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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest andloveyelledno

I also became a fan after listening to Haru Haru back when they were promoting it so I do maintain that for me, this is a great song. Have they done better? Most definitely but that doesn't take away the enjoyment I get from hearing this song.

The MV on the other hand....lol well, let's just say I prefer to watch the parody version on youtube :D

I hope they continue doing mature videos with beautiful cinematography like their Tell me Goodbye MV. You know, with an actual interesting storyline that had us all talking and trying to dissect it. YG, get it together and learn from Universal!

I wonder, do you guys think it was smart to release the Tell me goodbye MV so early? Has the buzz gone down for the song by now? I was worried but i'm glad to see that they're doing promotions with the big bang bus and stuff. I know this is just an OST single but I hope it makes it at least to the top 3 on the oricon chart just like all their other ones.

Thanks Shin, I left a comment on BSX's me2day but for the life of me I can't figure out how to friend 'em. Me2day changed the layout :X

Dae is too adorable!


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Guest shinhdeplol

let's do a quiz to make this thread move faster ^^ if only we could reach page 2000 when our boys make their comeback later this year :blush:

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

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Guest marrygabby

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

The fist who caught my attention was Top, probably is very easy too guess the most obvious reason right?

I thought, wow that boy is very handsome!!! and his voice wooooowwwww I remembered hearing it in an interview and I just couldn´t believe that someone can have such an amazing voice, soooo deep and sexy!!!!

And those big, deep, beautiful eyes!!!! I thought he was one of the most handsome koreans I had ever seen in my entire life!!!!

And now the one who I love the most is...HIM!!!! It never changed :P Well maybe I was inclined for GD because he is my second favorite one, but I think I will never stop loving Top!!!!

I probably love him more now than at the beginning because of his wonderful personality and his very deep thoughts, yes he Is and always will be my NUMBER 1!!!!!

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Guest g-dragon1988

hm..for me, the first one that caught my attention was Seungri back then..I just thought he was dancing well and singing well..and I liked those puppy eyes of him~ㅋㅋㅋㅋBut that was just when BIGBANG debuted, and that time I wasn't into hip-hop..I even called them 'OH GANGSTARS~I HATE THEM'ㅠㅠThat time I only saw BIGBANG once or twice and I just said 'Oh Seungri is cute'~~

But then, few years after, I accidentally heard some BIGBANG songs..and totally fell in love with GD's rapping skills!!o.o That's when I started to listen to BIGBANG more, and explored their music and songs~~ I was like 24hours listening and repeating only GD's rap..and just thinking 'OMG this guy rapping is so HOT!'~~And so, whenever I heard name GD or something about him, I just got HOT. My sister even noticed it and teased me a lot, but I was just saying 'NO Of course I don't like him! He is from BIGBANG! He is a bad guy!'

And then finally, when HEARTBREAKER was out, I ABSOLUTELY FELL IN LOVE with JIYONG~~T.T I just couldn't escape from him~~He was catching my attention every day more and more..and more and more..~~ I started looking at his photos, his videos, listening to his music everyday, everynight. Non-STOP. And now it's even more.~ I'm so in love with him that..I don't know..I think I can do EVERY SINGLE THING in order to get close to him~~~I love him TO DEATH. No, that's not a good word. I love him BEYOND WORDS~~~~~~>.<





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Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

When I first saw Big Bang, Tae Yang was the first to catch my attention because I just thought he was cuter than the others, but then I didn't pay much attention to them after I saw that picture of them. A couple of months later, I decided to watch random youtube videos of them, so I began to pay more attention & it was Seung Ri who I became biased towards. I think I liked Seung Ri because he was very adorable, I thought he was cute because he has a baby face. ;D However, it wasn't long until I began to like Tae Yang. My favorite changed because I totally fell in love with Tae Yang's smile. I have always been a person who loves guys with a cute smile. What increased my bias towards him was his soulful voice & innocent self. I got to see how he is more and I really liked how he thinks a lot & seems very understanding. If I were to say who complements me the most, I would say Tae Yang. But that doesn't mean I don't love the other Big Bang boys, too, they all just fit together perfectly since they all have something to fill in what another may lack. (:

The one who first caught my attention definitely became my favorite. <3

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Guest zahieyjunki

since i rarely post here though i'm bs of them, but yea i'm broke off my shell.

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

i'm not one of the fans that since from the debut, i'm start became their fan. but i know them since debut but don't really pay attention of them until when Lies came out. i think that's when mostly ppl are truly knows them and how they becoming VIP after that.

first that caught my eyes is Seungri. i think he so good looking and can be so adorable at a same time when i saw the Lies mv.

but then when i start to check out their old vids, my eyes just drawn to GD. good rapper, dance well, 'girls desire' haha~ who wouldn't falls for him?

and following that, my addiction grew more when i start read his fanfic. mostly the fanfic that i've read basically having GD as like the bad guy character, like seductive character. and i kinda like it. don't ask why.

So, from 07 until now, my heart doesn't changed to other member, so it's GD for now and i don't think i will ever jump ships to others but seriously i love BB as all.

all members have different talent different charms and that's what made me proud being a VIP.

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Guest evilgary

lol those fans replacing their face with a picture of gdragon face is really funny especially one of them with the long hair behind got me really cracking.

Daesung caught my eyes because of his small eyes and smiling face

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Guest intelligirl

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

Jiyong caught my attention first because I am a fan of his solo work. I don’t think I became an instant fan of bb when I discovered their Lollipop mv, but I did become an instant fan of GD. As I started watching more videos of Big Bang on Youtube I started liking all of the members. TOP stood out to me because of his “bad boy” image, Taeyang because he is a sweetheart, Daesung because of his happy, cute demeanor, and Seungri for of his overall character.

Seungri has a special place in my heart. He became my absolute favorite after watching this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRoo1LchXuk. I just could not possibly ignore him after it. I am quite obvious about my bias because I think he deserves more support among international fans, but I am honestly a fan of every Big Bang member :D

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Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

haha my question in B2st thread haha XD

the first one that caught my eye was.... TOP... the first time i saw him i was awed... he has such a perfect face... i saw him in dirty cash mv, and he looked really hot and cute and everything at the same time haha and before that i have watched that hello mv from red roc, i thought that this guy is really handsome + his smile waa...

then i saw that he is in big bang, and i searched about them and stuff, and i fell for them completely...

and since then, TOP is my favorite since forever haha XD

then GD is second, because he is really awesome

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Guest shinhdeplol

^lol im active in both thread and i want both to move fast okay? hehe =]]

i have been interested in MR removed videos lately, but our boys havent really performed for so long that its hard to find a good MR-removed video of them. i can only find one proper vid of Last Farewell. whoever says Big Bang can't sing/ rap really call for a punch in the face lol

[ MR Removed ] Big Bang - Last Farewell




oh i found another link for Number 1


edit edit

lol i found one for Dirty cash too


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Guest andloveyelledno

For those who never saw this:

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

I first took notice of Big Bang when I saw them performing Haru Haru. The one who caught my eye was TOP just because he has such powerful stage presence, sick rap flow, and let's be honest here, he's incredibly attractive. Those cheekbones of his are perfection.

I was intrigued by the stark difference between his stage persona and the person he was off it. He could go from fierce bad boy to dorky shy guy....and both sides seem genuine. They're all a part of him.

BUT my ultimate bias now is TaeYang. I have so much respect for him as an artist and as a person. I love his endless dedication to his craft and how important it is for him to make music that comes from the heart. Although some find it boring, I love how simple he is when it comes to his style, music, performances, etc. It's quality over quantity. Don't get me wrong I also enjoy extravagance and flashiness (GD's style for example) but I find myself pulled more towards the other.

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Guest Kushi

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

Personally, I didn't like Big Bang until after Lies came out. I saw them as a 1tym clone at the beginning, but then it was during a radio session (I can't remember which one), but this one BB covered Moogadang's 'OAO', and TOP's super deep voice when he sang really impressed me. And that's what made me go search up more about BB.

However, when I was searching, I found a clip of Daesung who did a cover of Wheesung's 'With me' and that's when I became a fan. I became a fan because of Daesung and yes he's still my bias, though in time I have grown to love them all

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Guest Unnursvana

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

The first time that I saw Big Bang was there first performance with the Wonder Girls when they sang Tell me and lies together and the first one that caught my eye was probably G-Dragon because I thought he was cute and I love the things that he was wearing. Also when I checked out Lies after that he stood out in the MV for me too, but that may have been because he got the most screen time in that MV or something.

But once I got into the boys and started to read there interviews, watch shows that they were on and CF and all that stuff I started to notice Daesung. He was just always smiling and seams so happy and dorky and just someone that I would really want to hang out with, just something about him made me smile every time he came on the screen and I loved his voice and his personality and now he is my bias or favorite in Big Bang but I love them all honestly.

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Guest cirrusuncinus

I know most of the fans here are probably teenage girls that think they are "hot" as a way to put it which is why most teenage girls like boy groups. Right?

(Sorry for cutting your post)

What can I say? I'm thirtysomething :lol: Yeah!

And/but I'm still here, and I still love these talented boys for so many reasons.

I believe I'm not the only one. So please, don't underestimate 'crumblies', even if we are a minority ;)

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Guest cirrusuncinus

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

The first one that caught my eye was TOP . When I saw him

I almost collapsed :lol:

And nothing has changed...

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Guest k-yoz

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

i first saw top and gd..during their froever with u

days along with park bom...as i was watching

them on arirang...they really got my attention..

and i was like...whoa.this boys were cool...

and i super duper like park bom..

then i started out doing some research

about them...then came upon knowing

bigbang and yg family....

in an instant i became a big fan of them....

then daesung got my attention....from that time

upto now...i still love him...i love his

dorky personality..him beung an outgoing

person..i love his voice..everything about him..

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Guest Abie

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

LMAO. I first saw BIGBANG through pictures on the web because some of my friends over at crunchyroll are crazy over them so yeah :) First who caught my eye is TAEYANG. He looked so fierce in that one pic i saw of them and i really thought he was the leader. LOL. Something about him screams...gangsta XD Iono. But when i watched them for the very first time through their Lollipop MV, I was attracted more to Jiyong and yeah, that's when i got addicted to BIGBANG. Though Taeyang ddnt become my favorite coz GD's my ultimate bias (ever), i still love him whole lots and now that ive found out he's really kind and gentle too (unlike, my first impression about him), i came to love him more<3

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Guest jiyongie_

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

I saw Big Bang on TV!! The one who really caught my attention was GDRAGON. LIke I always says, time flows by and jiyong just gets more interesting! HES MY FAVORIE BACK THENA DN NOW HE STILL IS AND FOR TOMORROW HE WILL BE^^

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Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

Lol the BB members that first caught my eye were Taeyang and TOP in an episode of WGM! :D. I thought Taeyang was so cool looking and HOT from the get go. TOP seemed very shy and polite (boy was I totally wrong about that shy one) Later when I got to know Big Bang by watching their documentary it changed to GD because he is soooooo my type of guy :). Hes a Sweetie but not afraid to give tough love and has a go getter attitude. Not to mention that he can rap AND sing!! double the pleasure double the fun! I still to this day have a slight bias for him.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7yFRlH7WO4 (were it all began for me)

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Guest CLI0

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

2ne1 & Big Bang's "Lollipop" was my foray into the KPOP scene. That being said, TOP was the one who caught my eye when I first saw Big Bang in the MV. My initial reaction was, "wow this guy is really good looking" ^^ and I actually thought TOP was the leader! I think it might have had something to do with the fact that he had the first verse and sang part of the chorus... but that is neither here nor there.

But when it comes to my favorite in BB--which, by the way, is SUCH a hard question for me :huh:-- I go back and forth between TOP and G-Dragon.

TOP, one, because he's just so damn handsome. two, because of his maaaddd charisma and skills when he raps. his voice just kills me every single time!! :swoon: And I appreciate both his quiet/shy side, and his funny side. I also think his approach to life is very refreshing~~ there's been a lot of moments where TOP has revealed the inner workings of his mind, which are as profound as they are beautiful.

Just based on looks alone, G-Dragon wouldn't have been my first pick--not saying anything bad about him because I DO, in fact, find him really cute but he's just too small for my taste. But he's just got so much swagger its not even funny. He always, always just kills it on stage with how much charisma he has! And I love the hard work he puts into everything he does--rapping, dancing, songwriting, composing, producing--he really is a musical jack of all trades. Lastly, I appreciate the freshness he has about himself. He's always changing it up and keeping things new, so I'm drawn to what he'll come up with next.

But goodness, I can't pick between the two of them!!! :blink:

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