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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest li_nikoru

Hanteo Album Chart:


*quoted image*


*quoted image*


*quoted image*


BIGBANG 4th mini album Sales on Hanteo:

24th : 5,731

25th : 12,449

26th : 8,623

27th : 58,642

Total: 88,011


taken from DCGD


they look adorable *0*..lucky andie


I think the first pic it's daily but from feb 14th, cause in the daily I'm seeing the mini is first GD&TOP are 3rd and VVIP is 5th

LOL at BB's being first in Feb since the album has only been out for 4 days...

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Guest li_nikoru

Andie Chung is so lucky!! I want Taeyang in my lap ;) too.   Album is kicking richard simmons! Go Big Bang :wub: I'm really craving more performances, I'm so impatient.


Me too!!! I can't wait for thrusday to watch BigBangTV live!!!


Anyone knows if the boys are coming back to Music Core this week?

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Weekly Music Charts - Last week of February


The waiting is over, Big Bang has made their long-awaited comeback with "TONIGHT" as their title track,

with only a few days of having been released, how has their 4th mini album impacted last week's charts?


Artist Ranking


Song Ranking


14 - SeungRi – "What can I do" | V.V.I.P

20 - GD&TOP – "High High" | GD&TOP

24 - GD&TOP – "Don't go Home" | GD&TOP

25 - BIG BANG – "Intro (Thank You and You)" |


Album Ranking






6 - BIG BANG – "What is Right" |

9 - BIG BANG – "Somebody to Love" |

10 - BIG BANG – "Hands Up" |


Album Ranking


Taken from bbupdates


YG posted the 3 performances from big bang's show on YT!



What is Right?

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Guest wutermelonbubblegum







Big Bang

. . . . . . .

Honestly, their comeback stages were just. .. . amazing. Somebody to Love (korean version) was honestly not to my liking when I first heard it. They moved a bridge to a different area that effected the climax of the song, but seeing the performed version of it made me absolutely enjoy listening to it. Especially the ticking of the feet --> arms-->shoulders---> head


I hope they continue to improve at the steady and amazing speed they are now. I'm having heart palpitations in anticipation for BBTV!!

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[28/02/2010]-Daily Chart-Day 5




8-Somebody to love










not sure about bugs & cyworld

bc i can't find the daily chart

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Guest SilentReader

Seungri NAN [Translations] by finkling

Ahhh! I really liked this. Actually, Seungri didn't have a lot of chances to be super funny or anything, but at least for once since it was just Daesung there he was at least semi-respected. Not the butt of the joke. He was called "weird" once... but it reminded me a lot of Strong Heart with Taeyang, outfit and everything. Lol, maybe I just like listening to his new stories without having him be made fun of or look confused once in a while.

Daesung was in this, so I'll include translations for what he said, too, unless they're just simple questions to other people. :) Btw, they're all using honorifics for names and stuff, I'm just too lazy to put that into translation the entire time.

So one member from GOD, one member from HOT, and one member from Sechskies was also there. The old bands! Only Shinhwa is missing, heh. Cool to see them next to Seungri. Anyways, they did this intro dance thing with a popular song of their old group playing in the background.

In the intro it kind of explains that NAN is going to be different. Since there are four guests, the four guests will move like this plaque thing they'll put in front of someone if they say something dumb/obvious/etc. It says something like "try hard..." the literal definition is like "exert yourself." Kind of hard to explain lol.

Seungri danced to "Lies," and Daesung screamed "My dongsaeng (sort of a younger closer friend in this context) Seungri!" Then he went out to dance with Seungri. Aw, I love Daeri moments. LOL Kim Tae Woo. Everyone else got fast paced songs to dance to but he got this ballad or something and he ran up really excited and then was like, huh? I like how Seungri knew the moves to the slow thing, though, haha.

They were talking about who made what Big Bang is today (the other people said someone in their group) and Daesung/Seungri was thinking and then KTW said "Yang Hyun Suk." Hahahaha, then Seungri nodded.

Basically, they're talking about how much the other 3 earned during their idol days salary wise and what they owned. Then Daesung says after while, "Tak Jae Hoon sshi! Why aren't you asking any questions to Seungri? He's a dongsang that I love!" Lol, Seungri looked a little embarrassed and happy. :) Then Seungri said (replied to something that was probably cut off in the show), "One thing I remember is... my hometown is Gwangju. I once went down to go home. But it wasn't the house that I knew of, the address. They gave me an address saying, 'come here!' So I went. But when the doors opened, to the extent of 'is this really my house?' the house became really grand. When I went in... like one of those opera places, there was a chandelier, and when I went in the bathroom I thought it was a jjim jil bang (sweat house thing? lol idk what it is in English). Before, the floors to my house were definitely cold like this (there's a wooden floor in the studio), but when I went there it was changed to really good marble." KTW says "Since your parents manage your finances?" and Seungri says yes and that he felt really good that his parents were able to live well because of his income."

Tak Jae Hoon said something like "There is definitely bank debt in there if we look." And there's a bit of a break and Seungri's like "Ah, yes, and please exert/try harder." (It's what it says on the plaque, it was funny but I'm failing at making it sound like it lul).

Just a side note -in the teaser, there's something Seungri said about 2,000 man won (about $18k) a month (so like over $200k a year), maybe how much he makes in salary, but they cut it out in the actual episode. Wtf!

Someone asks Seungri "what else do you spend money on besides your parents?" and he replies "Big Bang is known to be a stylish group with fashion. It's hard not to pay attention to style because of this. I mean, with just G-dragon and TOP, with just shopping they..." Daesung gives him a glare LOL and Seungri just stares at him with his mouth in mid sentence. Then it cuts (maybe they said something in the middle) and Daesung says "before the recording, TOP asked to not say anything about him, just him." Then Seungri retorts, "Wait, then... TOP went on here and spilled everything about me, so shouldn't I be able to talk about him?" Everyone is like yes! LOL. I see Daesung/TOP/Seungri ot3. Psh at Daesung for trying to protect TOP, I want the goods, Seungri. It frustrates me how he didn't finish his story D:

Yonghwa says "On a music program, I met Seungri, who said 'I'm going on NAN. As much as I've suffered/got done in, I will reveal everything of substance about Big Bang!'" I love revenge, Seungri bb.

Then TJH says "Seungri, isn't TOP a hyung? You said TOP TOP TOP once right?" So Seungri recounts again the story of how his friend can't hear or understand stuff well which is why he frustratedly shouted "TOP TOP TOP!" and how it was really unlucky how he came in at that exact moment. So at that moment, he suddenly became known as a really rude kid, which was taken out of context. He said all this very funnily, lol. He also had to explain the beef incident and cooking and stuff. He talked about how he was 16 (in American age, that's like 15 or even 14 sometimes) and that his parents never let him and that he was the oldest kid, that he just came up to Seoul, etc. Daesung also defends Seungri by saying that if he did it and didn't cook it well, he would be even more in the wrong. Seungri says that to improve his cooking skills in beef, he used a game on his cell phone. LOLOLLOLOL the way he describes it and pressing +1 to play the game... oh my god lol.

KTW said that even he thought Seungri was a really rude kid from the GDTOP broadcast on NAN, and then Seungri said it would have been fine if it was after his solo album, but it was right before the release so now his albums aren't selling. Everyone's loling super hard hahhaaha. KTW says he was a maknae, too, so he understands Seungri's feelings (how they want to play with their hyungs, etc) and that it's a little strange/bad for the leader to come out and say all that stuff about the maknae. Daesung says "TOP's not the leader!" but Jiyong is and he talks about Seungri all the time. KTW is like "Oh, that's okay then."

Seungri then says random stuff about how it's his close hyungs so saying "please eat" (pretty formal speech) is weird and the other 3 are like... wait, you should probably do that. And then they're all kind of reasoning why Seungri would get scolded for the TOP TOP TOP thing because he doesn't act formally enough before and then Seungri is like "apparently it's only talk that it's YG family family and it's only family in saying dlfkjasdf." He kind of just sldkafjlsdkjfs at the end LOL and people are confused and loling. Daesung screams "SEUNGHYUNAH! BE QUIET! OUR COMEBACK WILL BE PUSHED BACK!" Then the other 3 people change their minds of something and are like we understand Seungri's feelings and it's TOP's problem. Then people are like wait, what? And then say that TOP's name is weird to say "TOP sshi" or "TOP hyung."

They also talk about the time when Seungri sent a message to someone saying "you can bite me if you want!" Seungri acknowledges that it's true and then when asked to explain he's just like "well... she says she wants to bite... so of course she has to... bite?" Then he starts cracking up loololol and says "it was just a saying..." Then KTW defends Seungri saying that it's been 5 years since his debut, so wanting to date is very normal. Then they ask Seungri if he still keeps in contact with her, and he says no, she has a boyfriend. And everyone's like ?!??! wtf that's even worse! you're talking about biting with someone who has a boyfriend? KTW says "we keep defending but he keeps ripping it apart!" Seungri then explains quickly that she didn't have a boyfriend then but then she had one afterwards, a friend of his. Then people are like that sounds like you just made that up! lol.

Then they talk about returning to normal life and Seungri says the group gets together and talks about it sometimes. And Daesung is like huh? and then oh, well, yeah, sometimes. Then Seungri says when they talk about money, apparently GD/Daesung are the most interested in money and that Daesung is very quiet/reticent around Big Bang usually but when it comes to money he gets very excited. LOL.

Someone asks Seungri to tell them a secret about Big Bang. Seungri thinks for a long time, and then says "About money..." then Daesung taps his pen (which he's been doing a lot) and someone says "every time Seungri talks, Daesung does that!" Seungri continues, "someone, some member, said that 'Seungri likes secretly dating.' But.... am I the only one who enjoys secretly dating?" Epic win. Say who, Seungri, say who just say TOP to get back at him

They talk about other stuff. UEE was talking and then after, Seungri said "can... can I ask you something?" and then she looks really worried or like.. interested... I don't know, maybe she's remember the King of Idols thing again, LOL. Then Seungri is like "maybe I shouldn't ask because it's rude" or whatever, and UEE says it's okay. So Seungri says "So UEE is shooting a lot of CFs and is really popular right now... so in After School... she must be experiencing dorm life.... but... I heard she was living somewhere else, alone." And UEE is really flustered and asks for water and stuff LOL. But she explains that's not true.

Other stuff happens, and KTW starts talking, and Seungri is looking at him super closely and interestedly. People are like wtf? And KTW says Seungri is weird LOL. Seungri says it's because his sunglasses are very cool. Then afterwards he looks forward and looks super serious, it's hilarious.

Okay, I'm running out of time so I'll finish the rest of the translations later.

But there's this last part where Seungri says that his big dream is to make a place where he can sort of save the kids from poorer cities to a school of talents in entertainment. People like the idea and someone comments that Seungri's changed, in a good way.

Source: Finkling livejournal

DaeRi moments are PRESH! :w00t:

It's so sweet that SR wants to make a place for poor kids to realise their dreams just like he did. He's all grown up!! :wub:

Other guests are sunbaes Kim Tae Woo (KTW), Eun Ji Won & Moon Hee Jun ^_^

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Guest doublehh03

i just saw the eng sub of their big bang show talk parts. man GD does too much (writes, composes, produces, lets the members sing first, then he does his part). i know he's the leader and is a genius, but i hope others can contribute more in the composing/producing for the big bang album. i know TY and seungri did a lot for their solo work so they can definitely do it.

GD is going to faint one of these days with how he works. jeez, the guy is too hard of a worker

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Guest koreanfan74

I hope YG never EVER gives allkpop any kind of special access to any of his artists, especially big bang.

Allkpop have a long history of posting some awful things about big bang and certain members (mainly GD). Just go back to the articles about Ji during 2009. It's enough to make my stomach turn.

Anyhow, I am loving how Soompi has handled the comeback and there has never been a doubt in my mind as to which place is better for kpop, Soompi always wins. They don't add unnecessary personal opinions to every aspect of how they run this place.

So thank you Soompi.

Allkpop, stay bitter and pressed. 

You are true. Allkpop seems to stand for SM Entertainment rather than YG family. I am not SM anti-fan, I just say what i realize. Anyway, I hope Our YG artists are not upset because of that revision. Our YG family is unique that's why many Hollywood celebrities pay attention to YG. 

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Guest <3goesDOKIDOKI



^i agree that GD works really hard and contributes a lot. it could also be that the other member's may have composed songs that didn't make it to the mini album tho right? i remember on BBTV taeyang was working on a song for big bang but its not on the mini album

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Guest Michala01

i just saw the eng sub of their big bang show talk parts. man GD does too much (writes, composes, produces, lets the members sing first, then he does his part). i know he's the leader and is a genius, but i hope others can contribute more in the composing/producing for the big bang album. i know TY and seungri did a lot for their solo work so they can definitely do it.

GD is going to faint one of these days with how he works. jeez, the guy is too hard of a worker

He does work very hard but he plays two separate roles. Firstly he has a role as a member and leader of big bang. He performs with them, he promotes with them etc. His second role is as a songwriter and producer in YG Entertainment. He is listed as an official YG producer now. So that is a second job he kind of has although he mainly does it for big bang. I'm sure he will go on to compose and produce for other artists in the future when he has more time to do so.

Although he does work a lot, he also reaps the financial benefits of his producing and composing. He would get royalties and a cut from all of the sales of the songs/albums because he is credited as a composer and producer.

Lastly, I'd like to add that I see a lot of people saying that the other guys should contribute more to the composing/song writing. Now this is in no way meant as a put down to any of the other members but writing hit songs isn't something that comes easily to everyone. TOP has shown, for example, that he is great at composing songs but they tend to be not as radio friendly. GD has a real talent for writing catchy songs.

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Guest doublehh03

nvm. the article is predicting bb will reach 100k. not confirmed yet

and i don't know why we are all worked up over the allkpop review. you can't expect everyone to love this album 100%. it's unrealistic. everybody has different expectations and musical tastes. that's one person's opinion. we should all respect it.

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