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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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This ep just left me speechless. Here are some of my thoughts. 1. JP stole YS knowing that he is the president's son. When he came back from the mission he went to see the president and then went to steal the baby. 2. I don't think he needed YS to remember him of his thirst of revenge, he wanted to use YS so that he could revenge his biological father, which explains his unlimited loyalty to MY. 3. It never really made sense the way he was using his best friend's son just because of the sake of revenge. As YS said to him i am just a puppet and not a son.

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Making YS the son of President makes the things even more complicated than they already are plus poor Yoon Sung  tears.gif  and what kind of people would it make of KH and the president fury.gif .

It would make them human.  blush.gif No one is a saint in this drama.  I agree with farhah1986 in that I think the president is a coward too...

This drama has been toying with nurture vs nature from its beginning. 

I cannot remember who brought it up, but I am somewhat saddened that the writer and PD do not show KNN visiting her father anymore....

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Guest JayDK

I find the YS/NN relationship very frustrating at this point. I love them together, but YS is such a mess that I think NN should stay away from him going forward. If NN wants to take the risk and share her life with YS, then why can't YS respect her choice to do so? It's her risk to take, not his. And it's not as if NN will be out of danger if she's not with him -- she's a presidential bodyguard for one thing. But more to the point, she's a strong, competent woman who has the right to make her own choices about her future.

I think I'm just annoyed that it feels as if the relationship has been stuck in one place, a really unpleasant place, for a long time. YS loves NN but is so driven by his own fears of letting her in to his world that he deliberately hurts her. NN backs off but then comes back desperately for more. She should leave him at this point, for good, because someone who just hurts her over and over again is not good for her, and she deserves so much more than that.

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soompi news

by: thunderstix 

Lee Min Ho’s Popularity Continues to Soar in China


Lee Min Ho’s popularity in China has been off the charts lately as his latest TV drama “City Hunter”continues to gain recognition across the country, local media reported today. According to China’s top portal Baidu, Lee Min Ho was voted as the “most searched male star” among all celebrities from across the world. In fact, Lee Min Ho and Justin Bieber were the only two non-Chinese celebrities to make it in the top 10.

Also, according to youku.com and tudou.com, two of China’s largest video content sites, Lee Min Ho’s TV drama series “City Hunter” ranked #1 on both weekly and daily view counts. “More than 35 million people visited the ‘City Hunter’ webpage, which have led to 100 million view counts so far,” Lee Min Ho’s representative told local media. His previous hit drama show, “Boys Over Flowers,” was also picked as the most favored Korean TV drama in a separate poll.

As Lee Min Ho’s presence keeps growing in China, local Chinese media are also providing extensive coverage of the star actor. Some media outlets have described him as a “marvelous man,” lauding his mature acting skills. It has even led to increased sales revenue as some of the fashion items worn by Lee Min Ho have completely sold out.

Meanwhile, SBS “City Hunter” has seen its TV ratings continue to grow, reaching almost 20% lately, as it heads to the climax of the show. In case you missed it, make sure you read our “City Hunter” recaps every week!

Source: Sports Korea

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Hmm...yeah...it is kind of sad to see Nana not visiting her father anymore. I always thought that there could be a plotline with her father waking up or something. Is that still a possibility?

I really don't like the fact the YS's father could be the president. I don't think the president knows there exists a son for him if YS is indeed his son which is why they are so happy taking a picture. If YS's father is indeed the president, then can't the president sort of erase YS's past or something and make him to be able to have a future because we are all thinking about how it can be possible for YS to have a future will all this happening. Maybe the writer is putting this in there so that YS can have a future? Oh I am grasping at straws!! I wish all these problems would end and I see a happy couple together.

I have yet to watch Ep. 16, but was the confession that bad that no one seems to be talking about it? Just curious.

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I think YS is pushing NN away bcos for the first time ever he is really conscious abt the danger he is into and that he could die. He doesnt want NN to go through the pain of losing someone you unconditionally love

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Guest dramaok

I find the YS/NN relationship very frustrating at this point. I love them together, but YS is such a mess that I think NN should stay away from him going forward. If NN wants to take the risk and share her life with YS, then why can't YS respect her choice to do so? It's her risk to take, not his. And it's not as if NN will be out of danger if she's not with him -- she's a presidential bodyguard for one thing. But more to the point, she's a strong, competent woman who has the right to make her own choices about her future.

I think I'm just annoyed that it feels as if the relationship has been stuck in one place, a really unpleasant place, for a long time. YS loves NN but is so driven by his own fears of letting her in to his world that he deliberately hurts her. NN backs off but then comes back desperately for more. She should leave him at this point, for good, because someone who just hurts her over and over again is not good for her, and she deserves so much more than that.

it is frustrating, but i think it's realistic.

YS knows he could die at any given moment.

YS loves NN, and if you love someone, would you want that person to be with you to die together?

or would you want that person to go on and live a normal happy life?

YS denying NN is very painful for NN but even more painful for YS, in my opinion.

YS is surrendering to his fate... and not fighting for him and NN... hopelessness is the saddest thing there is.

this is when NN needs to be the strong one for them and stick to him like double bubble gum so YS has no chance to talk or think.

I have yet to watch Ep. 16, but was the confession that bad that no one seems to be talking about it? Just curious.

YS basically told NN he likes her, but he can't let her go easily, so he's asking her to quit him first, to let him go first.


I have to say Lee Min Ho's sad eyes are really getting to me. i'm like so sad that he's sad.




YS: everday, a hundred times. no, a thousand times...

I resent meeting you and knowing you.

you are someone i resent meeting.

you are like a nightmare.

go back to before you met me.

meet a guy better than me.

live each day joyfully.

forget a punk like me.

and live life happily.

NN: that's all you can say?

breaking up, forgetting you, disappearing from you life.

i can understand all that.

but you can't say that to me.

how can you tell me to meet another guy?

YS: it's hard right now, but after some time passes...

NN: you are really cruel.

very very cruel.


after your work is all finished... i'll wait.

couldn't you just come back to me?

then... i'll forget all this right now.

it's nothing hard, right?

couldn't you just tell me you'll come back to me?

if you don't say that to me right now, then i really won't accept you later on.

i really really won't.

so couldn't you just say that to me?


just those words. please?

YS cannot say that to NN,

because YS does not want NN to wait... til eternity.

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Guest satisfaction!

Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am pulling my hair out in frustration and confusion ahhahaa T_T

If the President really is YS' father.......then wow. What a twist.

There must've been a reason why JP stole YS in the first place...


All I want is for NN/YS to be together...but realistically speaking, it's so hard to see that :tears:

PS: Thanks dramaok for the caps! Sigh. Certainly a sad scene.

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There is really an outright possibility that YS is President's son. But what really bugs me about this scenario is the fact that while at least KH maybe even MY (possibly President or JP) must had know in the time of the wedding that she is pregnant, however, if you look at the photo that was taken during this event they all look so cheerful and utterly happy. Everyone is smiling the President has his arm around KH as if nothing bad happened and she is smiling blissfully as well, no signs of discomfort on either of their faces whatsoever :huh: .

What if the president and Kang Hee were the couple in the photo? That's what I thought when someone posted that photo here last week.

If JP knows that YS is the president's son, he's one twisted MOFO and I love it! LOL

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from what I remember, KH was locking her arms around MY's :)

so that's why I think they were couple when the photo was taken.

or maybe I'm being positive (or maybe denial :sweatingbullets: ) about YS's real father.

but then I read all of your speculations and it all makes sense haha now it's up to the writers how to wrap it :wacko:

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Wow, I'm so sad right now after the translation of the Han River scene. I have a strong feeling it's going to be a sad/open/mysterious/unexplainable ending after all, but I desperately want a happy ending. Thing about it for a minute. After all the suffering and agony our leads been through, how nice a happy ending can be. I just want NN and YS to be together at the end, it can be something like she is his assistant. I don't want them to die. NO! I will hate this drama if that happens and I will be depressed for a long time, that's why I'm preparing myself for the worst.

And Lee Min Ho is truly an amazing actor! He's so great, his acting skills just keeps getting better and better. Also Park Min Young deserves a lot of praising!

I can't believe there are only 4 more episodes to come.

Please, please - it must be a happy ending for our OTP!

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Guest good123

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The reason why I love the YS/NN relationship is because it's realistic. It seems that everyone is hating the tug o' war that's going on between the two of them (and personally, I hate it too) but if you think about it there's really no other option for them. With the circumstances that they are in, there is no way they can be together happily. YS is so far down the road that he can't turn back anymore and he knows that. He's basically aware that he's walking into a dead end. He's pushing her away because he doesn't want her to hurt because of him. He lives everyday with a 50/50 chance of life or death. He knows that if she sticks around, she might get emotionally or even physically hurt because of him. He's afraid... he doesn't want to take chances. Everyone thinks that it easy for them to be together as long as he tries but it's really easier said than done. It's always easier for the spectators because we have a clear head but for YS himself he probably can't even think straight...

I really have a bad feeling about the ending.. it seems that YS won't make it to happily ever after. I don't want him to die but right now, I don't see any other way for him. Where he's at and what he's doing.. he can't have the happy ending ):

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hi, everyone! this is my first time to post on this thread and i really enjoy reading everyone's posts. i'd just like to contribute to the speculations on what LMH might have meant when he said that CH is gonna have a "reverse" ending.

could it be that he'll get NN pregnant and then she's gonna give birth during his last mission? that'd be parallel to the 1st episode where KH was giving birth to YS while MY and JP had a near death encounter in burma. but, like the more optimistic hunters, i'm also hoping that instead of YS dying after NN gives birth to their son, he'd live happily ever after with his own family, his mom, and ahjusshi.

but, that's just me. thanks for the recaps and comments! let's keep the faith! looking forward to next week :D

How about this for an alternate ending... there's a time jump to like 2039 or whatever. We are taken to a house. Both KH and Nana are looking considerably older, laughing/cooking/whatever... camera pans to a photo of YS at his present age at an altar, indicating he's passed. Then it pans to someone sitting on the floor reading a diary. He shuts it and raises his head and it looks just like YS (It's a drama). He gets up, walks into a room, pulls out a mask and wears it. Credits roll.

lol... okay, I am bored :D

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Guest judith91

sorry this may be unrelated, but how do u show spoiler? how come when i click on the spoiler tag it doesnt show? if anyone cld help that wld be great. thx!

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i've been a silent lurker of this thread and i really love city hunter..minho's acting is awesome superb for his age..i keep on asking myself how can a 24 yr. old guy like him be such a good actor..but i was also wondering if the director and writers of this drama are a big fan of boys over flowers or are they really that in despair to show the chemistry between the lead actor and actress or they can't think of original ideas to attract the viewers to show the romantic side of city hunter ..its been 2 years already why is it that there are a lot of scenes from this drama that was taken from bof..and even one of the highlight of bof i saw it too in city hunter the throwing of eggs and flour on jandi they did it too on nana..they really made it look like a spinof of bof..hmm that is why probably i was able to watch city hunter because it gives me the memoirs of bof..

but anyway i still love it and will watch it to the end because i love bof too..

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