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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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GD's Me2day Update exclusive from Japan

bwahahahaha..~ :lol: :lol: :lol:

i'm almost fall off the chair because of this, damn hilarious!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

take this netizens!!

they always know how to shut haters mouth!!

but next time netizen, better come up with more realistic scandals..~

because they relationship just become stronger!!!

GRi for the win!!!

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Guest Caitiana

GD's me2day picture is sooooo hilarious LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Whoever came up with the idea first is a real genius.

Not even a word needed. Oh...how I love these boys :D

BTW, this is the translations from ibigbang: “Elbowed by Strong Baby”

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Guest Alla

[26th May]Fan account of Iris Dramatic Live Stage in Japan:

1st Event:

-tweeting from phone. lots of BB fans here! their box for presents was full!XD

-I spied some G-Ri moments!!! love is in the air in Japan! <3

-and Taeyang messed up the lyrics in TMG, but not much. No choreo, just them standing around the catwalk

-Kim TaeWoo, Baek JiYoung and Shin SeungHun performed, but BB got the loudest reaction from the


-and... and... GD has the RED HOT HAIR!!! OMG! he's so gorgeous! *hiperventilating*

-our boys were wearing the Instantology suits, and GD a black fedora too.

-all of them very handsome. TOP changed clothes several times. guy looks great in a suit

-they sang GARA GARA GO, Hallelujah and Tell Me Goodbye. Lots of yellow crowns everywhere. BB

owned it!

2nd Event:

-it's true, at the end of the 2nd IRIS event both Ji and Ri were not paying attention and just talking to each other's ears for a long while

-I wish there were fancams! In the 1st event Ji touched Ri's neck, as if he was taking sth stuck to the collar of his jacket

-and also Ji passed his arm around Ri's waist while walking side by side a couple of times *____________*

-& in both events Ji would turn his head and stare at Ri for a long time, many times, while Ri was just looking at the front

-it was funny cos when they were whispering to each other, YB said sth to Ji and then they stopped. Prbly "Please behave!"

Extra fanfic:

-LOL, I just read the 1st G-Ri reference I've ever found from a Japanese fan written on her blog, and it's very funny XDDDDDD

-Translation: "JiYong was telling secrets to SeungRi the whole time. The content I think might be...

Ji: "Can we sleep together today?"

-Translation (cont.):

Ri: "No way!"

Ji: "Then I'll assault you!" LMAO


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[26th May]Fan account of Iris Dramatic Live Stage in Japan:

1st Event:

-tweeting from phone. lots of BB fans here! their box for presents was full!XD

-I spied some G-Ri moments!!! love is in the air in Japan! <3

-and Taeyang messed up the lyrics in TMG, but not much. No choreo, just them standing around the catwalk

-Kim TaeWoo, Baek JiYoung and Shin SeungHun performed, but BB got the loudest reaction from the


-and... and... GD has the RED HOT HAIR!!! OMG! he's so gorgeous! *hiperventilating*

-our boys were wearing the Instantology suits, and GD a black fedora too.

-all of them very handsome. TOP changed clothes several times. guy looks great in a suit

-they sang GARA GARA GO, Hallelujah and Tell Me Goodbye. Lots of yellow crowns everywhere. BB

owned it!

2nd Event:

-it's true, at the end of the 2nd IRIS event both Ji and Ri were not paying attention and just talking to each other's ears for a long while

-I wish there were fancams! In the 1st event Ji touched Ri's neck, as if he was taking sth stuck to the collar of his jacket

-and also Ji passed his arm around Ri's waist while walking side by side a couple of times *____________*

-& in both events Ji would turn his head and stare at Ri for a long time, many times, while Ri was just looking at the front

-it was funny cos when they were whispering to each other, YB said sth to Ji and then they stopped. Prbly "Please behave!"



woah!! so many good news in 1 day~

freaking hilarious!!

i love the part "Please behave!" hahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:

somehow, I'm envy Seungri he got Jiyong attention all the time. hahahaha :P :P :P

GRi FTW!!!

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Guest shinhdeplol

MTV Live with Big Bang Broadcast Schedule

Big Bang performed today at MTV Live but the event will be shown on TV this coming June 27. Here's the schedule:

June 27 : 3:00PM-4:00PM

June 28 : 4:00AM-5:00AM (Replay)

June 28 : 10:00AM-11:00AM (Replay)

June 30 : 3:30PM -4:30PM (Replay)

Some photos from the event




C: MTV Japan + tisya & jane @ www.bigbangupdates.com

- - -

VMAJ tee signed by BIGBANG and other artists ^^



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xtlover15: is it ok if the picture is posted in thumbnail? thank you :]

Alla: thx for the fanaccount, alot of G-Ri going on. So they did perform TMG that night, i really really want to watch fancams of that performance, bet they did great as usual besides TY's little mistake.


credit: 혀꼬여@ GD&H

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xtlover15: is it ok if the picture is posted in thumbnail? :]

I edited the picture with a thumbnail now ^^.

I just want to laugh with that crap news that GD elbowed Seungri a couple of weeks ago XD. Its time for Seungri's payback :P. Congratulations to Big Bang for winning three awards in VMAJ by the way!

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I keep on refreshing this thread!! so many good news in one day!! XDD

I LOL-ed so hard at G-Ri's picture! In ur face haterss~!! hahahaha~

YG Family always have the best way to backfire all the antis comment~!

Ji and Flo-Rida collab to shut them off from the plagiarism issue~

and now G-Ri playful selca!! hahaha~ :lol:

cant wait for the broadcast of MTV Live show~!! will it gonna be air on MTV channel??

I wanna watch 'em on my TV~!! Its gonna be a blast~!!! wohoooo~ :D



Photo Spoofs of G-Dragon's latest Me2Day Update with Seungri




Taken from:: bigbangupdates~


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 一夜限りのスペシャル・ライブのラストを飾るのはBIGBANG。4人がステージに登場し、1曲目の「ガラガラGO!!」がスタートすると、オーディエンスは大、大、大歓声! みんな曲にあわせて跳ね、踊り、フロアはV.Iが「うわ~、すげえ!」と思わず感嘆するほどの熱気に満ちあふれた。彼らがステージから手を振るだけで、会場のオーディエンスには笑顔がはじけ、大歓声が巻き起こる。2曲目の「Number 1」を披露すると、会場は早くもクライマックスと言えるほどの大盛り上がりだ。

 昨日の「MTV WORLD STAGE VMAJ 2010」にもプレゼンターとして登場した彼らだが、「ステージの上が一番おもしろい」とD-LITEが語ったように、彼ら自身もこのライブを楽しみにしている様子。舞台を左右に走り回って観客を見回して笑い、MTV LIVEのステージを思い切り楽しんでいる。

 6月にリリースする新曲「Tell Me Goodbye」のイントロが流れると、会場は再び悲鳴のような歓声に包まれる。SOLが「Everybody, Sing!」と会場にマイクを向けると、オーディエンスはものすごい大合唱。BIGBANGの楽曲がいかにオーディエンスから愛されているかが伝わる光景だった。続く「HOW GEE」ではG-DRAGONとT.O.Pが繰り出す高速ラップに、会場はお祭り騒ぎのような盛り上がり。アッパーなダンスチューン「HANDS UP」で、BIGBANGのステージはこの日一番の盛り上がりを見せた。

 鳴り止まないアンコールに再びBIGBANGがステージに登場すると、オーディエンスからはこの日一番の大歓声が上がる。会場中が大合唱に包まれた「声をきかせて」、そしてオーディエンスが会場を揺れるほどのジャンプを見せた「MY HEAVEN」で、この一夜限りの最強ライブはフィナーレを迎えた。

 最後はMTV LIVE恒例の!! 集合写真をパシャリ。超満員のオーディエンスのみなさま、大きな声援をありがとうございました。楽しく、感動的なMTV LIVEでした。


BIGBANG 하룻 밤까지만의 스페셜·라이브의 라스트를 꾸미는 것은 BIGBANG. 4명이 스테이지에 등장하고, 1곡째의 「가라가라GO!! 」지만 스타트하면, 청중(audience)은 대, 대, 대환성! 모두 곡에 맞춰서 뛰어 오르고, 춤추고, 플로어는 V. I가 「와 ∼, 끼워 넣어 얻어! 」이라고 생각하지 않고 감탄 한 만큼의 열기에 왕성했다. 그들이 스테이지 공수(가라데)를 흔드는것만으로, 회장의 청중(audience)에는 미소가 여물어서 터지고, 대환성이 일어난다. 2곡째의 「Number 1」을 보여 주면, 회장은 벌써 클라이맥스라고 말할 수 있을 만큼의 대고조다.

어제의 「MTV WORLD STAGE VMAJ 2010」에도 프레젠터(presentor)로서 등장한 그들이지만, 「스테이지 위가 제일(가장) 재미있다」라고 D-LITE가 함께 이야기 한 것 같이, 그들 자신도 이 라이브를 기대하고 있는 모양. 무대를 좌우로 뛰어다녀서 관객을 둘러봐서 웃고, MTV LIVE의 스테이지를 마음껏 즐기고 있다.

6월에 릴리즈하는 신곡 「Tell Me Goodbye」의 인트로가 흐르면, 회장은 다시 비명과 같은 환성에 싸여진다. SOL이 「Everybody, Sing! 」이라고 회장에 마이크를 향하면, 청중(audience)은 대단한 대합창. BIGBANG의 악곡이 아무리(어떻게) 청중(audience)으로부터 사랑받고 있을지가 전해지는 광경이었다. 계속되는 「HOW GEE」에서는 G-DRAGON과 T. O. P가 몰려 가는 고속 랩에, 회장은 야단법석과 같은 고조. 어퍼한 댄스 튠 「HANDS UP」에서, BIGBANG의 스테이지는 이날 제일의 고조를 보였다.

울려 그치지 않은 앵콜에 다시 BIGBANG이 스테이지에 등장하면, 청중(audience)으로부터는 이날 제일인 대환성이 터진다. 회장중이 대합창에 싸여진 「목소리를 들려줘」,그리고 청중(audience)이 회장을 흔들릴 만큼의 점프를 보인 「MY HEAVEN」에서, 이 하룻 밤까지만의 최강 라이브는 피날레를 맞이했다.

최후는 MTV LIVE항례의!! 집합 사진을 【파샤리】. 초만원의 청중(audience)의 여러분, 큰 성원 고마웠습니다. 즐겁고, 감동적인 MTV LIVE이었습니다.

또 만나 뵈는 날을 즐거움이게 ·… ·.

출처 : http://www.mtvjapan.com/blog/053010/

credit: seraphim @ bbvipz

Set List:

Gara Gara Go

Number 1

Tell Me Goodbye

How Gee

Hands Up


Koe wo Kikasete (Let Me Hear Your Voice)

My Heaven

Credits: MTV Japan + posting for Jane @ www.bigbangupdates.com^^

* 7 songs, wow.

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Guest sakime-yong

HAHA G-Ri so funny! haha

Im so happy and PROUD TO OUR BIG BANG!

They are really BIG!

haha GDYB in MTV interview so funny.

JI holding, promoting their CD so cuteeeeeeeee!!!! haha like a kid.

THEY ARE BEYOND AWESOME!! cool! Hotness overload.

I want to share this with you guys. Check it out. They have some BB cover.

Jan, Brian & Yssa Collab] G-Dragon ft. Teddy & CL - The Leaders

Jan & Aj Duet Cover] G-Dragon ft. Tae Yang - Look Only At Me (Shine A Light Concert Ver.)




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Guest juang_bb

G-Ri love in GD's me2. those two is really hilarious. Tom and Jerry FTW!!! GD's been updating his me2day more often, yay!!!

Thanks for the fan accounts. and yeah...BB with Vaness. remembers my F4 fangirling days too! and Tabi, look at him..such a dork in one of the pics, with him lying down. The pics are nice, they look comfy with the other artists in the event.

I hope fancams surface from the IRIS and MTV LIVE events. and I hope somebody translates what's written in the mtv japan blog. it seems that kVIPs already translated it in korean.

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Guest n_angel274

^ You can watch all the performances and acceptance speeches here:


They are a bit LQ though. I believe there will be more HQ vids coming later after some rerun of the shows ^^

Sorri to cut ur post..thank you for the link

GD's Me2day Update exclusive from Japan

명치 스트롱 베이비 ~!!



This really makes my day..I Love how they make fun of the haters everytime the haters came up with ridiculous stuff. The best part is..what BB did after that was Daebak (This pic, the collab with FloRida). seriously they can't hurt them.Our boys know how to handle them haters...

I seriously love that pic..Jiyong looks so adorable..even with the sulky face..and Maknae's face is FTW~~~Just adorable

Ohh..and Tabi is being cute in the photo for MTV live..LOL..haven't seen that in ages..

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Guest shinhdeplol

G-Dragon posted up photo of ‘Elbowed by Strong Baby~’, is this an explanation?

Recently making headlines with doubts of violence towards fellow member Seungri by Big Bang G-Dragon, this time the situation is reversed garnering much interests from fans and netizens again.

A photo was posted up on G-Dragon's me2day on 30th May with the caption "Elbowed by Strong Baby~!!". In the photo, G-Dragon was seen with his 2 hands up and showing a grouchy expression, while

Seungri had his elbow on G-Dragon's torso and giving the 'taking my revenge' expression.

Netizens who saw the photo commented, "G-Dragon is having a hard due to all the bashing?", "Seeing is

believing", "Their relationship is good anyway", "Antis, now you know what is exactly going on?". There are

also comments from netizens, "Is this some kind of explanation or are they playing around again?", "Are they

giving an explanation through the photo", "Did their company order them to put up such a photo?" etc.

credit : KBites + bigbanghaven

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Guest shinhdeplol

^wow Vanness with Big Bang :wub: never see that coming hehe. he used to be my love when i watched Meteor Garden =]]

Bigger size of Jiyong's me2day update


C: me2day // OrANgE @ popcornfor2

- - - -

Unseen photos of Big Bang at California Beach Grand Opening celebration in year 2008



source : http://blog.daum.net/adall/5888015

thanks to 가호주름 @ bestiz

taken from bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

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W-inds' tweets about Big Bang

ryu_winds: Just now V.I. (Seungri) has introduced me his friends, a Korean Band called FT Island. They seem to have activities in Japan as well. They are awesome! Their POP is really backed up by their Band basics.

[7:53 AM May 28]: http://twitter.com/ryu_winds/status/14918145569

ryu_winds: C.N. Blue, Big Bang, Kara and 2NE1, these are the leading musicians in the K-POP field nowadays. However, it seems that their performances can seldom be seen via Japanese TV programs or music scenes. Though I am not very familiar with them, I am impressed by their performances and enjoy watching their shows. Why isn't there any similar Japanese Musician TV programs?

[8:42 AM May 28]: http://twitter.com/ryu_winds/status/14918145569

And another tweet from a producer from Tiny Voice, which was RT-ed by Ryu and Keita of W-inds. I'm not really familiar with him but he posted the backstage pic of Big Bang @ MTV Live posted here: http://www.bigbangupdates.com/2010/05/big-...0530-photo.html

ryosukeimai: Big Bang is great! (Compared to them,) Japanese productions have similar spirits of creativity. Yet the weakness of Japanese music is that, for the sake of sales results, Big Bang-style music would hardly be promoted as mainstream music in Japan. I believe it is finally the time to correct Japanese Entertainment Culture that reflected the legacy of Showa Period (1926–1989).

[May 30]: http://twitter.com/ryosukeimai/status/15033399151

Credits: ryu_winds@twitter

Translations: jane @ www.bigbangupdates.com

Please credit when re-posting^^

Live Report! Big Bang @ MTV Live Event (100530)


Four groups of guests performed during the Live Event - JAY'ED took the stage first, followed by W-inds, VANNESS and Big Bang.

The final guests who adorned this one-night-only special live were - BIG BANG!

At the instance when four of them appeared on the stage and started singing their first song of tonight - 「Gara Gara Go!! 」, very, very,very loud cheers were evoked among the audience. With the flow of the melody, everyone at the floor were dancing and hopping together with Big Bang.

'Woah! That's terrific!'

Just as what V.I. had cried out, the floor was filled with great enthusiasm. A simple wave of hands from the stage would stir a great laughter together with endless shouts of joy in the hall.

During Big Bang's second song, 「Number 1」, tonight's show entered its climax earlier than one would have expected. Last night, Big Bang also performed at 「MTV WORLD STAGE VMAJ 2010」as presenters. Yet none of them looked tired.

Quoted from D-lite, 'the most interesting moment is the time when we stand on the stage.'

If one saw their performance tonight, one would understand the meaning of D-lite's words. It seemed that five of them really enjoyed tonight's live show. As they ran from one side to the other side of the stage, greeting and making smiling winks to the audience, they were really 'playing' on the MTV LIVE stage


The intro of the new song 「Tell Me Goodbye」,which is slated for release in June, again arose loud screams and cheers from the floor. When SOL requested 'Everybody, Sing!' and turned his mic towards the audience, all one could hear was the wonderful chorus. Such a marvelous scene would be the best proof for the popularity of Big Bang's songs among music lovers.

The next song was 「HOW GEE」. With the unimaginably-fast rap presented by G-Dragon and T.O.P, the stadium turned into a total festive mood.

Big Bang's stage of tonight reached it's second climax during the lively dance tune of「HANDS UP 」.

Bigbang entered the stage again due to non-stoppable shouts of 'Encore'. The audience welcomed them back with the loudest applause of the night. The whole stadium sang a chorus of 「Koe wo Kikasete」(Let Me Hear Your Voice). Following that was 「My Heaven」, during which the audience hopped so synchronisely that they even made the stadium shake.

With that, entered the finale of this one-night-only special live.

As usual, at the end of MTV LIVE, artists who performed tonight took group photos together.


Many thanks to the audience who created a full house of this show and supported the live with their cheers. It was really an enjoyable and touching MTV LIVE show.

Hope to see you guys again in the future...!

By the way, during W-inds' performance, Keita Tachibana from W-inds joked, 'Hello, I am K-Dragon!' and the audience bursted into laughter by his gag.

Credits: MTV Japan Blog

Translations by Jane @ www.bigbangupdates.com

Please credit when re-posting^^

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