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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest kimtt


gdragon sure knows how to surprise us with his hair.

hmm...at first i thought it was top but turns out i was wrong!

now i'm really curious of how gdragon will have his hair for his solo coming up.

wow. thanks for the HQ scans of the NII pics.

they're super cute!

just watched the duet performance of seungri and goo hyesun.

i thought it was really cute. the song they sang together

was really nice as well!

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Actually those cornrolls

looks so much better on Kwon Leadah

rather than TOP.

and he looks boyish too.

The CF really looks interesting.

i wonder if they really are going to

wear firefighter full uniforms with

the helmets and stuffs.

It will be one HOT CF i would say.

oh & 2 MORE DAYS to the filming

of IRIS.Hopefully his role

is rather big as compared

to 'I AM SAM'.

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i love the attire for the cf,

they look nice in casual, look so effortless

& omg, i think TOP is the only one showing skin for a change

he look XDD

GD, i love him, i hate the hair,

i avoid watching With You because of that.

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Guest ngarky

wow gd is really going all out with his hairdos.....

but i think this one actually looks better than the flat gelled to the skin one >_>

..it looks better on him than top too

kinda like old school days LOL

can't wait to see the cf :3

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Guest stardaisy212


Credits to MUSE TOP @ BBVIPZ

i no how ppl are saying they are a lil to young for this cf and when i saw this pic all i can think of is bad images. >.< I no there are humans too but i care for them too much that my brain keeps telling me NOO they cant drink beer lmao.

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Guest elavip

chugchugchuggg! blehh beer is nasty.. they look happy though haha.

oh man, flashback! reminded of baby on set of last farewell haha. :ewww:

i love top in that simple shirt <333

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Guest Zura3

ROFLMAO GD'S HAIR. well, it doesnt look as bad as the flat gelled hair i gotta agree.

out of all the recent hairdos he's been doing. i actually liked the pink trenchcoat long bangs hairdo. d: am i the only one? lol. ive read that most preferred the ponytail.

aaaah GD, cant wait for his solo album. i srsly hope to god his hairstyle wont be ugly. :/ PLEASE NO FLAT GELLED HAIR. but im pretty sure the music will be SHGVAYUV AWESOME.

seungri and hyesun on peppermint. i didnt really like the duet. seungri was really cute though, im just not the biggest jandi fan. X: strong baby was enjoyable like always. ima miss strong baby. ):

I MISS BIGBANG. and this thread too. havent been here in ages. school.

thanks everyone for keeping this thread alive.

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I'm sort of displeased by the beer thing but like, if they're happy with it - everything's fine. I really admire how even though we're fans we're pretty rational, granted we can go CRAZY sometimes but like - we're ...


Ah, slap me but the twirly wirlies don't look half as bad as they looked on top. I'm like some people who prefer it over the gelled down thing. In my opinion, that was hideous. GD is such an experiementer! I swear, nothing beats the last farewell hair on GD for me. actually, maybe the haru haru hair... to be completely honest, i like all his hairstyles except for gelled flat and the twirlywirlies.

LOLLIPOPS ARE CUTE! i went to ygworld@wordpress and they have it zipped.

I just realised, but it's been a while. This is going to be so late but TODAE TODAE TODAE TODAE TODAE ON FAMILY OUTING EP 35. God i loveeeeeee it! it's so cute when they were making breakfast. I'm so sure that Dae went out there not to check on whether or not TOP was spilling secrets. Call it fangirling but TODAE LOVE. Daesung totally wanted to make sure TOP was doing okay!

now there's Taeyang and Seung Ri to come onto the show! :D

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i'm i the only one who thought GD looks freakin good in that hair for the CF??

his face is much smaller than TOP, so somehow the hair just fits him better.

and this hair makes him look like a kid~~ shows his whole face more, which i like it.

and plus, it's not like as if he's gonna have that hair forever.

he's probably just gonna have that hair for the CF only.

well knowing GD, the GD, i think i've stop getting surprised at him these days hehe

everything he does every single day is just totally WOW. it's like his routine already hehe.

dunno why but i still really like that hair on GD for the CF haha.

and i'm amazed how page 319 is full of comments about his hair lol.

wonder wat people on youtube would say when they see the CF with GD's hair.

i'm loving TOP's hair in the CF...


he looks like a rockstar seriously~~~


and i'm also not agaisnt the beer CF hehe

are these posted already?....










credit: YBest @ bbvipz

090307 Korea PD Awards: BIGBANG-Sunset Glow performance

[Focus on GDYB]Star King 110307

Happy Women's International Day

i wonder if Big Bang celebrates it?? especially when it's for their moms and sisters hehe

and the 'ladies' in YG.

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Guest konkonlove

Gah...yeah Ji Yong's hair is O_o

The beer pictures.... I'm soooo excited to see that CF! In my opinion...it's nice (and interesting) to see them do something like this.... coz we always expect them to be "idols" who don't smoke or drink or do anything of that sort...so I'm really diggin the fact that they're taking on this CF. So CHUG THAT BEER hahaha.

I've been trying to find remix's and random Big Bang clips lately. Does anyone have or know where I can find TOP's music when he was TEMPO? I've only been able to come across Buckwild and I want You.

Here's a link to a mixtape for Wonderbang I found on imeem... its SERIOUSLY LONGGGG but it's super dope. chk it out---

Wonderbang Mixtape 3

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Guest nadeiya

I'm a lurker but I feel like I HAVE to leave some comment after seeing the whatever-you-call-it hairstyle on GD LOL....thank god the boy changes his hairstyle every 5 seconds so dont worry girlss...and I also recovered after seeing the wave gif *drools*

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Guest jemnise

waaaaaaaaaaah. daisy, TOP looks oh-so happy!

hahahaha XD gosh, i remember in intimate note when

YB said that they let members drink whatever boohoo and

TOP just bowed his head and the host said that from the looks

of it, we know who loves to drink in these boys hahaha XD

and am i the only one who is so happy that they're took this CF?

hahaha. I don't know but this is like saying to everybody that idol

groups are just plain human beings. And it's like telling everybody that

we shouldn't be surprised anymore when we hear some news or

whatever that they go drinking or whatnot. idk. that's just me XD

random. i found this caps of baby's film XD


credits to lovelyjin@BBVIPZ

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Guest AiMee284

^Ooh, baby Ri's movie looks... interesting.

I'm gonna feel weird watching him act so serious. (he plays some kind of psycho, right?) Hmm, interesting. XD

Big Bang endorsing beer:

I think it's okay for fans to be displeased with it or not. It goes to show that we don't always mindlessly spazz about every little thing they do. XD

I feel neutral about them doing it. My dislike for beer isn't gonna change just because I see a cf of my favorite group drinking it. :rolleyes:

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Is Baby's movie like a thriller/horror this? psychological thriller? seems so and NGAWWWWWWWWWWW! I wanna watch it but i'll be way to scared.

The focus of GDYB thing - i started to rewatch all the clips. Big Bang is going on more variety shows but they don't come onto these together like they used to DD:

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Guest LitoLammy

that is a really good pic of our boys ^_^

[only thing i dont like about the cf so far is gd's hair.... that was the one hair that i didnt like of the boys =( ]

i think the boys are young to be doing a beer cf too but they are of age and it is legal..

drinking is a normal thing in their culture so it's understanable

as long as they are not all out there reckless drinking [that i find absolutely stupid]

can't wait to see the cf

[although it would have been better if baby was in it too.. lolx being bais XD]

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[Focus on GDYB]Star King

I miss those times that they

came to variety shows as a whole

group,with no one missing out.

(though they rarely did come out

on variety shows)

oh.Seungri's movie look

really interesting,plus the fact

that he played a psycho in that show

even makes me want to look

forward to it as much.

It will come out in APRIL right?

Cant wait! :w00t:

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Guest elavip

NEW PHOTOS! BETTER SHOT AT GD'S HAIRRR <3 arg, his cuteness totally makes up for it haha.




credit: as tagged, 이젠끌래 @ bbvipz

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Thanks Elavip..

see...GD's hair is cuteee....but ack!! the first pic looks like he's a girl

so pretty!!!! hehe... i don't mind them drinking as long as its in moderation.

awww Daisy you're so sweet ..maybe they only drink when the occasion

calls for it. So no worries. TOP's hair sexy messy . It suits him well.

NCLY. i've seen many shots of YB in that outfit but still I LOOOVE it! he looks so

damn sexy! :blush: :blush:

PHOTOS of Seungri for his movie. Oh my..that's pretty intense.

Im proud to see him excel not only in singing.


c: museTOP@bbvipz

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Guest ooxstacee

^^ OMFG! He's so adorableee! :D His big smile's BACK! I'm so happy to see it. *Smiles back at picture like a fool. xD<3 The one of him drinking the beer is freakin` cute too! RAWR. ALL OF IT IS CUTE! I really like his hair, now that I've seen it close and clear. It's actually really really cute on him. XD

I'm also happy about the beer cf. D:

Even though it's unhealthy and all, at least it shows that idols are STILL human.

They'll probably get a lot of criticism about it, but pffft .. they always do.

Seungri's movie looks .. a bit freaky. Lmao. I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to watch it, x___x!

I bet I'm going to watch it anyways, just for Seungri.

Oh great. I tabi-ed a page.

I'll be back with things to share, if I can even find anything.

I'll share some [old] GD pictures.


THIIIIIIGHS, LOL! I used to hate those pants but I've gotten used to it.



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