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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Guest singapore0950


YS shot!!! indirectly shot by JP. As JP tried to shoot president. And YS trying to rescue.....so why YS shot.

Last JP also shot ..... Am confusing now....How is YS?

Nana left? No no......Both of them bumped together.......YS & Nana....and smiles.

Nana, wore a dress in white col. and bumped YS. However, did not show much of this scene. And soooooooo fast ENDED. that's all:(

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> Spoilers:

Eveyboding shoot in the same time.

Fake father died.

YS rise his hand to his fake father.

(like his dream aobout him and KNN)

Seems like fake father had says something cause he seems likned again to him.

KimNana is nect to YS.

KimNana & Go hara, Knn wearing white rubban in her hair

(BAD feeling, mean she have someone died near her)

KNN girl co worker and YS Co Worker get married license.

Adhasji leave YS flat.


YS mother is there in the flat.

They packed.

>> YS can't be DEAD !!!!

KNN alone walking with her switcase.

She saw someone. But there is nobody.

YS is behind her !!!!! YES !!!

She's smiling !

bright smile.

He smile too.

There a funeral place with all the name of military guy died in 1980.

We see YS riding his car.

YES !!!!!

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WTH!!!!!!???????????????????????????// Seriously even though I found the first part of the drama good (ep 1 tm 10), the other part really sucks...I'm sorry But I didnt want YJ, YS to die...YS really deserved a happy ending..I know this drama is an action drama but still, they should've not mislead us with the romance part, and the bright songs in the beginning, or they should have had let NN and YS have a romantic thing, YS was only hurting and hurting :(


Ow haha i seemed to make a quick conclusion, but I'm happy with the ending cuz YS is not dead :) PHEW!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Dana1013

No!!! Don't tell me another cryfest just like 49 Days.

Oh, please somebody tell me that they don't end it like this!

I didn't see the last 5 minutes...

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YS and JP are pinting gun at each other, YS then wants to shoot himsel in his head. At that moment KNN and the president come and KNN is pointing her gun at JP and tells YS to stop everything. But the president pushes KNN away so that JP can kill him and YS is throwing himself in front of his father/president.

--> JP kills YS, KNN shoots JP :(

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lol. Okay, what memdrama says makes way more sense. LOL.

We all knew JP would die. Seems the body count at the beginning of the episode was huge. Glad he managed to kill target 4 because that dude deserved to die at his hands.

So YS saved his father from JP's gun. Nana killed JP. lol... I hope the president goes to jail though.

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Guest crazypilovee

RECAP: (i prolly misinterpreted some stuff tho.. )

Started watching few mins into it~

JP killed CJM & gang at the port

YS gets there too late and is frustrated. He sits in the car and reads the classified document. He finds out the names of the 5 that were involved in the 1983 incident… including Choi Eung Chan. YS said “so in the end.. it was for that?”

YS confronted JP: is that what the revenge you wanted? To kill him by his own son’s hands. Is that what you wanted since when you took me away 28 yrs ago?

JP says P's not the kinda clean person that YS thinks he is and will show him(?), but YS says he’s not gonna take it nemore (?)

Seo Yong Hak tells the press that he’ll come clean (?) and is sorry. And revealed the next target is the Prez b/c of the incident 28 yrs ago.

Prez had a press conference saying he doesn’t know about being the next target or something…?

JP’s sidekick sees the news and asks is it really the Prez!? He says they should end it all and just reveal the documents?

SH is crying at YJ’s memorial, and his dad’s there (alive in a wheelchair, wth!?)

YJ boss is saying he’s such a bastard for going off by himself or something, NN’s aunt’s saying sorry something… YJ boss says he’ll catch those bad guys for sure.

Prez arrives at memorial, NN’s there as bodyguard. As he leaves YS came in. Jang Pil Jae asks YS why he came in, since he died tryin to catch him. He says it’s all his fault, he’ll catch him for sure! saying he's CH

YS says he should go & left

JP sidekick’s w/ YS & ahjussi talking something…. The Prez thinks about Jang pil Jae accusing YS of being CH. He thinks about all those incidents & clues that point to YS as CH. “is it LYS?”

Prez summons Jang Pil Jae, who talks about what they found out about JP & YS… how they lived in Thailand in triangle. And revealed that YS’s MY’s son, Prez gets shocked.

NN sees YS coming to see Prez and says that she thinks the Prez’s getting suspicious or something?

YS goes into his office. YS asks something about his blog going well or something? They look at a pic of DH he put on the blog. He asks about if something’s true..? He said yes, he wanted to protect something (the univ bill?) by any cost.

Ahjussi’s on video call to EA & asks how she’s doing and….

YS comes back & ahjussi quickly turns off the video & says NN’s here. NN said she found out from ahjumma bout YS being P's dad. He says JP was so cruel to do that. YS says the other four of the group of 5 had bad stuff… but if the P doesn’t have any guilt he’ll forget him. NN asks so if he’s guilty of smthing will he really do that, even if P’s his real father? YS says yes, b/c he’s his real dad…? KNN says since he’s a Blue house body guard they might meet like that again like w/ Seo Yong Hak. She tells him not to regret this…

YS talked to JP sidekick bout smthing while driving…

Prez says he needs 30 minutes for something.

Prez asks some national assembly member for help for smthing, who asks what can he do for him? P answered smthing about the Prosecutor’s office…? Says something bout the other four.. then the prosecutor says thank you, I’ll trust the P. Prez says i beg u but w/ his fists clenched... (some underhanded deal going on to pass his univ bill i think)

YS arrived at his meeting place. He says he didn’t think Prez was like that, but Prez says he was doing it for the sake of his university bill he’s trying to pass. He says something about what’s gonna happen to... YS reveals that he has the document, and that he’ll do something……

NN rushes in since she saw there might be an intruder. But the Prez said no it’s fine. NN boss asks wat’s wrong so NN jst said smthing was suspicious earlier. She looks at the back of the room suspecting YS's there (he's hiding i think)…

YS meets w/ someone about something related to the P..?

YS’s in his office saying there must be something there….

EA is w/ KJ & YS boss saying DH hasn’t been going to clubs b/c of YJ's death and is worried. She said something about going on blind dates? and KJ starts showing her pointers, like holding her hand & shoulders lol

EA brought DH her fav chicken at her home but DH looks really sad/tired. She talks about how it's so pitiful. She gives a men's shirt to her and tells her to give it to KJ. EA asks did she change guys again, DH says do u not have a clue? I want you two to turn out well. Haha EA looks surprised

YS is in the Blue house and secretly goes somewhere to find something .Prez notices he’s hiding. But he goes to his room & pulls out a lil black book from his pillow. He goes to YS asking, were you looking for this? Prez asks wat his reason is… he talks about I think the citizens who will be hurt by this..? sorry no idea. Then about the ppl from the 1983 incident that suffered. Prez says how much JP must’ve been hurt, he knows it well. Then P gives the book to him while saying something… before YS leaves P says, "you living like this, father is sorry."

NN walks by YS at the Blue House looking at the notebook. NN asks are you going to do it to the end? Do u have to? YS says he has to.

YS puts documents on the group of 5 in envelopes…

There’s a national assembly mtg, and I think they’re voting on P's bill… meanwhile the package arrives at reporters’ offices. They create a big fuss over it. They immediately go follow up on the tip.

The bill passed by the assembly..? & Prez watching from the Blue House is happy. A worker comes in the room and says something big happened.

Newspapers ran stuff about the Prez & the 1983 incident. At the Ntl assembly they’re saying something about the Prez being involved in the 1983 incident.

Someone tells P about something & apologizes. I think he was getting impeached? Dunno sorry… but P says it’s okay.

More ppl (ntl assembly members?) are delivered in front of the Prosecutor’s Office. W/ a package from CH showing pics of them dealing w/ CJM & a document about them receiving bribes I think…

Ahjussi & YS watch the news. YS gets up & ahjussi asks where’re u going, he says he’s going to dad?

JP gets his gun ready & puts dog tags on his neck.

NN boss says smthing about her getting tmrw off I think, but NN says she isn’t supposed to, then realizes.. something’ll prolly happen.

YS also getting gun ready & putting bullets in (I think the one he took from YJ?)

NN looks worried & looks at her gun too.

P gets a call frm JP. He asks NN boss about taking care of a request for him & says he wants to be alone. NN boss refuses but P said please so he went away. NN is on the side looking at P.

JP arrives at the building P’s at. NN boss sees him, JP says P’s looking for him. NN boss says yes, please go in. JP goes into the conferences room & YS’s there. JP says there’s nothing for him to do now, stay out of it. YS said he said no already? JP says he can’t stop his 28 yr revenge.YS asks some stuff & gets teary. Something bout meeting his love, wanting to live happily. That was his dream. He points his gun at his own head. He’s about to pull the trigger when NN & P came & said stop. NN’s pointing gun at them. Prez said Agent KNN, sorry, pushes her aside. JP points his gun at P but YS runs & gets a shot to the chest instead. KNN quickly shoots JP in the heart.

JP says don’t move, or YS will die first. He says he killed the other group of 5 members, now he has to kill Prez. He says he himself is the CH (I think so YS won't be suspected?). he takes out the thing that holds bullets from the gun but then pts the gun at the bodyguards that came in after shots were fired, so he gets shot all over by them. NN & YS’s in shock. YS tries to hold JP’s hand…. The scene pans out w/ them two holding hands sprawled on the ground & both pass out.

NN meets DH who gives her coffee. I think NN's dad died? KJ & EA come in & give them something… wedding invitation? they’re getting married!

KH & ahjussi at YS’s house. They’re packed & about to go to U.S. I think….

NN has a luggage & some building... airport..? she sees someone that looks like YS on the other side of the corridor behind some plants but when she goes to look nobody’s there. Then when NN turns around & YS’s there. They both smile at each other.

The 20 ppl who died seem to have been given a memorial site?

YS’s driving in his car & THE END.


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