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Heart-warming encounters with strangers

Guest The-Entity

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This happened when I got my first real job (which I hated), getting up in the morning was rather hard when you don't look foward going to work. Not to add, I just recently moved to a new place and didn't quite know anyone. Anyways, each morning before making my way to work, I would stop at this gas station and talk to the guy that work there. I didn't know how it happened it just did. This lated about almost a year. That little moment made a big difference because it somehow makes things bearable. One time, he gave me a card and it says thanks for being my best friend and thought that was so sweet.

Sometimes, we just don't realize how the little things is so much more important.

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Guest hanilee

Our family doesn't have a snowblower even though we have a giant driveway so when the "Snowpocalypse" happened in Chicago last year (basically we got from 4-5 feet of snow), we were stuck with shovels. Our driveway is 3 cars wide and 3 cars long and my older brother was in college so my dad and I had to clear it ourselves. My dad is in his late 50's and has back and neck problems frequently. One of our neighbors saw us struggling and he didn't just lend us a snowblower, but he did the entire driveway for us himself. We were so thankful. ^^

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We used to have this tall bush in front of the house that is so hard to manage, before we knew it it has gotten very tall. We didn't have time to trim it down when my husband went out of town. I went somewhere with my parents for a couple of days, when I returned the bush was neatly trimmed. I told my husband what happened and when he got back from New York, he walked over to our neighbor across the street the next day and gave him a cup from David Letterman show. Which my husband happened to able to go see.

That particular neighbor said that he didn't trim our bush but he'll take the cup since his daughter likes the show. My husband and I looked at each other and smiled, handed him the cup and walked away. Till this day, we have no idea who trimmed it.

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I was walking to my car after class today and it was wet and incredibly windy out... I almost got to my car when I heard this female voice yell out, "Excuse me! Would you like to sit in my car?"

So I looked around the parking lot and I saw this poor guy standing there holding an umbrella but still getting soaked (the wind was just WHIPPING the rain at us from all directions). He was probably waiting for his ride... anyway, he declined the offer but I still thought it was really sweet of that woman.

Also, another time I was getting off work and there was this HUGE stray dog curled up next to my car. He was lying right in front of the driver's side. I didn't know what to do (looking back I should have activated my car alarm to scare him off) but before long this SUV pulled up to me with a man and a woman inside. They asked me if the dog was mine and I told them no and that I was trying to get into my car. They then proceeded to pull up in front of the dog and scare him off by honking their horn.

I kind of felt bad for the dog though. It was a hot day - he had been lying in the shade of my car and when he heard/saw me coming over, he started walking his tail. I hope he finds his owner :tears:

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I had a really rough day at work (I worked at a restaurant/waitress/front) so I deal with customers on a daily basis. My boss was yelling at me during rush hour for something I did not do and my eyes became extremely teary. He yelled at me to get back to the customers while every one of them was watching quietly. Then this man came up to me afterwards and told me such a pretty girl shouldn't be crying and gave me a really warm smile. After such a bad day something as silly as that really warmed my heart and got me through the day.

Another occasion I will never forget was when I felt extremely ill after I took an exam in the summer. Firstly, my teacher noticed right away and excused me early since I finished the exam quickly although they weren't allowed to let people out, not only that I didn't even say or try to show it. As I was walking home, the heat was getting to me so I leaned against a wall for a bit due to dizzyness. This really kind old lady came up to me and asked me if I was alright and if she could get me any water or help. I thanked her and told her I was fine with a big smile. I didn't expect that at all.

It's always the most unexpected things that warm people's hearts.

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Guest **ThatGirlPhuong

This happened just a year ago.

Have you ever seen a car drive by with a cup sitting right on top because it was simply forgotten after being placed down for what was only supposed to be a few seconds? My situation was similar to this except there was no cup.

As I was leaving a cafe, I remember having some trouble finding the keys in my pockets. Once I did, I just hopped in my car and drove off. I live about half an hour away from the cafe and shortly after I got home I get a phone call from the university's security office telling me that someone returned my wallet. My reaction :blink:

Wallet? Say what? I didn't even realize I lost it! I guess it happened while I was fiddling with my keys. I carried no bag at the time so I placed my wallet on top of my car while digging in my pockets and drove away with it sitting above my head. Not only was I completely embarrassed for not even realizing that I lost it but I was also very grateful for the stranger that returned it. Everything was still in there (cash, debit card, gift cards, IDs) except a bright blue Pilot G2 pen but that should have been the least of my worries. I asked the officer where it was found and it was a few blocks away from the cafe and they were able to return it because my university ID was in one of the pockets.

Thank you stranger B) EventhoughIreallylikedthatpen,butit'sokayyoucankeepit.

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  I was walking around the city with my headphones in, texting and I was about to walk across the entrance of a parking area. A car was coming down pretty quickly - I saw it, but a guy behind me thought I didn't, being preoccupied. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away to stop me from being hit. I thanked him and he just grinned and said saving a girl made him feel like Spiderman, lol. Totally made my day!  

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I was coming home after a terrible day at school and on my way home a few construction workers stopped me so they could bring out wood..anyway on the other side waiting was a couple who were at most 8 years older than me (so mid 20's). When they finally let us through I noticed that the guy moved to the side dragging his girlfriend and bowed to me like they did in the old days (or how doormen open doors) and let me walk first through the narrow sidewalk. That really touched me and for the rest of the day I was all happy even my parents noticed haha!

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Some of these stories made me tear up (happy tears of course.)

This happened when I was 5. My mom and I went grocery shopping it was about 2 weeks before Christmas. I was sitting in the cart and she left to go get something a few aisles back. She came back and noticed her purse was gone. My mom went to management and asked if they have seen it or if someone had brought it to lost and found. Unfortunately it was stolen, and to top it off my dad was recently laid off so we did not have much money. So my mom left everything and we went to the police station to report it. A few days later I came home from school and our house was full of groceries. Apparently the cashiers/box boys put money together and were able to buy us our groceries. Whenever i think back to that it really touches me. Sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me and my family :)

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Guest The-Entity

^ Wow, that is incredibly heart-warming! Thanks for sharing (:

I was in a little souvenir shop looking at some stuff, and a little boy, around 4 or 5, wandered in by himself, looking confused. Then he went straight up to the shopkeeper guy and said with a little shaky voice, "I can't find my grandma." The shopkeeper guy looked a bit alarmed and then the kid started bawling his eyes out. The shopkeeper guy said, "Hold on a sec, kid. Do you know your grandma's cell phone number?" And then the kid started sobbing out the numbers. 

One of the girls in the shop took one look at the kid and booked it out of the shop. I was like damn, she really doesn't like trouble.

Anyway the shopkeeper tried calling the grandma's cellphone but she wasn't picking up, and the kid was getting more and more freaked out.

All of a sudden that girl comes back into the shop and goes to the little boy and bends down to his height and says, "Hey, do you have a sister?"

The kid sobs "Yeah"

"Is your grandmother wearing a pink shirt?"


Then the girl straightens up and said to the shopkeeper, "I saw them running around outside but I wasn't sure, and they were a bit far for me to call. I'll go get them."

I was STUNNED! I thought that girl just left because she didn't want to stick around in a shop with a crying kid, but apparently she was trying to see if she could catch the grandma before she wandered too far. Anyway, that girl came back within a few minutes with the panicked grandmother and confused sister and everyone was reunited and happy. The girl only stuck around long enough to make sure the kid was safe again and then she took off.


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Some of these stories made me tear up (happy tears of course.)

This happened when I was 5. My mom and I went grocery shopping it was about 2 weeks before Christmas. I was sitting in the cart and she left to go get something a few aisles back. She came back and noticed her purse was gone. My mom went to management and asked if they have seen it or if someone had brought it to lost and found. Unfortunately it was stolen, and to top it off my dad was recently laid off so we did not have much money. So my mom left everything and we went to the police station to report it. A few days later I came home from school and our house was full of groceries. Apparently the cashiers/box boys put money together and were able to buy us our groceries. Whenever i think back to that it really touches me. Sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me and my family :)

honestly, yours made me tear

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest The-Entity

When I was at the gas station today a girl came in and didn't know how to pump her own gas. The guy next to her looked over at her a few times, then grinned and went to show her how to do it. He wasn't even condescending about it and said something like, "It's okay, everyone has to learn sometime." 

What a nice guy. Might have been because she was cute, but still.

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Guest efaye926

Another time I was mugged by four guys and some very nice stranger got in his car and followed them. After thirty mins searching for them in the cops car, the stranger told them where they were hiding. Didn't find them in the end but he helped out a lot. Greatly appreciate it.

This story reminds me of another encounter I had two years ago... I was with a few friends in a car ride home around mid-night from karaoke.  A Dodge Ram Van came out of nowhere, ran the red light and hit us at full speed (and then continued on!  Basically the driver was doing a hit-and-run).  I remembered hearing sounds of glass shattering and tires screeching.  Our car spun a 360 and just sort of lied in the middle of the road.  We were young and too in shock to know what to do.  Luckily he hit the back trunk, so none of us were seriously injured. 

A man came by and asked if we were okay.  He helped us out of our car and told us he saw every thing and that he could serve as our witness if we submit a claim.  He even helped us pick up broken parts left by the other driver so we could use as evidence if needed.  =T  After telling us to call the cops, he then hopped back into his car to look for the hit-and-run driver.  I don't think he ever found him, but just the kind gesture alone was enough to have us remember him til this day.  =')

... Apparently the cashiers/box boys put money together and were able to buy us our groceries. Whenever i think back to that it really touches me. Sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me and my family :)

='(  That was the sweetest thing indeed!!

Then the little boy sat himself next to me and told me, " don't worry you're safe with me and I'll protect your from him because I'm a superhero " then offered me candy and used his hands to wipe my tears away.

omg.... this is..... >__<  I hate this thread because the more I read it, the more it makes me wanna cry!!!!

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I was sitting on the bus and there were two teenage guys sitting near me. I mean they totally looked the "Ugh, effing brats, stop spitting on the road" type. But then someone couldn't get out since the doors wouldn't open (you gotta press a button) and one of the guys, who was busily chatting with his friend, pressed the button for the person. Later on, a mother and a child boarded the bus, the child wanted to sit at the area me and the guys were sitting but there was only 1 spot left. So the guys moved back to let the mother and child take their place.

It was a true "Don't judge a book by its cover" moment" >_<

Honestly, this made me feel sooo warm inside lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

this happened not so long ago .i was going to campus by motorcycle passing other campus ,i was blank while noticed today people unusually crowded and why were they wear formal attire ? i didn't pay attention to the road and then grazed the pavement .i fell and everybody stared at me .it was really embarrassing. some people quickly ran to me while others were still staring at me lucky i wore my helmet ! there was one guy who straighten my leg and cleaned my wound .later i knew that it was graduation day .i recalled that guy ,it's his graduation day and he didn't even know me yet he helped me ,it was really nice of him .and no ,i never took off my helmet .lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awwww~ These make my heart warm up!!

Oh oh! I have one xD 

Back in around April, I began walking. Yup, walking around the block 8 times [that's around a mile] and since then I became the walking girl. 

And there’s a bar on the corner of my street, so some people hang out there. One time, I was walking, with my headphones on, and some lady that I see around the bar stopped me, while she was in her car.

She says, “Can I ask you a question?” Here, I’m thinking “Omigod. I don’t know the directions to anywhere and HOLYCRAP what if she tries to kidnap me.” And then she asks me “Why do you walk? I see you doing it all the time.” 

I was dumfounded, I mean, what was I supposed to say? And I reply, “I just do it.” 

And then she says to me, “Well, I hope you’re not doing it to lose weight. You’re beautiful!” And I seriously almost broke down into tears. 

Me and my mom aren’t close, and I don’t have any close friends. So that was the first time some told me that and I felt like they were saying it genuinely. It was really really awesome, I was speechless for a few seconds after that. 

And then about a month later, she stops me and tells me that she’s walking around the block where she lives too and she’s trying to stop coming to the bar, and she only came to tell me that. I truly felt great after that, I mean, I felt like I had truly changed that woman’s life for the better. It was honestly the best feeling in the world. 

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Guest Karaamel

I once was on an N train, I live in NYC, and yea the comments about rude new yorkers are true in a way...anyway, i was on the train, headphones on and everything, this family of 3, mommy, daddy, and daughter got on the train. Everyone on the train just sat and looked at them, the dad gave up his seat for  his daughter and wife, they sat  next to me. Seeing that the other people on the other side of the seats weren't even gonna budge, they didn't even look like they cared, so I got up and sat across from the seat that was empty so the family would be together. The dad saw the seat i sat in, but he didn't want to be far from his daughter, and i saw how happy they looekd, so i got up, and sat int he seat that was empty since i had a pretty long ride.I sat next to tourists and they smiled and looked at me, and was like, wow new yorkers can be nice too. The mom even had her daughter wave and say thank you, she was smiling so wide cuz she just wanted to sit next to her dad, and i couldnt help but smile back :D

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I make coffee and work in a little cafe in the shopping centre, and theres always this one veryolder gentleman who always comes in with books to read with his coffee and i always seem to have a really nice chat with him everytime i bring him his coffee, Its always about the books hes reading and about the times he traveled around the globe - interesting old timer. Hes always readingt the most interesting books and since then we're good friends and i even joined his book club which consist of 4 old people. ^_^

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Guest nameeka297

This happened not long ago^^

I was sitting on the stairs while waiting for my friends..i guess i was staring at the floor and daydreaming until this one random guy touched my shoulder!

of course i was surprised! keke, he asked me if anything was wrong, i just said no..then he told me to be happy and smile~

i was like 'oh? okay!' *smiles*

i never saw him before, and i don't think i can remember his face!

but he was sweet(?) i mean, this is actually the first time anyone ever asked me that kind of question=P

especially not from a guy!

he made me smile all day after that :rolleyes:

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