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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Taeyang's 1st solo Album announcement from YG??


YG 엔터테인먼트 입니다.

여러분들이 오랫동안 기다려오신 태양의 정규 1집 앨범에 관한 소식을 전할까 합니다.

완성도 높은 무대와 짙은 R&B 감성의 노래실력으로 대중과 평단으로부터 이례적인 극찬을 받고

있는 태양에게 본인의 첫 정규 앨범에 대한 의미는 처음 가수가 되기로 마음먹었던 13살부터

지금까지 지난 10년간 자신이 추구하고 싶었던 음악을 모두 담아 내기 위해 최선의 노력을

기울인 앨범입니다.

덕분에 2008년 5월 첫 솔로 미니앨범 [HOT] 발표 이후, 정규 앨범 발표가 예상보다

많이 늦어진 것이 사실입니다만, 태양이 오랜 시간 고민하고 열심히 준비한 앨범이니만큼

팬 여러분들에게 좋은 선물이 되기를 기대합니다.

앨범 발표 일정과 간략한 프로모션 관해 아래의 사항들을 참고 해주시길 바랍니다.


▶ 2010년 7월 1일 - 태양 정규 1집 앨범 [sOLAR] Deluxe Edition 발매

오는 7월 1일 발표하는 [sOLAR] Deluxe Edition은 보다 적극적인 마니아들을 위한

스페셜 패키지 앨범으로써 말 그대로 패키지의 모든 구성이 스페셜하게 제작된 앨범입니다.

Deluxe Edition은 정규앨범에 수록되는 11곡과 더불어 지난 미니앨범에 실렸던 " 기도" 와

“나만 바라봐" 가 보너스 트랙으로 수록되어 총 13곡으로 구성되어 있습니다.

또한 Deluxe Edition은 3만장으로 한정된 리미티드 앨범으로써 각각의 앨범마다 고유번호가

새겨져 있어 추후 고유번호 추첨을 통해 태양과 함께 하는 특별한 형식의 이벤트를 진행 할 예정

입니다. (예약 판매 없이 7월1일 당일판매 예정.)

▶ 2010년 7월 9일 - 태양 정규 1집 앨범 [sOLAR] 일반판 발매

Deluxe Edition과는 또 다른 매력을 지닌 태양의 정규 1집 앨범 일반판은 총 11곡이

수록되며 세련된 디자인으로 보다 많은 팬 여러분들을 찾아갈 것입니다.

▶ 일반판 예약 진행: 2010년 7월 1일(목) ~ 7월 8일(목)

▶ 예약처: YG E-shop 및 각종 온라인 음반 판매 사이트

- 앨범 사양 및 가격은 6월 25일 음원 선공개와 동시에 상세 공지될 예정입니다.

★ 태양 정규 1집 앨범 [sOLAR] 음원 선 공개 프로모션 ★

태양의 정규 1집 앨범 프로모션 일환으로 앨범 발표 이전인 오는 6월 25일부터 30일까지

하루에 한 곡씩 태양의 1집 수록 곡을 온라인을 통해 선 공개할 예정입니다.

6일 동안 진행될 이번 선 공개 프로모션은 하루에 한 곡씩 약 1분 가량 공개될 예정이며

공개되는 해당 음원은 당일에만 청취가 가능합니다. (하루에 한 곡 청취 가능)

대부분 음반이 발표되기 이전에 사전 유출이나 불법 유출을 막기 위해 단속을 철저히 하는 것이

일반적인 예입니다만 열심히 준비한 태양의 신곡들을 보다 많은 분에게 들려 드리고 싶은

욕심에서 비롯된 계획이오니 팬 여러분들의 많은 응원과 성원 부탁 드립니다.

▶ 온라인 음원 공개일정: 6월 25일(금) ~ 6월 30일(수) 0시 6일간

▶ 앨범 수록 11곡 중, 6곡 1분씩 공개

▶ 태양 공식 홈페이지 (www.ygbigbang.com/taeyang/) 목요일밤 12시(금요일 0시) 공개!


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Guest honey_co2315

"This guys is the Japan's hottest RnB artist...."

man, that site need a serious check up before posting up the news! tongue2.gif

do some research you pabo.. But I think I gotta admit, the only part that is correct

is "The Hottest" part~!! :wub::P

haha! agree! at least they got the "HOTTEST" part right! cmon, google is a big help already... seriously, can't they use the search engine and do some research? researcher, where are you????

Big Bang on Female Weekly," If I Go On A Date... "

Exclusive Interview

Zoom Up ・ Real Voice

Questions directed to 5 of them!!

Things you want to say "Goodbye" to?

Anything pleasant happened recently that caused you to 'hands up'?

If you go on a date this summer...

SOL 22/ Vocal

I want to say goodbye to my ruefulness towards lost friends as well as my personally wants. Thus, to become a more mature adult who can create more pieces of good music.

My solo album that takes me almost one year to prepare, is soon going to be released in Korea.

I would bring my beloved one to the sea of Okinawa. The same as D-Lite, wish I could soon find my destined one.

G-Dragon 21/ Rap

Up till now, the answer is no. If I really have to say one, then it's my old habit of biting my nails. It started when I was 8, and probably would last till I turn 80.

The experience of a ride on FUJIYAMA in Fuji-Q Highland. That was thrilling fun that I could not control myself but to lift my hands up (:D).

I'll choose a park in Japan. It's quite a rare scene in Korea to see couples having food, playing music and singing together. I will make box lunches on Sunday morning and then go for a picnic with my girlfriend. My girlfriend? All of my fans are my girlfriends!

*Note: Fuji-Q Highland is a famous amusement park in Japan. Fujiyama is the longest and tallest rollercoaster in Fuji-Q Highland.

Source: 週刊女性

Photos: 가호애미@bestiz

Translated by JANE @ www.bigbangupdates.com

Please credit when re-posting ^ ^

i love how GD puts it... ALL OF MY FANS ARE MY GIRLFRIENDS! he must be a playa... but he knows how to make his fans fell head over heels on him over and over, again and again... such a sweetheart with a rebel appeal...

and my YB,,, man! just ask me anytime,, i'm willing to sell my precious laptop just to be with you in Okinawa... just tell me the time and date... :D

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Does T.O.P has his own thread?!! can someone send me a link to it cause I cant find it thank you.

TOP's Turn It Up MV Teaser!! wow!! his "gray" hair is back hehehe or a darker gray or is it the lighting? lol

anwways he looks really goood and charimastic in a bad boy way !!

If I know how to make a gif I would do this part where he raises his left eyebrow! hehe cutes!


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Guest toozdae08

YES!!!!!!! WE HAVE A DATE!!!

Can someone please please please translate what YG said about YB's album. I'm so excited for it.

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Just as I thought. YG really tried to take away our attention from the rumors of Taeyang's album by releasing teasers for TOP's digital single. Come to think about it, if Shaun Evaristo came to Korea to help someone from YG, it would definitely be Taeyang. When the teasers for TOP's single was released, it was also said that TOP will not be promoting Turn It Up. So, we could conclude that Taeyang's albumw ills till be pushed through. :)))


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Guest bluishme

according to taeyangs thread,, his solo album will be released on July 1..

followed by Se7en on July 21...

this makes me more excited since i feel

that Big Bang's comeback is near!!!

hope VIPs will support our boys and the YG Family!

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With these YG artists coming back, do you think 2NE1's comeback is near? Just a random question. LOL. I know it should be posted in the 2NE1 thread, but, yeah.

Anyways, I could really tell that Big Bang's KOREAN comeback will be soon! Ahh! Exciteeeeed!

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OMG!!! is it my b-day or WHAT!! So many releases coming up!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh >>>> SOLAR <<< this album has YBs blood sweat and tears!! Vipz must support him! I can't wait!! Oh and I agree lets make TOPs MV release get 1mill!! Vipz can do anything! I'm so excited right now. I think I will faint when YBs teaser comes out.

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Guest lovemeGD92

Dedicating my first post to Big Bang! YAY! I've been a lurker for quite a while now and I've decided to create a soompi account and join the fun. :rolleyes:

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Guest andloveyelledno

That's not TOP's Star Diary interview, right? Doesn't look like it.

They all look so cute in the magazine. I like Japanese photoshoots, they're usually fun to look at. Wow, that's a lot of Dae <3

lovemeGD92, welcome! I hope you'll continue to participate here with us :)

My girlfriend? All of my fans are my girlfriends!

LOL Oh GD...that is such a Seungri thing to say. Been taking some lesson from him about fan service, huh?

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Guest ooxstacee



TOP & TAEYANG! I hope they let TOP perform it ONCE during YB's promotions.

Am I asking for too much? I can actually see it happening, like how YB performed during GD's promotions.

Too bad I'm not in town until July 14th. :( Hopefully I'll have internet! Or I'll cry.

WAHSKLAFK! I can't wait. :)

Anyways, I guess TOP will be getting his own thread soon in the music section.

Only one missing is maknae!

And TOP's looking pretty dang good in those pictures.

I don't even know what to spaz about!! So many things! ASDFGHJKL;!!

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Guest shinhdeplol

Woahh so the rumor about his album is true *admire* There will be so many comebacks/debuts in the upcoming month w00t. Tae and TOP andSe7en :wub: Then BIGBANG on AUG!!!!!!!!!!

This year is DAEBAK :lol:

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C: Seungriya.com By 비비비 // mamzz_pr @ popcornfor2

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Some artwork



C: 杰奏不同 @ baidu

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Guest sryche

This one:

Taeyang’s New Album, Solar Dropped Liked a Bomb

Big Bang Taeyang’s upcoming album rumors soared into cyberspace not too lon ago. There were possible hints about the album but just lately, YG Entertainment finally issued a statement.

YG Entertainment’s unique style of shocking their fans heated everyone up with a sudden teaser of TOP’s Turn It Up. Originally scheduled January 2010, Taeyang’s album announcement dropped like a bomb to everyone right after TOP’s teaser.

Through the main YG web, the announcement was released noting that Taeyang’s full album will be released July 1, 2010. From June 25 to 30th, a minute sample of the new track will be released.

Fans will sure be digging this one!

Taeyang will be releasing an album to be then followed by a limited Deluxe Edition comprising of 11 new original tracks. Prayer and Only Look at Me will also be incuded and a bonus track, making a total of 13 tracks!

In a statement issued by a YG representative,

“This first full length album contains all the determination that Taeyang had to become a singer since her was 13 and he gave it his all to convey 10 years worth of passion into this album. As much as he has worked and prepared for this album, we hope this will be a great gift to the fans.”

Taeyang’s title track will be released through music portals on July 1st. Along with it will be the track’s music video.

If you love Taeyang, vote for him on our online voting poll!

Source: BLACKVIPS at www.blackjacks-vips.freeo.net

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Guest blablablash04

This is great news *claps* Definitely a Big Bang come back! Or should I say YG Family's comeback! Total AWESOMENESS!!! *happy dance*

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Guest MidnightByul

Anybody else notice, how YG tends to be a love/hate/frustrated realtionship? LMAO.

Because I know I have that with him, nevertheless still love him. ^^

Taeyang coming back with SOLAR ugh! I can't wait to hear this boy's hard work.

TOP's MV dropping on the 21st.


And the girls come back as well, with all 5 boys too. I mean, is it safe to say YG FAM domination begins..?LOL

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