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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest shinhdeplol

this thread is dead again <_<

okay, so i came across this macro of Jiyong. it had me laugh for a good 5 minutes lol


C: ringdingyding @ LJ

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Guest universe

glad to see Universal putting in such a good effort in promoting Big Bang in Japan. lots of Big Bang sightings there! :D if only YG follows half of it in Korea...that poll is seriously depressing :(

haha i love the ELT gifs!! does anyone have any idea where to d/l or view it?? love those double Seunghyuns moments!! and of coz the boys looked amazing in their Eversense clothes.

but why isn't Seungri's interview translated?? its been so long....i want to read about his hardships so badly

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Guest ilovearronyan

[NEWS] Seungri: “I felt like I was standing naked in front of the public…”

When Seungri first debuted in Big Bang it felt like a dream full of happiness and joy, but just like that the inevitable fall came as well.

“I don’t know when I had started to feel that I couldn’t manage my own expressions, when I’m down I have to smile, and times when I’m in a good mood, instead I have to pretend that I’m profound.”

He had to show a side of youth, enthusiasm and childlike side of himself which he claimed doesn’t fit him. Sometimes TV seems to be the frame controlling him making him feel very depressed and frustrated.

When Seungri came across problems that were hard to solve, he would talk about it.

“I couldn’t really talk to G-Dragon hyung without making him mad, so I would cry to myself. Why can’t I do the expressions that I want to do, is it because I’m not professional enough? Can I still carry on with this?”

At this point, Yang Hyun Suk president summoned the cusp Seungri.

“You can’t even challenge yourself, then how are you going to shake people’s heart?”

Seungri thought that the senior’s words must be right, after that he became more comfortable during broadcasts. If he came across problems that were hard to solve again, he would be able to stand up and do everything on his own.

“I’m trying not to ever repeat the same mistakes.”

The show business life has a lot of controversy and difficulties, for which Seungri had many challenges in the future.

The entertainment industry is a really scary place because of all the rumors. For example Goo Ha-Ra and I are friends, and because it’s just us two in the friendship of course the two of us would go out and have dinner, date, play and our relationship is just like that. But there will always be people who over exaggerate what they see, and then broadcast around about different parts they see. This is the most terrifying thing. So that is why I never worry over such things.”

Even though there was worries, Seungri would not easily talk to people about it, leaving people to think that he was cheerful and his self-confidence was natural at the same time, he would always protect himself.

“This is the only way to survive in the entertainment industry. In the past, I would talk to any of my friends about my worries “only you know about this hyung!” I would tell them. After talking to him, he felt very pleased. But then the next day, people would come up to me and say “Hey kid…work hard!” At that time I felt that I was naked standing in front of the public.”

Then he began to hate himself that his own heart was revealed, especially to the public about his private life. An artist’s fear is beyond the imagination of others.

“When I was in front of people I wanted to be dressed, as I was young back then I quickly understood later on that it was just my imagination, “This person is looking at me’ I would think. At one moment I felt that I was treating people like machines.”

Because of his original looks and his image in the public’s eyes he felt very distressed about it.

“Because I’m the youngest, there are many time when the hyungs can’t do something I have to do it for them. The youngest will have to do everything. In spite of this I will still be thankful that I can be with the hyungs and appear on the dance stage together.”

“Of course there should be more development ideas. Comparing phones that make calls and send text messages to other mobile phones that can’t, of course everyone will prefer the phone with a variety of features and I want to be a universal person who can do everything in front everybody.”

Korean article: asiae

Translated: joyee @ ibigbang.wordpress.com

Edited: alee @ ibigbang.wordpress.com

poor bb,, he must have had a hard time adapting to a new system of life ):

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I swear you're one hecka rude richard simmons fan..actually i highly doubt that ur even a fan of BigBang.[more like an anti]

Every post of yours in this thread has been throwing insult to BB members. Not once, not twice, you're insulting them over and over again.

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Guest yaoming11


I swear you're one hecka rude a$$ fan..actually i highly doubt that ur even a fan of BigBang.[more like an anti]

Every post of yours in this thread has been throwing insult to BB members. Not once, not twice, you're insulting them over and over again.

yea seriously.....

but you might wanna get rid of $$. you don't wanna get warned instead of Miared lol that would suck

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Guest Banana Peel

miared, umm, aren't you going a little too far about this top having abs thing? I mean, i don't think it was really necessary for you "trick" us with an edited picture -.-; I know you're only expressing your own opinions on that, but no need to put down others' opinions. people are just guessing or assuming on this ab picture, no need to try to prove that your assumption is the correct one. Just saying.

anyways, i'm really liking the scans ! Haven't seen big bang together for a photoshoot lately like that. TOP is definitely standing out with that crazy pink + crazy pants, hahahhah. oh top. :D

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Guest shinhdeplol

Finally Seungri's interview is translated!!! I feel like I have been waiting for ages <_<

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Big Bang’s “Electric Love Tour” Behind-the-scenes!


Taken from aleee @ ibigbang

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G-Dragon x BlackBerry


Spotted a white BlackBerry Bold 9000 at KOOBAR which belongs BIGBANG frontman G-Dragon,now gimme that BlackBerry PIN,fast!

Via koojunyup

Taken from teambigbang.blogspot.com


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Guest Kushi

I think we should all just chill out, really... Who really cares who's muscular and who's not, I'm sure the majority of us love Big Bang's talents and personalities over their looks. Them being gorgeous is just a bonus.

BTW, I remember seeing that "Tell me Goodbye" was going to be out for mobile d/l in Japan on the 28th, [yesterday - 2 days ago]. Has anyone heard anymore information about that?

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BTW, I remember seeing that "Tell me Goodbye" was going to be out for mobile d/l in Japan on the 28th, [yesterday - 2 days ago]. Has anyone heard anymore information about that?

sorry to cut your post~

According to TeamBIGBANG the ringtones are protected files~

and it seems that J-VIPs are not sharing it with us yet~ coz I dont see

any ringtones have been shared around~

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Guest juang_bb

aww the seungri interview. i guess he did have a hard time really adjusting to being a celebrity. I mean, he started off really young, and he had to separted from his family at that age, so i can imagine how hard it must have been for him. LOL at the part where he can't talk to GD without making him mad... haha.. G-Ri, they totally live by "the more you hate the more you love" oh! so now people, don't be too harsh on maknae's self confidence, we all know it is part of his defenses in surviving the tough industry. so i say, keep on reading your self-help-winning-habits books! SR you're the best! lmao!

YB looking so fine in that event with GD. and the scans... they look great except in some pics, it looks like their make up artist put on too much make up on them. hmp!

GD's blackberry? I agree with the one who posted it, somebody give me his PIN now!!! LOL!

and lastly, i just want to say that i love TABI regardless of whether he has flabs or muscles. (ya'll probably know it by now, lol) no point in arguing. like I said, I'd throw a party and all VIPs are invited if it even turned out to be his... although we know how slim the chances are.... well, a girl can dream right?

v v ... I do, I got it from BBVIP forum. ;)

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I know this is going to be a long shot, but.. would anyone happen to have the live version of TOP's Like Nothing Happened performance at the Big Show in mp3 format?


i love love LOVE the way he sang/rapped this. it's so intense.. i can't believe i've never watched it until now! XD

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Guest hammy

Did Taeyang also attend Rick Owens Opening?

He is looking so fine

credit: 지디사랑@dcgd

omg he is looking hot! is this one youtube

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Hwang Ssabu me2day update with Daesung~


Original Message~



Twins??? kekekekeke

translation by me via Google translation~ hehe :P


I wonder who's next to Dae tho~? I noticed a tattoo on his arm~

could it be Se7en oppa~?!! wohoooooo, spazzzzz~! hahahaha

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Guest shinhdeplol


am i the only one who thinks the person next to Daesung can be Jiyong? :o it would be wonderful if he started working out ^^ i have been thinking over the mysterious abs and uhmm, i came to the conclusion that it might not be Seungri. i mean, he has already shown his body during Strong Baby days, so there's no need for the trainer to show it off again. maybe the abs belongs to someone unexpected. it could be Jiyong or TOP :lol:

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C: GKGD @ DCinside

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