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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Guest chloe.c

Sorry, I know I am one of those ungrateful fans that are very unhappy that YS and NN didn't get their skinship time!!! :@@@@@ I'm mad. and sad. and disappointed. :(

But, I'll just learn to be thankful that at least they didn't die, and they pretty much ended up together... but honestly, looking at each other and smiling?? (Was it like a few meters away too!?!?) That ending reminds me of Will it Snow for Christmas :( Freaking GOOGLE EARTH ending. T_T

The scene with JP and YS being all bloody on the ground with their hands touching soooo reminds me of Time Between Dog and Wolf !! (Yet ANOTHER drama with open ending)

God, kdramas are always all about open endings :( I no likeyyyy :'(((

Well anyway, I'm pretty sure the ending wasn't PERFECT cuz seriously, stuffing so much into one episode is not easy... but I don't expect it to be anyway. I guess it should be considered satisfying, so it's okay. I still love City Hunter and I thank it sooo much for these awesome 10 weeks :)

Guys, if you are also unhappy about the NO SKINSHIP.... let's just go back to watching Episode 8, 9, 12 or whatever it was. :lol:

I HOPE PMY AND LMH COLLAB AGAINNN FOR SOME LIKE ROMANCE DRAMA :DD HEHEE. Seriously, it's a waste of their chemistry not to develop the loooveee :wub:

I'll probably come back to comment when I'm actually caught up and watched the episodes LOLLLL.

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Guest nancylee15

Phew! What a roller coaster of a ride we have had these last months! I thoroughly enjoyed City Hunter although I'm sure I'm also part of the majority that agrees a little extra time would have been given to the Yoo Sung and Nana story (even just a little towards the end). I think they wasted a lot of time with the last target CJM and not too much of the President when he was the last target. There are still a lot of unanswered questions but I'm still pining my hope for Season 2 since the writers have developed a perfect backdrop for another round of City Hunter.

Thanks to all those who gave us live recaps and news. I don't remember the last time I was so addicted to a drama that I was constantly checking this forum every minute of my day and waited like crazy for previews. Then, waiting for Wed and Thur was so hard! Khamsamida!!!

Now, let's see if another drama can get me this hooked :)

P.S. I can't believe they didn't even let our OTP hug or even better KISSSS for the last episode!! C'mon, after all that action in the last few episodes can't we just get like 30sec of romance?? LOL, I'm sure the writers are going to get punished by this from the City Hunter viewers!!

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Guest asadal

I'll probably come off as a Richard but daaaaaaaaaaang, some of you people are DENSE. Yoon-sung/City Hunter DIED with Jin-pyo. The scene with Nana and him didn't actually happen, same with the midnight driving, they're allegorical.

Great ending btw. Yoon-sung and Jin-pyo needed to die for the story to come full-circle.

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Guest je_amourx

.... Wow, talk about an open ending and crazy time jump!

Is it too early to say CITY HUNTER, BEST DRAMA OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!???? :w00t:

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Guest bashful

^ Tbh, I don't agree that the ending sucked. If we were to extend 2 more episodes of CH, I doubt it will even break the 20% mark, because it will get boring (the action ended, more interaction between YS and NN will be pure fan service). Sure, I would love an ending where we can see YS and NN together, but this ending is an open ending, and we DO KNOW that they are both together now. Also, I believe someone mentioned NN's father is dead. 

Try watching IRIS, I liked it but the romance killed the drama for me, the ending was even more confusing. 

I saw Iris before and I did not like it....There was something about it that Drama which I did not find interesting. But extending it two more eps or one more ep I think they could have wrapped it up better then this. I don't understand Korean so I do not know when it was mentioned that NN father died. I will have to wait for the subs :blink: ......This ending was just a little unexpected for me....This drama was very interesting in the being somehow toward the ending few eps it got a little boring..but this is just my opinion. ^_^ Regardless of the ending I still like this pair and do hope this drama will have good results.....who knows they might work together again for a new drama.....

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CITY HUNTER NEWS credits to daum.net 

Can somebody pls translate this? thanks in advance.

[엔터미디어=정덕현의 드라마 공감] '시티헌터'는 난점이 많은 드라마다. 먼저 원작만화가 성인물이지만 엄청난 인기를 끌었다는 점에서 그렇다. 주인공은 거의 변태처럼 보이지만, 사실은 그것이 여성 의뢰인을 위한 위장술이다. 그러니 이 변태 같지만 멋진 주인공 캐릭터를 가장 잘 살릴 수 있는 건 역시 만화다. 드라마는 실제 연기자가 투입된다는 점에서, 또 그것이 실사라는 점에서, 더욱이 지상파 드라마라는 점에서 이런 캐릭터를 살리기가 어렵다.

<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">또한 이 일본 원작 만화에는 한국적인 정서가 전혀 들어있지 않다. 사회문제에 대한 비판적인 의식을 바탕에 깔고 있는 작품에 우리 현실이 들어가지 않는다면 그건 대중적인 공감을 얻을 수 없게 된다. 따라서 이 작품은 드라마화 되기까지 꽤 오랫동안 방송가를 방황해왔다. 결국 드라마화가 결정된 것은 몇 가지 기본 전제를 충족시키는 조건하에서였다. 그 첫 번째는 우리 현실을 넣어야 한다는 것, 둘째는 뭔가 다른 볼거리를 제공해야 한다는 것, 셋째, 폭넓은 시청층을 끌어가기 위해 한국 드라마의 가족 코드를 끌어넣어야 한다는 것이다.

쉬워 보이지만 이 기획 포인트들은 사실 아예 드라마를 새로 쓰고 만드는 것과 다름없는 것들이다. 그래서 '시티헌터'는 이 기획 포인트대로 전혀 다른 드라마를 만들기 시작한다. 먼저 주인공의 숨은 과거 이야기에 아웅산 테러사건을 끼워 넣고, 주인공이 복수해야할 이른바 5적에게 현재 우리 사회가 당면한 현실적인 문제들을 연결시킨다. 국회의원 아들의 병역비리, 대학교 청소 노동자 문제, 반값 등록금 이슈가 들어가고, 대기업의 근로환경문제도 빼놓지 않는다. 이렇게 되자 '시티헌터'는 다른 나라 이야기가 아닌 바로 우리의 이야기로 다가오기 시작한다. 대중들은 현실이 해내지 못한 것을 드라마가 대리해주는 것에서 카타르시스를 느끼며 시티헌터에 열광하게 된다.

하지만 이것은 결국 드라마라는 허구여야 한다. 따라서 뭔가 다른 볼거리로서 만화적이고 장르적인 액션 연출을 끼워 넣는다. 이것을 가능하게 한 것은 전적으로 진혁 PD의 남다른 연출 감각 덕분이다. 실로 '시티헌터'는 그 액션 연출 장면만으로도 충분히 즐길 수 있는 보기 드문 드라마였다. 책 뭉치나 숟가락, 끈 같은 작은 소품을 활용해 보여주는 스타일리시한 액션과, 복수는 하되 죽이지는 않는다는 캐릭터의 설정은 흥미로운 것이었다. 무엇보다 이 캐릭터를 제대로 연기해낸 이민호의 몸 사리지 않는 액션이 있었기에 시티헌터 이윤성은 완성될 수 있었다.

이민호가 가진 팬 파워가 큰 것은 사실이다. 하지만 그렇다고 해도 드라마는 폭넓은 시청층을 끌어들이기 위한 드라마로서의 유인요소가 있어야 한다. '시티헌터'는 이민호와 박민영, 그리고 이준혁이 연기하는 젊은 청춘들의 이야기 속에 김상중, 천호진, 김미숙, 박상민이 연기하는 중년의 이야기를 엮었다. 이들이 가족관계로 얽힘으로써 액션은 가족드라마적인 틀 속에서 이해될 수 있었다. 이것은 시사적인 재미와 함께 중장년 시청층을 끌어들이는 유인으로 작용했다.

결국 '시티헌터'의 성공은 대본, 연기, 연출의 절묘한 조합에서 나온 것이다. 그리고 이것을 가능하게 한 것은 전체 스타일과 흐름을 세련되면서도 우리 식의 문법에 맞게 조율한 기획과 프로듀싱의 힘이 크다. 어찌 보면 '시티헌터'는 만화와 현실 사이의 애매모호한 위치에 서 있는 것처럼 보인다. 하지만 그것은 다분히 의도된 것이고, 그 의도는 성과로 이어졌다. 많은 이들이 드라마의 성공의 첫 번째 조건으로 대본을 꼽는다. 그리고 그 다음으로 연출과 연기를 꼽는다. 하지만 그것만이 드라마를 성공시키는 건 아니다. 이 전체를 잡아주는 기획과 프로듀싱은 때론 이런 조건들보다 더 중요해진다. 특히 원작이 있는 경우에는 더더욱. '시티헌터'는 바로 그 점을 잘 보여주는 드라마다.

정덕현 칼럼니스트 thekian1@entermedia.co.kr


저작권자 ⓒ '대중문화컨텐츠 전문가그룹' 엔터미디어(www.entermedia.co.kr), 무단전재 및 재배포금지

저작권자 ⓒ '대중문화컨텐츠 전문가그룹' 엔터미디어, 무단전재 및 재배포금지

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Guest sweety86_ph

Guys... I think if there going to be a City Hunter 2, it's going to be more based on the comics/manga. Where he becomes that private detective and Nana becomes his partner (or the actress doesn't come back, and we get a new female character). Anyway, I saw this series as a "orgin story". You know like Batman Begins. Does anyone else think that?

agree. the plot is sooo batman-ish without the romance part. but, you know, i'm just really disappointed about the lack of romance coz they invested so much in it in the first 10 episodes or so. 

anyway, if there'll be a season 2, i hope they'll still get the same actors. if not, never mind...

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I'll probably come off as a Richard but daaaaaaaaaaang, some of you people are DENSE. Yoon-sung/City Hunter DIED with Jin-pyo. The scene with Nana and him didn't actually happen, same with the midnight driving, they're allegorical.

Great ending btw. Yoon-sung and Jin-pyo needed to die for the story to come full-circle.

I havent watched it with sub yet. But, I think I agree with you.. why nana and the mom wearing black with flower? why YS also wearing black. And, nana, ahjussi, and mom going away, but YS driving by himself at night.. i think YS died..

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There is some talk about different interpretations of the ending

there are some articles and some netizens think that YS actually died

some ppl have intepreted the part where YS appeared in front of NN as her imagination or that he appeared in front of her as a soul

To add onto this, the last scene where he was in the car, he was alone and not with NN

Personally i believe that YS didnt die

If he was a 'soul' or NN's imagination, then i dont know how to explain the last scene in the car

As with YS' mother and ahjussi going to the US, i think that was done for dramatic effect

i think they made her look all sad and down to create more suspense

that's how i would explain it....

but i have a feeling that the writer deliberately pieced the end like this so that it would make ppl guess

when u leave behind a trace of mystery, a trace of sadness, the audience tends to remember the drama more...

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Guest samgirl

Right its up to us to choose the ending we want to believe in. Plus nana has a white ribbon on her because her father passed away. Ys's mom is down and sad maybe because she finally found out about the president and jin pyo.

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Guest vipblackjacklove

There is some talk about different interpretations of the ending

there are some articles and some netizens think that YS actually died

some ppl have intepreted the part where YS appeared in front of NN as her imagination or that he appeared in front of her as a soul

To add onto this, the last scene where he was in the car, he was alone and not with NN

Personally i believe that YS didnt die

If he was a 'soul' or NN's imagination, then i dont know how to explain the last scene in the car

As with YS' mother and ahjussi going to the US, i think that was done for dramatic effect

i think they made her look all sad and down to create more suspense

that's how i would explain it....

but i have a feeling that the writer deliberately pieced the end like this so that it would make ppl guess

when u leave behind a trace of mystery, a trace of sadness, the audience tends to remember the drama more...

I actually thought it was just her imagination but now i believe he really is alive! 

*sigh* i just wish he gave her the ring! 

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Guest asadal

There is some talk about different interpretations of the ending

there are some articles and some netizens think that YS actually died

some ppl have intepreted the part where YS appeared in front of NN as her imagination or that he appeared in front of her as a soul

To add onto this, the last scene where he was in the car, he was alone and not with NN

Personally i believe that YS didnt die

If he was a 'soul' or NN's imagination, then i dont know how to explain the last scene in the car

As with YS' mother and ahjussi going to the US, i think that was done for dramatic effect

i think they made her look all sad and down to create more suspense

that's how i would explain it....

but i have a feeling that the writer deliberately pieced the end like this so that it would make ppl guess

when u leave behind a trace of mystery, a trace of sadness, the audience tends to remember the drama more...

First, the viewer actually get to witness Yoon-sung's death. I mean surely the whole gloomy vibe after the time lapse must've clued you in if the whole Yoon-sung's-last-breath-part in the death scene wasn't convincing enough.

Second, Nana saw the dude die with her own eyes. She even does the "oh my gawd it's him" desperate run to the Yoon-sung figure. So right there it's implied that it's in her head. And c'mon, that whole scene felt surreal and dream-like.

Third, the driving scene was just a memory. It's not connected with the actual 'timeline'.

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Guest szufontana

First, the viewer actually get to witness Yoon-sung's death. I mean surely the whole gloomy vibe after the time laspe must've clued you in if the whole Yoon-sung's-last-breath-part in the death scene wasn't convincing enough.

Second, Nana saw the dude die with her own eyes. She even does the "oh my gawd it's him" desperate run to the Yoon-sung figure. So right there it's implied that it's in her head. And c'mon, that whole scene felt surreal and dream-like.

Third, the driving scene was just a memory. It's not connected with the actual 'timeline'.

I must say that I totally agree with you. The scene where YS meets NN at the end appear too surreal for it to be true.

I think the writers have done an AMAZING job in keeping the audience guessing and debating long after the drama has ended.

Everything is kept cryptic, from the couple stating that YS has "disappeared" to the Ahjusshi and Mother not mentioning YS at all in the end. There's no skin contact when YS meets NN simply becoause it's a dreamlike sequence; it's her imagination. And of course, that last scene in the car only has YS in it. Simply metaphorical.

Personally, though I would LURVE for Season 2 of this fantastic show, I actually much prefer the interpretation that YS died. To me, it makes alot more sense and makes for a better wrap-up of the show.:phew:

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I absolutly belive he survived. If you look at the shooting he was actually shot ABOVE the heart and not in the heart but the bullet punktured his lung.

I dont give..... about the loose endings I love this drama.


Subs for Ep 20. sadly the final is out on Darksmurf's site.

Link to Darksmurf

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Guest kayana20

In the manga, YS had a incident where his partner died due to his step dad. This sorta happened here in the last two episodes. I think this was the orgin story for City Hunter. If there is a sequel then I believe that YS will become a private detective (City Hunter) and NN will return to become his personal assistant.

Everyone reread this right here. This is the setup if they have a City Hunter 2. Yoosung was probably finshing his business in Koreaa and Nana packed her bag to follow him or probably went to America for a visit.. I do not think he died at all. This was an amazing ending it's so open-ended too.
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Guest chloe.c

= = Those predictions of him maybe really dying just ruined it for me.

i don't even know if I should watch the ending now. I don't want to end up being sad especially after taking it as a happy ending already cuz I get why people are thinking he really died. And it is possible.

That is why..... eff open endings. = =

I don't get why the hell they do them. People are barely satisfied with them. Your ratings don't get any higher.

GRRRRR. And I personally don't think it's any better than an actual CLEAR ending. Sorry, but I think I remember HAPPY endings I LIKE more than endings I am not satisfied with <_<

This is stupid. Now I kind of don't want to watch anymore. Guess I'm gonna wait a while first so I don't get affected by reading all these interpretations.

fml. :vicx:

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