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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Guest chello

It's nice to know they have a good time working with each other. I remember seeing them playing rock-paper-scissors in the BTS video of the almost kiss. I wonder what they were drawing straws for! :lol: It's a good feeling knowing you get to spend the day working with someone you get along well with! Can't wait for tomorrow! Thanks everyone for the goodies to tide us over! Some of those fanvids are amazing!

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Guest Ji-Oh

I am happy to see his gorgeous face but haha I guess they don't want to mess with his hair too much. *quoted image* Still I love this show and I can't wait for tomorrow.

He is someone who cares about his hairstyle.

City Hunter’s Lee Min Ho still looks luminous in a bandana

To conceal his identity as a “city hunter,” he has often employed diverse disguises such as hat, glasses and mask. This time, he wore a turtleneck black bandana which moulds to his face, covering more than half of his face. Dressed in the bandana, he performed a splendid action.

On July 2, he shot the action scene on a set in Gyeonggi-do. Despite the sweltering heat with temperature of, more or less, 30 and, even in the bandana, Lee showed genuine enthusiasm in creating great scenes. It must have been difficult to display any expression out through the disguise, but his sharp, fierce looks in his eyes have successfully been captured by the cameras. It is said that he played Yun Seong, who bears a huge grudge, in a realistic manner to the extent that even the filming crew at the shooting were overwhelmed by his hostile eyes.


Meanwhile, at the end of the 12th episode, Yun Seong’s step father is determined to kill Na Na as part of the head-to-head confrontation with his son Yun Seong. As soon as the episode ended, the official website of City Hunter was swamped with inquired of numerous viewers about the following episodes, which resulted in a temporary shut-down of the site.

By Lee Ji-yeong (bonbon@osen.co.kr)

Source: Osen (Original article in Korean)

Photo from Osen

Translated by Geum Jae / Korea.com

My boyfriend has a bandana like that! He used it in a ninja costume once--and when it was cold in the winter.

Do you suppose he changed from the mask because it might be fairly easy for the prosecutor or whoever to pull off?

I wonder what the 'huge grudge' is. Maybe Ahjussi got ran down by the prosecuter's dad. I could see YS pull a knife at that.

is those BTS pics new or old? seems like YS hurts his arm again or is it me who forget the episode?

Oh! You're right! They're new pics, apparently somehow YS's hand was injured--but it's not injured in the pics with him in the mask. I'm guessing that the new BTS pics are for the 14th episode, after the pics with YS in the bandana.

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Here's a fan link to a video highlight of YS's & Nana's touching love story taken from the SBS City Hunter official website.



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omg thanks so much for posting this BTS


and here's another one..keke


gosh *puppy eyes* They've been eyeing each other for a long time!!!! lmao...


^Pallycute thanks sooooo much for this pic above keke

im so biased here so Im posting some GoHara pics hehe



c:pallycute,onliminhesuperjunior,gohara,on pic ||tumblr

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Guest szufontana

I lurve lurve lurve this show and can't wait for the next mind-blowing episodes.

In the meantime, I've posted this random musing on Dramabeanz and thought I'd add my two cents' worth here.

Has anyone else noticed that LSY only always lends Nana a white shirt? We've seen him in purple and blue so we know he has those, so what's up with the white? Has he got all the opaque shirts in the laundry whenever she comes over to his place?

And here's another more random thought, albeit a naughty one: If these two ever hook up, they could so do a Lethal Weapon scene and compare scars. :wub:

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I think it would a mistake if they killed off Man Duk since he kind of plays Yoon Sung's conscience and pseudo-mother at various times. Unfortunately, I can see Jin Pyo using him as bait/retribution towards Yoon Sung's insolence since he's been ruining his "master revenge plan" but even if that happened it would still lead to an all out battle between the two.

Regardless Jin Pyo is really focusing on all the wrong things, he lacks the ability to accomplish his own revenge plan and/or is simply and out-and-out coward (yes, I said it he's a coward).

Aigoo. Unpopular opinion time. I think that Man Duk is definitely going to get killed.I felt that when he left the papers proving he was wrong to NaNa was a foreshadowing of his future death. And if he does get killed that would be the straw that breaks the camel's back.. well in this case, it would break YS, making him really go up against his father.

But I do think JP is a cowardish person also. He is hiding behind his son. Isn't there a saying, if you want something done right, do it yourself? JP had all the chances to finish the job by himself yet he stood behind YS. Why? I have no idea.

AISH~ to lighten the mood up a bit, I'm posting this here. teehee. This man, I think doesn't get enough love.



Bye Hunters! Until Ep.13!

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Aigoo. Unpopular opinion time. I think that Man Duk is definitely going to get killed.I felt that when he left the papers proving he was wrong to NaNa was a foreshadowing of his future death. And if he does get killed that would be the straw that breaks the camel's back.. well in this case, it would break YS, making him really go up against his father.

But I do think JP is a cowardish person also. He is hiding behind his son. Isn't there a saying, if you want something done right, do it yourself? JP had all the chances to finish the job by himself yet he stood behind YS. Why? I have no idea.

AISH~ to lighten the mood up a bit, I'm posting this here. teehee. This man, I think doesn't get enough love.

*quoted image*


Bye Hunters! Until Ep.13!

Hmm... both you and Semifly have some interesting thoughts on this. Remember when dramabeans (was it girlfriday that brought this up) that she would be conflicted but storywise, it would be okay for NN to die? Because it would make YS suffer and it'd be a physical realization for him as to what's at stake in this vengeance scheme. Well the death of Man Duk could be the same thing. Yes, while he is the conscience for YS, NN could also step up in Man Duk's death to be that voice as well. And I think if Man Duk dies, it can't be at JP's hands. It would have to be protecting NN from YJ's dad. No? To really pay back his debt to her. I really do like ahjussi but if this is the fate the writers choose for him, I will need lots of tissues. Donors, anyone? :tears:

Plus, JP is going after NN so I think that may be enough to jolt YS.

Btw, thanks for the pic! I love our prosecutor. I've been turned on to City Hall by some other kdrama lovers and surprise, surprise Lee Joon Hyuk is in that drama too! But now what I (and YS) wants to see if YJ is gonna step up to his dad and how that's gonna happen now that he knows his dad is corrupt. Well... he knew before but now it's just further proof of how bad this guy is.

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Guest miniejungle

hi hunters!!! :)

it's wednesday, yay, just under 12hrs to go!!! and there we have new OST!!! how do i love this show? so much that i can't explain and dunno how i'm gonna survive after it ends. Minho has done serious deadly damage to my heart, hic!!!!

(maybe Heartstrings will ease the heartaches a little, their OSTs are really good too) - but JYH to replace LMH? not working for me :lol::)

let's see what the scriptwriters have in store for us in this week's episodes... i long give up on guessing what would happen - i'll just enjoy the rides, whether it's up or down. (just don't gimme sad ending, please, scriptwriter-nim, i beg of you!!!!)

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Guest pallycute

Tonight, we will see Nana's cute side (again) :D I guess she will sing F(X)'s song "NU ABO"

시티헌터' 박민영, 이민호를 위해 준비한 '나나나쏭'


[TV리포트 도준형 인턴기자] 박민영이 인기 걸그룹 f(x)로 변신, 깜찍한 나나표 볼터치 춤을 보인다.

박민영은 6일 방송되는 SBS TV '시티헌터'(황은경 최수진 극본 진혁 연출)에서 이민호를 위한 특별 '나나나 쏭'과 '나나표 볼터치 춤'을 보일 예정이다. 인기 걸 그룹 f(x)의 히트작인 'Nu 예삐오'의 후렴구 '나나나~' 부분에 맞춰 귀여운 춤을 춘다. 극적 위기 속에서 더욱 애틋해진 이민호 박민영의 러브 라인이 기대감을 불러일으키고 있는 가운데 박민영이 선보이는 깜찍 발랄한 율동 솜씨에 관심이 모아지고 있다.

무엇보다 나나가 윤성을 위해 노래를 불러주는 장면은 이미 지난 7회 방송에서도 한 차례 등장했던 상황이다. 지난달 15일 방송된 7회에서 나나는 친어머니 경희(김미숙) 때문에 힘들어하는 윤성을 위해 ‘세월이 가면’의 한 소절을 불러주며 "어이쿠 우리 큰 애기 오늘 힘들었어요?"라고 위로했다. 이번에는 경쾌한 f(x)의 'Nu 예삐오'가 나나의 '위로쏭' 2탄이 되는 셈이다.

제작진 관계자는 "밤샘 촬영이 이어지고 있지만 박민영은 늘 현장에서 밝고 씩씩한 모습이다. 마치 진짜 김나나를 만나고 있는 것 같다"라며 "긴장감 넘치는 촬영이 계속되고 있지만 시청자들의 많은 사랑 덕분에 모두 힘을 내고 있다. 앞으로도 많은 관심과 사랑을 부탁드린다"고 전했다.

'시티헌터'는 매주 수,목요일 밤 9시 55분에 방송된다. 사진=SSD

도준형 인턴기자 thoga@tvreport.co.kr




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Guest webby

making video #12: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=minho&no=300754&page=1&bbs=

making video #13: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=minho&no=300753&page=1&bbs=

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Guest chloe.c

Hmm... both you and Semifly have some interesting thoughts on this. Remember when dramabeans (was it girlfriday that brought this up) that she would be conflicted but storywise, it would be okay for NN to die? Because it would make YS suffer and it'd be a physical realization for him as to what's at stake in this vengeance scheme. Well the death of Man Duk could be the same thing. Yes, while he is the conscience for YS, NN could also step up in Man Duk's death to be that voice as well. And I think if Man Duk dies, it can't be at JP's hands. It would have to be protecting NN from YJ's dad. No? To really pay back his debt to her. I really do like ahjussi but if this is the fate the writers choose for him, I will need lots of tissues. Donors, anyone? :tears:

Plus, JP is going after NN so I think that may be enough to jolt YS.

I don't think it 'CAN'T' be at JP's hands. In previous episodes, JP already used MD before to threaten YS. It is still possible for his death to be at JP's hands.

I ALSO think Man Duk might die. When I heard him tell NaNa he promises he will turn himself in and stuff after this is all over, it just gave me a feeling that his words would be something he wouldn't be able to fulfill. Many times where dramas do this... How one is really really wants to make up for something wrong he/she's done...but in the end they face death before they could do so. And him helping YS take revenge on Shik Joong is also kind of like making up for his wrong-doings in the past... and if he dies after/while doing this, I could so imagine his last words being something like he's glad he was able to make it up to NN or something like that :'(

And like someone said, it would be the trigger to YS going against his dad or something. While NN dying (TOUCHWOOD) would also do the same, I actualy think Man Duk will be the one who dies. Cuz of that foreshadowing right there, and I just don't think they are going to make NN die (and even if so *TOUCHWOOD AGAIN*, it wouldn't be till like the very end.) touchwoodtouchwoodtouchwood

God, if Man Duk really does die, I'm going to bawl like crazy :'(

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Thanks to the people for posting all the BTS pics and links. I can't wait for the upcoming episodes!! I didn't know that PMY and LMH starred in an older show before. Hmm...good to know.

I really hope that Man Duk doesn't die, but I have this weird feeling that a lot of the senior people are probably going to die in this show. I hope not. I hope that YS's mom doesn't die. She has been waiting her whole life for her son. But, if she has to die, I hope she realizes that YS is her son because I really don't like to watch shows where people die without knowing.

Well, anyways, I really hope that in the end there is a good ending to this show, especially for NN and YS. YS's life is sad enough, he deserves a good ending.

I can't wait for Ep. 13 to air. I wonder how NN is going to be saved.

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110706 City Hunter BTS YOUTUBE LINK

^My minmin are so playful with the grocery cart!!!! hehe

110706 City Hunter BTS Youtube Link part 2



 “City Hunter” Park Min-yeong will transform into girl group F(X) and dance the ‘Na-na’s cheek dance’.

On the 13th episode of SBS drama “City Hunter”, Park Min-yeong will dance F(X)’s “Nu Yepio”.

Park Min-yeong performed the dance to the song on the 4th at the shooting site. She was practicing her moves until right before the shoot.

Her cute dance made the atmosphere of the shooting site change. Shy but cute, she made it seem like she was going to make an NG but seemed to natural.

The productions said, “The shooting of the drama is going on until late night but Park Min-yeong is always happy and bold. She feels like the real Kim Na-na”.

credit: Hancinema.net

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