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[UPDATED - WINNERS ANNOUNCED!] Show your love for Big Bang!


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Guest cissoye

Hi Big Bang, i'm french so forgive me if i don't write correctly. I can read english but i don't know how to write it correctly. Sorry.

So, to begin, i discover you 4 weeks ago, more or less. It's not much but i'm become a fan of you. I discover TOP first, in "71 into the fire", i wasn't very interresse by music and all so i looked more movie and drama. ( Well, i like listening music but i don't follow the artist and all, but with you, i really want find out everthing about you. Well, after i know who you are...) So, i search about who was TOP, because when i hear his voice in the movie i fall in "love" with him. (Not in "Love" because i don't know him in real life, it's a bit strange to tell we're in love with someone we don't meet once... I don't want hurt any VIP who loves them in this sense, but it's what i think that all ^^ Don't take it bad ok ?! ^^") So i find who he was and i listen "Turn It Up" first - I love the mv - and the song of course. ( i know, i discover you upside down but... I arrived at the same point =). ) After that i listen "High High" - i love to ^^ - and after i watch tv show with Big Bang - Come to play, Intimate note ( I love the game in the classroom, where you must win food i don't know the name of the game in english but in french it's "1-2-3, Soleil ! ")  recently Night after Night (really really funny TOP ^^ and i love how sincere GD was, TOP too, but i discover a new side of GD) and finally, - after some other tv show, and making of...-  i listen "Haru Haru" "Lies" "Tell me goodbye" and the others, especially the mv because i love to see you lol. After that i watch the drama 'I am sam" i don't have to tell you why, right ;). And i find out your comeback will be soon. (The good thing to have discover you so late... I have only 1/2 weeks to wait. And you have done a lot of things in 2 years so i have a lot of things to watch and listen to wait. ^^). But, like i watch a lot of things in a short time, i have nothing else to watch and i love watch tv show or live with Big Bang. (I love the live with GD&TOP, really good to watch) I watch 2 of your concert to and for the firts time of my life, i want to go to a concert ( it doesn't intreset me to go see singer in concert but you, what your doing during your concert it's really amazing. You have a lot of energy and this is a pleasure to see you enjoy what your doing.) One day, i hope i can see you - Maybe in korea if (we don't know) i can have money to go or in France who know - Hope is vital ^^-  I never see the Eiffel Tower (As if you made a concert in France one day it will be in Paris, like any other foreign artist T.T - I'm from Lyon and i can't go to Paris -I will not tell you why because i would have told you my life and i don't want to bore you with, and it's really strange to tell his life on a forum, really, i'm serious... oO I'm a little weird some times, sorry -_--  

Well, forget the last line... ^^" I tell a lot of things because, like the others VIP who can't write you when they want, i thing, i tell you everything i want to tell you... (it would be nice that there is an email address or something for foreigners -ok, i just dream, but i can ^^ Its all i can do right lol.)

So, the suject is "Why i love Big Bang" I've already told you how i discovered you -i think O.o, i say so many things, i hope that's clear ^^- and why i love Big Bang its because i love who you are - What ???? O.o- *weird, weird, weird* (sorry crapy humor) I have roughly the same age as you its why i talk to you like friends -if you really read it of course ^^- Sorry, we don't have the same culture but i tell myself, that you're young so, all young love jokes, right ? (I hope *.*) even though my humor is bad... Ok i quit.

Seriously, i love you because i love your personality. Your music is really good to, but you can have a good music and i can like it but not love the artist if i don't like who he is. (it's clear right.)

So, first discovery, TOP/Choi SeungHyun, in a movie then as a singer, and i love the singer as much as the actor. The actor is really good, you can express yourself with nothing but a glance and wait to see you in other roles. I want to discover another facet of your acting talents and i hope for you that you will be able to. Then, the singer/rapper is amazing. I love your voice - like many other fan i think ^^- thanks to her that i discovered Big Bang (This is probably why i have a small preference for you. It was you who led me to Big Bang ^^.) Your rap is really good i love him (I love rap and its why i love you even more when i discovered you were a rapper) - I prefer French rap because, before that i listen to your rap, I thought it was a kind of music that was - in my country at least - about the problems that we have in society (You certainly don't know French rap but in my country is more a style of music for people who don't have money and live in 'ghetto" Its not ghetto in France its "Cité" so i have this image and that why i prefer French rap, i understand and feel they will say.) But you made me discover a different side of rap. Rap isn't only reserved for a certain person, it is a style of music that can be used by any person until that person does it well. If you're good at something you have the right to do, no matter who you are and where you come from. I like hear you rap, your good, really good. With "Oh mom", you showed us your singing talent. This song is amazing, really touching and i like it even more because she has a soul.

Otherwise, I will not write too much because I could write a novel (I think i've already write too much -sorry ^^-) so i continued. I want to write something but i don't know how we say it so i'm going to begin like that : I love your personality (At least that i could see i talk always about TOP. I prefer to say in case it is not clear ^^) You're really funny and i love your shy side. I can't tell i know you, because its not true, i've never met you, but I can say I like what you have to show us so i like who you are.  You seem to have a lot of will and give the best of  yourself in everything you do. You give me some strenght and the desire to be that I really want. (I'll stop here otherwise it will be too long)

After that, i discovered GD/Kwon JiYong  (i listen GD&TOP before Big Bang so...) You're a really good rapper to. You have so much energy. On stage you really gives you thoroughly. You are really passionate when you sing on live or concert. It's nice to see someone taking so much fun doing the show. You are doing a great job and you seem really put your whole heart into everything you do. You're a great composer and a very good dancer and you're doing an excellent job as leader. I don't really know your personality, you seem to not be the same on TV as in real life from what you said in "Night after Night" So i can't really said but you seem to be someone nice and your relationship whit Seungri is a pleasure to see.

Then there was Daesung/Kang DaeSung . I discovered you in "Family outing", the episode with TOP. In this period, i didn't know who you were. And i discovered a really fun boy -man ?- You seem to be a very nice person. You smile all the time and its nice to see someone so happy (and I hope you're happy and you really do not smile all the time just to hide something else ^^ But you seem to be a happy person) In the documentary of Big Bang, one of the group members said that you were the kind of person you can only love and I want to say that it's true ^^ I loved you as soon as I saw you. You put me in a good mood. For me, you seem to be a person with who you can talk easily, once it knows you because it seems that you are shy around people you do not know ^^. I love your voice, you're a really good singer. I love to hear you and you're really funny to. Your relationship with TOP is really nice, you seem really close and its nice to see.

After that, (sorry to do this but, i think i write a little to much so... -It's been more than 4 hour as i write. Considering I think what I'm going to say and how its called in english... ) I discovered Tae Yang/Dong YoungBae and Seungri/ Lee SeungHyun.

Tae Yang is a really good dancer, he moves really well and he's a really good singer to. I think you talk a lot more now during the interviews you seem more confident (from my point of view of course, maybe i'm wrong ^^) You seem really nice and shy sometimes. It may be an impression that nothing but seeing you can guess that you're someone nice and i like that ^^.

Seungri, the youngest, is confident, everybody knows ^^ but for me you're not an innocent child like some people said. like you said once you know everything that you need to know. Even before i saw your mv "Strong Baby" you seem to be anything except an ignorant child ^^. Despite what you showed us in TV show and Interview, (I talk about your confident and all...) you seem really nice. You're funny when you talk seriously about something and the other people seems not to take you seriously and laught. I think, if it was not done on purpose, you would not do anymore. You're smart and i think you know what you do ^^.

So, why i like Big Bang.

Big Bang is a really good groupe that offers us something different and interesting. You know how to do something new with talent,  when I listen to different songs that you did we see that you know do things varied. Each of you is talented and you can hear in your music. Furthermore you are a really authentic group, with different personality that I enjoy discovering over time. You seem real and i love that. We really feel close to you and you care about your VIP. You work for us and I think it's really good. (Certain artists seem to forget they are where they are with their fans) I love Big Bang beacause when i see you, i see a family. Really, everyone close to you seems really count for you. I'd be really happy if one day I have friends who are as important to me and I expect the same for them. I'm happy to love Big Bang, because thanks to you I have new desires for my live, my futur. I look forward to seeing you on different tv show, live ... I'm glad to know that the advance was not finished to see you and hear you this year (and others too ^ ^)

I wish you all a very good year professionally and personally and that everything will go well for you. Seeing how you seem exhausted sometimes when you prepared a concert or a show, you really deserve to receive love from your VIPs.

Sorry for everything I wrote I had so much things to tell you (and I still do) and if you read really, thank you. Thank you for being there and bring us so much as humanly and musically. And again sorry for those who will read if I have made many errors of English -sorry, sorry, sorry- Bye.

Big Bang Fighting !

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WaAaAAaAaAAaAAaAaaAaAAaAa! I'm So Happy! I really hope they get to read this post.. that is more than a prize to me!

I'm actually a bit nervous just by the possibility of you reading this post

Since I'm from Chile it’s really hard for me to show support and you actually noticing it... I wish I could support you in a better way but can't (sorry! blush.gif ) and I watch over and over and over again the videos in your youtube channel and post comments and, I don't know, silly things like that. I don't think I'll be satisfied with this post because there are so many things I want to say and I don't know how... I really love you guys, I love your work musically and not musically I love your personalities of all 5 of you or at least the part I know xD. you have the power of make me forget all the bad things, the difficult moments and make my life happier you really mean so much to me I love listening to your music in all situations at every time.

Please keep working as hard as you’ve been working till now! So someday I would be able to go to one of your concerts!

You know for you to read some comments made in the videos I'll select some so you can read them because I’m sure that are so many of us that want you to know how much we (international fans) love you so some comments are gonna be mine but most of them are gonna be from some other fans (those are from beautiful hangover video. we really had fun

commenting): (I hope anyone get mad at me because of this)

LOL.. we are all psychos but we are happy this way!* (this one is


LOL FINALLY!! Youtube wasn't letting me comment for the past hour lol

The power of us VIPs is tooooo powerful for youtube 8-D

Anyways, next time BIG BANG has a comeback, youtube has to expect some sort of crash or something lmao :D (this was really annoying, sometimes the comments appeared two at the same time)

_response-OMG!!! that exactly happened to me!!!!! good someone like me too♥ (it happened to all of us xD)

Omg VIPs rooooooock! I've been here all day! U guys make me proud, we're all obssessed psychos together! Love it!! (n_n!)

ugh!!! i got to leave no WHY!!! well i have to go to bed cuz i have soccer in the morning at 9:30am but i have to wake up like at 8am ugh! plz vipz keep watching hopefully we can get 3mil in two days like taeyangs vid!!! well its 11:47pm so a few more minutes and then i guess its over........ (It was horrible when it was time for sleep =( but some of us just didn't went sleep that night. ofcourse I had nothing important to do the next day)

i think my teachers think that i am a alcoholic...i was sitting in class all day today singing beautiful hangover XD. (LOL)

i'm 20 but I'll be a VIP until gel 999.999.999.999... years old! (me!)

_response -*VIP solute* thats the spirit :) rocking BB in afterlife

_response -i can see all of us here in like 50 years..talking about the first VIP party..haha VIP for life^^ (this were some of the responses)

I think my laptop is starting to get a hangoverrr... Nooooooo!!! (this is happening to me now =S)

_response -Mine too. It's almost as hot as GD (I actually picked the previous comment because of this response hehe ^_^)

VIPs REMEMBER THE BIGBANG RULE! STAY CLASSY! IGNORE DevotedSNSDfan! (DevotedSNSDfan is the nickname of a tasteless girl who was writing bad thing about you and the video.. you see we are classy! haha)

In conclusion of this last 24 hours.. Big Bang is the best!! And the VIPs will support them all the way! world love to BIG BANG! <3

n__n (me again!)


Even though we didn’t make 1 million views we tried our best, and there’s always the comeback, then we can just CRASH this YT mini cooper and show them the power of VIP :D


I've never been drunk or anything but I might enjoy having a beautiful hangover with Big Bang!!!(totally agree! Well I do have been drunk xD … just once! hehe)

And now some comments about how hot you all are :lol: I’m not saying who my bias is :wub: hehe!:vicx:


WTF you can't pause this video, lol that's how amazing it is, it telling you "You can stop me until you finish watching me, muahahahaha"


T.O.P looks ADORABLE in those Glasses:3 without Glasses he’s HOT xD





TOP always HOT.. Saranghaeyo TOP oppa!!

oh, and TOP’S VOICE HERE IS ENOUGH TO MAKE ME LOSE MY MIND. I won't even begin with his looks either, I swear, just on glance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (gotta say that I love this comment!!!;) )

Can't help thinking Daesung is hot here.


I kinda wish those drugs were to make Taeyang fall in love with me....

I would rape Taeyang if he's drunk! TAEYANG will be mine!!!!! Lol (don’t be afraid just words… guess =P)

The girl in this video has got to be the absolute LUCKIEST john teshING GIRL IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!

If I got that close to any of them, i would actually believe i had died and gone to Heaven!!!!!!!!

They so need to realize they have a UK fanbase :/

BIG BANG <3<3<3<3<3<3

OHHH !!!! EVERY TIME I WATCH THIS .. I IMAGINE IM THE GIRL WITH GDRAGON ~ KEKE ! NAH ~ JUST MY IMAGINATION ~ THE GIRL IS NOT THAT PRETTY ~ IM PRETTIER THAN HER ~~ (see? You have some pretty international fans too you need to meet them ;D)

I’m sorry for the log post but I wanted to show you how much we love you and I wanna say thanks for all your hard work that make our lives full of joy and with the possibility of knowing great people which was what I also wanted to show you by adhering this old posts

Thanks for making all this BigBangLove possible!

I’m Romina I’m 20 and I’m from Chile. And I love BigBang of course xD

I just talk with my mom on the phone and she asked me to tell you how gratefull she is towards you for making me and my sister so happy!

I almost forgot I’m sorry about my English!

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Hello, hope you're doing good, my name is Maria del Carmen, I'm 20 years old and I'm a Peruvian VIP, yes!! I'm from PERU! and that shows you that BIG BANG rocks in all the WORLD ... and this is how I feel about BIG BANG, like lots of girls I LOVE THEM!!! I really really LOVE them, I don't know if it’s because of their cute faces, maybe that look or their voice, but they’re just perfect, so amazing!!! I think about them 24/7 I can't stop to think in them, and what's more important is that they’re so talented, so this is what I did, and I really did from the bottom of my heart!

PS. As a Peruvian, my mother's tongue is Spanish soo I use some words in spanish ... hope you like it! =)

BIG BANG is back

They never left

They’re right here

In every single VIP

Maybe we’re so far away

But that’s the miracle of internet

I knew you two years ago

And suddenly fell in love

“Lies” was the first song I heard

And with TOP me enamore* *Fall in love with

“Haru Haru” was then

The next song I heard

You five looked: Oh God!!

How couldn’t love ya?

“Lollipop” was next

And 2NE1 I started to search

Then came “Fire” (GD’s appearance – Fire Street vr.)

You both (BIG BANG & 2NE1) look so alike

And TONIGHT! Such a beautiful song

The music video was mejor* *better

your look is so amazing

your comeback extremely dazing

But what makes BIG BANG greater

Is those five hot guys

Five oppas that make us (VIPs) love!

GD oppa, the best leader

A songwriter, a good singer

The heartbreaker, the cute rapper

Like a Dragon, he’s strength

He helps the members to be better

He writes for them

Like a dad he takes care

T.O.P, the sexy guy

The deep voice, the bad boy

The best rapper, extremely dapper

He turns us up

He starts to act

He’s so talented

He’s gallant

the perfect boy I love!

TaeYang, the brightest SOL

He is a shy boy

A good dancer, he’s nicer

Girls like him, VIPs love him

His steps are hot

His songs light our lives

He can dance, he can sing

He is in Big Bang the smiling eyes

DaeSung, the romantic one

He knows how to have fun

His voice is softly

His eyes are lovely

A cotton candy

He’s just a D-Lite

He puts the sweetness


SeungRi , the sexy maknae

So confident, so strong

Makes girls go crazy

He is in our corazón* *Heart

He is the Victory

Everybody wants him

He always wins

He showed it in VVIP

Wanna be like them?

You have too much to learn

It’s a legacy

In YG family

And this is something I writte some time ago, it was just for TOP, I love him!

It's been already two years

Since my life suffered a change

I didn't know who they are

'Till I listened to “Lie”

And there’s where I saw him

The person who makes me dream


The V.I.P of my life

That’s what he is

The person who makes me live

He can sign

He can dance

He writte songs

He likes “Omarion”

He’s so cool, he’s so fine

He’s just whom every girl want

Tall and thin, tough but sweet

Handsome, is just him!

And he’s Choi Seung Hyun

He’s my lovely TOP

He’s great, he’s amazing

He makes me feel really crazy

Can’t stop to listen to him

Can’t stop to look his pics

A singer and an actor

He’s a Korean Idol

Everybody dies for him

But nobody do like me

Even if he’s in Japan or South Korea

No matter the distance

Here in Peru or in the India

No one else can make me feel this way

"Ai mini coopereru", "I love you"

or "Te amo" is the same

but I would like to say

"Oppa Saranghae!! "


♥I LOVE TOP♥!!!!


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I don't really want to win any prices, but since BigBang will be reading this I would like to say something.

I'll make it short, because you still have a lot to read through.

I just want to say that you'd be the only ones whose concert I'd visit and the only ones i go crazy about [because I'm normally not much of a fangirl] and I hope you'll come somewhere closer than Asia [something like London or even Berlin would be nice ^^]

so thank you for your effort and all your hard work and your awesome new album.

[turned out to be pretty much, sorry for that ^^°]



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Guest momo_emme

It's too hard to describe how much I love Big Bang! I mean, it's like comparing the love towards your mother. The love I feel for Big Bang cannot be expressed with words, it's like a mother-child relationship, just like this quote ''nothing is stronger than a mother's love towards her children''.

To me, Big Bang has become a very important part of my life. Everything they do makes me feel happy, relaxed, and their music is the reason why I can go on with life through my up's and downsides in my life. They are really a true inspirational source to me, since they give out the message that you never should stop trying and always keep on pursuing your dreams/dream. They're like superheroes to me, and they're special powers is their music. Whenever I'm listening to their music, it makes me feel so lucky to have found such a good talented band. Not just "any" band, it's truly a boy-band that REALLY makes music from the depths of their hearts and want to spread the emotions they feel whenever they're performing!

Being their fan, I truly feel lucky and proud and I will most definitely spread the word about BIG BANG wherever I am!

The reason I'm writing here is not because of the personalized autographed Big Bang CD. It's because I really want to tell Big Bang(and hopefully they are reading this ^_^ ) that, no matter what you guys do, it always gives me hope. It feels like they are encouraging me to study hard, and live my life to the fullest, and I always turn to their music whenever I feel really tired of life and too bored to study or whatever. Their like my reward, you know like a piece of cake after I have been exercising. And it's because of these things that makes me want to be your fans forever and ever no matter what happens. I might come out as a naive girl for fantasizing/believeing that a normal human-being like me could meet such a sucessful band like Big Bang. I live in Sweden, in a town called Gothenburg, and with every day that goes by I never lose the hope of Big bang coming here someday. This is what I call my own "Big Bang power" they are helping me to continue to live though the hard times that I'm having, they give me hope.



Fighting!! :)

The best prize I can get here is that you guys replay back. It doesn't have to be long. It can be one word because I have always wishing to "talk" to you.

Finally, I really really want to thanks Soompi for doing this competition or what you guys call because I always want to talk or write to Big Bang something they will read. Really A HUGE thanks to Soompi and to YG Entertainment for doing this and make my wish come ture! :tears:

Between, when are you guys coming to Sweden??! There are alot of VIPs that are waiting for you! :D

Big Bang Power!! A power that makes everybody happy! :)


(P.S My English may not be the best here but I hope you guys can see through my grammar issues. :sweatingbullets: )


Emily ( A crazy Big Bang fan-girl blush.gif) from Sweden.

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Guest ooxstacee


WELCOME BACK! I've definitely missed you.

I have been a VIP since day one, almost. I started following them about a few weeks after they debuted on August 19, 2006! Almost 5 years now. The longest I have ever actually been a pretty active fan of ANY group.

How much do I love Big Bang?

I don't think words, pictures, or videos can describe how much I love these five boys men.

Whenever Big Bang accomplishes something, I always feel so proud to be a VIP! It feels like I've accomplished it also. In my opinion, they are the best group out there. They can make me happy and cheer me up within seconds. Just by looking at their pictures, I'd begin to randomly smile like a 바보. When I hear their songs at stores, I'd stop and listen to it all before I even move away. People call me crazy and immature for liking Big Bang so much, but I don't care what they say. Big Bang is always number one to me. Although, I do like other groups, my love for Big Bang seems to be on a whole different level.

Big Bang is my inspiration.

They have proven to me that nothing is impossible. It's so inspiring to see how they have accomplished so much in life already, when they are only around my age. I love the endless will to keep pushing and chasing after their dreams, no matter how difficult the task is. The fact that G-Dragon never gave up after being a trainee for so long, Taeyang gathering the courage to go ask Mr. YG he hasn't contacted him yet, TOP losing so much weight in such a short period so he could get into YGE, Daesung who fought for his dream although his father opposed of his decision, and Seungri who gave Mr. YG five reasons as to why he should be part of the group when he was eliminated with HyunSeung. Big Bang have shown me that as long as you keep trying your best, you could reach your goals and dreams. They are probably one of the hardest working celebrities out there.

Big Bang is 짱!

For some odd reason, I can listen to Big Bang's songs on repeat and I never seem to get tired of it. I love how diverse Big Bang's music is. It always sounds great no matter what type of genre it is, whether it's hip-hop, electronic, rock, or even trot! It's so amazing how each member can complement each other so well, when they all have a different taste in music and fashion. They are probably the first group that I've became a fan of, not because of their looks, but because of their music. Whenever I don't listen to Big Bang's songs, I always feel something is empty. I start and end my day with Big Bang's music. Each member's style is so different. I also love that about Big Bang -- the fact that they don't usually wear uniforms on stage. They match in a certain way but they are not wearing the exact same thing as each other. There is no way to not love each member of Big Bang. Big Bang's stages are always amazing to watch. They always change it up and make it exciting and fun for the fans to watch. Each stage is different, even if it's just one minor change to the choreography or the song.

How far would I go for Big Bang?

Around October(?) 2009, I told myself that I would go to the next Big Bang concert, even if it's a solo. A few weeks later, YG announced that G-Dragon was going to have his solo concert, Shine A Light. I went through so much to get tickets to go. I had to pay someone extra to get the tickets for me, since I live in America. AMAZINGLY, I got tickets for both days of the concert. Those were probably the best days of my life. I will never forget December 5th and 6th, 2009. I spent most of my money to go to the concert and I was even willing to go to a foreign country, where I did not know the language, by myself. Luckily, my mom and aunt decided to go with me! My family called me crazy and brave for flying 14+ hours to see a concert in a foreign country. I even had to take my final exams at school early. On the second day, I missed half of the concert because I got lost on the subway. I was ecstatic when Big Bang came out during the encore. I was not expecting to see them and FINALLY being able to see them after 3+ years (at the time of the concert) of loving them was like a dream come true. Everything was definitely worth it. When I save up enough, I would definitely make a trip back to Seoul to see Big Bang again.

I've stayed up late into the night just to watch Big Bang on a show. I have always woke up before sunrise to watch them on end-year awards/shows! They always have the best stages. Their stage presence is always fierce, but when they are off stage, they become cute and humorous. Big Bang can keep me on the edge of my seat and have me feel like I'm on some rollercoaster ride, but I will always love them.

Thanks to Big Bang, I've met so many wonderful people from all over the world.

I talk about them so much, that all my family and friends knows who Big Bang is.

I can't wait till I can finally see Big Bang again!

Please come have at least one concert in Dallas, Texas!!

If I had to, I'd buy every single one of your tickets. ;) A little personal concert for myself. Oh, that would be wonderful!

My nephew loves Big Bang, so here's a video of him (3 years old at the time) 'singing and dancing' to Heartbreaker (his favorite song):


Pictures of my room and my Big Bang items:








And finally, me outside of the venue for Shine A Light day one!





Whoa, I think I wrote an essay, LOL!

The BEST lightstick in the world!


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Guest leilaYB

Hi BIGBANG! :wub:

"A fool's only tears" start when rejoicing the return of the most Incredible,awesome,talented and dope group like you guys,this is how i could only express my happiness!

"Haru,haru"(everyday) iwas praying for your return. ""I don't understand" how you could love a group so much" so iwas told. It didn't matter because you guys are my "Number 1". I know that "With You" beside me, "Always" keeping me sane when school gets crazy; iknow that "We belong together". Y'all are "My heaven" whenever ineed to listen to something that will ease my worries. There will never be "Lies" about me ditching y'all, only if i'm a "Fool".

This "Foolish Love" ihold within me keeps growing while i lay down on the sand by the beach watching the "Sunset glow". "Let me here your voice" and Never "Tell me goodbye". "Tonight",i'll spread my bliss with my friends at a "Cafe" while singing to "LaLaLa" reminiscing the first time istarted listening to you guys.

Like you guys once said "She can't get enough", Most defenately i can't. Please dont ever say your "Last farewell" and lets "Shake" it "Until Whenever"!!!

TAEYANG: I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOUUU!!! Lol Your gifted with so much talent that no one can deny. Your singing,Your Dancing,Your sexy voice ;) ! Lol You don't have to search anywhere else coz i'll always Be here for you. Once you have me, you wont need any girl..lol jk jk,but really; I Love YOU! Anticipating more Music from you in the future. Maybe one day i'll get to meet you in person. Thats my wishful thinking!!! <3 Thank you for the great album you gave us last year. I really wanna learn the lyrics and sing to them,but they're so hard to memorize. Nontheless,I'll learn them. Your my superstar and ihope you keep achieving your dreams!

T.O.P: I also LOVE YOU!<33 lol being an incredible rapper,actor,and singer(she can't get enough)...I don't think i'll ever forget you even if i were to have amnesia right now! Your voice is so electrifying and Memorable! I can't wait to see you in more movies,hear more of your rap,and Please sing More also coz we love it. At least iknow ido! :) I keep jamming to your songs everyday. Thats how addicted i am(not in a scary way). Goodluck and ireally wish all your goals and dreams to come true!


DAESUNG: Your voice is soooo Smoothing,soo soulful,soo heart warming. Makes me want to listen to you all day,all night! Your so much fun to watch on shows and ican't wait to watch your drama!! Keep smiling coz you got one Killer Smile! So unresistable. Your so Hot and cute!! You defenately burned up this mini album forrealz..(although ithink everyone looked good). Can't wait to here more from you.I Love you <3

GDRAGON: I love You!!!! Your leadership role, Your rapping skillz,crazy fashion,and singing...Everything. I love it all. lol Your incredible. I'll always support you even if everyone else (except bigbang)doesn't, dont let haters get to you. Give me a call if you may whenever you need me..Lol (sorry for the mushy stuff..) :sweatingbullets::P lol b'leave me,this is when i get to say this) Keep making good music,i'll always listen and get my own copy of the album.

SEUNGRI: One who's funny,good singer, good dancer; Ilove you too. oh,i know your first solo song(next day) by heart.lol just had to say that..lol I love how your always positive. I loved your solo songs this year also. Keep up the good work and hope to see you more often. Go on as much shows as you can coz you know all the bigbang's secret. Its fun watching you and listening to you telling them. Lol Keep being "Strong baby" <3 you!

( Sorry if i'm off on spelling and grammer,iwas so anxious writing this. I forgot about writing in correct spelling. lol I really pray you guys get to read this) lol

Your #1 fan. Leilayb From U.S.A (texas)..please one day,come down here. You have a lot of fans. :))

This is my first ever fanvideo i've ever made for you guys. If you get a chance, watch it..hehehe if not,its all good! as long as you guys Perform live,I'll be akay!!


P.S: I really,really,really love Cafe. Scratch that, ireally love the whole album. Can't wait to see you guys live. Love y'all and take care


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Guest sanuchi


I've already posted message here last time and am back here again to show something

As I've already informed that I cant participate here coz of my exams I'm thinking to show this short vid which contains photos of me and JI Yong OPPA. Actually I made this vid  on his birthday . I dont know whether he've seen it or not. It was my first time making video on youtube. So I'm not sure it is good or not but I just wanted to tell him that I really really really really..........love him a lot and appreciate him a lot. WANNA MEET YOU SO BAD JI YONG OPPA. I'm UPSET RIGHT NOW COZ I WANNA B IN BIG SHOW CONCERT RIGHT NOW. BIGABANG PLEASE COME TO LONDON PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE





JI YONG OPPA wanna say that you are most important person in my life. When ever I feel down and upset I think of you. You give me alot of strenght . Looking at you make me work more harder and brings me a lot of hope inside me. Seriously, wen I heard abt sad things dat happened to you really made sad and angry . I just wanna kill that person who send  you those hateful comments. JI Yong Oppa I'm always there for you and will always be supporting you. Never loose hope thats wat I learnt from you and you too never forget dat.  It's your concert going on right now.  really wish dat I wud be there singing along with you. Do ur best!!!! always be happy and kip on smiling. Yuh might be really tired  saw ur vid performing on the stage. Take good care of ur health and ttake a good nap.GOOD NIGHT. LUV U .

ji yong oppa I wish you wud remember my name RISTA ;D



BIGBANG FIGHTING ^____________________^!!!


I've already posted message here last time and am back here again to show something

As I've already informed that I cant participate here coz of my exams I'm thinking to show this short vid which contains photos of me and JI Yong OPPA. Actually I made this vid  on his birthday . I dont know whether he've seen it or not. It was my first time making video on youtube. So I'm not sure it is good or not but I just wanted to tell him that I really really really really..........love him a lot and appreciate him a lot. WANNA MEET YOU SO BAD JI YONG OPPA. I'm UPSET RIGHT NOW COZ I WANNA B IN BIG SHOW CONCERT RIGHT NOW. BIGABANG PLEASE COME TO LONDON PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE





JI YONG OPPA wanna say that you are most important person in my life. When ever I feel down and upset I think of you. You give me alot of strenght . Looking at you make me work more harder and brings me a lot of hope inside me. Seriously, wen I heard abt sad things dat happened to you really made sad and angry . I just wanna kill that person who send  you those hateful comments. JI Yong Oppa I'm always there for you and will always be supporting you. Never loose hope thats wat I learnt from you and you too never forget dat.  It's your concert going on right now.  really wish dat I wud be there singing along with you. Do ur best!!!! always be happy and kip on smiling. Yuh might be really tired  saw ur vid performing on the stage. Take good care of ur health and ttake a good nap.GOOD NIGHT. LUV U .

ji yong oppa I wish you wud remember my name RISTA ;D



BIGBANG FIGHTING ^____________________^!!!

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Forever Thankful to...BIG BANG!

I've been a fan since 2007 and this was actually due to chance. There was a time when I completely stopped listening to music because everything sounded the same. You can say I was going through a music slump. Nothing caught my attention until I came across the song "Always". The first thing that drew me in was the beat which ws a little electronic/R&B. Then when I heard the vocals I was hooked. The funny thing is I'm not Korean, and at the time couldn't understand the language. But, I understood the feeling they were trying to get across.

Being interested in BIG BANG opened up a whole new world for me. I started taking a serious interest in Korean culture and ended up falling in love with South Korea. I was blessed with meeting wonderful friends whom are more like family. Eventhough, I'm barely home due to business, I always make sure to visit Seoul three times a year for a month at a time. It has been a great priviledge being able to follow them, watching them grow & seeing them become amazing individuals. And as they continue to grow mentally, physically, & artistically, may they stay humble & true to themselves and the goals that they wish to achieve in their lifetime.

My message to BIG BANG:

May we as fans continue to support and love you unconditionally. First and foremost you are "BIG BANG" and we love you dearly. Secondly, you are human beings and there will be times of loneliness, sadness, anger, frustration, pain- feel the emotions. But don't give up. This road that the five of you have chosen, has never been an easy road but I encourage you to stay on the path, follow your dreams, and create the life that you all deserve. I thank you for giving us the chance to get to know each of you. Thank you for creating amazing music and don't stop! The music world would be a sadder place without the creativity and fabulous talent that is BIG BANG!


Your Brazilian traveling Fan!!


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Guest riise_cool


I want to tell you that:

You make me smile.You make me happy.You make me cry….You make me crazy with your music…You make me proud of you...You're my love...

Big Bang’s songs always follow me everywhere ...

Thank you because you have tried, effort, overcome all difficulties in the past to be successful as now ...




I love your warm vocals,to let the whole world listen to your music...

I love your smile,your talent,love the way you make me and everyone happy… :)

Thank you because you made me feel life more meaningful since I have known you …

Your smile helped me go through a long and boring time in the past...

"If the road ahead is rough,letting myself experience pain and suffering will make me go foward positvely" - Kang Daesung

Thank you because I learned from you how to look better on every issue and try to smile ...

But I really worried about you, I hope you don’t try to smile... I just want to see your smile when you feel happy…

Daesung oppa, you don’t hide your thoughts and worries inside, please share with everyone,with your family,with the members of Big Bang…

I really hurt when I saw you lonely… Let disguise and get out to feel more comfortable…

Big Bang and your family and V.I.P always beside you...

If you can find a girlfriend who make you fell happy, I hope you happy forever…

And I have to say with you that: "You're so handsome"...

You’re my angel….I love you so much….:)

P/S: Baby don't cry,baby don't cry,baby don't cry.....just give me your smile...

I just heard this song from fancam of Big Show....

And I fall in love with this beautiful song...

I am waiting for your solo album...it has taken a long time to come out...


I love your dark circles….:)

I love your confident and the way you make VIP satisfied…

You’re a good maknae….

And you're so cute !!!!!

JIYONG oppa!

I love your style…:)

You’re talent…

I love the way you perform in stage….

I love the way you did not explain and perform in action…

You're a good leader...I proud of you....

TOP oppa!

I love the way you rap,it is the first my impression about Big Bang...

I love the way you play with everybody,special is Daesung…:)

You like a child but always have mature thinking…

I love the way you care about members of Big Bang...


I love your smiling eyes…

I love your gentle nature...

I love the way you dance, it’s so great…

Your smile shining everything around…

And You need a girl...:D

Hope you always successful,keep your health,keep your smile and together 10 years,20 years and forever…:)

I always love you,miss you,beside you….And always follow…waiting… and support you…until whenever….

Big Bang is VIP….:)


Thank you for reading....

Thanks YG and soompi so much!!!!!

From V.I.P Viet Nam with love…:D

There're many,many V.I.P in Viet Nam who love you and always support you!

Hope you will come to Viet Nam sometime soon in the future...

Huong,20 years old (riise_cool@360kpop)



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Guest mengmingmung

Huhu since I’m not kind of lucky girl, so I don’t really hope that I will win the prize. But I really want to share my true feeling for Big Bang :lol:

I don’t really remember when I love Big Bang for the first time. But I still remember when my friend told me about you,and OH I’m sosososo stupid at that time because I sayed “ah, I’m not interested” . I really care of my study and my organization in my campus at that time, so I’m scare I will be addicted by you, (it’s true T.T).

My friend told me about Family Outing too, she’s really love superduper funny Daesung!. And with my same reason, I don’t watch Family Outing at that time. Same with GD’s case..I remember when I watch Heartbreaker Mv in MTV Asia,I sayed “OMG?is it he or she?” and I changed the channel. At that time I really hate GD, everytime I saw his Mv I always sayed “ckk” and changed the channel. Whoaaa I’m so sorry GD  T.T  T.T  T.T!.

When my sister watched IRIS, she told me about TOP, and I sayed I’m not interested again (wow! I’m not interested with TOP?). Then my sister try to told me about Taeyang since she’s fans of Taeyang. But yahh, I still stubborn. So my sister gave me Hallelujah mp3, and I like it!. But still, I just love that song, I did’nt try to search your other songs or something (yeah I know,VIPs im sooo stupid.so please stop blame me!haha).

Until Im join Korean Language course, and my teacher ask me “who is your favourite Kpop idol?”,ENG.ING.ONG! I don’t know others beside you!so  I answered “Big Bang”.

Yeah, I know I’m really bad.

My new friend (in my course) sayed”ahh so you are VIP too!.Im so happy!”

God, I feel so guilty at that time.

After that, I searched all of things about Big Bang. And yess, as predicted..Suddenly Im addicted by you. I love Lies, Haru Haru, How Gee, aaa all of your song till now.!. I’ve watched Family Outing, your other variety show appearances (then realize Seungri is sooo..oke, unique?*I can’t found the best word for it,haha) and I really care about your solo/unit group project!. Everyday I search new information about you from many blogs,fansites,youtube,etc. And of course I watched Heartbreaker Mv, yeah I watched it for many times. Then realize, “he is he, and he is GREAT”.

Now, even I feel little regret because there’s soooo many chance’s to me for love you earlier but I always refuse it . I still feel grateful because I know you, and I can enjoy your music veryvery well. I’m proud to be VIP,and I’m so glad because you are exist in this world,thankyou YG! and of course thankyou Big Bang for making my life easier everytime I hear your song :D. you know that all of you is soo talented!.

Mmm maybe it is karma?

In Indonesia (since I’m Indonesian) I will say it “kualat membawa nikmat” .kualat is for karma, membawa is bring, and nikmat?happiness

good day! :)


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Guest topbabyxcore

How much I love Big Bang?


Do you know the feeling of waking up each day and the first thing that comes to your mind is them?

Have you tried crying your lungs out just because you badly want to buy their albums and yet you know that

you were left out because some VIPs have already purchased one while you haven't still?

Have you tried sacrificing for these 5 guys by staying awake all night even though you're sick just to make sure

that you'll be watching their teasers, music videos and updates on time?  

Because of you BIG BANG, my life has completely changed.

In my 15 years of existence, fangirling over your group is the most wonderful thing that i've done in my life.


I also dreamed of being a star someday. But that dream slowly vagued when i was 12.

When i reached 14, That dream suddenly came alive upon knowing about an awesome group.

A group that i once thought to be typical just like the others,

A group that i never thought to be really famous.

But all those thoughts were wrong since i found out that they're a big deal in korea and they are respected,

and i realized how unique they are compared to some other boybands out there <3

A group composing of a:

- Charismatic rapper that can make you faint in just seconds by staring at you with a smirk (최승현),

- Smiling Angel with a heavenly voice that can capture everyone's heart (강대성 )

- Good Looking Maknae that kills everyone with his astonishing moves and makes us joyful with his sense of humor (이승현)

- Puppy- eyed, adorable Mr. Shy Guy that once you hear his voice, you can never stop (동영배)

- Oozing with swagger and a fashionista plus close-to-perfection Kwon Leadah (권지용)

Thank you for giving me another reason to live happily. I'm glad that you'll be able to read this,

and whether I win or not, what's important is, I was able to tell you how much you guys mean to me.

I love you but what can i do? For now, nothing but to just stare at you,

BIG BANG means everything to me, I know others feel the same way too.


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When I saw that, I immediately do a banana dance around my house. I started being a VIP during Lollipop's days but I knew you guys since Lies. Big Bang is the group that bring me to be a big fan of Kpop <3

My sister who is not a big fan of Kpop and very stingy is willing to spend her money if Big Bang or 2NE1 have a concert at Malaysia! That just show how talented and powerful you guys are!

TOP-oppa ~ I like your eyes and the way you rap. It sound so bad richard simmons. I like you a lot despite your weird clothes sometimes and awkward dance! Continue make girls pregnant with your eyes! 

Seungri-oppa, never ever try to get rid of your panda eyes. It is part of your charm! tears.gif I LIKE YOUR ALBUM! It's really good and addicting!


GDRAGON! I love your fashion sense. You can wear ladies clothing and still look manly in it. I wish my brother at least wear quarter as good as you.By the way, continue produce songs! I just knew that any songs you made will be a hit! and don't worry about what haters said. You can't please everyone. 

Taeyang oppa ~ I love your voice and songs <3 It is very calm. I love listening to it before I fall asleep. It made my nightmares go away. but your pants is my biggest pet peeves. WEAR IT HIGHER PLEAAASEEE!  /bricked by other VIPz. Actually, I just hate that kind of pants but you're an exception. I still scream out of excitement every time I saw you on ... anywhere! <3 My mom always scold me for doing that hehehe sweatingbullets.gif

Daesung oppa. FINALLY YOU GOT A HOT HAIR! I KNOW THAT BEHIND THAT GOOFY SMILE, THERE IS A SMOKING HOT MAN BEHIND IT! I JUST KNEW IT! LOL. Those haters that said you are ugly must be really shocked to see your new transformation :3 Your new look is like a slap on their face!

BIG BANG FIGHTING! Come here soon while I still have some money ~

From one of the VIPz in Malaysia ~

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Guest thinking.likeYG


I hope I can still apply, since this is my first time actually logging into this site, i kind of made some few errors. I do hope my post do get through.This is a video i made during the summer. The latest album i included in this video was Taeyang's Solar. Even though its not up to date with the new album, TONIGHT, this video confesses my true feeling towards BIGBANG, no matter how many years had gone by. Like any die hard fan, the video is to express my gratitude. I am getting older, to a point where I can't admire BIGBANG from afar, but to work hard to be along side with them. I'm Vicky Vue from Minneapolis MN USA, and i'm planning to pursue a degree in Music Management to work with the YG. This is my love confession to BIGBANG.


My Heaven [A love confession to BIGBANG]

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Guest naturegurl48

Since I'm technologically challenged and have zero creative talent, I can't make anything to enter the contest. But because of said lack of creativity, I appreciate the talent Big Bang has that much more.

You guys are AMAZING. And I mean that with all my heart.If you guys ever come to Canada, I will definitely will be at your concert.

G.D. - You have an amazing, amazing talent. Don't ever listen to others, who try to put you down. Keep being a talented, unique individual, an amazing leader and a wonderful person.I fell in love with "Heartbreaker" and "Breathe" and also "This Love" and basically every other song ever. :D P.S. I LOVE your fashion sense. LOL. ^^

Daesung - Beautiful voice and beautiful person. I cannot wait to watch your drama "What's up". I'm sure you will showcase yourself as a beautiful actor too. ^_^

Taeyang - You are an amazing dancer, and the new side of you that we got to saw since "I Need A Girl" is really, really cool. :D <3

T.O.P. - I liked you since I heard your deep voice and awesome rapping in Haru Haru. You have a lot of charisma, (all of Big Bang has a lot of charisma). "Turn It Up" was so hot... <3

Seungri - "CrackCrack* Haha. Loved "Strong Baby" and you are SO funny. ^^

Big Bang. Just keep being awesome and talented and charismatic. :D Love you guys!

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Guest kamiRandom


My name is Kamaria but most call me Kami. I'm 17 years old and I live in New York City. I still remember the first day that I heard your music. My friend Lizz sent me a youtube link to Taeyang's Wedding Dress video and I was just amazed at how well he sang and I was just wondering who this Korean Usher was, Then I clicked on the related videos and watched Haru Haru for the first time and I have to say that G-Dragon and T.O.P's acting were on point. :) TOP many not have know that he was an actor back then but as a true VIP I totally saw that coming. Next was Lies and that has to be the catchiest song EVER! Especially when I saw the dance and TOP’s signature finger turn thingy. Even though this was my first time listening to Kpop I knew then that I would be a Big Bang fan for life.  


I've been a V.I.P. for not even a year but Big Bang is so great that I'm already a dedicated fan. Every song that you guys put out are from the heart and it's so easy to see through the hard work that you put into your performances. To this day I remember seeing a performance of lies that you did in 2007 where there was a masquerade theme and GD was the conductor. When I watched Big Bang's documentary I could see the determination in your eyes and you guys inspired me to want to find something that I love and have a passion for. Big Bang inspired me to start dancing again after 10 years and to start writing poems and no matter what I can always count on them to put a smile on my face.


I've never loved a group this much and I'm not sure if I ever will again. Even though I only know English and Big Bang sings in Korean and Japanese I don't care because their music is so powerful that it touches all over the world. This is how you know that you are true artists. I just want Big Bang to know that you guys have fans from so many different countries and of so many different races and that we are all rooting for you guys. You guys represent your country so well in all that you do, in the way that you always show love for your fans and in the way that you are so humble. You introduced me to a whole new culture and even have me watching Korean dramas now! I want to visit Korea some day because of you and I hope that the day I do there will be a BIG BANG concert happening so that I can see you guys perform in person.

I hope that one day Big Bang will do a world tour and visit their international fans who just yearn to meet you. If you do I hope that New York will be your first stop because I remember how heartbroken I was when Taeyang came and no one could find him. :)

I think YG named you appropriately because your talents are just exploding everywhere! Keep up the hard work and I wish you success on the new album and in the future. BIG BANG FIGHTING!!!!!

p.s.: I want to thank everyone at YG (and I mean everyone!) Thank you all for taking care of our boys. To Shaun, Keone, and Mari: Love your choreography! Oh and President Yang, your really great. I hope I can be a great business person like you some day.  :D:):D



My attempt at drawing taeyang : )





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Guest .basic.

First of all, Hello Big Bang, Hello YG family, and Hello fellow soompi ^^


'G' hand sign is GD's thing. ^^ I did it differently.

I don't have an entertaining Video nor a pretty picture but I do have words. And I hope these words can reach out to you and .. win your love.. kekeke =]

"You guys have to watch this group, they're freaken awesome" My friend opened up the video for "We Belong Together" by Big Bang.

At that time, I have no clue who they were and I was 17 years old -_- .

Yes, they were awesome. Extraordinary, I have to add. Who was this group and why haven't I discover them sooner?

Yes, Big Bang opened my eyes to the world of Korean music. Not just hip hop but all kind. 'til this day I will sit before you and honestly admit that after listening to other singers, I still find myself standing side by side with Big Bang.

And this is why....................


Where did YG find this guy? Such a fine rapper he is. When I discovered he used to be an underground rapper I immediately realized why his rap style was so strong. When his solo track "Turn it up" was released, I couldn't picture him being in an idol group anymore. That's how serious his music made me feel. Normally I don't listen to songs like that but Mr. T.O.P got me clicking the replay button. "This is the song for ma x-girlfriend..." ah~ Kill me right there hahaha, Why did you have to say that?! This is my favorite song from him "As if nothing's wrong". When I listen to it, it feels like I'm reading countless pages from a journal. His performance for this song in the 'Big Show' was my favorite and really, the man can act. Top is not only a good rapper but a great actor. Multi-talented, Mr. T.O.P.

**Choi Seung Hyun, continue doing what you're doing. Whenever you get the chance, make music to your hearts content. I hope to hear more from your own work. I know you're starting to put a lot of thoughts in your's & Big Bang's music and I appreciate your personal touch. I wish you the best in the future and keep it fresh. =]

Seung Ri

The little brother of Big Bang. What he said in interviews get him in a lot of trouble and that's why I like him. Mischievous, adorable, 누나 (Noona) lover... every idol group needs a Seung Ri. :D . But after all that fun, behind the little brother image is a grown gentleman expressing his maturity through his songs. "Strong Baby" obviously shows the grown up side of him. I have to do a double take on the video to make sure it is the 막내 (maknae) of Big Bang. lol.

**Seung-Ri, I admire how determine you are to show everyone how serious you can get with your music. At the same time you're doing your thing and still winning over millions of hearts. Keep it up because you'll go far with your talent. Good luck and I hope everything works out for you. Seung-Ri Fighting! ^^


While everyone is going futuristic, Young-Bae kept it old school. His hip-hop R&b genre songs never gets old. It takes me back to the days when my stereo would be blasting jams from usher, chris brown, Omarion, Frankie J.. even Mariah Carey, Ciara, etc. And they weren't all bass thumping, party jumping songs. =D . Honestly, Young Bae is one of a kind in the Korean music industry. He's the best singer with that voice and dance moves that makes you wanna ram into the screen and have an one on one dance with him. hahaha~ =P .. I love his music so much, I image myself being the wedding dress girl just so he can sing to me. haha jk jk.. but seriously...

**Dong Young-Bae: I only got words now and words can't even express how much I praise your music. I hope you keep making great jams and do slick dance moves because these are some of the reasons why you're so amazing. Also, it's your hard work that makes you ideal. I know you've been with YG for a very long time and you bet 'cha it paid off. I wish to hear more songs from you and wish the best for your future.


Every time it's sunny outside I turn on "cotton-candy" I don't even know why they didn't make a video for this song. This is the ultimate fluffy love song. His voice fits so well in there and please~!! More Dae-Sung!!.. =D I'm soooo glad he's in Big Bang. His vocals are amazing, so strong and fierce when he gets down to business. I love ballad and his voice is outstanding in ballad. Of course in other genres too because Dae-Sung can showcase his ability in any way. Another thing why it great to be Dae Sung is his smile & smiling eyes. Makes me wonder if this boy ever gets sad. Every time I see him, he's always smiling and even though I'm not in the same room as him.. my atmosphere just lightens up. I can't help it but smile every time he does something adorable on screen. Plus Dae Sung playing an old lady in "Big Bang Virus" was a win.

**Kang Dae-Sung.. Keep on smiling because you chase the clouds away. I wish I have you as a personal friend because I know you'll be a great one. Keep being the light in Big Bang since you shine brightly B) . I know, no matter what.. Kang Dae-Sung will always be around singing great songs with his impressive voice. Take care of yourself and.. *VIRTUAL HIGH FIVE!*... haha.


"Who's this guy with the smile?" I asked my friend while watching 'We belong together' MV.

"That's G Dragon... I think.. Yeah that's him," answered my friend.

... ... ... What do I say about the world greatest artist. Get down to him and I get nervous typing it. Well, he was the first person in Big Bang to catch my eyes and 'til this day, he still do. There are many reasons to why he's my number one idol. If I was to write about him, I'll be writing an endless book. Everything this guy do captives my heart. I never knew I can respect someone on such a high level with out knowing them personally. I read all the interviews I can and every answer he gives- leave me in awe. He's not a fool, He's not a genius...... He's Kwon Ji Yong. Someone who worked from the ground up. Someone who tries to please the public with his own personal work wonders. Someone who just wants to make music.

**Kwon Ji Yong: .. You're the greatest leader I've ever seen. You've inspired me to work hard to get somewhere in life even if my dream is not music. Regardless, your hard work makes me want to work hard too. I might not be as successful as you but I want to at least have that feeling. For that, I want to thank you. You've met with success but I know you're still dreaming. I want all your dreams to come true because you deserve it. Stay humble. Stay being the Kwon Ji Yong and G Dragon that we all love. Keep your head up. Smile because you have a lovely one. I can waste a lifetime telling you why your existence is so important in my world. I wish I can say more. Ji Yong, :D ...

All in all, Why I love BIG BANG is because:

1. They actually put thoughts into their music. They get involve with producing and writing lyrics.

2. They don't look like super models. That's why they're so handsome.

3. They always determine to wow the crowd with over the top performances. However, even if they come out on the streets, they'll still wow their fans.

4. They don't follow the trends. They start the trends.

5. Their music is simply amazing.

6. They're like brothers.

7. They're fun to watch on T.V

8. Closing with my favorite number... Because they're BIG BANG. (Unstoppable)

Note: Stay healthy! I know us fans expect a lot but don't over work yourself. Eat well and play well.

Big Bang, keep it real.

One day I hope to cheer you on in the crowd. My life won't be complete if I don't get to see you perform live (*HINT HINT* America.. concert..oh yeah~).


-Hana, 22 from U.S.A ;)

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Guest HeeDragon_Luv

i'll come back later to edit this.. just need to do some more things before i post.

ok, ummm, first of all I would really like to thank soompi for having this. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Hello! 'm Jorgena(pronounced 조르지나) originally from the Philippines but currently in the US and I'm a really big fan of BIGBANG! <3

I remember the first time I probably even heard of BIGBANG. It was just like a normal day, probably the winter break of 2009, and then I just randomly searched "Sandara Park" on the internet search bar. Then going through a couple pages, I found a link to the song "Lollipop" and what do you know? That was the first time I was ever introduced to K-Pop.

At first, honestly, when I watched the video, since I didn't know who you guys were yet, I thought Daesung oppa was the leader.. Then, later on I started doing research on you guys and learned more about each of you. I searched for more videos on youtube and I totally fell in love with "Haru Haru." Everyday after school for a month, maybe, I would come home, turn the computer on and go right on youtube to watch it again and again. Then I started looking for more songs and came across "La La La," "Dirty Cash," "Lies," "Last Farewell," "How Gee," "We Belong Together" and yeah, basically most of your songs. I admit that I haven't heard every single song but, I'm willing to listen to them once I come across them so I'll keep a lookout.;)

Seungri oppa~,

            Ummm, I would like to say that you're awesome just like the rest of BIGBANG and you're funny, and I honestly love those aegyo expressions you do. It's really cute! "Strong Baby" is a really amazing song and I just loved it!!<3 Crack,crack,crack,crack!. You're current album is so awesome.. I love all the songs!! "V.V.I.P" "어쩌라고" "Magic," and all the rest of the songs I fell in love with!! By the way, I just want to say that I honestly love your eyebags!! They're so cute!!!! During variety shows like 강심장(Strong Heart) I love how you tell us so much about the rest of the BIGBANG members!! Ummm, so yeah, keep up the good work and I wish you all the best~! :D

Daesung oppa~,

           Hmmm, uhhh, first of all, I seriously thought you were the leader of BIGBANG when I didnt know so much about you guys yet. :P Anyway, your trot song "날봐 귀슨(Look at me Gwisoon)" was a spectacular song and I enjoyed it a lot!! I love the dance to the chorus of that song! Ummm, I'm really looking forward to your upcoming show "What's Up" and I know that it will be awesome and it will show your amazing acting skills. I honestly can not wait to see it!!! One more thing is that I love your vocals because it's so powerful and strong. Uhhh, so yeah, umm keep up the good work too and I think your new hairstyle is really awesome and fits you well!! ^_^

Taeyang oppa~,

          Uhhh, just wanted to say that I love your eye smile! It really makes a girl fall in love and melt~! <3 "Wedding Dress" was such a heartfelt song. The music video was soooo interesting(?) [i think I'm running out of adjectives ] and cool. Anyway, "나만 바라봐(Look only at Me)" was an awesome song, I love the ending of the music video.. It was really cute! "I Need a Girl" was just pure awesomeness!!Another thing... You're voice is so sweet and full of soul just like an angel! So, keep up the good work as well and I hope you find yourself a girl! Whoever she will be, she will be really lucky to have you! :lol:

T.O.P oppa~,

         You are an amazing actor!!! Now that I remember, you being in "I Am Sam" was another factor on how I discovered BIGBANG!! "Iris" was also amazing and I am soon going to watch "Into the Fire" so don't worry. Anyway, you're rapping skills are probably the best I've heard! I have never seen or heard anyone so skilled in rapping like you. "Oh Mom" and "오늘따라(Of All Days)" were just so simply cool and awesome. Ummm, oh yeah, your beatboxing is so awesome as well. Your eyes, are I would say the part of you that is full of charisma. Honestly, at first, your eyes would make me feel scared of you but, then seeing you guys more often on variety shows, I have gotten used to them! Hmmm, so keep up the good work too and I'm hoping that more acting projects come to you because you are seriously an amazing actor!!;)

Ji Yong oppa~,

        Where do I begin? You're a fashion icon, singer, songwriter, dancer, beatboxer, and probably even soon to be an actor. I honestly think that you are one Korea's treasures. Honestly speaking, you are probably the greatest leader in K-Pop history!! "Heartbreaker" was such a hit and I love the grasshopper dance!! "악몽 (Obsession)" and "어쩌란 말이냐 (What Do You Want)" were so amazing that I fell in love with it right away and even danced randomly!! I am amazed that even when things went wrong and unexpected, you were still able to stand up and show them the real you. By the way, I really love your hair when it's blonde!! It suits you really well!!  So, as I've been saying to the others, keep up the good work and show them the real you!! We are so proud of you Kwon Leader!!!:w00t:

It has now come to my conclusion.:sweatingbullets:

I would just like to say that even though I wasn't there since the beginning, now that I know who you guys are, I will always be a V.I.P. I promise that I will be one forever. Because of you guys I've grown closer to Korea and even started learning its language. Because of you guys, I started loving K-Pop... And it is also because of you guys that now I want to be a singer in Korea. Just like you, I would like to be a role model to others. You showed us that even when were stuck and things start to fall down, it's still possible to stand back up and start over.






When you guys are in need of support or help, don't be afraid to ask us, your fans, because we will always be there to help you when needed because you guys are our inspiration. We will always be more than happy to help because we are proud to be V.I.P's of our beloved group, BIGBANG!! Lastly, I would like to thank YG Entertainment for creating a group like you.

One last thing is that, I've always wanted to ask, When are you guys going to debut in America or have a concert? Because I am already super excited!!!<3

So,I guess this is it. I'm really sorry if this was really long!! I wasn't really expecting to write so much. Anyways, I wish you guys all the best and I hope I didn't bore you guys!!!

By the way,I love you're new album and you guys are doing a really good job on album sales!! You guys broke a record!!! Oh yeah, I watched "The BIGBANG Show" today. It was so awesome!! Even though I didn't understand a lot of things you guys said, it's ok. I loved the parody so much!!! It was so funny!!

Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read this.^_^

P.S. Hello to 가호 and Boss~!

                                                     빅벵 오빠 사랑해요!!!



                                                                                                                                               Finished: February 28,2011


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Guest Shawn-tay

well.. im a newbie to big bang but in December i was watching some dance videos on youtube and i saw taeyangs wedding dress:lol:. And at first i didn't realize the song was in a different langauge. And the song got stuck in my head and yeah after that i saw big bang and 2ne1 Lollipop video and i been hooked on big bang and 2ne1!!! :w00t: I love BIG BANG its really awesome to listen to songs in a different language.it's really awesome to listen to something different then whats played on the radio here in america but i still love whats on the radio. I LOVE BIG BANG SO MUCH i love how each member has their own style and personality and i don't have a favorite member i love them all equally. BigBang (and 2ne1)really inspires me to reach my goals which is to be a singer and dancer and be famous all around the world. I don't really have alot to say since i only known about big bang for a few months but i am a huge fan now and so excited to maybe one day see you guys in concert. and i am not so great and making videos and stuff like that so i just typed this little message for the contest thank you for reading.

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Guest audreyswl

Woah, first of all a big shout out to Soompi Team for giving this opportunity to all of us VIPs especially international ones!

My name's Audrey and i'm one of the hundred thousands or probably millions of international VIPs out there. I'm from Malaysia and of course manners comes first, 안녕하세요 :)

Hmm, how much i love Big Bang? i'd say it's immeasurable. it sounds cliche, but personally i think i love them unconditionally for their songs, and of course their personalities as well. I'll admit that i did not follow on them since their debut days :sweatingbullets: I was caught up with Kpop about two or three years back. But one thing i'm glad is, the first singers that i got so caught up with, is Big Bang. :rolleyes: Up until now, Big Bang is the only group that I am interested in and will check on their updates through international fan sites that was set up for Big Bang fans.

People might say we VIPs are biased towards Big Bang because we're fans of them, but personally I really think that Big Bang songs are different than the others. It's the diversity of those songs that attracted me in the first place. How do i put this in words- those songs, when all of them sang it, it gives off a vibe- feeling like, "Oh, I could listen to this all day." and i have to give thumbs up to their own written lyrics and melody as well as the rhythm in each and every song. and of course, apart from the five members themselves, we have the YG Team to be thankful to. it's all of their combination of creativity and genuinity that really brings out the different colors and styles of each songs.

I still remember that the first Big Bang song that i heard was 거짓말 (Lies). Initially i thought it was a wholly rap song, but as i went on listening to the rest of it, i realized it's a combination. When i got to the chorus part, i was immediately hooked :wub: And up until now, after two years and still counting, my favorite song of theirs is Lies, apart from others that i liked as well.

Now, as in February 2011, I could never been happier than this when i found out about Big Bang's comeback. I love, love, love the new mini album- each and every songs- WOAAAHHH. It's currently my playlist of songs when I work out. Listening to the beat and the melody of the songs keeps me going without really feeling the tiredness, it's as if i am 'absorbing' energy emitted from it, endlessly.

I kept on thinking to myself, "Woah, I'm so glad I am solely a VIP." I liked other songs from other groups as well, but not to the extent that I am towards Big Bang. I think I could sing along to all of Big Bang songs. Even though I couldn't understand Korean language without looking at the translations, I could just follow the romanized lyrics and sing along to it, looking at the meaning afterwards. But up to almost two years, I could understand a little of Korean language by hearing, mostly the very basic ones- and it's because i watched plenty of Korean dramas already.

I mention Big Bang a lot to my friends, who are not really into Kpop. and it is sort of funny in a way, because my friends sometimes would tease me saying, "So, are you gonna live in Korea next time?" i did not answer but frankly, I'd say 'Yes' again and again. it's because all of these interests that i have towards Big Bang, has got me interested in the culture of the people in Korea- the food, the sceneries, and the famous tourists spots that i often hear about. I have not got the chance to visit Korea yet, but when I do, I'd immediately hop on a plane without even batting an eyelash.

Anyway, to Big Bang!

사랑해요, I love you! 여러분 모두 멋져요 and all of you are totally awesome! Please come to Malaysia in near future! A lot of VIPs in Malaysia are waiting!

사랑 많은, Audrey from Malaysia


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