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Double Eyelid Surgery Thread


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I am wondering if any one here has multiple eyelids. I have multiple eyelids but they are really light and not obvious at all. From afar they look like single eyelid.




I have tried using single sided eyelid tapes. But, I feel that they are stretching my eyelids even more. Plus, they are really obvious and they don't stay in place unless I try really hard to widen my eyes to create the fold. I am not considering surgery right now. I feel like I have excess stretched skin on my eyelids which might make the eyelid tape counter-intuitive cos I think they are supposed to stretch your eyelids. What do you guys think? Any suggestions?

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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone, been lurking this thread for a while! I am considering getting double eyelid surgery with Dr. Andrew Choi in LA, I heard some good feedback about him here. I would love to know if anyone has more experiences to share about DES with Dr. Choi before I go through with it, I'm just really nervous about getting a bad result and regretting it :( 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Visit a place that there are many people are interested in plastic surgery in Korea


When I ask something, many people helped me haha

I like that casual place


One more, there is an open chat for promotion of clinics in Korea

Get more promotion info there


Edited by see_new
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  • 2 months later...

Sharing my experience with consultations for double eyelid surgery + ptosis correction in LA (Los Angeles, California).


I consulted with three doctors in LA over 1 week. I picked them based on their positive reviews and before & after photos. All consultations were free, and I’ll mention any COVID-19 measures and precautions.

  • Dr. Andrew Choi - VIP Plastic Surgery in Koreatown
  • Dr. Steve Kim - SK Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills
  • Dr. Kyoung Charles Kim - CK Plastic Surgery in Koreatown


I considered Dr. Goretti Ho Taghva at LEA Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach/OC, but decided to look into scheduling there only if I didn’t like the clinics in LA.


Consultations (in the order I went):


Dr. Andrew Choi - VIP Plastic Surgery
I did a video consultation. I believe in-person consultations at VIP have a small fee. The office emailed me a link to their video consultation site to click at my scheduled time. Over video, it was a little hard for me to communicate my goals and for the doctor to get an idea of my features. Nevertheless, Dr. Choi was extremely patient and happy to answer any of my questions.


I was hoping for non-incisional surgery because I have thin eyelid skin, but Dr. Choi pointed out I have ptosis and extra skin that would make the crease likely to come undone or hidden due to the skin sagging over it. He recommended the incisional method + epicanthoplasty for a better ratio of the distance between my eyes. If I wanted, he was willing to instead do a partial incision method- which is the non-incisional method but with 1 slightly larger incision to remove fat, but voiced that he didn’t think the result would last as long or look quite as good. 


The consultation was about 30-40 minutes. I left feeling that Dr. Choi was very experienced and familiar with my type of eyes and could do good work- but due to the difficulties of it being a virtual consultation, wasn’t ready to commit.


The next morning, the office followed up with quotes: 
Upper blepharoplasty: $2,500 for non-incisional or incisional. Incisional could include ptosis correction without an additional charge. 
Medial epicanthoplasty: $1,500 


Dr. Steve Kim - SK Plastic Surgery
SK Plastic Surgery is a small office in Beverly Hills, with free public parking about 1 block away. I checked in for my in-person consultation at SK and waited in the hallway for ~10 minutes as they don’t allow patients in the waiting room. Once a room was ready, I waited inside another 20-30 minutes for the doctor. It sounded noisy/busy through the walls. The ladies at the front desk seemed busy and didn’t talk much aside from guiding me in. Masks were required and stayed on, aside from me lowering mine for a second for the doctor to see my lower face.


Dr. Kim was also friendly & knowledgeable. He told me a bit more about my ptosis and how the non-incisional method would add a crease, but wouldn’t otherwise affect the eye shape much, and it wouldn’t fix ptosis- so it would still be hard to open my eyes fully. He demonstrated using a soft toothpick and it made sense that the non-incisional method wouldn’t do much for me. He went over ptosis correction, epicanthoplasty, and the 2 blepharoplasty methods.


I then met with a staff member for billing and was quoted for regular and discounted prices- if more than one procedure is done at once: 
Suture-only blepharoplasty: $3,500, $2,700 discounted
Incisional blepharoplasty: $4,000, $3,200 discounted
Ptosis correction: $2,500, $1,700 discounted
Medial epicanthoplasty: $3,000, $2,200 discounted. 


Dr. Kim recommended incisional DES + ptosis correction which was $4,900 ($3,200 +  $1,700) total. I likedse his B&A photos, but this cost more than I was comfortable with after a just-okay consultation/overall service experience.


Dr. Kyoung Charles Kim - CK Plastic Surgery
CK Plastic Surgery is in Ktown and has a free private parking garage and attached laser clinic for other aesthetic treatments. The staff speaks English and Korean. Before entering, I was required to take a $25 COVID-19 test and antibody test, which they told me in advance. A nurse pricked my finger and the results came back clear in a few minutes. When scheduling, they staggered appointments by 10 minutes to help distance patients. Masks were required and stayed on, aside from me lowering mine for a second for the doctor to see my lower face.


I first met with a senior consultant before the surgeon. She was super kind and knowledgeable on the procedures I was interested in. She confirmed that non-incisional double eyelid surgery was unlikely to last long on me because of ptosis and extra skin. Dr. Kim came in the middle of the consultation and recommended incisional double eyelid surgery with ptosis correction. When I brought up epicanthoplasty, they didn't think it was needed and a crease might balance out the distance between my eyes anyway. They demonstrated possible creases on my eyes using a plastic pick.


They were the first to point out a natural asymmetry in my eyes and other specifics of my facial structure that contribute to what results were realistic or not. Although initially meeting with Dr. Kim himself wasn't very long, I felt very confident from it. After Dr. Kim stepped out, the consultant walked me through a photo book full of before-and-after DES photos, showing me results with eyes similar to mine. 


I received pricing quotes during the consultation:
Incisional upper blepharoplasty: $2,500
Ptosis correction: $800

Total: $3,300


The consultant was great at talking me through any questions and made me comfortable enough to commit to CK. I think all three are good options, but picked CK Plastic Surgery / Dr. Kyoung Charles Kim because I felt they provided the most detailed and personalized consultation. They didn’t push me into any unnecessary procedures and did their best to ease any concerns I had. I ended up getting incisional upper blepharoplasty and ptosis correction and will not be posting photos, but I had a very smooth surgery experience at CK Plastic Surgery and feel great post-surgery.


My advice for consultations:

  • Look for doctors who specialize in Asian double eyelid surgery and have examples of their work with the aesthetic you’re looking for. Research across multiple platforms and watch out for doctors who remove negative reviews.
  • Consult with multiple clinics before choosing, and do not feel rushed to make a decision. 
  • Research the possible procedures to understand them going in, but don’t go in set on getting a certain procedure/outcome. Your surgeon can identify if you’re a better candidate for certain procedures.


I also did a lot of prep to have everything ready at home such as healthy meals, supplies, time off work, etc. Feel free to reply with questions!

Edited by xem
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  • 4 months later...
On 9/3/2020 at 6:50 PM, xem said:

Sharing my experience with consultations for double eyelid surgery + ptosis correction in LA (Los Angeles, California).



Thank you so much for sharing your detailed experience! I'm not sure if you still lurk on here but I was wondering how your eyes looked after recovering. I've been researching in circles trying to find a doctor in the LA area but everyone has a mixed bag of bad/good reviews. 

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  • 2 months later...

I have a virtual consultation with Andrew Choi today, VIP Plastic Surgery.


I’m so nervous (bad anxiety and hate being on cam). I’m worried it will be hard to communicate over camera like this, and would almost rather just book my surgery and skip the virtual meeting.


I’m hoping he gives better prices to his more serious patients, though. And I hope he still gives a 10% discount for paying full in cash/early! Reviews from 5+ years ago show he does.

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Hey YOLO! 


To be honest, you seem very nervous but you've spoken so highly of Dr. Choi and his experience that it'll be such a great opportunity to consult with him! 


I don't think you should cancel the consultation, because think about it! If you're nervous about the consultation, imagine going into surgery with 0 consultation and barely knowing your surgeon.. if that's even allowed! If you're nervous you may want to go onto the website a few minutes early to make sure your phone/computer is working okay. They're used to consulting with patients who are nervous or hardly know anything about the procedures. It'll help if you write down any questions you have (you'll definitely have time to ask them) and if there's anything the doctor explains that makes you uncertain or confused, definitely ask during the chat.


I know surgery itself can be really scary, but the consultations will make you more and more prepared and I think you should look at the positives- that even your negative experiences with other surgeons have gotten you closer to knowing what you want now. Plus, even if it doesn't go well or you're not 100% sure after the consultation, you'll still receive your quotes and can decide from there. 


I know we took different routes with our choices, but feel free to DM me if you wanna chat about any of it. :)

Edited by xem
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My virtual consultation with Dr. Andrew Choi:


Our meeting:

I was surprised because he was very quick to point out I did not have ptosis. At first I thought he was going to say I didn’t need epicanthoplasty either, as he didn’t seem like he immediately agreed with the idea. However, he examined me more and explained  that the inner eye ratio should be 1:1 and my right eye ratio was 1 : 1.5, which resulted in giving me a cross-eyed look.

He said an epicanthoplasty might help, but once again re-asserted that he could not say anything for sure until he had examined me in-person. 

I asked about creases and height of fold, letting him know I wanted a parallel crease but wasn’t sure about it because I had read it could come undone. He told me a medium height is 6-7mm, and he does parallel creases. He dismissed the possibility of it coming undone.


At the end, he recommended upper eyelid surgery + possible epicanthoplasty. He would cut 2-3mm of skin and remove some fat to create a parallel crease. 

He asked if I had anymore questions, and I learned two things:


1. There is no blood labs/pre-operation surgical clearance tests that I have to get in advance (WAVE and CK both required these). He asked me about my medical history and that was it. 

2. Since I’m located out of state, I don’t have to return to VIP clinic to get my sutures removed at one week but can simply go to my own doctor’s office and ask for their removal. This is great news to me since I’d read that the sutures can literally be removed at home (not recommended, but sometimes they begin to pop out on their own) and thought it was a waste of money to fly back to LA for one short appointment lol.


In conclusion: $2500 for upper eyelid surgery + $1500 for epicanthoplasty. Booking a surgery date requires 50% down payment. I’m planning to do it in 2 weeks!




Edited by YOLO
I did it! Recovery now.
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Hi guys, I want to post because I have been lurking here for such a long time. But this thread really helped me with making my decision and research on good docs, so I want to pass on the good karma. I got my surgery two Thursdays ago (April 22nd) with Dr. Andrew K Choi in LA/K-town. 
The surgery went smoothly, I am very happy with my result and overall I give it a 8.5/10. I was quoted $2500 for the surgery.

Consultation- I consulted with Dr. Choi 3 times before going through with the surgery. Twice online, once in person. I have to say that he is very knowledgeable on double eyelid and it’s his specialty. He has a preference for parallel crease, and that was what we decided to go with after 3 consultations. He also recommend me medial epicanthoplasty, but I decided against it after my 2nd consultation since I want a more conservative approach and quicker healing time. Plus I feel that there are more risks associated with epicanthoplasty. Overall, he’s patient and knowledgeable. His online consultation is free, while in person will be $100- which will be added to your surgery.

-In addition, I also consulted with CK Plastic, but decided against it because they recommend me both medial/lateral epi. I didn’t think I need lateral epi, which is why I decided against going through with surgery with them.

-I almost consulted with Enhance Medical Clinic in Beverly Hills. They charge $150 for online consultation. But I canceled and got my money back due to them changing the date of my consultation twice, citing reasons due to the doctor being too busy. After that, I decided not to go forward with consultation with them due to not feeling respected enough. 

Surgery-it was pretty painless for me to the point I was surprised. I expected discomfort and pain. But once the nurse puts me under partial sedation and the doctor drew on my eyes, I fell in a blissful short sleep. When I woke up, he was finishing up and I just felt him putting the ice pack on my eyes. Afterward, there was some pain and swelling, which was helped by taking 2 Tylenol pills. 
A week out from surgery, I took my stitches out and right now I am at 10 days from surgery. I have to say I am very happy with my result so far. I pretty much healed up and  have little bruising at this point, although my lids are still a bit swollen. 
Overall, the experience was better than I had hoped and I think the pricing was very fair.

I have pictures but I’m not sure how to post them on here so email me at mtrainbow2508@gmail.com if you have any question. 
Hope this was helpful and good luck to all.

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  • 1 month later...

EDIT: June 3, 2021. I had my surgery at VIP in LA, California, US on June 1st and am happy with my results so far! There's minimum swelling and I am grateful Dr. Choi took extra caution to minimize bleeding so I could go back to Oregon the next day.

Patient: 25 Female Korean female
Before: Monolids with thick skin, excess skin and fat, especially on lateral/outer parts (and sparse brows)

Procedures: Upper blepharoplasty

Operation Time: 1 hour

Surgery: Local anesthesia and IV sedation
Total cost: $2500 USD
Type: Medium tapered crease, which we agreed on during consultation. I did not need canthoplasty since my intercanthal distance was already appropriate.


I told him I wanted brighter, more alert eyes. I wanted my eyes to be visible in photos when I smiled, and for my eyelashes to be visible and pointed upward and outward. I know what kind of crease he creates from his gallery photos, so I didn't have to explain much. I wanted noticeably larger more open eyes.


I trusted him and am so glad I did. My mom liked him too, lol. He is truly an expert at Asian double eyelid surgery.



Will post more about surgery and photos later. My eyes are swollen lol.


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  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...
On 3/19/2020 at 11:33 AM, brave5299 said:

Hi Everyone!


Been stalking this thread for a while. Everyone got such beautiful results! I just had mine done in DC on 3/12/19 (worst timing ever since the COVID-19 outbreak turned my follow up into a virtual/video chat followup). I got full incision double eyelid surgery and was fully awake during the surgery. The surgery itself didn't hurt at all after the local anesthesia but towards the end, my left eyelid anesthesia started wearing off and it was super painful so I got more local anesthesia shots in my eyelid. I'm exactly 7 days postop and quite paranoid that I will have uneven eyelids because my left eye is super swollen and the crease is a lot higher than my right eye. 


Here are some progress pics: 





Here is day 7:



Please excuse my scrubbiness! lol.


I also saw that most people got sutures that need to be removed but my surgeon used dis solvable stitches so you can kind of see the tails where the sutures didn't dissolve yet. Did anyone else experience uneven eyelid healing? My ps assured me that it will even out once my left eye swelling decreases. I'm super worried rn and hoping I don't regret it b/c I used to "fix" my eyelids with false eyelashes which gave me a more open eye. 

Edited by Peachwatermelon
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  • 4 weeks later...
Really just a FYI that may help those looking into this type of surgery... Informational animations I came across showing the difference between non-incisional and incisional double eyelid surgery.
Non-Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery Animation:https://youtu.be/cW08x-XgrDs
Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery Animation:https://youtu.be/MVerupg9XIc
Ptosis Surgery Animation: https://youtu.be/MVerupg9XIc
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  • 8 months later...

Congratulations on getting your double eyelid surgery! It's understandable to feel a bit anxious and paranoid during the recovery process, especially if you notice some swelling or unevenness in the eyelids.


Swelling and unevenness are common side effects of double eyelid surgery and should improve with time as your body heals. It's important to follow your doctor's post-op instructions, which may include using cold compresses, taking pain medication, and avoiding activities that may strain your eyes such as reading or using electronic devices for extended periods of time.

Edited by Matt P Obrien
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  • 1 month later...
On 10/1/2020 at 3:07 PM, bonbon said:

I don't recommend goretti ho. She messed up both me and my friends eyes. It was a nightmare for us!!!!! Now we have to go to korea to fix it

Do you have any before/afters to share? Me and my friend lol. Fake post, all of these bots work for plastic surgery offices

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