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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Guest sweety86_ph

first of all, thank you to the hunter angels who gave us a recap! you guys are the best :D

but, ok, this is such a batman-ish ending? so, he drives off into the night? what? so he can save the city while NN is just...i don't know, with KH in the US? argh. hope there'll be a season 2, but i highly doubt it.

and i agree with a number of fans here: why tease us with cute YS and NN scenes in the first 12 or 13 episodes only to DISAPPOINT us with this half-baked open ending?!?! i am pissed. argh. they could've wrapped this up better, seriously!

on another note, PMY and LMH should be in another show or movie together. but, this time a rom-com. i swear, they have such electric chemistry! they sizzle on and offscreen and i'd love to see more of them together :)

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Guest aminta25

I DEMAND SEASON 2 SHOW!!!!!!!! and I think down the road we might get it......this is the beginning of our Hero journey....by JP dying YS has a new lease in life to start all over....but the last shot of YS driving he still got that tormented look that all heros have to keep going.....so the question remains is YS still City Hunter?..... NN at the end understand that they can't be together even though they love each other.....and damn writers you all have balls of steals for real.....cause you gave your audience not the satisfaction we were looking for ...... but I take the Open Ending.....

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Guest eriri

I felt the ending was a bit rushed, but where in the world do you guys see a BAD ending??? I really don't get it.

JP sacrifices himself, telling everyone he is the City Hunter, so YS will be able to live the life he never was able to (cried buckets of tears here). YS survives and he gets to be with his mom, ajusshi and NN (all of them leaving looks like they will be going to the U.S. together, no?).

In the last scene we see YS driving in his car, since he's...well, the real City Hunter. : >

Yes, it is an open end, but also a happy one. Open end doesn't completely crush my hopes of a season 2, though I don't really believe there will be one. I secretly was wishing for YS to become a prosecutor after everything 's over. You know... to continue YJ's path and such. :'D

But I'm just satisfied that he survived. That he has the chance to live a normal life now. His and NN's smiles show what they feel for each other, so I didn't really miss the fan-service that much (i. e. kissing).

Then again, I was still in tears because of JP, guess lovey-dovey make-out scenes wouldn't have affected me anyway.

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If the drama wasn't based on romance, the screenwriters shouldn't have gave the audience hope with all those little scenes Nana and YoonSung went through. Should have made it a MUTUAL INFATUATION. But no its LOVE (CLEARLY) so OBVIOUSLY we're gonna anticipate for something. Freakin.... I'm beyond furious. SUCH A WASTE!

I hope netizen become as furious as the majority of us and demand a season 2 since they're so scary. 


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lol. I think the mistake the drama made was in the first half it was 50% rom-com and 50% action so people expected it to remain that way throughout the series. They should have made it more like Time of Dog and Wolf where there was romance but only in limited doses. But in that one, there was romance in the last episode.

I already checked out of the rom part a while back and cared more about YS and JP so I'm happy that he sacrificed himself and showed his love at the end. LOL. I'm glad my faith in him didn't go down the drain.

I do agree that they wasted time in middle episodes where they could have tightened things up and made for a more satisfying ending. But I say this having not seen even ep 19 so it might be premature. Will watch first to know for sure.

Sorry guys who watched for romance. Even last week, instead of creating more romance, they were showing flashbacks so I think they just decided to bury the romance a bit. If you remember, early on, some netizens were complaining that they didn't know if they were watching Personal Taste or not. So I think they reduced the romance to cater to that because some criticisms were that the drama was trying to fit into every genre instead of sticking to just one.

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Guest jajami

i knew it ,YS driving his car at night for sure his next target is the writer.....kill the writer.....!!!!!! it was a good ending but  it's all rushed up..:wacko::wacko::wacko:

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Guest ^L4uRa^

tbh.. that was an awesome last 10 minutes.. i was screaming and yelling, and tweeting like mad..

i was shouting, " this is the best ending ever after what hapenned in Bali" but then...

he's alive.. .__________.

i dunno, but it's kinda ruin the whole episode..

just my opinion tho ^^

cant believe it's ended... altough im looking forward to watch PTB next week, but, im gonna miss this epic drama... T________T

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I loved the ending, seriously whiles i was watching this ep i thought YS died and i was so happy when i realized he wasn't dead. I know alot of people hate open endings but we should not easily make a conclusion since we don't undetstand Korean. P.S LMH dressed in black from head to toe is just hot.

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I dont see it as an open ending.

YJ gave YS a legacy when he died in saying the law failes (to stop the really bad guys) and your way is the right way.

As we seen several times during this drama, YS driving trough the city in his hunt for the next victim "criminal" and we all know that Nana will be right behind him to support.

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If the drama wasn't based on romance, the screenwriters shouldn't have gave the audience hope with all those little scenes Nana and YoonSung went through. Should have made it a MUTUAL INFATUATION. But no its LOVE (CLEARLY) so OBVIOUSLY we're gonna anticipate for something. Freakin.... I'm beyond furious. SUCH A WASTE!

I agree with you! It's like they rushed the ending and didn't elaborate so many situations.

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If the drama wasn't based on romance, the screenwriters shouldn't have gave the audience hope with all those little scenes Nana and YoonSung went through. Should have made it a MUTUAL INFATUATION. But no its LOVE (CLEARLY) so OBVIOUSLY we're gonna anticipate for something. Freakin.... I'm beyond furious. SUCH A WASTE!

I hope netizen become as furious as the majority of us and demand a season 2 since they're so scary. 


People need to remember City Hunter isn't a romance drama. It's a drama that is a revenge story with a sprinkle of romance. Meaning romance isn't the main point.

Let's just be happy that YS even got a romantic angle~.

Yes, I wished Nana and YS got more screen time but come on really?...

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Guest luv_harmony

I know right?! What in world was that?! Everyone is packing, everyone is wearing black. NN and YS look at each other and SMILE and we are supposed to accept this ending?! Not even a kiss or a peck on the cheeks..or even a hug? And then YS is driving, I thought: Ok, maybe NN is besides him and Ahjusshi and his mom are in the back and they are leaving for US but he was alone. What in world does that mean? That he's gone out to buy ice-cream? Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *tears out hair* fury.gif

I can do without watching today's epi honestly. Too much of unnecessary scenes, lots of dragging. Even Eun Ah & Goo Gijoon got a better ending then YS & NN. LMH was right when he said that no one will be able to guess the ending cuz we all were expecting a sensible ending..maybe good maybe bad but still a sensible one, but it turned out to be totally senseless -_-

YS alive yeah right cuz killing him would make this this drama look stoo-pid crazy.gif

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I dont think it was an open ended closure. YS is alive and they are together. The drama series was never really about their relationship alone. I am quite satisfied with it. Maybe people should wait for the subs to understand it better. Love this drama. Lee Min Ho you made me cry today again!

yeah...i don't think it was open ended either... justice was served... the 21 men received their honor and recognition from the country.... JP took the fall for being the CH..... YS is alive... he came back to NN... YS's mother is alive... SE & KJ are getting married... NN's dad died.... so it makes sense.... i just wish it wasn't all crammed into the last 5 minutes of the episode....

things i'm still curious about... who let CJM go while he was at the prosecutor's office? what happened to McCreepy?


i knew it ,YS driving his car at night for sure his next target is the writer.....kill the writer.....!!!!!! it was a good ending but it's all rushed up..:wacko::wacko::wacko:

i love your comment!

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i think ppl better calm down and watch it with subs before jumping to conclusions

my connection constantly buffered so that i didnt catch everything

but to me, this was a good ending..there may have been a bit of 아쉬움, like sth lacking because it would have been great to have a kiss or sth between Nana and YS at the end

but otherwise it was a happy ending

YS didnt die, Nana didnt die, the president who is at heart a good guy didnt die, YS' mother didnt die, ahjussi didnt die either

JP got his end for killing all those ppl coldbloodedly (i expected him to get punished one way or another) but at the same time, the audience saw the humane side to him where he claimed to be city hunter at the end and him and YS had their father-son bond before he died

the president although didnt get as extreme form of punishment as the other 4, was punished

YS told the world of everything he had done and he was elected to step down from the presidential position which he accepted with no objection. We see that the policy he wanted to pass through so bad (the reason why he made deals with other politicians) actually go through and how happy he was because of that. It was as if it was his last wish before he would be punished for his crimes. At the end he pushed Nana away and was willing for JP to take his life, just as he had 28 yrs ago

What really touched me was when the president handed over the evidence that YS was looking for in his room, himself. As YS leaves, he apologises to him as his father. I was so touched.

Both father and son are right in their own way~

Even though we didnt get the love scene we all wanted, everything else had some sort of a closure and a happy ending all round (except for young joo ><) i'm so glad we didnt get an ending like IRIS

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Hmm...I come hoping to hear something happy, but I hear disppointedness. Hmm..oh well...I was kind of ready for an open ended ending. Sorry if it has been aswered, but they never showed them at that place that NN said she wished them to be at? Did he ever give the ring to her? I thought it was emphasized to mean something. I guess I should be happy they are alive. I always think that if they are alive, they will eventually get together. Besides, YS told NN to wait for him which means that when he comes back, he will go back to her. I don't think it means for her to wait for him forever or something. Although, I was hoping for one last romantic scene, but seeing that this was an action drama, I was thinking it would be difficult. Plus, they did start off the drama with the couple, so maybe they wanted to show the couple more in the first few episodes and then make them promise to wait for each other and then have the rest of the show based on their revenge. Oh well....I guess I will understand how you guys feel after I watch the show.

Hmm..so that is how YS gets off as being CH. JP died with that secret. Ay....even though I didn't like him that much for what he has done, him sacrificing for YS is sad. It shows that he really does love YS as a son in his twisted way. The two people dying that I didn't want them to die. Ay.....I guess JP had to die somehow considering he was too consumed with revenge to ever let the President go in the future, plus he had to save YS or no one can. Ay...sad!! Unhappy!! :( Oh well.....I guess that is the end....it was good up until the last part I guess.

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Guest starlight tears

550 User(s) are reading this topic.... and you kill YS.... my dream of second season is gone!!!... nice drama though plus great acting... disappointed with the ending! huh!!!

Oh mu.. so YS didn't die... yehey!!!!

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Guest victoriamai

I totally agree with eriri.

I've yet to see the ending but just reading what happened, I'll admit like I said in my last post that the ending WAS RUSHED and it did bring to ruin the drama just a little..

but I don't think the ending was just HORRIBLE.. We really did get everything we wanted:

  • Jin Pyo redeeming himself as a human being
  • Yoon Sung and Jin Pyo finally had a moment
  • The 21 got the memorial they deserved
  • Yoon Sung being able to live a normal life with Nana, his mom, and ahjussi
  • All 5 were taken care of (well.. idk what happened to the pres. but he was a nice guy so whatever)
  • Young Joo got a memorial where he was was remembered and recognized
  • Yoon Sung is still City Hunter and will continue to catch bad people. (:

So we didn't get a hug or a kiss or anything.. but, we all knew this wasn't about romance. At least Nana and Yoon Sung lived and we can assume they are together. For god's sake in the real City Hunter... Nana dies. O__O

So it was a rushed ending.. it could have gone better.. but it wasn't terrible.

And honestly, yes, I'm disappointed there hasn't been ANY skinship recently but at least we had 2 kiss and ep 12 and before were full of MinMin moments.. i've seen dramas where it wasn't til the LAST ep and you got a PECK. at least the made out at one point :D THINK POSITIVELY GUYS!

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i knew it ,YS driving his car at night for sure his next target is the writer.....kill the writer.....!!!!!! it was a good ending but  it's all rushed up..:wacko::wacko::wacko:

I am not agree with you, bu tyou make me laugh so, love your post ;)

Anyway, clearly this drama was't a RomCOm, I personnaly only watch this kind of drama, but I am quite happy with City HUnter ending.

SO, go on! A drama chase another one ! I wil go on Myung Wol Spy & Scent of a women. See you on these posts !!!

So goodbye, don't smile and cryyyyyy :ph34r::phew:

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