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[Drama 2011] While You Were Sleeping 당신이 잠든 사이

Guest C51236

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so far I have watched all ep raw I hope Z will recap them for us. It looks real good, is fast paced I like it. To bad there are not a lot of people on this page, but I look at it every day. You never know, that more people start to like it.

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so far I have watched all ep raw I hope Z will recap them for us. It looks real good, is fast paced I like it. To bad there are not a lot of people on this page, but I look at it every day. You never know, that more people start to like it.

I'm doing the same as you, watching it everyday, checking this forum for any comments and hoping Z will recap this for us. 

Too bad I don't sympathize too much with the heroine . I think she is to haphazard  with her pregnancy . Even if the Dr didn't make a mistake I feel like she will while in her quest to be superwoman.

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I think SY has a good heart she tries to help everyone. She will be the one with the short end of the stick. When you look at her accidents most were not her fault. HS doesn't look where she is driving and cost 2 accidents of which one person died and almost hit SY. To me right now SY is the innocent one who will be most hurt in this drama. I hope not that she will loos her baby, but probably she will. I also hope that she will not become to bad when she is taking revenge. One thing when you are in a coma you can still hear things what people are saying. Right now I feel bad for SY especially when her husband leaves her in her most darkest hour in her life  I also have a feeling that HS her son is from her and MJ, SY 's husband. I wouldn't be surprised. What I also noticed, it is SY who always says to her husband I love you,but he never says it back. SY her sister is a nut case what a stalker. Well lets see what today will bring in the raw. .

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This drama is like a car wreck you can't do anything to stop, and watch as it happens. Only had to watch the first episode to get hooked. 

I'm curious to see how she will get revenge on them. Lets hope it's in a way we have yet to see on other dramas of its kind. Normally i would say she should steal the witch' husband, but since he is a cheater also, i think she would be better off alone. Unless the writer gives him a personality transplant in the next few episodes, not unusual in k-dramas, but i hope it doesn't at least happen in one episode. 

If someone can at least summarize at least the main events,. that would be fantastic. 

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I think SY has a good heart she tries to help everyone. She will be the one with the short end of the stick. When you look at her accidents most were not her fault. HS doesn't look where she is driving and cost 2 accidents of which one person died and almost hit SY. To me right now SY is the innocent one who will be most hurt in this drama. I hope not that she will loos her baby, but probably she will. I also hope that she will not become to bad when she is taking revenge. One thing when you are in a coma you can still hear things what people are saying. Right now I feel bad for SY especially when her husband leaves her in her most darkest hour in her life  I also have a feeling that HS her son is from her and MJ, SY 's husband. I wouldn't be surprised. What I also noticed, it is SY who always says to her husband I love you,but he never says it back. SY her sister is a nut case what a stalker. Well lets see what today will bring in the raw. .

I was wondering what was up in the first episode when SY was in bed at the hospital... I really hope her husband doesn't leave her. Im tired of HS and MJ, if they ever get together again, I would be sooooo upset!

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Guest marinai

I watched this too but I don't really dislike nor Hate HS, seems like her family got her to leave MJ when they were young and that her son is actually MJ's son! I feel bad that their love story was wasted by their parents BUT SY is not the one who should pay the consequences of that story, she's nice and caring!

My guess is that her accident and her coma won't directly be presumed by HS. I don't think she' that bad, and what maybe the husband will go back with her when his wife will be asleep and the dinamic will change! The husband never said ILY to his wife, he's still into his ex, I think.

Still, I don't hate any of the characters but quite don't understand HS husband who seems to love his wife but having an affair with this crazy girl ( she deserve a good slap to put her brain at some place!) I really dislike her!

Anyways seems like a good drama to watch!!!

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but quite don't understand HS husband who seems to love his wife but having an affair with this crazy girl ( she deserve a good slap to put her brain at some place!) I really dislike her!

i sort of wonder though if it's because he knows the wife doesn't love him so he's having affair to try & provoke some reactions from her? because it's sure weird how that crazy girl kept going on & on about HS's lack of interest/concern towards her husband ie. she never calls to check up on him or ask why he never come home etc ... etc... unlike other wives.  she even make some insinuation that perhaps the kid is not the husband's and HS's reaction was kind of revealing imo although not certain if that girl picked it up. i kind of feel sorry for HS's husband in a way too ... he has a wife who don't love him and is raising a child that's not even his ... and his mother (or is it stepmom) is out to frame him so that his younger brother will inherit the father's biz?

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Guest marinai

i sort of wonder though if it's because he knows the wife doesn't love him so he's having affair to try & provoke some reactions from her? because it's sure weird how that crazy girl kept going on & on about HS's lack of interest/concern towards her husband ie. she never calls to check up on him or ask why he never come home etc ... etc... unlike other wives.  she even make some insinuation that perhaps the kid is not the husband's and HS's reaction was kind of revealing imo although not certain if that girl picked it up. i kind of feel sorry for HS's husband in a way too ... he has a wife who don't love him and is raising a child that's not even his ... and his mother (or is it stepmom) is out to frame him so that his younger brother will inherit the father's biz?

Thank you exupery for clarifying! I guess you're right about the husband, I kinda feel for him because he sure loves his wife but something I don't understand is :

1. Does he know , the baby boy is not his child? I do think he does but not sure.

2. What did he make to blow up HS and MJ relationship? Is this his fault if they broke up? Why MJ beat him up?

I'm sure the brother of HS' husband will fall for this stalker girl too. ....WThesh why she's so ANNOYING?

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I just watched ep11, I wish I could speak Korean, it is driving me of the walls. What are they saying??? The ep is very good, but I can smack MJ, fighting with HJ, he has no business with that family, he should be with his wife who is loosing her baby AAARRCCHH. To me MJ is a looser the way  he acts compared to his parents and mother in law when they found out that she lost the baby I would go nuts knowing what your wife is going through at the moment. At this point I don't think that he really loves his wife the way she loves him. He just married her because he couldn't have HS.  You can see that how he still reacts to his ex lover. HS should never have been in the operating room to operate on SY. Her hands were shaking like crazy, plus her mind were on other things

I don't think HJ knows that the son is not his.

Because of greed of parents, especially HS parents actually the father, 4 peoples lives got messed up. 

Thank you exupery for clarifying! I guess you're right about the husband, I kinda feel for him because he sure loves his wife but something I don't understand is :

1. Does he know , the baby boy is not his child? I do think he does but not sure.

2. What did he make to blow up HS and MJ relationship? Is this his fault if they broke up? Why MJ beat him up?

I'm sure the brother of HS' husband will fall for this stalker girl too. ....WThesh why she's so ANNOYING?

I don't think HJ knew that HS was MJ girlfriend. He liked her and wanted to marry her and HS father saw $$$$$ signs. I'm just speculating because, I don't speak Korean.

We should all ask Zealioner to recap this drama for us. I asked already twice.

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On an other note, SY knows that her husband left with his ex., and she could not reach him when she was in the ambulance. Looking at the preview she is going to confront him on that. Can't wait

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don't know what happened here all this gibberish.

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episode 5:

MJ told HS that after she left with her father, because he felt betrayed he killed HS (from his mind & heart?) and then attempt suicide. it was SY who stopped him. and that he became an empty shell after his gf of 9 years left him because of money but still SY decide to be with him. HS ask if SY knows about their past. MJ says other than knowing who the girl is SY knows everything else. then he told HS that's all he has to say to her and not to contact him anymore. HS insist he apologized to her first for accusing her of treating SY that way because she's his wife before he leaves. MJ ask HS how is she going to apologize to him for the past 9 years and for the lawyer who represented him in court. apparently he's no longer a lawyer now. (i'm also a bit confused over this part ... maybe it will be explained later? )

flashback to the past where MJ was hugging HS and saying he knows it's because of her father's factory that she's breaking up with him and that he will work hard and make more money. HS told him no it's not because of her father but because of herself.

SA was asking the reception to tell her where HJ's office is located. receptionist asked if she has an appointment. but SA just arrogantly asked her to tell her where his office is. LHJ who saw her(HJ's mom) asked to speak with SA. SA asked her what is ahjumma trying to do rudely and was slapped by LHJ. she scolded SA for being ill-mannered and not being able to differentiate addressing her as ahjumma or samunim. then announce that she's HJ's mother.

SY is recalling SA telling her that her husband's ex won't have any more feelings towards him if she's the one who deliver SY's babies. (SY asked SA for advise because she's more well versed in affairs of the heart saying it's her friend & her friend's husband and whether her friend should change gynae in episode 4).

SY offers HS an apple saying she couldn't possibly be allergic to apple right? HS ask SY if she thinks HS deliberately try to run her down and then run away that night. SY was like what kind of question is that and asked HS if she's getting off work late since she's having her meal now. HS say there's a patient she has to monitor and SY say she's also working late shift and asked if HS has some time.

after giving SY her checkup, HS told her that she will be transferred to Dr Han. SY asked her why since she was referred to HS by her former doctor. SY ask HS to help with the delivery of her twins and saying that she has more confidence in HS because she's the doctor that her former doctor recommended and that while she find HS somewhat cold in the beginning but after her few checkups HS know of her condition and also because she heard of HS's reputation in the field. HS told SY that she will pass all the medical examination report to the new doctor and that it'll be hard for her to remain as SY's doctor. she suggested for SY to discuss things over with her husband.

MJ went to the shop his mother in law run together with his dad and told her jokingly that he's there to work part time and asked for a bottle of soju as his pay.  (btw in case you're confused why is MJ's dad is so familiar with SY's mom ... they are very close childhood friends from the same hometown or something ... not sure if i remember correctly but i think they might even be each other first love or is it one sided love ... in fact, in earlier episodes, the other shopowners around that area are always teasing them that they seem like husband & wife more than in-laws ... and MJ's dad i think still crushes on SY's mom because his wife is kind of unfeminine)

at the bus stop, SY was telling herself that SA's suggestion was ridiculous in the first place and that this is a good thing ie. changing gynae and not to have doubts or worry. she then asked HS who was driving past for a lift to the subway because the bus is late. HS ignored her attempt to make small talks in the car. She then offered her sweet potatoes saying  she feel bad eating on her own and attempt more small talk asking HS what does she eat when she's pregnant and blah blah... (i find her kind of annoying actually) but HS shut her up by saying not to distract her when she's driving. SY then choked over her potato when HS asked her how she meet her husband.

HS's mom found her husband's bankbook and was shocked to see so much money in it. she asked him where he got the money from. and he said that's right ... he got the money from HJ to save his factory. she told him to return the money. she told her husband they will get punished for this and he say he will take the punishment on his own.

just before getting off the car, SY asked how come HS seems very familiar with that area and that she seems to know the way even before she told her. HS say that someone she used to know live here long time ago. 

HS told MJ that she wants to talk about SY. MJ told her he doesn't want to hear anything she has to say. and that HS is a scary woman to call him at home and wait outside his house like that. and asked her if she think he & his family are easy to bully.

MJ told SY to throw away the baby's cloth (the one that HS picked out & paid for SY when she asked HS to help her choose)

SY told MJ when they were sitting outside that she's happy as long as he's beside her and that she's willing to give him her liver. he was like what? and she goes that when he was hospitalized for liver inflamation, she did a checkup just in case ... so MJ asked her if it's a match and she say no. MJ say that's a good thing then but SY said she was disappointed because it's as if she & MJ are not meant to be and then told MJ that she love him a lot.

HJ asked HS where she had been since the hospital staff said she left work 2 hours ago. HS say she sent someone home.HJ asked her who she sent home and why would she do something like that after a tiring day at work. HS say hospital employee and it's not anyone he knows. he told her not to do anything like that anymore. he asked her if she enjoyed the food he had specially prepared for her but she say she prefer cafetaria food and not to do that anymore.  HJ suggested making a brother/sister for HH and told HS to wash up. HS say she dun plan on having anymore kid as HH is enough. HJ say he wants to have a child that resemble or is like him since HH is nothing like him ... only HS. HS say she's tired and told him to go to sleep.

HJ asked HS if there's some other reason why she don't want to have another child. that HS loves HH too much to not  want another child. HS say yes there are reasons why she don't want another child ... because of her work, and that HJ wants a report of her every action/spy on her and that his mom's been trying to get rid of her from the day she married him, that her parents are being treated like beggars by his family, that she was looked down on by his relatives and that she can only breathe because she still has her job. he asked her if there's more to that since lately she seems to disregard him more than usual. HS retorted that if she disregard him that means she still care a little? HJ say he knows she won't take to heart all those things (not sure but i think he's referring to his affairs? =S) and that HS is not that kind of woman and tries to carry her to bed. she screamed for him to let go and ask him not to be like this and that she don't care about oh shin ae that woman. and that she don't care if he plays around outside. and that she just want to be rid of him and this place and that it's suffocating her. how long does she have to put up with him watching her every move and it's killing her having to stay on. that he knows she don't love him and why is he still like that. how long is he going to pretend otherwise? HJ insists it's because of SA that she's acting like that. :wacko:

SA flashback to her conversation with LHJ who told her she slapped her because someone as lowly as her dare to approach HJ and then gave her money and asked her to continue seducing HJ.

HJ's dad told the wife who they suspected is behind the framing of HJ. she looked shocked (since she was the one behind the person framing HJ) and asked what possible reason that guy has to do something like that. HJ's dad say that person & HJ has butt head over a couple of issues but she say even so you can't just blame someone for being a culprit over that. the husband then say that person must have some other accomplice backing him for him to be so daring.

flashback to the past where HJ is a lawyer and told HS that the man who took the blame for the accident on her behalf cannot be absolve of the crime. HS then offered him money ... all that she had although it's not a lot.  HJ say she must know he don't take on trivial cases like these. she say she know that and she also know he's the son of the owner of her father's company. HJ ask if her dad sent her to him. HS say no she came to him on her own. HJ then say HS don't seem like someone who think HJ will help her using her father's connection. HS say she knows HJ has been looking into her background and that he's the one who send 50 lunchboxes to the hospital. and that 3 months ago, HJ was admitted to the hospital because of an accident and was a patient in room 1004. HJ then admitted that he is interested in HS and asked her who is the guy she was trying to save. HS say he's the man she's going to marry.

(different scene) HS asked HJ what has he done and that they can prove MJ was innocent. HJ say if he help MJ then HS would have to go to jail and it would be an even heavier sentencing. HS say that's the reason why she approach HJ to save MJ. HJ say the person he wanted to save is HS and he even gave up being a lawyer to do that. HS then say does that mean my father's factory and our family home ...

SA came to see HJ and told him she heard of some couple gathering that he's suppose to attend. he was like who told you about that and SA say it must be someone who want us to have a good ending. she told HJ he's pitiful just like her because there's no one who's on his side and they have something in common. then mocks him on his arrogant wife etc.. HJ asked her if she knows how many pairs of eyes are watching them. SA then dropped the bombshell that she's pregnant.

end of 5 =================================

oh boy ... that sure take a long time to write. :ph34r: anyway i can't promise i will do this for all episodes and am not sure how long this drama will keep my interest. but if anyone want any specific scenes translated/summarized i can try to help. :)

 i'm actually confused who is the main lead and who is secondary. honestly ... i'm not liking SY's personality that much. she's too annoyingly chirpy and loud. i wonder if there's going to be any love interest between HJ & SY later on since the press conference pix have them posing together but there's no relationship lines btw them on the chart.

not sure if you know this but SA is adopted by SY's mom when her mother abandoned her i think. and despite her prickly attitude ... she actually cares about SY because she even gave her money for baby stuffs & told SY to dress better. but oh boy she sure is annoying & stalkerish when it comes to HJ. -_-

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Guest marinai

Gracias exupery , I get it better right now! This drama is sure good!

So far surprisingly I like the 4 leads in my own way but that may change soon!

Still I have a little question but I don't know if you're on episode 12 already ^^

Actually do you know if HS has done a professional mistake when she tried to make SY deliver her baby and got the woman to loose him ?

I really want to know if it's because of her or if it's because of the fact SY fell trying to save Hwanee?

HS is up to pain, right now everyone will pick on her for SY situation...The real question is ...Is it her fault?

MJ is definetly NOT over his ex, I can't believe is reaction when they said him she lost the baby! But after reading that HS and him stayed together for 9 years and that he attempted suicide.... I really know why his mom hate HS!

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Thank you Exupery for that summary! If you have the time, can you summarize episode 12? It was really good, full of revelations on what happened with the baby and other things, but i didn't understand a word.sweatingbullets.gif Looks like she'll be going into the coma in the next episode. I keep wondering why HJ's mom was trying to set him up?

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Exupery thank you, thank you, thank you. I was so lost with out some translation. I'm sorry but I don't  feel sorry for HS being slapped around. HS you made your bed so lay in it. MJ get over it, you can be happy with your wife. With other words you still live like an empty shell after you married your wife. SY must really, really love you to put up with that. It looks to me HS and MJ will be two selfish people who only think about their own happiness and not about the people they are hurting. That is what I get from the beginning of ep 1 when the drama start.  

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sorry people for the late reply. was busy whole day yesterday. i'm only at episode 6 hence the summary. hehe ... i will skip to episode 12 first since i hear about exciting things happening & come back with a summary for you all. ^_^ will try & watch that later today.


episode 6:

after SA told HJ that she's pregnant, he asked her what does she expect him to do and that having HH is enough for him and left angrily.

MJ came to the hospital to return the baby clothes that HS bought. SY asked him why does he hate HS so much to come all the way just to return that. SY then started saying good things about HS and told MJ that the hit & run accident was just a misunderstanding. MJ angrily told SY to wake up and that the world is not as simple as she thinks. SY told MJ that he's probably right but even if people take advantage of her because of that she will still live with her principles despite what people have to say about it. she wants to live believing the best of people. MJ ask her what if she ends up getting hurt? SY told him not to worry and that she won't get hurt.

HS told SY her babies are fine after she fell trying to save HH but she should see a doctor if she has any abdominal pain just in case. she then told SY that she will deliver her babies for her.

HJ's father upon hearing of HH's accident told HS to be more careful since HH is their precious grandchild. LHJ then asked HS to help the hired help in cleaning the house since she's off work today. HJ told her they have to attend some couple gathering. LHJ say but that's usually in the evening. HJ say it has been changed to afternoon since it's the weekend. the brother say he's envious and wonders when he gets to go couple gathering. the dad told him to think about starting work soon instead.

SA asked SY if MJ is really having an affair since she kept seeing SY on her own when she & MJ used to be inseparable. SY say she's here alone because she wants to talk to SA and to go in the house. SA says she has an appointment.SY asked if she's going to meet that married man. SA say it's non of her business and to just look after her own husband. SY asked her to end things with the married guy before their mom find out but SA say she doesn't have a mother and that's SY's mom.

at that gathering .. HJ told everyone that he was arrested by the police because he was framed and they are looking to find who's behind it and that the scandal they heard about him having an affair with a woman who's much younger than him is true but it was a mistake which he swear by his wife & child ... will not be repeated. SA walked in and asked if his wife think it was just a mistake too. HJ drag her out and SA was angry that he told everyone that their affair was a mistake. HJ then asked her if she thinks it was love otherwise and she knows better than that. she told HJ that's she's pregnant and he asked if she think he'll believe her. she say he can get it verified. HJ asked her if she expect him to marry her if that's true. she asked him why not and is it because she was abandoned by her parents at birth, expelled from high school for being a problematic student, and raised by someone who works in the marketplace. HJ say i told you before that other than my wife other women means nothing to me. SA begged him to wake up and that even his wife wishes for them to be together and asked HJ if he really don't know? HJ then asked SA if it's HS who told her about the couple gathering. SA confirmed that it was indeed HS who told her.

in the car HS asked HJ for a divorce. HJ say he understand she was shocked and upset over SA and suggested they go somewhere to talk. HS say it's not because of SA. SA called HS and told her that she know for a fact that HH is not HJ's son and she wasn't just testing HS out and that she even have proof of that. HS then received call from hospital regarding SY. HJ insist they go somewhere to talk and asked her what did SA say to HS to make her tremble in fear. HJ told HS to let someone else attend to her patient since she don't seem fit to but she ignored him.

SY tried to defer MJ & his parents from finding out HS is her gynae (which is kind of stupid) by telling him that she has called the hospital to page her doctor when he wanted to call her doctor himself and trying to get him & his parents out of the hospital ward before HS came but MJ refuse to leave her. :wacko:

-----------end of 6----------

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episode 12:

HS's dad asked her mom to find out from HS if her husband really had an affair because he was concerned HS might get a divorce and that will end his leeching off HJ's family. the mom was shocked that that's the only thing he was concerned about.

HS's colleague wondered if SY suffered from PA (Placenta Abruption) because of the escalator incident which must have given her severe shock. she also asked if HS made any mistake during the surgery and that Dr Lee say HS was adamant about giving up on the babies and missed the timing. she say while she defended HS saying she couldn't possibly make a mistake like that, Dr Lee also added that HS looked disturbed over something before going in for the operation which is why she's concerned and asked HS. that rumors like this could lead to something else..

MJ's mom slapped HS and asked if she was the woman who called their house a few days ago. HS said yes and say to talk outside.

HS told MJ's mom that there was nothing wrong with SY during her examination a couple of days ago. MJ's mom told her to shutup and asked why HS appear in MJ's life again. HS denied that and say she's only SY's doctor. MJ's mom is angry and say after what HS did to her son she's still sharp tongued as ever and call HS a heartless arrogant woman who only care about herself. that not only HS ditch MJ for a rich man but she's now out to make him childless. HS insist she was making the best decision for her patient. MJ's mom say they will sue HS for negligence once SY is better.

SY asked about her twins and whether they look like MJ or her and why hasn't he talked about their babies. MJ then tried to tell SY but started to tear and told SY that it's because he hasn't been sleeping well when she fuss over him. she then asked if he's eating well and then remark that without her he's not eating or sleeping well. that without her he can't live and likewise for her. she then urged him to go & eat. just when he turn to leave she ask if he has anything to say to her. MJ yes and then i love you to SY.

HS told MJ she wants to talk to him. she asked him if SY told him anything and that SY saw what happened btw them & HJ at the restaurant last night. she told MJ it's not too late to tell SY about their relationship. MJ say no. HS say SY might have heard them even if she's not that near and that sy will suffer greater hurt if they continue to deceive her. MJ didn't want to tell SY in her current condition but HS say then she would. MJ dared HS to do so and tell her she's cruel. and that he won't forgive HS if she tells SY. HS then blurt out to MJ what his mom said about taking her to court for medical negligence. when MJ continue to walk away she say she's concerned what SY will do if she knows the 2 of them were together yesterday. MJ say SY only know that the 3 of them were together but she didn't know HS & MJ went out together. but HS say that since HJ knew about them then it's a matter of time before SY also finds out. she wonders if MJ can tell SY the truth then and what other people will think about what happened during her surgery on SY and if he doesn't know what the implication is. she again insist MJ tell SY about their relationship and what happened last night.she also told MJ to tell his mom that she didn't make any mistake in the surgery and that it was perfect.

SY asked HS about her twins when HS dropped by to check on her. that she wanted to see her babies but MJ kept telling her later. HS told SY that her babies are dead and that SY's life is still in danger. HS told SY that her placenta separates from her womb/uterus too early. SY wanted to leave the room to ask another doctor but HS stopped her telling her she can't walk around and needed her rest because she just had a major surgery. SY was shocked and asked what surgery she had. HS told SY that she had her uterus/womb remove because her life will be in danger otherwise. :tears: she told SY to rationally accept that at least she's still alive even if she can't have any more children. when SY persisted and asked HS what could possibly be wrong with her pregnancies when HS told her everything is fine before. HS told her she doesn't know what causes it but that there could be many reasons for her condition. SY went hysterical and insisted HS knows exactly why and what happened to her.

SY's mom told her she's bleeding a lot and wanted to call for the doctor. SY stopped her mom and screamed at her to leave her alone. SA was shocked to hear the mom tell her that the doctor say there's no other choice but to remove SY's womb and asked who the doctor is. the mom advised SA to not make a fuss and let things be. the mom say SY said before that the doctor is very reputable when SA asked how can they just believe in what the doctor said. SA insisted that she wanted to speak to the doctor to verify things since she's so reputable. the mom agreed but ask her to do it later after SY has calmed down. SA asked the mom who signed the surgery aprroval form and was shocked to hear that no one did because it was an emergency. that SY fainted in front of the police station and was sent in by 119 call.

MJ's mom told the dad that there's something fishy about this whole thing & that HS is a scary woman who's capable of anything. the dad told the wife she's not making any sense and why would HS risk her reputation as a doctor to do something like that.

HS asked MJ to come to her office because she need to ask him about something.

HS's colleague came in & asked her what is she thinking of to do the surgery without consent form and no matter how urgent it is ... HS should know better since it happens quite often in their line of work. she told HS that she's concerned over what Dr Lee said that if they had tried to save the mother earlier then such things could have been avoided. HS was angry and said she's the primary doctor and Dr Lee shouldn't be going around criticizing her medical decisions. the colleague say that it's true none of them can live up to HS's skill but that according to Dr Lee ... HS was in a panic striken trance in the operation room and asked HS what is going on. she asked HS again if she's sure it wasn't negligence on her part and HS angrily denied it.

i think HS's dad is trying to milk HJ's guilt over cheating on his daughter to get more money or benefit out of him by getting his wife to get HJ to come & see them.

HJ's secretary reported to him that MJ hasn't been in to work. (looks like he has someone checking on MJ) :ph34r:

HS ask MJ what he wants them to do with the foetus ie. to let hospital take care of everything or he wants to cremate it himself.

SY's mom told MJ that SY disappear while she went out for a short talk with SA. SA suggest maybe SY went to talk to her doctor but MJ say SY doesn't know anything yet. SY's mom then told MJ that SY already knew everything ... that the doctor told her everything when SY was left alone in the ward.

HS is in her room thinking about her friend's question if there was any negligence on her part. her phone rang and it was LHJ ... telling HS she's at the hospital coffee shop and asking her whose child is HH.

end of 12------------

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