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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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KC found these on bestiz so let me share these.LOL

and i thought TAEYANG's craziness ended at NIKON yesterday but NOOOOOOO

fans had to make these crazy manips.








the BEST part was the STRAWBERRY richard simmons lololol



c:아사기 || bestiz

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those pics killed me :lol:

[iNTERVIEW] Big Bang member G-Dragon

“BIGBANG IS BACK” is how they informed people of their return to the local music scene in two years and three months — short and concise. But the Big Bang we see today is different from that of two years and three months ago. Every member of the group has pursued activities solo, becoming a group a five stars rather than a group in itself, to become that much more uniue. So how did G-Dragon (GD), T.O.P, Taeyang, Seungri and Daesung create the music of Big Bang we hear today? Below are excerpts from 10Asia’s interview with their album’s producer G-Dragon.

10: Hasn’t it been tough having to make a comeback as Big Bang as soon as you wrapped up your activities for GD&TOP?

GD: Promoting our duo unit album wasn’t tough because whether it be with music or when we’re on stage, we do everything as if we’re playing. That’s why other than not getting any sleep sometimes, there wasn’t anything we had a hard time with on stage. But with Big Bang, we’re making a comeback for the first time in two years and each of our group’s members had been going on different paths so I’ve become very conscious of how everybody seems to be since all five of us have to work together.

10: Really? (laugh) You?

GD: I might have been a maverick in the past and ordered what needs to be done but I’ve changed a lot because to start with, the members of my group are amazing people in my eyes. It’s as if we’re collaborating as star versus star or fan versus fan, on top of the fact that they’re my juniors or friends. That’s why it’s both exciting and difficult working with them.

10: But “TONIGHT” is quite an unexpected choice for a major idol group like yourselves to make as the title track for your release for the first time in a while. It contains a sensitivity that is quite different from what is felt in other songs these days. I felt that it’s similar to pop music overseas in terms of the sensitivity, not genre.

GD: I had gained more confidence while working as GD&TOP because people liked ” “HIGH HIGH” but they also liked “KNOCK OUT.” And when we went to the States to shoot our music video, I saw a black woman listen to “KNOCK OUT” in her car. It felt weird but now that I think about it, it’s something that can definitely happen. I think our generation is moving into an era where the a sensitivity is felt globally instead of just locally. The same thing applies to us… We may be in Korea but we practically live with the Internet so we listen to and look at music from all over the world. The same goes for fashion.

10: I think where you reached a climax in “TONIGHT” and then went back to the acoustic guitar was a very pop music-like. Weren’t you worried about whether such a style would work with your listeners in Korea?

GD: I instead made sure though, that no part of the song would be boring and really be explosive. I didn’t want any part of it to go by quietly. “LIE” was about the song being quiet at first and then reaching an explosive point but I made this song in a way that everybody’s parts would be explosive. And I was under the determination that I would pull up the emotions from the lowest to the highest point in three minutes and 30 seconds. I actually was quite worried about how we’d perform the song on stage though. (laugh)

10: It seems that you think of a picture for the structure of the song or its visual aspect when you write songs.

GD: I do. I believe that producing is not just about writing a song but also thinking about the choreography, stage settings and lighting. For example, this time, I made the songs for the album after thinking of how everyone would be singing their parts so that it’d be easier for them to follow.

10: That shows how dramatic the structure of the song is but the overall sentiment it expresses is rather calm and plaintive. How did you discuss with your group members on how they should interpret the song’s layout?

GD: Well, firstly, I’m grateful to them for agreeing to go in the direction I had explained to them of the songs. They accepted a lot of what I wanted to do. There were times when I wouldn’t back down when they didn’t do what I wanted (laugh) and everyone usually has quite a lot of freedom when it comes to recording, but I constantly changed a lot of things with “TONIGHT” because there was something specific that I wanted to do.

10: How did you direct the vocals? I think exchanging opinions with the parts for the vocals must’ve been important because the emotional mood in this song is particularly important.

GD: It was a joke but I said that we should sing like we’re more experienced. (laugh) If you take our experience into consideration, it’s our fault if we end up looking like amateurs whether it be with our products or performances on stage. And I actually also told them not to try to hard. I told them that I believe we became popular because we have our own style, we do our music and we deliver our unique sense of sentimentality, not because we’re the best singers or dancers in Korea. I also said we should make as many songs as possible and sing and listen to them a lot in advance since everyone is always so busy with their individual careers. We no longer live in an era where singers are considered good if they can hit the high notes. I think having groove is what’s important. That’s why the guys who sang the vocals had a harder time with this song. We made a lot of changes by exchanging opinions and gained a lot from it.

10: Well, what was as important as the vocals in this album was the overall mixing of the sound. A unique quality or vibe is felt throughout the album… What did you focus on in terms of the mixing?

GD: We wanted the songs to sound like pop so I tried to create rich yet clean sounds, particularly with “TONIGHT.” On the other hand, I had also tried making the sound dirty with “WHAT IS RIGHT.” But more than anything, the voices of all five members of our group had to be carried in the album properly so I paid the most attention to that.

10: It was unique in how you left an adequate amount of space to let each sound ring instead of trying to fill up the song with sounds.

GD: I believe that every sound needs a rhythm. That’s why I tried to maintain a sense of rhythm even when there are empty spaces through a variety of effects such as breathing, delay or reverb.

10: But the overall sentimentality or tendency of sounds in “HANDS UP” or “SOMEBODY TO LOVE” that you promoted in Japan seem to stand out a bit.

GD: That’s quite true. But they’re both songs we value dearly. We have the most fun on stage when we sing “HANDS UP” and I treasure “SOMEBODY TO LOVE” so much that I had always hoped we’d get to promote a more refined version of it in Japan. That’s why I changed around everything this time and I’m much more satisfied with it. We wanted people in Korea to hear the song because those of you who didn’t know we were in Japan wouldn’t know those songs.

10: I think “LIE” to the two songs you sang in Japan to “TONIGHT” shows the changes you and Big Bang have undergone. Your style or aiming point have changed slightly everytime even when you use the same sounds. Does it have to do with the past two years?

GD: I think the emotions I felt then were things I felt in the process of becoming an adult and what I feel now are things I feel as an adult. I’m not saying that I’m more mature now but I think I’ve come to share my thoughts with more people and listen to what they have to say compared to when I looked at the world and people in an immature way. And in the process, I’ve come to organize my thoughts and write about the things I realize from those. Before I used to write about the questions I had. But I now write about what I’ve come to realize… I think I’m becoming more sure of myself.

10: But your solo activities and acting as the producer of Big Bang are different things, just like the music you want to do is different from the music the public wants to hear. How is it having to be a producer that has to take all these factors into consideration?

GD: It’s fun in regards to the music but there are a lot of difficulties I face otherwise. (laugh) I’m sure that our group’s members are also worried about a lot of things because we haven’t been back in a while. But we ourselves are cheering each other on so it’s good. We also have more time to talk, about serious things as well, because we’ve now come to spend more time together. I’d be lying if I told you I’m not worried but everyone is working hard very actively.

10: Well the race has begun. (laugh) How do you want to go about your activities?

GD: Everyone has been saying we took a break although we’ve been pursuing individual activities so everyone wants to work as hard as they can. It’s been two years so I’m sure the five of us will be getting together quite often now. We want to show everyone as much of us as we can… That’s why we’re back. I’m thinking that may also be what people wanted. I think our activities as Big Bang are on a different level from our activities as solos or duos. I believe that Big Bang is a group that appeals more to the public so we need to be where the people want to see us. Our goal is to be at the center of issues, not create them, and make everyone want to talk about us wherever we go. We’re going to compete hard from the very beginning. (laugh)

credit: 10 아시아 via teambigbang

other member's interviews will be posted once updated ^_^ i love gd's interviews though

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Guest juang_bb

^^^ another GREAT INTERVIEW!!! they've constantly been dishing out amazing interviews and im always left in awe by the end of it. What else can i say? GD is such a great leader! MAD RESPECT! he totally knows his stuff. I love how ASIAE gets to ask these questions because we're given the opportunity to at least get a piece of what's going through their minds when they create music, their thoughts.

and there it goes again, people.. me included, questioned at first (ngl, i still do sometimes) why they put 2 remakes in their album and out of all their japanese releases, why HU and STL. now GD answers... whether we agree with his decision to include those 2 or not, like what was said earlier, it is their decision and its theirs to make. we may not see it, but like he said, those 2 songs meant something for them. they may not be new to us who follows them even during their hiatus and japanese activities, but to the average korean... who are the main market for the album, its new for them.

sorry GD, you may hate it, but you are indeed a genius! he's just way ahead of his peers when it comes to producing music.

fave quote:

" I told them that I believe we became popular because we have our own style, we do our music and we deliver our unique sense of sentimentality, not because we’re the best singers or dancers in Korea"


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Guest doublehh03

^ GD is the leader of 5 leaders of the kpop movement. hopefully they change the trend of kpop music once again.

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Guest omgshinshin


YB: Isn’t it better for us to just disregard what others think and love ourselves and continue pursuing music?

GD: We decided that we’d just like for our passions for our music and our careers to never change.

I think ultimately, it's Big Bang's passion for music that is keeping them together. As long as that love for music is present, I don't think they will fall through the same traps the other groups have fallen into.


GD: I think Big Bang is about how well we work with each other, no matter how different we are and unlikely it seems we’ll mix.

I think this is one of Big Bang’s strongest points. They are highly individualistic in terms of their music taste and personality but even with their differences, they blend so well together. It’s bringing each of their own sound to the group that has made Big Bang’s music unique and impossible to duplicate. I look at Big Bang and see 5 different artists who can all stand their ground in the industry separately but can also create a sound that is only theirs when brought together.

Am I the only person who thinks that this interview is a slap to the face of the other groups out there?


GD: I believe that producing is not just about writing a song but also thinking about the choreography, stage settings and lighting. For example, this time, I made the songs for the album after thinking of how everyone would be singing their parts so that it’d be easier for them to follow.


I've been saying time and time again that I love the songs that GD writes for Big Bang because of the way he gives each member parts which he thinks will suit that member's voice and style the most. He knows how his members work and it helps when it comes to producing.

This is why when I see people complaining why Taeyang gets too much lines, or why did Daesung get so little lines or Seungri needs more parts or it's another GDTOP album, all I say is, "So what?" That has always been the case with Big Bang.

Even though I'm a Seungri biased stan, I'd rather Seungri get a few lines that matches him than a huge part that would sound awkward for him.

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Guest KeKe7

does anyone has the 0603 inkigayo what is right performance dl links?

i want to put it in my ipod (:

You can try HQBB site.  They've got by each song or the whole perf. dl.

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Guest shinhdeplol

[info] GD&TOP's ranking on Top 20 Korean Idols in Thailand

Korean music is really a huge hit especially in Asian countries. Recently in Thailand, they ranked their

Top 20 favorite Korean idols.

TOP 20 Korean idols :

1. Jaejoong

2. Donghae

3. Sohee

4. Eunhyuk

5. Taemin

6. Tiffany

7. Sungmin

8. G-Dragon and TOP

Most popular idols of each group :

1. DBSK – Jaejoong

2. Super Junior – Donghae

3. Wonder Girls – Sohee

4. Shinee – Taemin

5. SNSD – Tiffany


C: gokpop.com // bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

I dont agree with the 1st list :huh:

[News] Big Bang is the best-selling artist of all-time on Cyworld!

Just when you thought Big Bang couldn't get any bigger, they go and break another record!

Today, Big Bang became the best-selling (most downloaded) artist of all-time on Cyworld, the premier Korean social networking site. This list included a formidable cadre of popular artists like TVXQ, MC Mong, SG Wannabe, and Kim Jong Kook, making the achievement all the more prestigious.

Congratulations to the boys!

source : Cyworld Honor Roll via allkpop

taken from: bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

BIGBANG is the best :P

- - - -

Photos of the Nikon press conference from aving.net





C: aving

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Guest shinhdeplol

BIGBANG Mini 4 ♪♪ Android App V 1.0



Price $7.99



Enjoy BIGBANG Mini 4 full-length sound source from the phone !

Full-length music listening and downloading (support the shuffle function)


- Watching BIGBANG real-time broadcast on SBS Inkigayo


-Enjoy BIGBANG album artwork and music videos


-Receive immediate updates from BIGBANG members’ SNS (Social Network Services) applications!


- The only app that you can take a photo with BIGBANG!!Take a snapshot with them! In the photo frame!

-Exciting BIGBANG games! Puzzle game!

Via BIGBANG 4TH MINI ALBUM (v1.0) – Android マーケット

Taken from: TeamBIGBANG


Hong Janghyun (http://twtkr.com/hongjanghyun), a fashion photographer tweeted this about BIGBANG

빅뱅활동시작! 앨범촬영이후 오랫만에 잡지로 다시.. 이제촬영시작~

Did they have a photo shoot??? :w00t:

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Guest samosvetleee

BIGBANG 'Tonight' MV Hits Over 3 Million Views On Youtube in Just 8 Days!! - kya-freaking AWESOME !!


Are we up to 5 mil till the end of the week ??? 

Let's show the VIP POWER,Vips !!! 

Abuse the reply button !!!

Go,Go,Go !!!

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Guest shinhdeplol

「2011 BIGBANG CONCERT [bIGSHOW]」Available At YGeShop!


2011 BIGSHOW BIGBANG Characters Pen/3,500KRW

2011 BIGSHOW BIGBANG Characters Paper Toy



Size S/5,000KRW/Each

Size M/8,000KRW/Each

Size S/20,000KRW/Set

Size M/40,000KRW/Set


2011 BIGSHOW BIGBANG Button Set/3,500KRW


Taken from TeamBIGBANG

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