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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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this kid in my class is a fricken perve, i punch/slap him every time he gets near me. i'd do that to anyone in general who would try molest me.

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Guest Kimbab_Loser

this forum is touching

:/ so many sick people out there these days. :/ so many stories.

i never realized that this was happening so much :(

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Guest super piggy

dude i was on the phone @ the chinatown fair & freaking thsi guy walked by and touched my richard simmons. i was shocked & i guess i was lost for words?

there was this other time also. hate crowded places. ajfljasf!


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Guest lovestruck

im sorry it happened to you how can these people do things like that to little kids? wtf is wrong with these sick people?

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Guest bonitagirlx

in kindergarden, i used to live in california.

and there was this armenian kid who could never keep his eyes off me.

he was absolutely disgusting. he would mention how cute i looked on some days and it grossed me the hell out. he was scrawny and looked like a pervert.

everyday at the end of class we would have "clean up time" which meant we would have to go under the tables and clean up our scraps and things of that sort. (pick them up by hand) WELL whenever it was his turn to do it, hed always go under my table and put his hand down my pants and feel me up. i didn't know what to do but everytime id let him, and he would always beg me and make me feel bad when i didnt. he would keep doing it everytime he came to my table, and i never knew what he was doing was something bad, but knew at the same time it didnt feel right. i was too scared to tell the teacher, because i didnt want us to get in trouble. but one day he got in trouble. but only a minor thing...

the more i think of it, the more angry i get.

what a stupid kid.

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Guest Honsby

Ehk. Molestation is such a horrible thing. When I have kids, this is probably what I'm going to watch out for the most now. Sickening.

I don't know if this would be considered molestation, since I wasn't traumatized or anything. I was 10 at the time and she was 8. Her name was Kym. My dad worked with her dad and they would always invite us to their parties. We're Vietnamese. I found out that she liked me and she had this big o' crush. It was sick. She would try to arouse me sexually, but I was never interested. She was really a freak. She would even get partially undressed and go into the closet with her cousin, yes, another girl, and make out with her.

Anyways, that's not even the story. It was summer and everyone in the house was gone except for my younger sister who was 8 at the time. Her mom brought her over and she thought my mom would be home, but she wasn't. Kym asked for her to let her stay here to play with "my sister." Liar. >;[ Next thing I knew, my sister was in my mom's room watching TV, and I was in my room watching TV. I was watching Digimon, and Kym was sitting on a chair spinning around without losing her stare at me. She then crawled up sexually on my bed behind me. She tried to rub me, but my pants were fobby and too thick for me to feel much. She then asked to change the channel and she changed it to Jerry Springer. For some reason, when we were young, we considered that something naughty, like porn. I told her I was going to sleep and she just turned off the TV. After few seconds, she got on top of me, and started unbuttoning my pants. I tilted her off and was all, "WHAT THE HELL?" She just acted like she didn't do anything wrong. I tried going back to sleep and she reached into my pants this time and rubbed the real thing. I jumped out of my bed, went into my mom's room with my sister, locked the door, and watched the scary movie my sister was watching as if nothing ever happened.

My mom gave me her phone randomly a few weeks ago and told me to "talk." Me, of course, was resistant because I didn't know why she wanted me to just "talk." I find out it's Kym and she wants my Myspace. I haven't seen/spoken to this girl for like, 6 years. When I saw her Myspace, it turns out she's really ghetto now and she even has a baby with some black guy in his 20s. She's only 14!

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Guest mooshi x3

^ omg she's only 14? how sad.

so much people in this forum have been..violated. I'm not comfortable sharing my story yet, but I have a question.

if someone like molested and touch you and stuff, would you consider that pedophile to be you're first kiss or first you-know-what? -_-

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Guest aishiteruhoney

I feel really sorry for everyone >__<


I got 'hit on' by pedophile once.

I was 12, inside of Old Navy, in the girl's section.

There was a middle aged caucasian man eyeing all the girls there.

I was minding my own business, browsing through the jeans.

Then, he walked up to me.. about a feet or two away and said,

"Have you ever had sex before? Have you ever done it? Have you

ever.. ?"


I walked away to go find my mom.

I would've told her right away, but she had run in to some friends

there and was in a pleasant conversation.. so I told her later at dinner.


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Guest whohungjen?

i'd say this is one weird topic

BUT there's something random i'd like to spout.

not all people who have gone through rape or molestation become "traumatized for life"

sure, people are traumatized, but like Honsby's case, some people dont let it GET to them.

and this thread i guess symbolizes that. maybe some people on here are lying (because yes, i do feel some stories are made up) but my friend was saying she doesnt believe any of this since people who did get molested would feel too ashamed about themselves to talk about the events, and i DISAGREE.

honestly, i think people who "come out" and go "the reason why i'm like this is because i was molested" are weak, spineless, idiots who deserve to get slapped.

so, yay for all of us here.

i wont post anything personal, except my thoughts.


okay, that was a long rant. and pretty pointless? LOL

for clarification..kinda,

scroll down.

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Guest Honsby

i'd say this is one weird topic

BUT there's something random i'd like to spout.

not all people who have gone through rape or molestation become "traumatized for life"

sure, people are traumatized, but like Honsby's case, some people dont let it GET to them.

and this thread i guess symbolizes that. maybe some people on here are lying (because yes, i do feel some stories are made up) but my friend was saying she doesnt believe any of this since people who did get molested would feel too ashamed about themselves to talk about the events, and i DISAGREE.

honestly, i think people who "come out" and go "the reason why i'm like this is because i was molested" are weak, spineless, idiots who deserve to get slapped.

so, yay for all of us here.

i wont post anything personal, except my thoughts.


okay, that was a long rant. and pretty pointless? LOL

I know that not everyone is traumatized. I just kinda putted it out there because a lot of the people on here was traumatized on some level.

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Guest yooniceland

this thread is pretty sad.

i never thought that so many soompiers would be molested/raped.

idk if mine counts as molestation, but i dont think my uncle really "meant" it.

when i first came here, my family had to stay with my uncle and his family.

in the mornings sometimes, he would grab me (not like with force) but he just grabbed me by my wrists

and touch me down there and up there and asks, "have you grown boobs yet? are you growing up?"

it was always kind of uncomfortable but i just figured that they were weird.

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Guest puckapow

wow. reading all of your guys experiances has enlightened me.

the things i've been through wasnt as bad as yours.

i just feel very uncomfortable whenever my dad is drunk and comes rubbing my behind when im sleeping -.-;

but the experiances and information you have given me made me become more stronger and inspired me.

so i went to do some searching on watch dog....

and lo and behold...

i clicked on a link and it showed of a guy that looked very familiar...

and when i looked at the address ...


i realized that her step-dad was a sex. predator...

i went double checking and every matched up...

she used to tell me about the uncomfortable things her stepdad did to her and i feel for her since it was kinda the same things my step does to me (well his is like joking) but her's are more graphic...

i want to tell her...but maybe she knows and might get mad..-.- at me

and if she doesnt know...i might hurt her. ;__; and ruin her family....


omg my dad told me why my friends step-dad got arrested...

He said it was back in 1999..

he was married to his wife who had a daughter

so basically that was his step daughter...

my dad said that the girl was 8...

she went to school and told the teacher that her bottom private part was hurting and she didnt feel good at all...

so the teacher wondered why would an 8 yr old feel that?

so the lil girl went to the health room and then the hospital when later they found out that she wasnt a virgin anymore...


so in the end the dad spilled the beans and was charged for sexual assault...which i think is more of a rape...

but what do i know. -.- lol

omg how can he do this to an 8 year old girl...

i felt like crying when my dad told me..

he told me that it was okay sometimes because guys do sometimes get horny....unless your not a guy..>_>;


and he told me that sometimes he sometimes gets horny when im in my pajamas...~boobs X.X

but he said that there has to be an line to it...

so now that guy is my friends step-dad...

my dad told me not to tell anyone...

esp my friend...but it might ruin and break up their family. esp if they find out that i was the one that told them everything...

hearing your story and my dads really got to me...

All of you guys are so brave. and i think it's best to speak up.

you inspire me (:

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Guest whohungjen?

I know that not everyone is traumatized. I just kinda putted it out there because a lot of the people on here was traumatized on some level.

maybe you misunderstood me

what i'm saying is a ..well...good thing kinda o__o

yea, people do get traumatized, but i think everybody on here is fairly decently healthy mentally

and i'm saying thats a good thing, that even though people are hurt, they can move on.



i dont know what you're saying


i'm lacking sleep as i write this so...maybe i still dont make sense

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Guest Honsby

^ Lol, I think we confused each other. ^__________^;;

omg my dad told me why my friends step-dad got arrested...

He said it was back in 1999..

he was married to his wife who had a daughter

so basically that was his step daughter...

my dad said that the girl was 8...

she went to school and told the teacher that her bottom private part was hurting and she didnt feel good at all...

so the teacher wondered why would an 8 yr old feel that?

so the lil girl went to the health room and then the hospital when later they found out that she wasnt a virgin anymore...


so in the end the dad spilled the beans and was charged for sexual assault...which i think is more of a rape...

but what do i know. -.- lol

omg how can he do this to an 8 year old girl...

i felt like crying when my dad told me..

he told me that it was okay sometimes because guys do sometimes get horny....unless your not a guy..>_>;


and he told me that sometimes he sometimes gets horny when im in my pajamas...~boobs X.X

but he said that there has to be an line to it...

so now that guy is my friends step-dad...

my dad told me not to tell anyone...

esp my friend...but it might ruin and break up their family. esp if they find out that i was the one that told them everything...

hearing your story and my dads really got to me...

All of you guys are so brave. and i think it's best to speak up.

you inspire me (:

Oh wow. That's a REALLY big thing to keep as a secret. That would definitely ruin her family, assuming your friend's mom doesn't know. Good job on thinking it out first.

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Guest Aerolite

I was actually molested by someone YOUNGER than me. I know that probably sounds awkward and wrong on my part but just consider my story...

I was in elementary school, probably 7-8 years old (I'm a girl btw). There was a period in time where my dad was on business trips and my mom had to work, so I'd stay at this recreational afterschool program where I met other kids and play sports/make crafts for about an hour.

One day I came home with my mom after shopping, and I noticed one of the girls from the program as she was playing with my neighbors across the street. She noticed me and ran straight over to my place, inviting herself in. She was about 1-2 years younger than me (5-6), and she continuously invited herself over to my place. I was kind of annoyed by her on multiple occasions, but whenever I told my mom that I was annoyed she'd just laugh at me and call me racist (she was black)--which I wasn't, because she was just annoying in general. She'd touch all of my toys and ask if she could borrow some, and she almost broke one of my violin strings while I was in the bathroom.

Anyway, one day she came and wanted to play doctor. I was like...ok sure, that would be cute. I just laid on my bed like a patient. She pretended she had a stethoscope and used her hands to 'listen' to my heart (as in she cupped my left breast). Then she started saying things like she wanted to hear it better and tried to put her hand under my shirt and started rubbing around from my stomach upwards. At this point I thought she was getting overboard so I told her not to do that anymore, then she aimed her hand straight inside my shorts (through one leg opening) and tried to put her hand inside my undies. I pushed her away, yelled, and my mom kicked her out of the house.

I never really told anyone because it seems like 'nothing' because she was younger than me...and not some older guy. Hence, I'm not as emotionally hurt as many other victims here...But I still don't think that girl deserves my sympathy. The thing is that I have a feeling that she was probably molested too (which maybe explains why she was never really home) and probably learned this 'game' from someone older. I guess you could say I was a victim of a victim. But...Even though she was probably too young to comprehend she still had no right to do that.

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Guest insa.flyaway

This kid in grade 5 tried cornering me and and kept on touching me everywhere.

Then I threatened to whip his richard simmons with my skipping rope and he finally stopped.

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Guest papiroflexia

Wow. Some many people on Soompi have been sexually harassed.

I remember a time where I went out to eat with my friends and the guy working there just kept giving me a perverted look, scanning up and down. I just gave the "look-at-me-again-and-I'll-cut-you-down" look.

There was also a time where I went to a party and someone's hand rubbed against my butt, that was a long long time ago so I was young. It was like 9?

But I've learn that if I was ever molest in public I would make a a huge scene, cause I really just don't care. Just scream, or cuss aloud at that person so that everyone would be looking your way and I'll try to ruin that person as much as possible. Those type of people are just sick and perverted. It's probably the only time I'd act like a drama queen in public though, I find it worth it. <_<

I know some people find it hard to make a scene because of reasons but you're doing it for you so nothing should stop you. You shouldn't let those people go around and harass other people, so do justice.

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I'm sorry.


I know lots of people that have been molested.

It's so sad.


It's really weird but my grandma sorta molested me when I was smaller.

Really nasty.

I don't like that grandma.

She's an idiot.

Self centered.

Compulsive liar.

Should jump off a cliff.

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