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[Drama 2011] While You Were Sleeping 당신이 잠든 사이

Guest C51236

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Thank you  exupery for the great summaries! HS is getting worse, because i pity the way she was married to someone she didn't love and the treatment from her mother in law, not to mention a bastard for a father. Yet she has no compassion or respect for anyone. Right now she's weaving her web on MJ, and he seems to slowly buying into it. 

I'm really hoping that SA helps SY on her revenge. She's calculative enough to teach her how to get even.

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Well episode 20 is not really full of surprises but a lot of decisions are made. I can't figure out how exactly HS convinced her husband to

give her the divorce finally, but it looks like blackmail.

Did it read that a month had passed or a year? It seemed to be a year because SA's hair has grown a lot, and she even changed the color.laugh.gif

So exupery, if you have some time to do the summary of that episode, it would be much appreciated!wub.gifblush.gif

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I really hope SH and HJ get their revenge on their exes and that both MJ and HS fail in life miserably. Even though their love is soo powerful and that should be beautiful, I don't find it beautiful with all the things that's happened. I want to see their lives crumble... I know, I am evil... :ph34r: They just make me so mad.

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I really hope SH and HJ get their revenge on their exes and that both MJ and HS fail in life miserably. Even though their love is soo powerful and that should be beautiful, I don't find it beautiful with all the things that's happened. I want to see their lives crumble... I know, I am evil...  :ph34r: They just make me so mad.

I hope for the same. She is a careless doctor and selfish person. He is just as selfish because he didn't seem to even try to love his wife. The only time he said "I love you" was out of guilt. Also look how easily he forgot about how the witch hurt him in the past, just because now he finds out about the secret. Not caring for his ailing wife, and going to the witch like that....crazy.gif

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I hope for the same. She is a careless doctor and selfish person. He is just as selfish because he didn't seem to even try to love his wife. The only time he said "I love you" was out of guilt. Also look how easily he forgot about how the witch hurt him in the past, just because now he finds out about the secret. Not caring for his ailing wife, and going to the witch like that....*quoted image*

Yes they are, so selfish! I haven't seen Fridays episode yet but omgggg. HS is getting worse and worse. I can't believe she purposely messed up on the surgery! She needs to get her license stripped as a doctor and go rot in jail.

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Well episode 20 is not really full of surprises but a lot of decisions are made. I can't figure out how exactly HS convinced her husband to

give her the divorce finally, but it looks like blackmail.

Did it read that a month had passed or a year? It seemed to be a year because SA's hair has grown a lot, and she even changed the color.*quoted image*

So exupery, if you have some time to do the summary of that episode, it would be much appreciated!*quoted image**quoted image*

hi. sorry about not posting any spoilers recently. hehe ... been distracted by other better dramas so haven't really watched this since my last posting. but will try & write some spoilers/recaps later.

and yes, it's 1 year later. i kind of skip in between episodes just to have a quick look and it seems that HS confessed to a comatose SY  that it was negligence on her part what happened to SY during the surgery  ... unless that was a dream sequence of her visiting SY at the hospital when she woke up after a nightmare. the little boy asked MJ when is he going back to his own home since his dad (HJ) will be angry again if he sees him here. -_- SY's mom did the divorce preceeding on her behalf because they were under the assumption that SY will not live through this and because MJ has always been good to her & SY, she don't think they should tie him down to a comatose wife who will most likely not wake up. but then she didn't know either that the person he was going to get together with is the very person who put her daughter into coma. i presume HS's colleagues still do not know about her starting a new life with the husband of a patient she caused to be in comatose state due to her negligence otherwise they will be looking at her in disgust by now. -_-

honestly ... i don't really like any of the characters in this drama. the only person i actually sympathize with is probably SY since she's really the victim in all this but even then ... she's so doormat that i kind of feel she brought it on herself. i hope her character undergo a change for the better now that she has woken up and find out the betrayal. as for HS ... i don't know if the problem is with OHA's portrayal of her or her character is meant to be that way ... but she doesn't come off as a very likeable character even before the whole botched up surgery and stealing her first love from his comatose wife act. there's something very harsh and abrupt her personality which makes me dislike her and wonder what the 2 guys see in her. and now on top of that we have to see her constantly pathetic poor me and guilty as hell look.

as for HJ ... he's not totally blameless in all these mess since he did covet HS for himself and did underhand stuffs to get her for himself ... so in a way he created his own misery. still he was cuckolded by HS into rearing another man's child as his own and she finally kicked him to the curb so she can get back with her child's father. even if MJ & HS is portrayed as the lovebirds who got torn apart ... i'm totally not feeling anything for them other than disgust. <_<

not sure what happened to SA's baby though? :unsure: ... must be in the episodes i skipped. need to go back & watch in sequence. :lol: anyway, i do hope this is not going to have good ending for MJ & HS. because the only reason why i'm still going to skim this drama is to see them get their miserable end. :vicx: with SY losing the ability to have her own child ... at first i thought something will happen to SA and SY will bring up SA's child as her own.

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Like exuprey I had stopped watching this, for one if the person I loved kill someone in a car and I came to help, then they made me the fall guy and married someone else. Honey please, I would not even spit on them let alone get water, but then that's just me.If by some queer twist of fate I still loved such a person and ran into them five or six year's later. The person they married is my boss, my wife almost looses our baby saving her son then you botch the surgery killing both of my unborn children leaving my wife unable to bare children in the future. I still love only you . They are like the Born Killer pair, and they are right they do belong together, they should not be allowed to inflict their presence on anyone else. 

I'm going to go back and skim the episodes because I want to know how his parents has responded to these developments.

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