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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest gdragon86

THank you for the lyrics translation of Cafe because that's my favourite song out of the album for the moment! This song just goes to show how amazing GDragon is as a lyricist. His good way with words helped spin and weave a beautiful story that goes so well with the melody especially when their voices complement the emotions of the song...the falsetto is just classic! well~it's just another masterpiece from him again! I could just picture in my head this old black and white film running like snapshots of moment...of the cafe...of the words that were etched on the table and so on...They should do more of this style coz it's really refreshing and nice break from all the fast tunes..

There's only one word for 'CAFE"....SUAVE

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Guest Banana Peel


OKay, first of all, the INTRO is totally sick, I really really really really love it. I didn't really expect much for BB's intro song but why do I love this song more than TONIGHT?! LOL, I wouldn't even mind if INTRO was their title song. Gosh, I need some strong beats like this again from them, it's so great. <3 I can't wait till they stand on stage to sing this intro. HOT HOT.

HANDS UP & SOMEBODY TO LOVE, I'm not spazzing too hard on this song since I know them already, buuut I have to say, they changed it around to the point where I can repeat it all over again. What I really noticed was tabi's rap. his rap is definitely smoother whereas in the japanese version, it was strong and bam! I remember that in his interview, his rapping style has changed to being more smooth and flowy now. And I can definitely hear that style in the songs.

WHAT IS RIGHT! I am in love with this song, just by the first few seconds I knew I was going to love it (I'm a total freak for guitar sounds, seriously..) This is a total new side of BB and I'm LOVING it. Especially the chorus, oh my goodness. Why is this song so lovely? They need to promote this song after Tonight. And I just LOVE top's rap in here, my favorite. Taeyang's voice fits perfectly here, btw <3 Oh and Daesung's voice! ahhh, he suits this song really well as well. Heck, everyone's voices here is beautiful.

CAFE! Like everyone else here, I'm in love with this song as well. This song really proved the maturity of BB's songs. Everyone's voices here just flows so well and beautifully. Taeyang and Seungri's voice goes super high! hahaha, I didn't know it could go this high but dang it sounds hot. OH MY DAESUNG, his voice totally popped out of everyone in this song. He needs more part! And TOP's low rapping is a cherry on top. The lyrics are so romantic and ahh, it's basically JUST what I expected from the title of the song.

And lastly, TONIGHT. Oh tonight, tonight. First, I'm happy that YG didn't trick us from the teaser with a random beat, since it actually sounds like the real song. I think this song would be 10 x better with the MV and LIVE (OMG LIVE performance of this song would be just bang!) Let me start off by saying that top and gd's rap in the beginning is just awesome, and taeyang pretty much owns the song with the chorus. I really like seungri's solo part, haha, his teaser was actually my favorite and I liked how it just fit nicely into the song. The only complaint I have this song is that there's NOT ENOUGH DAESUNG AND SEUNGRI. ESPECIALLY DAESUNG. I feel like all he sang was 10 seconds o_o He could have wonderfully sang the chorus as well! I wonder why they only gave the chorus to Taeyang. The song is REALLY nice but I just feel that there's not enough equality in part distributions. :(

I'm a well satisfied and happy VIP right now :D Although I feel like there's not enough songs in this album, it's good to know that (hopefully if things go as planned) their full album will soon be released later in the year as well. I can't wait to watch the MV now, and I 'm really hoping YG would spend extra bucks to make a second MV for this album xD how about a mv for What is right? hehe, I think that would be a very right thing to do, yg, hehehe. <3

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Guest SilentReader


TONIGHT - Tonight is so befitting to be the title track despite the other 2 songs being equally good! The musical arrangements and melody is grandeur and complex, so much that is safe to say this was carefully produced. at first hearing it, i thought the music was a bit noisy but hearing the whole song i wouldnt say that it is overdone because there are a couple of transitions (from chorus to DaeRi verse & chorus to bridge with YBDAE, the acoustic guitar part was PURE LOVE btw, and DaeSung precious vocals was awesome here) which makes the whole song well-balanced and not filled with too much background music all the time. LOVE THIS SONG and can't wait for their live performance. I wanna see their choreography!!!!

CAFE - I need to see this performance LIVE like right now!!! Because im curious to see how GD, YB and SR will perform their falsettos live for this! :P And not to mention DAE's sexy and greasy voice. I ADORE THIS SONG SO MUCH! Very laid-back and mellow, but still catches your attention! And i love the little inserts of trumpet in the song (i've grown to like VVIP - Open Your Window because of this!). It almost seems like a broadway theme, ahh idk hehe. It's just LOVE. Ohh and did i tell you how BEAUTIFUL the lyrics to CAFE is?? WHY IS EVERYTHING SO LOVE???? Yes, like some of you, this songs reminds me about the vocal arrangements in FOOL.

WHAT IS RIGHT - As opposed to CAFE, this song is more upbeat but cannot beat the intensity and fast-paced of TONIGHT. So this song really balances well with the other 2 new songs. And similar to TONIGHT, there is also a transition from fast-paced music to DAERI slightly slower vocals which is what i LOVE about BIGBANG songs. And not to mention the transition to the base-kicking YB slower verse. I love YB's chorus in here.

INTRO - This intro is LOVE. I love TOP's "I'm fine thank you and you" and "OK" adlibs. Haha so cute. And i love SR short vocals here. As opposed to their past EPIC INTRO SONGS, that introduced a buildup and anticipation to the whole album, this intro is slightly more different and more laidback. Different yet still totally awesome.

REMAKES - Remakes are good, but somehow i prefer Japanese versions. Or perhaps, im not really fond of the whole remake notion. :D

OVERALL - Im really satisfied with this album!!! I'm really worried about how the minialbum contains only 3 new songs. But because all 3 were INCREDIBLY AWESOME TO THE MAX, they kinda satisfy my 2 year hunger, for now of course. So, many people complain that the song contains too little DAERI but too much YB. While i agree to that (poor my SR! :unsure: ), I think YB's vocal complements well with all 3 songs, especially their choruses which is probably why GD chose him to do the vocals majorly. i mean, the song is indeed awesome with YB singing you know! Anyhow, DAE really proved his VOCAL POWER (as usual ;) ) in CAFE and TONIGHT's bridge. As for my bias SR :wub: , i think he has proven much in his VVIP album and people can always tune in to that for his soothing, innocent voice. :D haha, *fangirl mode on* Besides, there were technically only 3 songs, so it was rather hard to balance the vocal distributions. As for GD, he impresses me with his falsetto in CAFE, but i wished he'd went back to his rapping styles back in Haru Haru and Lies. The more sexy kind? and TOP, I love his low, macho voice, it just defines who BigBang consists of! i thought his English pronunciation is slightly quirky :vicx: (haha sorry!). It doesn't hurt the song, but i'd actually prefer GD's english to him. Just sayin. I love TOP AND GD rapping, but i think i will have to listen to all songs a lot more often, for me to memorise their rapping unlike how i totally got hooked to LIES and HARU HARU RAPPING. *does TOP's finger-pointing*

All in all, epic as usual. excl.gif

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I'm so speechless right now. I don't what to say since Big Bang 4th Mini Album took my breath away!

I should be spazzing last night actually. damn sensitive skin, made me sleep earlier.

btw, my sister who hate kpop, said Big Bang is money-worth(and 2NE1 too). When I said I want to go to their concert she was like, "if it is BB and 2NE1, it is fine." Usually she will be like, "pfft, don't go. They are not that worth it." hihihi XD

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Guest Sheshe5


Tonight such a beautiful night

sing with me now 2011 follow me

big bang big bang

we're back again one more time say


credit: Aggie @ bbvipz + ncly @soompi

1.50 am here in malaysia, my romanizing the lyrics process speed slow down.. sleepy but still wanna do it!! i dun care >__<

Why does gd say were back one more time I just relized that.

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Guest TheExConvict

First time commenting again....LOL

got home from a very tiring clinical in the hospital,

but i was really looking forward to go home coz i know i will be catching up with BIGBANG!!! :D

now, on to the comments:

INTRO: okay, why does it seem like it's better than "tonight"?? lol , for me atleast, i think if they had made more refrain/lyrics to this song, this will be my favorite!!! :w00t:

I like the beat, and the flow! everything!

at first, i was looking through the comments on where i left of last night, so i was reading all the posts here, and someone posted a trans for this and i read it, i haven't listen to the song at that time yet, and i was like "wtf is this? it's all repetitive thank you and you, that doesn't even make sense at all!" but when i listened to the song playing, i was sursprised i love it! the repetitiveness of that part is actually necessary coz of the rhyming and to match the beat, and it actually makes me sing it with them! lol very catchy....

TONIGHT: it's actually very unique, catchy and i really like the happy beat!!! it's like when there's a concert, they would play this kind of song...it just helps u lift up ur spirit! it makes u wanna party! B)

but the chorus, i think it was sang by Taeyang ryt? i actually didn't like the chorus much, i like GD's and TOP's part more...i think it's called "bridge/refrain" ryt? so yeah, i like that part more than Taeyang's part...the weird part that i find is when i read the eng trans, now from what i understand on the lyrics, its about how the guy's love on the girl is fading away, and it's like they are falling out of love on each other now, but the beat of this song is really "jumpy" and "party vibe" that i didn't get the connection between the lyrics and the music itself...if anyone here knows what i mean? so yeah...

CAFE: this song has a very different feel...i can't explain it much, but it's the kind of song that u would hear in cafes/coffee shops or when ur on hold on the phone....lol or when ur just sunbating in a cruise ship and this song would be playing while u relax and catch some rays and it will be really peaceful, sunny, and bright.... that kind of feeling...and i like it! it makes me feel relax!! :wub:

WHAT IS RIGHT: i like the flow of the song, i can imagine this song playing on those kdrama scenes when the main lead is doing something exciting so they use song like this to add to either the humor to what is the main lead doing, or to not make the viewers bored while watching scenes like that coz they don't use language, it's basically just music background and the main lead doing something fun/exiciting... ^_^ i'm not addicted to this song though..it's alright.

out of 10, i will give this whole album an 8.9 :D

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Guest aftermath

The fanboy is back! Haha~! Let me introduce myself again. Call me Dice (it's just a nickname), I'm 17 years young and became a fanboy of Big Bang way before their debut. And I'm so happy because there are many VIP nunas are here, it's amazing! This is one of the days that I'm exceptionally hyper. LOL. Since it's Big Bang, I don't mind being high high all day. In fact, I almost hit someone earlier when I was driving home from school (yes, i drive already because i need to). Ughhh. Anyway, just wanna say that the album is THA SHIIIIZZZZ! The thing is, I can't even believe that when I played Thank You and You, What is Right & Cafe earlier during lunch, 13 people from my school pre-ordered the album on iTunes and they don't even know Big Bang at all and almost all of them are all guys! So unexpected but I'm not surprised at all. Big Bang effect? The power of Big Bang? I think so. I mean, THEY'RE the royalties of the K-POP world. Been looping the whole album since the release. Anywhoooo, back to lurking again! Deuces! =D

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Guest sweetflower

I'm absolutely in love with TONIGHT - the 2nd best song coming out of BB since 2007 (with Lies being the other).  I can't fully describe the complexity of this song to give it justice.  What make this song so complex and wonderful to me was the multiple layers of beats, the progression of the song, and the feelings that it evokes - just like I'm on a roller coaster ride - fast pace, slow pace, acceleration, deceleration, high, low.  I applauded GD for the absolute high-class production involved in this song - I can really tell that he truly put a lot of effort into this one song. 

Maybe because I have weird taste in music, but I'm not feeling Cafe.  The vocals did really well, and the falsettos were good, but did not like TOP's lower alto rapping than usual in the beginning.  It's a good song, but I felt like it lacked *something* (can't put my hands on what it is) to make it the title song.   

My personal ranking: TONIGHT >>> What is Right > Somebody to Love/Hands Up > Intro > Cafe

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YG seems to be super excited over the all kill too ^_^ he posted them dominating the charts @ YG LIFE BLOG. i love it! congrats to the boys<3 the album's amazing. i can't wait until it comes to my doorstep, i think i'll cry from happiness. i'm so excited to see them perform Tonight. i thought that was the right choice for the title song even though What is Right and Cafe are both amazing songs too. Tonight just gives you that satisfying feeling of knowing big bang's back haha blush.gif

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BIG BANG IS BACK w00t.gifw00t.gif

YUP them men are backs so all those little boys best step aside!

I just finished listening to "Tonight" and this is the perfect title track! It's catchy, up beat and I can't wait for the MV to come out.

I'm just listening to "Cafe" HOLY mini cooper DAESUNG SOUNDS SOOO AMAZING!


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Guest janelleCOOKIEnguyen


My second post [x I feel like i'm probably the youngest outtaa everyone here

sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gifHI UNNIES && OPPAS^^ I didn't get to listen to all the songs yet because I just wanted to wait til the Tonight MV comes out to listen to everything but I couldn't resist the temptation and listened to Hands Up, Somebody to Love, and Cafe. I honestly like Hands Up and Somebody to Love the japanese version, but I think it's because of the song being mainly in english XD CAFE~~ I can't say it's my favorite song because I haven't listened to the other two but I am in love with it :wub: TOP's voice scared me a bit at the beginning XD it was so deeep~~ Then JIYONG's falsetto came in<33 I loved that transition between their voices<3 TOP was right when he said that there was never a time that him and JI didn't harmonize with eachother. THE PERSON WHO SHINED THE MOST IN THIS SONG THOUGH WAS DAESUNGG(: HIS VOICE :wub: i can't wait for his soloo album :D maknae and youngbae :D<3 At some parts I couldn't tell if it was JI or RI XD

BTW has anyone wondered about the skeletonn head on BB's album ?? My thoughts are that YG was lurkingg and came across this picture that was posted a while back XD


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Guest unexpected~romance

Big bang is freaking the b e s t ! They beat every single artist out there !!!!!!!!

There's an article saying that big bang did an all kill in the korean music charts as soon as they released the album !<3

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Guest littlevoice

Its funny how BIG BANG can pull and push you, toy with your emotion and in the end make you fall hard for them....well ... even harder then ever...

I applaud them for them for producing such an album, this comeback is epic, from the teasers to their upcoming concert--- everything fits perfectly and I'm just so happy that they are doing exceptionally well...  Kpop has been popular worldwide this past 2 years when they were inactive as a group, and just  having watched the 'Monocle' clip where they expressed their opinion of the industry as just a sensation.... music is not the business anymore but just a calling card--- I feel that this just shows how this comeback is important in so many levels...  BIG BANG is a group that can make music and the KPop industry has been lacking that quality of music... They just don't follow trends... they don't re-do a previous success formula... they don't even sing in the same style with each song.... they push boundaries and explore their potential... they never stop.

I know that some people will put them down.   Point out the bad, ignore the good.  Trample on their glorious moments.  Be an anti, scrooge, be party poopers---Be illogical and immature, because they have nothing to do.   

Well all I can say is that....  there are heroes and there are villains, there is good and there is evil...   and the world was made with trolls too. Let's just roll along...hehehe

I'll be posting my review on the album later.... 

Going to work is fun... I'm playing the album with my hubby... in the process of converting him to a fan so I can watch BIG SHOW 2012.  Last night he promised me that he will also buy an album if I'll sleep early and stop replaying the teasers over and over... I guess that's somewhat a positive sign.

Have an amazing BIG BANG day!!!

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Guest TOP_effectBB

Big bang is freaking the b e s t ! They beat every single artist out there !!!!!!!!

There's an article saying that big bang did an all kill in the korean music charts as soon as they released the album !<3

omo >3 u have a link :D ?

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Guest unexpected~romance

omo >3 u have a link :D ?

It's on daum's search list. it says big bang's tonight and like there are a bunch of articles :)

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