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Girl on the bus

Guest vongola

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Guest vongola

Edit 7** - Jan.03/2011 <---- Damn .. 2011 already haha

haha sorry i havent updated in awhile ... the holidays always gets me pumped up. This edit is kinda huge

(in length and awesomeness haha jk) so i had to put it in parts again. Anyways lets see...

Arrival - 3pm-ish - 6pm-ish

I was kinda doubting the fact that it would only be her and i on new years .. since new years is like the grand party of em

all haha. But it was actually only her and me :). I felt really bad that she didn't get to go out on new years so

i asked "are you alright?" and she gave me a cute puzzled look and said "yep..why?" and i told her that

i felt bad that she had to be cooped up inside her house by herself on new years eve. But she always gives off her

signature smile and said "hahaha dont worry.. tonight will also be a fun night too.. plus the bar scene and everything

is not my scene" (p.s .. i like the fact that she isnt a bar star .. another reason to like her :) ). So .. I

got to her house at around 3pmish .. and there was still another couple hours till new years haha. We went to get groceries

(worst idea ever cause we walked haha) for dinner and i found out she sure knows her food well haha. I'm not very good at

cooking.. but when i saw her cooking skills i was like "wow .. ur cooking skills are stupendous haha" and she said " lol

you dork" .. made me smile lol. I did help though.. she gave me an 8.5/10 for my potato cutting, peeling and washing

skills .. and bonus marks for being her "cute assistant" haha. While waiting for the food to be done cookin, she gave me

a tour of her house. It was 100x better than my house thats for sure lol but the one that caught my eye was her room ..

and the entertainment room of course lol. I thought her room was gonna be all pink and stuff but it was actually all white

.. and stuff haha like a princess' room or heaven. Sidenote: she had alot of cool things but by far the coolest thing she

had was this talking piggy bank haha .. its face moves and everything! I must have lost at least 5 dollars from that haha.

Anyways, after that i taught her this drinkng game called "5-10" (anyone play? haha).. and she is surprisingly good for

a first timer .. we didnt play for alcohol but wheatgrass shots haha so gross but healthy nonetheless.

Dinner - 6pm-ish - 7pm-ish

Finally the food was done and during dinner .. it got pretty awkward sometimes while eating haha. The pattern was:

I would look at her, she would look at me and then one of us would get embarrassed with her laughing and me lowering my

head down and smiling. Just to get things going, I asked her where her parents went and she said they were in korea

visiting family .. wont be back till friday. Then i made a little joke and said "are you sure they didnt run away from you?

haha" and she gave me this revenge type look and said "no dessert for you!". Eventually i got dessert .. only by begging her

with my knees on the floor while grabbing her tightly saying sorry 1000 times haha .. threw away my pride.

Friends - 7pm-ish - 9:30pm-ish

Then around 7ish, a couple of her friends came over too see her (must've felt bad for her too :( ) before they went to partay.

They pre-drank and talked about random girl things with me sitting there playing with the dog lol. Jess told me not to be

shy so i joined them 5 minutes later haha. Wow did they bombard me with questions lol but i can understand since they want

to protect their friend .. i do too haha :). But this time she protected me.. i think she noticed i was shy so she held my

hand throughout the convos :). Questions like "how did you meet?", "do you like her?", "do you have a job?" etc lol (p.s -

We told them the story of how we met and they had the same reactions as you guys haha).I asked her friends if jess was a party

animal and they said she went to parties .. but was never wild or completley drunk and stopped goin to bars after a period of time

(like me! :) maaan we're so compatible!). They also said that she's been takin advantage of because of her good personality .. which made me

sad just picturing it :(. Even though she was right beside me .. i sent her a happy emoticon face to cheer her up

just in case haha... she sent me the face with hearts as eyes right after lol. Eventually, Jess and I joined in the

drinking too haha and I taught her friends some drinking games i knew. I didn't want her to drink so i took her shots

for her .. luckily i didnt get drunk too haha or else this night woulda been a waste. I guess i passed her friends' test

since they told jessica she was "a lucky gal" haha .. awesome. They were pretty wasted when they left .. out of 10

probably a 7.5 (would suck to be the d.d lol).

Movie - 10pm-ish - 11:45pm-ish

So .. it was around 10 and we had 2 more hours left till new years. I asked her if she watched Despicable Me yet and she

said "nope" .. i was like "whaaaaaaaaat? you gotta watch it" so we did lol. We were on my bed (I didnt drive to her house

since she lives walking distance .. so she made me a bed next to hers lol) and it was pretty comfy haha .. her head would

be on my lap and I would always have to look over her just in case she fell asleep before the countdown lol. She liked the

movie .. especially the little yellow minions haha. After the movie, there was like 25 minutes before new years was commin.

She showed me her past pictures (which are always funny lol) to pass the time and eventually stumbled upon a picture of her

and her ex ... not cool. They both looked happy in the picture .. and so many things were going through my mind at that moment

like "does she miss him?","are they still talking?"blah blah. She must've read my face cause she looked over and said "dont

worry buss buddy :)".(im grateful to that bus :D).

Happy New Year 12am-ish - 2:30am-ish

Here it was .. new years .. 2011.. i didnt know how to celebrate it with her haha do we hug, kiss, or the standard

high 5 lol. We did all those things .. except kiss lol (sorry guys she makes me nervous!). After jumping around and

dancing like a fool...I was pooped out so i laid on her comfy bed while she was on the computer. She was

playing her "new year playlist" music but out of all the songs the last one was special i guess. She looked over at

me and said " wanna hear my favorite new years song ever?" and played it. I was laying there with my eyes closed

listening to it ..and it made me almost tear haha almost.. and then .. to my surprise, she came over and rested her

head on my arm and we just laid there listening to the song on repeat lol. I turned to my left to look at her and

I was like "woah!!" cause she was already staring at me haha..creepy .. jk lol. I said "how long have you been doing

that?" and she just laughed and hit me with her pillow lol. I was too lazy too respond to her pillow attack so I let

her win that battle lol. I dont know what it was .. maybe the song or how tired we both were but everything seemed to

flow all natural after that. We just laid there smiling at each other face to face and i fixed her hair a couple times

cause it kept on covering her face.. and in between these moments ........... she kissed me!!!!!!!!!!! First kisses

between people are usually awkward and embarrassing .. but we both just smiled and continued to lay there listening

to that song. (Oh ya! The song is called Happy New Year by Arco .. go listen to it..if you want to!). We both fell

asleep but eventually I woke up..with her clinged on my chest sleeping so peacefully haha. I didnt want to wake her

up cause she looked so tired .. but i had to so we both could wash up and get ready for bed. She was so tired I had

to piggyback her to the washroom lol. With both of us all washed up (shes pretty without makeup too :) )

and in our jammies .. we headed for bed. I tucked her in, gave her a little kiss on the forehead and wished her goodnight.

She asked if I wanted to sleep on her bed too but i told her it was okay cause she already went to the trouble in preparing

the bed for me. I turned off the lights and laid on the floor all happy and everything haha. 15 minutes later .. i feel something

crawling in my bed and i thought it was the dog .. but it was just jess hahaha and she says "its comfortable when im with you" which

melted my heart to the max lol. Dont worry people .. this is rated pg .. we didnt do anything after that haha ..

i respect and like her too much... hmmm .. We didnt sleep for a while either .. just talked while we cuddled.

She told me that I made her feel really comfortable .. and that she really really really liked me and didnt want

to let me go (i dunno if she was talking about the grip she had my hand or like "letting me go" lol)

I waited till she fell asleep .. then i fell asleep right after.. its probably the first time i slept with a smile kekeke..hmm

I think we're in the dating period .. not quite a couple and not quite

"just friends" which is all good haha. All i can say is i couldnt be happier. I dont know if you all want an update

on the morning after so i'll just leave it at this for now lol.

P.s ... To the "Girl on the Bus" .. If you do actually have soompi and are reading this .. then this is

embarrassing hahaha ... what i meant to say was ... i really really really really really like you too!

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Guest Daylightful

This is absolutely soooo adorable! I'm so happy for you two! Keep it up! I'm glad you got over your shyness and spoke to her! It all worked out in the end!

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Guest SHINeeStars223

Awww, GAH >__< I despise you so freakin` much. Why can`t guys around me be this when they like a girl?

Your story is so adorable<3 I get the feeling that you guys are dating already. I mean, clearly she likes you, and clearly you like her.

Ierno .__. It`s just my innocent 15 year old mind thinks that dating is just as simple as that.

But again.



P.S. If she sees this, I think it would be embarassing, but cute again. At the same time .__. bwahaha

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Guest Aimiko

Wow, your year started off pretty good! <3 Please, just get together already & make a movie out of this LOL. I swear, no guy has ever done that kind of sweet thing for me. Well, at least, not the guys I dated before. ):! Reading this really makes me happy, because I'm happy to know that guys like you aren't extinct. Take good care of her and I sense that Valentine's Day is even going to be more special. :wub:

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Guest katamari

OMGGG my face was like c: while reading this LOL 8D

you guys are so cute forrealz :) you should write a blog about this LOL

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Guest deceitful.reverie

Edit 7** - Jan.03/2011 <---- Damn .. 2011 already haha

P.s ... To the "Girl on the Bus" .. If you do actually have soompi and are reading this .. then this is

embarrassing hahaha ... what i meant to say was ... i really really really really really like you too!

I've been wondering if she has a Soompi account too and if she's read your post before you started talking to her. blush.gif

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Guest carmiekitten

gaaahhh this is sooo friggin cute!!!

I literally let out a shriek when I read that she kissed you :w00t: OMG!!!

This is something out of a K-drama...but better cuz its real! :wub:

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Guest monica72691

Omggggg... I feel butterflies in my tummy T.T" like literally LOL.. and OMG i know that 5-10 game.. i SUCK at that game :( once I called 20 and i closed both hands.. another time I called 5 and opened both hands.. fail T__T" but OMGGG sooooooooo CUTEEEEEE!!! /spazz. haha hope things continue to go well!! (: 

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