggaeto as a great conqueror has had to kill, burn and destroy thousands of livelihoods, Baekje for now, and therefore it's naive to think that everyone in Baekje would also be jumping for joy now that their King Asin has had to surrender to Damdeok.

In that regard and for once, I think the drama version of Asin who was bitterly crying and pleading to Damdeok was acting his part most appropriately that time - the deep agony of defeat and subjugation - and if I were him, I would already start planning my next strategic move to try to recover the independence of my Baekje kingdom.

A defeated sportsman may shake hands and smile and collect the silver medal, but in war & politics, even a defeated king is still thinking of how he can protect his country and his people. There are no silver medals for a defeated nation.

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Our KDrama writers can't seem to grasp the fact that the Korean identity and construct simply did not exist at the time. Baekje and Goguryeo and Shilla were DIFFERENT countries. Baekje was as foreign to Damdeok as Yan was. Baekje was also responsible for killing one of their kings. It wasn't until Shilla unified the peninsula did this identity of a unified people start to form.

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Guest whodat

It's usually alright when writers take some liberties when writing dramas about historical figures on whom little is known about. That being said, they should however try as much as possible to represent the little that is known accurately.

The war with Baekje which led Asin's surrender is one of Gwanggaeto's greatest achievements but it was summarised into three episodes out of 100 and seemed to be a "by the way" conquest. I am saying this because of what led to DD and his merry men to advance to Wiryeseong. They had just "conquered" Biryeo when they received news that Baekje was attacking. They go to defend and while doing that, light bulb, "why not attack wiryeseong"? According to wikipedia:

Baekje was defeated by Goguryeo again in 395, and was eventually pushed back to a front along the Han River, where Wiryeseong was, then its capital city located in the southern part of modern day Seoul. In the following year, Gwanggaeto led his huge fleet in an assault on Wiryeseong, approaching by sea and river. Asin was expecting a ground invasion and was caught with his defenses down. Gwanggaeto's forces burnt about 58 walled fortresses under Baekje control, and defeated the forces of King Asin.

Whatever reason Gwanggaeto had to attack Baekje is not clearly stated. However, even assuming that it was as to drive a Baekje army that was attacking as the show suggests, taking 58 fotresses automatically implies that it was a bloody conquest. I was expecting that there would be one final do or die battle between Goguryeo and Baekje where most of Asin's troops get slaughtered leading to his surrender. At the very least they should have added the capturing of several of  the 58 fortresses.

The defeat of Baekje was further trivialized by adding Doyeong's 'sacrifice' to the equation. Sure, Baekje and Goguryeo were once one big 'happy' family. But that was about 400 years in the past. And during those 400 years they had become bitter rivals who constantly fought. To quote daunte29:

Does anyone really think Doyeong's death (or what the writers call 'sacrifice') was powerful enough to make our two boys stop yelling and fighting and suddenly realize - Hey Bro, let's stop shedding blood and henceforth start sharing hot warm showers?

With Doyeong's death only three actresses with 'major' roles remain and a total of five counting the Khitan soldier and Yakyeon's ex-bodyguard. I am not sure if Yakyeon can even be considered as having a 'major' role. Her bodyguard gets more screen time than her :tears:. Moreover, from the drop-out rate it's highly unlikely that a new actress will be introduced.

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With Doyeong's death only three actresses with 'major' roles remain and a total of five counting the Khitan soldier and Yakyeon's ex-bodyguard. I am not sure if Yakyeon can even be considered as having a 'major' role. Her bodyguard gets more screen time than her :tears:. Moreover, from the drop-out rate it's highly unlikely that a new actress will be introduced.

I didn't see Seol Ji on the last two episodes. Yeon Salta is also missing for 4 episodes now. as of last night when i checked the official site of the drama, they didn't have a preview for last sunday's episode and for next saturday's episode. i wonder if they're filming the episodes few days before it's being shown.

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My goodness, is this series filmed by an amateur? Why is it mostly close-up shot of everyone face?

ha ha ha!  This series should be called "Gwanggaeto, the Great Big Head"  

That is one of my complaints, every screen is either filled with someone's Big Head, or guys running around with bad clanging sword sound effects.  And Gwanggaeto the Great keeps getting himself fooled and trapped.  

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I didn't see Seol Ji on the last two episodes. Yeon Salta is also missing for 4 episodes now. as of last night when i checked the official site of the drama, they didn't have a preview for last sunday's episode and for next saturday's episode. i wonder if they're filming the episodes few days before it's being shown.

Thanks for the heads-up, viktoria.

Actor Hong Kyeong-in a.k.a Yeon Salta got married on Feb 12 2012 to his girlfriend of 8 years whose 6 years his senior. So I'm guessing Mr Hong may have taken time off for his honeymoon.

In the just-aired ep 72 KBSW, Yeon Salta had volunteered to be sent to Biryeo to act as Goguryeo's overseer general to make sure the Biryeo are observing their alliance, behaving like nice little kids and are not secretly conducting uranium enrichment activitites to build a nuclear weapon, strap it to a horse, and send it to Gungnaseong (Damdeok's capital) where 98.9% of happy Goguryeon citizens would be instantly vaporised.

Remember how distraught Yeon Salta was at seeing Doyeong with a feathered stick sticking out from her belly? In order to prevent PTSD (post-traumatic stress syndrome) from taking root, Damdeok saw it fit to station him at Biryeo where he could perhaps enjoy the fresh clean air of the Mongolian steppes, eat delicious lamb chops every day, and drink wholesome sheep's milk freshly squeezed every hour.

As for Kim Jung Hwa a.k.a Seol Ji, I have no idea.

The recent screencaps do show the other two lowly female bodyguards present as part of DD's posse but no Seol Ji at DD's side.

Maybe her brother Seol Doan realising his reproductive system has been irreparably damaged by years of bouncing on the horse and being kicked in the groin by barbaric enemies, and by a few stubborn donkeys, decided to matchmake his sister Seol Ji to another long-haired rastafarian who looks like Won Bin (an offer she could never refuse) to ensure that the Mohe bloodline doesn't disappear.

If the writers do kill off Seol Ji before this drama ends, I might actually go help the Biryeos to build several weapons of mass destruction.

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Thanks for the heads-up, viktoria.

Actor Hong Kyeong-in a.k.a Yeon Salta got married on Feb 12 2012 to his girlfriend of 8 eight years whose 6 years his senior. So I'm guessing Mr Hong may have taken time off for his honeymoon.

In the just-aired ep 72 KBSW, Yeon Salta had volunteered to be sent to Biryeo to act as Goguryeo's overseer general to make sure the Biryeo are observing their alliance, behaving like nice little kids and are not secretly conducting uranium enrichment activitites to build a nuclear weapon, strap it to a horse, and send it to Gungnaseong (Damdeok's capital) where 98.9% of happy Goguryeon citizens would be instantly vaporised.

Remember how distraught Yeon Salta was at seeing Doyeong with a feathered stick sticking out from her belly? In order to prevent PTSD (post-traumatic stress syndrome) from taking root, Damdeok saw it fit to station him at Biryeo where he could perhaps enjoy the fresh clean air of the Mongolian steppes, eat delicious lamb chops every day, and drink wholesome sheep's milk freshly squeezed every hour.

As for Kim Jung Hwa a.k.a Seol Ji, I have no idea.

The recent screencaps do show the other two lowly female bodyguards present as part of DD's posse but no Seol Ji at DD's side.

Maybe her brother Seol Doan realising his reproductive system has been irreparably damaged by years of bouncing on the horse and being kicked in the groin by barbaric enemies, and by a few stubborn donkeys, decided to matchmake his sister Seol Ji to another long-haired rastafarian who looks like Won Bin (an offer she could never refuse) to ensure that the Mohe bloodline doesn't disappear.

If the writers do kill off Seol Ji before this drama ends, I might actually go help the Biryeos to build several weapons of mass destruction.

hi daunte. :) i just finished watching episode 72 with subs. i should have watched it first before posting my comment. you're really making me laugh so hard with your posts but i do agree with you on all your comments regarding the drama.

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this thread is funny.

Kind of off topic, but how come the Korean kings didn't have a lot of progeny; like other dynasties, whose kings/emperors fathered a lot of children. Kind of similar to the current low birth rate in Korea.

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