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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest xwinnie_lovex

thats so horrible!! why would they do such a thing

urg thats so disgusting.

i remember a few years ago

when i was in 8th grade?

i was at walmart with my mom and sisters

looking for shoes for one of my sisters

there was a hispanic girl in the lil girl's shoe area and i went there with my sister to look for shoes

then this hispanic guy came

and i thought he was the lil girl's dad

and i was looking at a shoe and backed up into him

i apologized and went to a different section and i was bend down looking at shoes

then when i got up

my butt touched his crotch area

and then i started getting suspicious

i moved to different places in that section

keeping an eye looking behind me

and he kept following me

after that i took my sisters hand

and i went to look for my mom..

it wasnt as horrible as some stories..

but im glad thats the most that happened

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Guest skycheerio<3

I want to tell...

to let it out I guess

But its hard. even if its the internet world.

\maybe, some other day.just not on this soompi account.

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no thank god. but i know alot of people who got molested..mostly my female friends. the worst one was my bestfriend..she got raped by 3 guys ..which were her bestfriend. i wanted to kill them so badly..but she wouldn't let me..and she said she just want to 'forget' it like it never happened. *sigh*

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Guest Yuyu<3

After reading a couple post I remembered something.

This guy I knew from school, we're in a few of each other's classes

He recently told me he liked me but I didn't feel the same and I told him that

I could tell that he wasn't serious and wanted something else then just a friend

We were in 9th grade and I had to start after school to take a test.

The teacher left the room

He came up behind me and touched my breasts

I was so mad at myself for no punching him in the face.

I'm always the one to protect my sisters but I can't even protect myself.

That's how I saw it. I was depressed alot of freshman year.

I don't talk to him that more.

I tried to laugh it off but he seriously did something wrong.

He's known to be quite touchy but that was WAY TOOO MUCH

He stopped asking for hugs after I started to talk to him less

I never told anyone that before. I feel a bit better

My uncles are all creepy, especially the ones related by blood. They all look at you with perverted eyes and ask you to come close to them.

I'm older now and I don't go close to any of them or hug them. Theres one of them on my mother's side that I can't stand. He used to come over our house and our parents were out. He's chase us around the house and slap our butts. We didn't think much of it because we were so used it. But once we got older I started to see how creepy it was. I told my older sister and she said to tell my mother. I told her and she said to stop answering that door. My family is full of these uncles that you can't trush for richard simmons

One of them isn't allowed to go back to our country because he had sex with a 13 year old girl

I want him to go back so bad and get what he deserves!

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Guest beatiingheartzx3

this might seem like a joke to all of you

but i got molested by my aunt when i was young =/

she kept on trying to pants me O.o

she meant it as a joke.. but i was offended

the same thing kinda happened to me...

i don't know if my uncle meant to do it or something... but...

it happened about like a month ago.

i was opening the door to my grandma's house, where all my uncles and aunts lived. (they just came to america)

i don't have the keys, but my uncle did, and he gave me them.

when i was trying to open the door, his hand was "somehow" near my *down there*,

and he like brushed across it. i was like WTF?!

i opened the door QUICK, and just JUMPED AWAY away from him.

im in MIDDLE SCHOOL for crying out loud! im GOING TO SEVENTH GRADE!! :angry:

now, im too scared to go near him... and it's always awkward whenever i go over there for dinner... :(

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The title contradicts itself. Can't tell anyone, but share your story here?

Sorry, I'm an observative person.

Anyway, I can sometimes tell when a person has been molested by the way they act and by their voice. I guess I know too much random information.

How can you tell?

Anywho, it's not just guys molesting/raping girls. I know of some guys that got raped. I'm not defending any molesters/rapers though. A'holes.

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Guest chewy130

yesterday on the train this man kept coming on to me cause i was leaning on the train door side, and he kept putting his arm and touching all around my chest..

OMG< i was so pissed off that i wanted to go 'do you mind' bu ti didn't wanna start anything and i made eye contact wtih the people on the train and they just looked away, wtf.

the worst thing was i looked at my lil bro and he ujst laughed, so pissed off.

ur bros a lil lion king

edit: rofl i love how that censor came out.

oo yeah and i cant beleive some girls smile and brush it off like the girl above me. WTF is going thru ur mind

i wana kick sum AZZ

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Guest xxxbebetran

God, these stories are so sad :(

I'm so sorry to everyone...

My mom was always incredibly careful, she wouldn't let me sleep over friends houses until I was around 8 and even then she didn't like it.

It kind of made me mad, b/c I couldn't go to sleep over parties, but now I understand where she's coming from!

There are 57 sex offenders in our area, I'm keeping a close eye on my little brother.

same here, my mom hated me going to sleep overs. She didn't let me go to our camping trip either :( but yeah i guess now when ig ot older she lets me go but she sitll dosent like it iether.

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Guest chewy130

oo yeah im reminded of this time.

this girl was sitting near my desk and my binder was near her...crouch and it was like touching her there and stuff and she said "oh hell no" and then she found out it was just my binder lol. at least she defended herself

and this one time this girl came up behind me to see what i was doing on the computer and i swear she leaned on my shoulder with her boob...well i liked it so w/e. it felt squishy so i think its boob?

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Guest Chinkehh

I'm afraid to kiss nowadays. Since I've never actually done it, but yeah. My story's pretty legit.

I went shopping with this guy who liked my friend because I felt bad for him after he got rejected. Then once my mum left me alone with him, he pushed me onto a bed in a department store and like...I dunno it freaked me out but he kinda groped me. Then while walking he "accidentally" squeezed my boob. He also pushed me against a wall near the bathrooms trying to kiss me and stuff. Now whenever I think of kissing, he comes up and it SCARES me. I felt ashamed and I only told the girl he liked and her friend. He's SO disgusting. He's like...a few years older than me. He did some other stuff but I don't remember now. He also held my hand and tried to act like I'm his girlfriend. I didn't like him, but I couldn't do anything because he was stronger. I feel like such a joke. Gosh I wish I had the courage to do more than that.

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Guest SingThisSong


I was standing in a bus, waiting for my stop with girl friends.

And this old man just comes up to me.

Suddenly, the bus stops, and he's trying to hang on to something.

And he grabs my butt. O_O

I was too terrified to do anything except freeze up..

Traumatizing moment.

He got off after the bus after.

I didn't know if it was by accident or on purpose.

Pretty sure it was the latter.

My friends and I ran the hell off that bus.

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Guest Frozy

I'm sorry if I'm a little forward about this, considering I am not female.

But really, what is there to be ashamed about? You aren't doing anything wrong. All of you, victims of a immoral, sickening act, definitely have the right to tell your parents, authorities, whoever it is. You are obligated to be protected by these people. And really, nothing will change if you just let it be. The reason why memories like these stay for a long time is because there is no closure. And without closure, you can't move forward. These days, more people are like that for whatever reason they have, hormones, sexual desire, whatever. Do yourself a favor and protect yourself anyway you can!

I am not addressing a particular person, but anyone, who has the conscious and stand up for themselves.

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^ that's just a little bit insensitive man

it's really not as straight forward as 'ok don't be weak there's nothing to be afraid of - just report it! make it stop! prevent future assaults/victims!'

i duno how to explain it well but it isn't so simple and black & white

(wow ok i sound like some past victim rofl)

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^ that's just a little bit insensitive man

it's really not as straight forward as 'ok don't be weak there's nothing to be afraid of - just report it! make it stop! prevent future assaults/victims!'

i duno how to explain it well but it isn't so simple and black & white

(wow ok i sound like some past victim rofl)

It IS straightforward, people fear that if they tell someone, they'll be ridiculed and it'll make their situation even worse (regret what happened AND regret what they've done)

Being a victim of all the gossip between your parents' friends is not cool. Do you want your cousins knowing that you were molested cause your mom decided to spread that to all the other asian moms out there?

In fact, some parents may even go ballistic and kick her out for shaming the family. It's not her fault someone decided to do that to her, but since the guy's not here, she's the only one to blame.

A couple girls talked to me about it before, and the reason why they kept it in was because they were afraid of what would happen if they say it.

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Guest blush

I'm sorry if I'm a little forward about this, considering I am not female.

But really, what is there to be ashamed about? You aren't doing anything wrong. All of you, victims of a immoral, sickening act, definitely have the right to tell your parents, authorities, whoever it is. You are obligated to be protected by these people. And really, nothing will change if you just let it be. The reason why memories like these stay for a long time is because there is no closure. And without closure, you can't move forward. These days, more people are like that for whatever reason they have, hormones, sexual desire, whatever. Do yourself a favor and protect yourself anyway you can!

I am not addressing a particular person, but anyone, who has the conscious and stand up for themselves.

as mannosuke has said, being ridiculed and the outcomes of letting the truth out. you never know how someone will react, especially your parents, who have a great amount of control over you. i have heard stories where parents don't believe it and just told them to stop lying. im pretty sure most victims feel as if they COULD have done something.. but they didn't, and perhaps that is why a lot feel that it's all their fault. ashamed b/c they let it happen (well not let.. but again, could have stopped it). things are much more easier said than done, though...

supasheep - i don't think it's quite "addicted" to sex. More like desensitized. Sex no longer holds special meaning. It becomes more like a body function. And they aren't quite as discerning who they have sex with.

this is from a while back, but yeah, this is pretty much what i think about sex now. i used to think waiting for marriage would be the best, but over the years, it turned to waiting for someone i just love, and now it feels like the meaning of sex is just sex. no feeling, no love, maybe for the feel good moment, or reproduction purposes, but no real deeper feeling than that.

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Guest !ts;sharo_0n

if theres one thing I hate more in this world its those biaches who touch/molest people ! I wish they would all die. Its so heartbreaking reading all these stories ): I had a few experiences with a few pervos in my life but thank god my mom was SUPER protective! Well this guy was kinda cute and stuff but watever, we were at church cuz it was like a hurricane going on. When we came back home, this little kid came with us ( supposedely the younger brother of the perv) so he wanted to call the guy, so we gave him the phone, and the guy wanted to talk to me! He started saying all kind of crap like what are you wearing and sh!t. The turning point was when be said he wanted to get in a shower with me and wanted to meet me 0_0 my mom went bich mode on him and said she was gonna deport him! I know this probably is nothing compared to real a out there but I can relate :/

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Guest mrfoot

I wouldn't really consider this as rape or molestation, but once me and my friend were at a korean sauna place, and we were just chillin in the warm water. And all of a sudden a guy came up behind my friend and pinched his butt. So we got out of the water, but while we were heading out, he started splashing water at us. LOL, it was really awkward...

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Guest lovemelody.

well i dont know if this counts

but during the last week of school,

this guy in my class that likes me came up to me

and freakin kissed me when i was looking somewhere else

he just grabbed me and did it

god, i hate that kool-aidgot.

i regret not kicking him in the balls =__=

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