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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest kimchee1

this might seem like a joke to all of you

but i got molested by my aunt when i was young =/

she kept on trying to pants me O.o

she meant it as a joke.. but i was offended

that's not molesting..

pantsing you is just to pull your pants down right.

not to touch you and stuff.

sucks hearing how a lot of people get molested =/

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Guest BABY´Dont`EAT<3Cake!1430264108

Bad, creepy, you name it :ph34r:

I don't know if it was REALLY intended though because it's never been extreme...

but maybe just a few accidental touches from older guys at my butt has happened like 2 times in my whole life.

I don't think anything would happen to me though but I'm so thankful to be able to feel "that I would never hesitate to tell my parents or any other adult that I trust" if something like that happened.

Because I know that's just wrong and it's not my fault if another human being can't control their needs.

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Guest chitah

when someone touches ur butt, its a form of molestation? cuz guys touch my butt numerous times. dont get me wrong, i dun like it or anything -_-". i beat them up when they do......but i've never really thought of it to be that extreme O-o

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wow i kinda forgot it happened to me when i was around 6 years old. this guy who was about 10 years older than me would lay on top of me and try to kiss me..

i dont remember him touching me anywhere weird, but yah... O_O.

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Guest Jennyc32493

I feel your pain... :[ i had no idea there were so many people out there who had gone through what i had gone through.. or even worse.

i was raped and sexually abused.. molested all through out my childhood life. i can't concentrate in school... although i try hard.. the past floods my brain. i try really hard to forget about it, but it 's difficult. There are days when I felt free from my worries and troubles, but there are also days when i feel so.. locked up with this horrible secret.

i didn't know what he was doing.. i was just only 6.. i was scared too.

even if i did tell.. all he would get is a few years in jail.. they don't have exact proof that he did these things to me. sigh.

worst thing is .. his my stepdad.

i just thank God that we're all alive. that we survived.. and that we all are victims.

i questioned myself from time to time.. what did i do to deserve this, but after many years of praying, i realized that God put me through this and he made me survive in order to help others, much younger than i, who has gone through the same pain that i had.

lol i'm just glad i got to let this out.. even if it's through internet.. it's better than nothing :]

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Guest babii.lani

: (on my birthday in grade7 me & my friend were walking around the school at lunch && we see these two guys walking towards us so as they got nearer we moved to the side so they could walk past us...but then one of the guys as he walked by grabbed my butt...i was all : O but couldn't do anything about it. :tears:

& then when i was 12 or something i was at my little cousins house, & her grandpa was looking after us..he made us macaorni for lunch & i remember after eating it i fell asleep on the couch & somehow when i woke up i was on my little cousin's bed(my little cousin's a girl)..i was soo suspesious & till this day i'm kinda creeped out by the grandpa..i know i might be thinking too much...but i should get myself checked to see if he did anything to me..

i mean...how could a bowl of macaroni miraculously make me fall asleep && then end up on a bed? unless i sleepwalk..which i am totally unaware of. :ph34r:

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Guest JPizMe

Ahh.. I have some bad experiences when i was like 5, but I havent told any1 about it. And I don't even dare to post it in here.. Guess I'll just take it with me to the grave :x

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: (on my birthday in grade7 me & my friend were walking around the school at lunch && we see these two guys walking towards us so as they got nearer we moved to the side so they could walk past us...but then one of the guys as he walked by grabbed my butt...i was all : O but couldn't do anything about it. :tears:

& then when i was 12 or something i was at my little cousins house, & her grandpa was looking after us..he made us macaorni for lunch & i remember after eating it i fell asleep on the couch & somehow when i woke up i was on my little cousin's bed(my little cousin's a girl)..i was soo suspesious & till this day i'm kinda creeped out by the grandpa..i know i might be thinking too much...but i should get myself checked to see if he did anything to me..

i mean...how could a bowl of macaroni miraculously make me fall asleep && then end up on a bed? unless i sleepwalk..which i am totally unaware of. :ph34r:

maybe her granpa just carried you to a bed cuz he didnt want you to fall asleep on the sofa out in the cold?

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Guest yienyienyien

quite a number of times when i was younger. =/ By strangers. I feel so sorry for all of you who have been molested/sexually abused/raped at a young age. ): Some people are just jerks!!

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Guest SimplySwt^.^

For that people that are scared to post it, you can always make up some new account and just use it to post, so no one will know about who posted what.

I've heard from my friends that if you were ever molested and/or raped, it's better to get it off your chest and try to talk about it or tell people, since that's usually what the molesters/rapist wants, silence.

So, if you are that scared, just make a new soompi account and post up your bad experiences, it'll make you feel more relieved and better that you got it off your chest!

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my uncle has a mentally challenged daughter

and i would have never expected this because he was a good friend of my dad

but i heard from my mom that he would take his mentally challenged daughter to his room

hide under a blanket and touch her o.O right?

i duno, he's coocoo in the head too i'd assume

i also remember back when i was a 5th grader probably,

there was this boy who'd always sit in the back with my friends and me

and whenever i got up to leave the bus, he would grab my butt or

he would try to press his privet against my butt

after 3 or so months of being harrassed, i punched his face the last time he tried it

and i got kicked off of riding the bus to school for the entire year

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Guest t1ff13 izZ m33h

Well, I'm not sure if this is really molesting, but in class, all of my girl classmates in my biology class really hates this mexican boy. He's a year older than me and its an AP Bio class. I met him last summer during the Japanese Exchange program and AP Chemistry. He was a really nice guy and he talks a lot. He had a lot of interests like me too. But as he got to know me more, he started touching me EVERYYY SINGLE time we had a conversation. Even my girl classmates complained because he was touching their shoulders, arms, and stomach.

Well, it started getting uncomfortable when we were at the library researching for AP Biology. I sat next to him and we were talking about how much work we got done. Then he suddenly started talking about how his friend taught him this massage technique and he started to massage my arms up and down and was squeezing it. I took my arm away and said I was ticklish and he tried tickling me. I said Stop. And he just started laughing and we talked about something else. Then when I was typing something up to search on the computer, I felt someone squeezing my thigh, I turned around and it was him. He was like "Tiffany, does this massage make you feel good?" I said "I'm ticklish" again because I didn't want to be mean. He was a really nice guy. Maybe he was just touchy.

But recently, like last week, he was talking to me about Japanese students and how his ex-gf was a Japanese girl. I was like "oh thats cool" and stuff. And he started touching me again. He squeezed my arm and my thigh again. I said "please stop. I'm ticklish and I pulled away." My other friend saw him do that but didn't say anything. She knew he likes to touch people because he touches her as well. She just was laughing and I had a "wtf" face at her. When I was looking at my friend, that boy was tickling my foot because I was wearing flats. OMG. that was the most awkward thing. Then I was like "you should get back to your lab station and finish your lab" He left. It was weird.

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Guest the kite

^ I actually applaud her for being this strong. Her absolute faith in God is so great.

She's not thanking God because she was raped but because she's alive. That she has a chance to live.

Perhaps in her interpretation God put her to the test to save others or so she could be stronger?

It's just like questioning why are there natural disasters and diseases.

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Guest EchoOff


its so sad the world is turning to this.

well. this dude on my bus.

he likes me.

and he would occasionally rubs me.

we're friends- though.

but he knows I know he likes me.

and he likes to rub my legs.

i would always push him away or

put my bookbag on my thighs.

idk. he's metro.

and he says he does it to everyone.


it's not hard to believe though.

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Guest mochamist

^^ If someone really likes you, he wouldn't violate you or make you uncomfortable. He would respect your space and wouldn't treat you like a sexual object/degrading way.

Psychopath and Narcisstic Survivors Group --> Link

I don't know why grown adults do this...but it's seriously screwed up and all of you should know that it is 100% NOT your faults, no matter what the psychopaths in your lives tell you. Since they are emotionally immature, narcisstic, fixated adults, they will blame the victim for their own actions. They also have a strong sense of self-denial and may say that the child is 'acting out'. You're not a trash can. You don't have to allow people to dump their problems onto you and create havoc onto your life.

You're only a victim if you choose to be..you can be a target or a survivor, but don't put yourself into that victim mindset because that's when you give power to another person. You should only take your anger/sadness to God so that He can judge and punish your abusers, and so that you can let go of your anger and heal. He did not purposely put you through this. God is not in control of people's vices. However, He did help heal all your wounds and make you stronger later on.

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last summer i went to california to visit my cousins, and one them was 17 and i was sleeping over,

i wasn't molested but during the night my oldest cousin came over and slept with me trying to hug me in my sleep, it was the most nastiest feeling ever, i kept pushing him off but he would keep doing it so i took my pillow and slammed it on him a couple of times before he finally went back to the damn couch.

i try not to think about it alot, it makes me feeling john teshing dirty.

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Guest mochamist

my own biological dad.

I have never told this to anyone except two people, my mom and my brother who both deny what's happened (happening)

when I was 12 years old [age of development of body parts], I once woke up on the couch to my dad literally groping my

butt and laughing to the t.v screen. I slapped his hand but he kept on doing it until I got

up from the couch and went to my room to sleep.

The next few days after that happened, I kept catching my Dad staring at my chest and literally

spacing off into space.

I cried and told my older brother who told me I was being stupid and that my dad would never do that.

then I told my mom whom denied everything and told me that I was being stupid as well.

After I turned 13, I constantly caught my dad staring at my chest especially at meal times and then

I'd glare at him and he'd snap and be like "oh, eat, eat!"

and I'd just be like wtf.

freaking 3 years later, I'm 16 and he STILL does the same richard simmons to me. [always freaking stares at my chest]

gosh, I don't even feel safe alone with him in the house and I hate him and I don't feel like he's even my dad. I refuse

to tell anyone else or my family members because they'll just ignore it.

He's disgusting, and I hate him, and I can't wait till I get out of this house.

I'm so sick of it and I think he feels bad after he stares at me that way because

after he does it he's so nice to me and goes like, oh do you want me to buy you something?

and I'm just like inside, "NO! I want you to stop freaking staring at me."

Sometimes I feel like crying, but what's the point. gosh.

I can totally relate. I've never been violated by a stranger, but by my dad. He constantly leers at my body and my face ever since I hit puberty. I can't even walk past him in the house without him turning his head and staring at my behind or my chest or basically everywhere. I'm not curvy, so what the hell is there to stare at??! It's one thing to call your daughter pretty and look at her as she's growing into a woman, but to do it lustfully and shamelessly is completely wrong.

I understood early on that there was something very unhealthy about my relationship with my father. He (I don't know if this is considered molestation) put his hand to my richard simmons and waist during a family vacation, using a bullsh-t excuse that he was trying to move me to a better view. It actually prevented me from going to the front and he moved me one inch to the side. I never felt so violated in my life, and whenever I think about it, I feel like murdering the perverted f-ck. I told my older sibling (who couldn't care less at that time), who stupidly and mistakenly told my mother, who told me I was crazy and said that my father isn't a stranger (yeah, which makes it worse, right?). She calls me a liar all the time, blames everything on me (even when I have no involvement in a problem or it's entirely situational). I know she knows what's going on. My mom is a smart woman, but she is very good at deceiving herself. Instead of being my mother, she has indirectly encouraged my father by turning her head the other way. I feel enormously betrayed because she's chosen not to protect me. It's easier for her to blame me than my dad, who she is financially dependent on. My parent's relationship is dysfunctional and they don't love each other, which makes me think that my dad substitutes me in her role. I fight with my parents like crazy everyday. I call my father a pervert, and he tells me to go to a psychologist (haha...how ironic) and tries to act innocent/clueless as to why I am so hostile towards him and says I must be narcisstic about myself (ironic again). I did a lot of research on father-daughter incest and it's a lot more common than people think. My dad used to be a severely abused child growing up. I know he needs therapy...but Korean parents...therapy? Get real.

My dad has caused me a lot of mental anguish, and most of my relatives think I'm an 'acting out' teen who (in Korean terms) hasn't had her 'wisdom teeth' removed. I'm also very anal so I have a lot of worries and anxiety (whether this is a result or I'm normally like this, I don't know), I am going to get my own therapist when I grow up or go to college (which is basically in 2 months, thank God) because I don't want to repeat this vicious cycle or suddenly have abusive relationships with perverted men like my dad (which often happens to those molested or abused) and I'm a pretty hostile/angry person now. Instead of growing up and enjoying my sexuality and femaleness as a teen as I should've, I'm ashamed and embarrassed about it. In reality, I know if I notified someone in school about this, my dad could be potentially arrested depending on evidence or I would be separated from my parents and taken into a safe place (I don't have the effort to go through this, and as a daughter, as sick as it is, I feel a torn sense of loyalty to my family even though strangers have treated me better than they have) Links on Research I've done Another One Another One

So..that's my story. That felt good to spill, although I'll probably regret it later on. I guess I should be thankful I don't have it so bad as others, but at the same time, just because someone doesn't have it worse doesn't mean he/she doesn't deserve better...you know? you know what I mean? Lovely: I really feel your pain. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always PM me.

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